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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Hierarchical polyamory/Polyfidelity stick out the most to me. Those would be really cool but I'd never push it onto someone that didn't feel exactly the same way about it. I'm content with monogamy :)


WV trying to pass the Arkansas law... Such a sad disappointment. I was so proud and happy when gay marriage was passed considering I thought we would be close to last. And now this. Pretty sure I read it's gotten support from 8 Republicans and 3 Democrats... 😑

Anyway the Parks finale was perfect. If I were a crier I would've been bawling.

Mr. F

Ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party.

"You can't have a Lemon party without old Dick!"

God what a show. Must resist urge to marath-


ah fuck it.
i'm drunk but i don't know

edit: water is good

edit 2: nvm water is for idiots and losers

drink kahlua

When I was in highschool, I drank a shit ton of kahlua and in my drunken stupor I kept screaming that it tasted like pancakes. I woke up at four in the morning very confused and alone


don't get it twisted
are back in my region, owned by TastyKake here. Used to be Hostess until the temporary shut down. Of course, me being really stupid about buying a lot more dessert than I will fit into a semi-responsible diet, I've just been staring at them and feeling them in the package for a week.

Did I ever tell you guys how they feel just like an animal? Sort of a rough coat, then that tense fat tissue under, but as you press in you hit the firmer muscle underneath. Coconut shavings, marshmallow, and creme-filled chocolate cake imitate the sensation pretty surprisingly.

I would say 'not to be weird' somewhere in that description, but I know better.

i might have to come out to my family earlier now because i can graduate early and start college in like august and i don't want to be closeted while in college but idk ughhhh

fucking kill me


i might have to come out to my family earlier now because i can graduate early and start college in like august and i don't want to be closeted while in college but idk ughhhh

fucking kill me
I went through the first year without telling anyone. Wasn't a great year since I don't meet new people very well, but closeted wasn't nice either.

A few weeks into the second year, I told just my parents because I was worried that if I did meet new people, I'd be really uncomfortable saying I was straight and then just adding more weight on coming out to new friends. But if I told those new friends I were gay from the start, I worried that something as small as a Facebook comment could be a bad way to have my parents find out and that would be hard too.

Best of luck in deciding when you are ready, whether it's sooner or later. Congrats on early graduation.


Join us, JOIN US! you'll probably end up binge watching this show, its so good. Most people i know who watched it late did that on netflix Lol.
Like me lol

When does it start to get good though?
Stopped watching after the first few episodes once, and those I remember to be really bad. I mean, people say Parks and Rec is good (/brilliant/perfect) and I've seen more than a season of it and still think it was a massive waste of my time.

So yeah, maybe my taste is too bad, too good, or there indeed is a point at which each show gets good eventually. When is that point?

Mr. F

When does it start to get good though?
Stopped watching after the first few episodes once, and those I remember to be really bad. I mean, people say Parks and Rec is good (/brilliant/perfect) and I've seen more than a season of it and still think it was a massive waste of my time.

So yeah, maybe my taste is too bad, too good, or there indeed is a point at which each show gets good eventually. When is that point?

I can't say exactly since it's been a while, but generally speaking the first season is pretty slow/clunky compared to those that follow. I think by the second it finds its footing, does away with characters that don't really work, and gets going.
i might have to come out to my family earlier now because i can graduate early and start college in like august and i don't want to be closeted while in college but idk ughhhh

fucking kill me

Why would you have to come out to them? Do you honestly think they would react so horribly they would stop supporting you financially? Its tough not to go to the worst case scenario but we dont know your family like you do. I wish so much that I had come out sooner. The stress really impacted my ficus on school. Plus theres a lot I wudh I could have shared with my mom and dad. Stuff straight people take for granted like telling them about someone you met or sharing stories at Christmas get togethers.

