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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Lost was my boyfriend for a long time. But Lost became too chaotic of a show and broke my heart. So be careful of that. But I've moved onto West Wing.

Almost halfway through season 6 and loving it.

You have a rl boyfriend. You don't need a tv boyfriend.
Apologies, but I have some late replies to posts I picked out to respond to but haven't had time or energy until now.


This shows pretty well the diversity of poly relationships there are, clears up a lot of misconceptions, I hope.
Images like this definitely help clarify poly- relationships better. As I get older I find I gain a better intellectual understanding of poly-, even if I don't emotionally understand it. To each their own; whatever makes people happy so long as it's consensual among all partners. But there's a weird sort of anxiety that the subject arouses in me. Truthfully, that I don't feel capable of it emotionally is a source of immense guilt and inner frustration, much the same with feeling no desire for casual hookups. I've often, sometimes intentionally, been made to feel selfish or weird for feeling that way. And sometimes I wonder if it's true. But that's not something I feel up to talking about further.

Sorry. Strict Catholic upbringing™. Everything fun's evil. :c
I know that feeling, though my upbringing wasn't Catholic but rather conservative non-denominational Protestant. Same basic thing, though: sex was never treated as normal nor heathy until I was a teenager and only then as something for married couples. Homosexuality was a sin (though weirdly my parents, or at least my father, are slightly less conservative in that they view it as not a choice but a part of oneself; it breaks down in that it then becomes like alcoholism, in that it's a predisposition that must be suppressed because of God.) So toss in some events I'm not interested in talking about, and being outed not by choice and them not taking it well, and it's left me with a strange and fucked up push/pull relationship with sexuality wherein I'm not a vanilla person but struggle to square that with an upbringing that says sex, let alone gay sex, let alone not vanilla gay sex, is wrong.

This whole wall of text was just to explain where I'm coming from when I say that I am in seemingly a similar position and understand some of how you might feel, so feel free to PM me if you ever need someone to talk to. Can't promise I'll be much help though, since I haven't figured all of this out yet either.

I really have though about it, and I have no passion or dream. I guess I'd like to travel to Japan once, and possibly elsewhere. I could always just do that thing where I go off abroad and teach language in Korea/Japan/China... probably not China because no fucking way am I gonna learn that monster of a language when I'm tone deaf. But definitely Japan or Korea. I did apply for the JET Program but didn't get in. But I can always try it again in a year and see if I get in this time. Pretty sure my application had errors last time.

Of course then I either stay in that country for as long as possible, or I come back after a year or two and then what? I guess I could get a post-bachelor's degree in Computer Science but it would look weird to employers that I basically did nothing relevant to the job for 1-2 years, wouldn't it?

I also think it just might be that I'm longing for companionship. But I don't think I'll find someone ever. I mean I did find one guy who actually likes me as a friend, and we're two very similar people. But he's straight. And I don't think I'll meet some gay version of him no matter how long I look.
As someone who often thought like you do in the last paragraph, to the point I had literally given up all hope on the matter of ever finding someone, ever being capable of feeling those kind of feelings again, or on being worthy of any kind of romantic interest: this thought process is a poisonous pit of bullshit that, like quicksand, will swallow you whole if you don't get out of it.

Because ultimately it is purely destructive nonsense. It is the myopia of hopelessness or depression that tells you that you'll never find someone, nothing more. Listening to it will lead to ruin; you can't just not feel that way of course, trust me, I know. But you can tell yourself things to deal with those emotions and try to see things more clearly. Because trust me, there is someone out there with whom you are compatible, with whom you will find happiness and both give and receive love in equal measure. Don't defeat yourself and remove any chance of you finding this person.

I spent the last many years feeling this way: I will never find someone, I don't deserve anyone, I am broken and unlovable. And all it did was eat away at my heart and extinguish my hope. I gained nothing but lost parts of myself, and felt such unbearable loneliness.

What saved me was becoming a part of this community, after years without knowing any other gay people or having gay friends. Putting myself out there despite my feelings of unworthiness. And in so doing, met people who filled me with positivity when I had none, and found out what I'd accepted as truth was not.

Sorry to ramble, but my point was to use myself to illustrate both why this thinking is wrong and destructive, and how there is hope, even if it can't be seen. Don't give up.

And don't worry about not knowing your dreams or passions; I'm in the same boat right now.