If you dont feel ready then dont do it. Having a friend or two that know you and who you can talk openly about stuff will help if at first they arent immediately asking to march in a pride parade. I wish so much that I could go back and come out sooner but we all have different situations. If you genuinely feel they will react so horribly they would stop supporting you financially (assuming you do rely on them funancially) then try to hold off. Otherwise coming out will take such a huge burden off your shoulders. Not having to censor yourself with those you care about most is truly wonderful.


Wait... what? o.o

Hatefuck Aaron Schock? What's that? I hope it's not what I'm thinking, lol.

Hate fuck [heyt fuhk]

Alternative forms
  • hate-fuck
  • hatefuck
hate fuck (plural hate fucks)
  1. (slang, vulgar) An instance of sexual intercourse between people who hate each other.

hate fuck (third-person singular simple present hate fucks, present participle hate fucking, simple past and past participle hate fucked)
  1. (slang, vulgar) To have sexual intercourse with someone one hates.

Wait, hold up... you're dating Aaron schock?

Lol, no. I stumbled across a thread discussing him and the financial scandal that seems to be brewing and felt conflicting emotions regarding him. I mean, he is a hateful shitstain of a human being (dat 0% HRC rating) but he also is kind of hot. So yeah.

(Also, how the fuck is he not getting brought down by a juicy sex scandal. Wasted potential. ;_;)


Hate fuck [heyt fuhk]

Alternative forms
  • hate-fuck
  • hatefuck
hate fuck (plural hate fucks)
  1. (slang, vulgar) An instance of sexual intercourse between people who hate each other.

hate fuck (third-person singular simple present hate fucks, present participle hate fucking, simple past and past participle hate fucked)
  1. (slang, vulgar) To have sexual intercourse with someone one hates.

Lol, no. I stumbled across a thread discussing him and the financial scandal that seems to be brewing and felt conflicting emotions regarding him. I mean, he is a hateful shitstain of a human being (dat 0% HRC rating) but he also is kind of hot. So yeah.

(Also, how the fuck is he not getting brought down by a juicy sex scandal. Wasted potential. ;_;)

I see. I was confused, since you were talking about him and you as if you were together. At least that's what I thought. I'm willing to bet that he pays a lot of money to have his lovers not say a single word. Also, I'm sure he's good in bed so his lovers can't really complain.


I see. I was confused, since you were talking about him and you as if you were together. At least that's what I thought. I'm willing to bet that he pays a lot of money to have his lovers not say a single word. Also, I'm sure he's good in bed so his lovers can't really complain.

Ah, no I just put some effort into my erotic fantasies about congressmen. There's no point in fantasising if you're not willing to go the extra mile with characterisation and other details.
is your family going to be at your college?

if not, why do you have to come out to them?
The College I'm going to is in a city 30 minutes away... I still have to come back here every once in a while and I'd have to deal with "So why aren't you dating anyone right now??" stuff

I went through the first year without telling anyone. Wasn't a great year since I don't meet new people very well, but closeted wasn't nice either.

A few weeks into the second year, I told just my parents because I was worried that if I did meet new people, I'd be really uncomfortable saying I was straight and then just adding more weight on coming out to new friends. But if I told those new friends I were gay from the start, I worried that something as small as a Facebook comment could be a bad way to have my parents find out and that would be hard too.

Best of luck in deciding when you are ready, whether it's sooner or later. Congrats on early graduation.
This is kind of what I feel too, they're eventually going to find out through my older sister or brother or anyone and I guess I'd just like to get it over with now.
Also, thanks :D

Why would you have to come out to them? Do you honestly think they would react so horribly they would stop supporting you financially? Its tough not to go to the worst case scenario but we dont know your family like you do. I wish so much that I had come out sooner. The stress really impacted my ficus on school. Plus theres a lot I wudh I could have shared with my mom and dad. Stuff straight people take for granted like telling them about someone you met or sharing stories at Christmas get togethers.

If you dont feel ready then dont do it. Having a friend or two that know you and who you can talk openly about stuff will help if at first they arent immediately asking to march in a pride parade. I wish so much that I could go back and come out sooner but we all have different situations. If you genuinely feel they will react so horribly they would stop supporting you financially (assuming you do rely on them funancially) then try to hold off. Otherwise coming out will take such a huge burden off your shoulders. Not having to censor yourself with those you care about most is truly wonderful.
About 2 years ago I came out to my Mom and she told me that all I wanted to do was see her dead or send her to the hospital and that being gay was wrong and that i wasn't normal. She then told my sister and about 1 year later my sister told me she knew because my mom told her. My sister was supportive I guess? About a week ago she told me that it was stupid of me to come out to my mom and that I didn't have to come out to anyone else in the family because it just causes trouble.

My brother constantly makes homophobic remarks so there's that, and my older sister's husband is really homophobic so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me touch my niece and nephew or something lol
All I have left is my Dad and I don't have much hopes for that... I'm pretty sure he's not different from everyone else in the family.

So yeah... I guess I just don't want to hear what's going to be said, but of so tired of dealing with this too. I guess they would stop supporting me financially but there's a program at my high school for migrant students and they pay everything for the first year at college and I can get financial aid and get a job in the school while I'm studying.
whatever you decide I think it should be because its what you want and not to make things easier for other people. I would make sure youre protected in case they do decide to be stupid about it and cut you off, but it sounds like you have looked into this. Id make sure to check with someone at your school and confirm your eligibility if you havent already.

Its unfortunate your mom and sister turned something deeply personal into something about them. The good news is youre going to school at a time when attitudes towards gays havent been better. Colleges have typically been liberal places anyways so you finding space and time to establish yourself separate from your family shouldnt be hard. Dont feel like its now or never in coming out to your family. Youll be adapting to a new life anyways so you could always see how a semester goes and reevaluate.


whatever you decide I think it should be because its what you want and not to make things easier for other people. I would make sure youre protected in case they do decide to be stupid about it and cut you off, but it sounds like you have looked into this. Id make sure to check with someone at your school and confirm your eligibility if you havent already.

Its unfortunate your mom and sister turned something deeply personal into something about them. The good news is youre going to school at a time when attitudes towards gays havent been better. Colleges have typically been liberal places anyways so you finding space and time to establish yourself separate from your family shouldnt be hard. Dont feel like its now or never in coming out to your family. Youll be adapting to a new life anyways so you could always see how a semester goes and reevaluate.

This. Coming out should never be for anyone's sake other than your own. And always be mindful of your safety - physically, emotionally, financially, before it. It's a terrible thing to have to consider but this kind of thing can go really badly sometimes and so it's always a great idea to know you'll be okay if worse comes to worst.
whatever you decide I think it should be because its what you want and not to make things easier for other people. I would make sure youre protected in case they do decide to be stupid about it and cut you off, but it sounds like you have looked into this. Id make sure to check with someone at your school and confirm your eligibility if you havent already.

Its unfortunate your mom and sister turned something deeply personal into something about them. The good news is youre going to school at a time when attitudes towards gays havent been better. Colleges have typically been liberal places anyways so you finding space and time to establish yourself separate from your family shouldnt be hard. Dont feel like its now or never in coming out to your family. Youll be adapting to a new life anyways so you could always see how a semester goes and reevaluate.

This. Coming out should never be for anyone's sake other than your own. And always be mindful of your safety - physically, emotionally, financially, before it. It's a terrible thing to have to consider but this kind of thing can go really badly sometimes and so it's always a great idea to know you'll be okay if worse comes to worst.
Absolutely. Your safety is key.

If it means being uncomfortable about answering the girlfriend question, just say you're focusing on school.


I would say he isn't worth your time. Sorry, I know it sounds harsh, but there are better guys out there. Don't settle.

Boner killer.

Stay far away.

Or sleep with him.

But that's definately not boyfriend material.

Damn. Yeah, stay away. Unless the D's atomic. Then have an honest, upfront fling?