Same as with Masquerader, shoot me a PM if you ever want or need someone to talk to.


House of Cards tomorrow.

I think I'll watch over spring break. I doubt any spoiler as big as the one from S2, E1 could be in S3, and I managed to avoid that one getting to me before seeing it so I'll wager I can make it a couple of weeks without getting S3 spoilers.


Mr. F

Wha, I was wrapped up in Orphan Black and totally forgot about HoC this week. Still need to finish the second season.
Was mega bored so I decided to get a head start on spring cleaning in hopes that spring itself will actually come soon.

Go away winter.



Why do I always feel that I was expecting too much, even when I really wasn't...

If you like someone, even as a friend, talking...answering a message shouldn't be a problem. Not expecting an essay, not even a quick response...but for "Hey, wanna do something later?" (like games, movies,food, drink, whatever), a simple "Nah, not in the mood" is no biggie.

But ignoring, not saying anything...because "I don't have to reply to everything you say", then not even talk or say anything; all that while spending time chatting and hanging out with other people?


Sorry! :p

Also feel kinda like CornBurrito's post. Described me to the 'T'. :/


Lost was my boyfriend for a long time. But Lost became too chaotic of a show and broke my heart. So be careful of that. But I've moved onto West Wing.

Almost halfway through season 6 and loving it.
I thrive on chaos and heartbreak so Lost really does it for me so far.


Bah I'm sad.

I fought with my friend again and this time it feels for real, he hasn't spoken to me in weeks, I don't know what's wrong with me, he keeps leading me on, flirting, kissing, even presents, and then just drops the "lets leave it at just friends", what a fucking tease, yet I keep coming back! I hate to have feelings for him, when are they going to go away? D:
Bah I'm sad.

I fought with my friend again and this time it feels for real, he hasn't spoken to me in weeks, I don't know what's wrong with me, he keeps leading me on, flirting, kissing, even presents, and then just drops the "lets leave it at just friends", what a fucking tease, yet I keep coming back! I hate to have feelings for him, when are they going to go away? D:

Are your options really that limited? Go find someone who actually wants to be with you.


Hunky Nostradamus
Was mega bored so I decided to get a head start on spring cleaning in hopes that spring itself will actually come soon.

Go away winter.

I've been in spring cleaning mode for the last two months - I'm making a ton of progress too. Feels good man.

(I love cleaning and organizing stuff :p)


Why do I always feel that I was expecting too much, even when I really wasn't...

If you like someone, even as a friend, talking...answering a message shouldn't be a problem. Not expecting an essay, not even a quick response...but for "Hey, wanna do something later?" (like games, movies,food, drink, whatever), a simple "Nah, not in the mood" is no biggie.

But ignoring, not saying anything...because "I don't have to reply to everything you say", then not even talk or say anything; all that while spending time chatting and hanging out with other people?


Sorry! :p

Welcome back bro! :)
House of Cards tomorrow.

I think I'll watch over spring break. I doubt any spoiler as big as the one from S2, E1 could be in S3, and I managed to avoid that one getting to me before seeing it so I'll wager I can make it a couple of weeks without getting S3 spoilers.

kinda related because a social justice blog i follow on tumblr spoiled the first part of the season finale of a show i'm watching and i'm so fucking pissed


THE GOOD: I now have a nice long Spring Break from work- not going back in till 3/9! My birthday is in 2 days and my brother managed to make it work so he can come home and celebrate with me!

THE BAD: On my way home from the train station, I fucking rear ended a Taxi like an idiot. There was seemingly no damage to either car (his bumper may have moved a centimeter or 2, my car had a slight amount of paint transfer), which is probably going to be murder on my insurance.



Just be sure to stop with season three.

No way, it's an emotional masterpiece no matter what chaos the plot got into

How To Get Away With Murder :(

Some Social Justice blog that is

How To Get Away With Practically Murder

I really hate spoilers. One of the worst things for me. I hate one of my teachers for spoiling Atonement. There's only so many Joe Wright, Keira Knightley collaborations and she stabbed one of them right in front of me.
You know as a person who participates in religion (not really comfortable calling myself religious), it always feels like a struggle to connect with the gay community. Especially since I'm not a non-denominational Christian (which generally openly supports LGBT individuals generally) I always feel like a minority within the minority. It's really off-putting.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm an atheist and feel the same way.
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