Or...unless he's willing to grown (both in terms education and spiritual aspects/self acceptance/etc. )

Ugh... The gross generalization and judgement in those posts is really disheartening to read.
About 2 years ago I came out to my Mom and she told me that all I wanted to do was see her dead or send her to the hospital and that being gay was wrong and that i wasn't normal. She then told my sister and about 1 year later my sister told me she knew because my mom told her. My sister was supportive I guess? About a week ago she told me that it was stupid of me to come out to my mom and that I didn't have to come out to anyone else in the family because it just causes trouble.

My brother constantly makes homophobic remarks so there's that, and my older sister's husband is really homophobic so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me touch my niece and nephew or something lol
All I have left is my Dad and I don't have much hopes for that... I'm pretty sure he's not different from everyone else in the family.

So yeah... I guess I just don't want to hear what's going to be said, but of so tired of dealing with this too. I guess they would stop supporting me financially but there's a program at my high school for migrant students and they pay everything for the first year at college and I can get financial aid and get a job in the school while I'm studying.

Man, thats horrible to read. I wish you all the best whatever you'll end up doing.

As Escape Goat said, do what you want and what you think will work best for you .


My dad is the only one that doesn't know and I;m okay keeping him in the dark. My mom has told me not to tell him but I'm not doing it because of her "sage advice". He's too much of a wreck for me to talk to about anything.


The College I'm going to is in a city 30 minutes away... I still have to come back here every once in a while and I'd have to deal with "So why aren't you dating anyone right now??" stuff

This is kind of what I feel too, they're eventually going to find out through my older sister or brother or anyone and I guess I'd just like to get it over with now.
Also, thanks :D

About 2 years ago I came out to my Mom and she told me that all I wanted to do was see her dead or send her to the hospital and that being gay was wrong and that i wasn't normal. She then told my sister and about 1 year later my sister told me she knew because my mom told her. My sister was supportive I guess? About a week ago she told me that it was stupid of me to come out to my mom and that I didn't have to come out to anyone else in the family because it just causes trouble.

My brother constantly makes homophobic remarks so there's that, and my older sister's husband is really homophobic so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let me touch my niece and nephew or something lol
All I have left is my Dad and I don't have much hopes for that... I'm pretty sure he's not different from everyone else in the family.

So yeah... I guess I just don't want to hear what's going to be said, but of so tired of dealing with this too. I guess they would stop supporting me financially but there's a program at my high school for migrant students and they pay everything for the first year at college and I can get financial aid and get a job in the school while I'm studying.

Man, your post breaks my heart. You say you'll have still have to deal with them asking why you aren't dating, but is that so bad really? Just say you haven't found anybody, or you could tell them anything really. Unless you're worried it could some how get back to them, you would probably be fine being out in college. Just deal with the annoyance of them nagging as best as you can until you can get away again. Being in the closet really sucks, but it is something I'd recommend dealing with to everyone if you're even slightly dependent on anyone. As soon as you can stand on your own two feet is when I would personally tell everyone. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders though, good luck whatever happens.


Absolutely. Your safety is key.

If it means being uncomfortable about answering the girlfriend question, just say you're focusing on school.

Ah that line. I have no relationship with my extended family whatsoever (or really anyone in my family besides my mother) - I'm out, but they don't know. It serves me no benefit for them to know since I don't talk to them, and out of respect for my mother (God knows the drama it would incite if they found out), I've just always used that line when asked about girlfriends even since I came out to the rest of the world a year ago. Given the fact that I'm planning on being a lawyer and have been doing work and school full time since I was 17, everyone always believed it haha.

My dad is the only one that doesn't know and I;m okay keeping him in the dark. My mom has told me not to tell him but I'm not doing it because of her "sage advice". He's too much of a wreck for me to talk to about anything.

My dad doesn't know either; we don't talk much since my parents divorced about seven years ago. He wants to have a relationship and my mother wants us to at least talk as well, but given his alcoholism and homophobia, I choose to just stay away. Don't need people like that in my life .-.


Ah that line. I have no relationship with my extended family whatsoever (or really anyone in my family besides my mother) - I'm out, but they don't know. It serves me no benefit for them to know since I don't talk to them, and out of respect for my mother (God knows the drama it would incite if they found out), I've just always used that line when asked about girlfriends even since I came out to the rest of the world a year ago. Given the fact that I'm planning on being a lawyer and have been doing work and school full time since I was 17, everyone always believed it haha.

Heh, my dad was old school, Catholic, and Mexican and constantly on my ass about why I never had girlfriends, particularly pretty Mexican ones (even though he married my mom who is an extremely white German/Irish woman...). Also, my graduating high school class wasn't that big, and I ended up having to swerve a few girls who wanted to have sex (who of course all talked to each other). Basically, by the time I hit my senior year, I was getting the side-eye from all corners. I knew I wasn't fooling anyone anymore and decided to just come out. The only reason I was even comfortable doing so is because I knew my mom would be perfectly fine with it just based on how she used to speak while I was growing up. It was never, "someday, when you have a wife..." (or whatever), it was always things like, "whoever you choose to be with..." My best friends, who are still my best friends to this day, are all around great guys so I knew it wouldn't matter much to them, and everyone else could get fucked for all I cared. My dad was the only one I worried about, but, despite whatever faults he had, he was really big on family and ended up taking it much better than I had anticipated. The only friction I ever had with him about being gay was getting, "Are you sure ? Maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet." (I'm still waiting on that magic vagina I guess?)

I was blessed to be so lucky, which is why hearing stories like yours and Blood's make me sad. Hopefully everyone finds happiness at some point, fuck the naysayers.


Heh, my dad was old school, Catholic, and Mexican and constantly on my ass about why I never had girlfriends, particularly pretty Mexican ones (even though he married my mom who is an extremely white German/Irish woman...). Also, my graduating high school class wasn't that big, and I ended up having to swerve a few girls who wanted to have sex (who of course all talked to each other). Basically, by the time I hit my senior year, I was getting the side-eye from all corners. I knew I wasn't fooling anyone anymore and decided to just come out. The only reason I was even comfortable doing so is because I knew my mom would be perfectly fine with it just based on how she used to speak while I was growing up. It was never, "someday, when you have a wife..." (or whatever), it was always things like, "whoever you choose to be with..." My best friends, who are still my best friends to this day, are all around great guys so I knew it wouldn't matter much to them, and everyone else could get fucked for all I cared. My dad was the only one I worried about, but, despite whatever faults he had, he was really big on family and ended up taking it much better than I had anticipated. The only friction I ever had with him about being gay was getting, "Are you sure ? Maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet." (I'm still waiting on that magic vagina I guess?)

I was blessed to be so lucky, which is why hearing stories like yours and Blood's make me sad. Hopefully everyone finds happiness at some point, fuck the naysayers.

You just described my dad as well haha (although all he's ever married has been Mexicans, he had a years long affair with a white chick).

Back in high school, I played the "I'm just way too shy to ever ask a girl out" card and feigned a liking to a girl I knew would never like me back, so people there just left me alone about all of that". And I guess I was pretty good at it because apparently not a single person from those days knew given the shock (in the good way) when I came out. Fun times.


This. Coming out should never be for anyone's sake other than your own. And always be mindful of your safety - physically, emotionally, financially, before it. It's a terrible thing to have to consider but this kind of thing can go really badly sometimes and so it's always a great idea to know you'll be okay if worse comes to worst.

I agree, in this situation ensuring your safety and stability should be the most important thing. You shouldn't feel pressured to come out to them now; while what you're going through is awful, it'd be worse to have to deal with the repercussions of a worst-case scenario without enough support.

The only friction I ever had with him about being gay was getting, "Are you sure ? Maybe you just haven't met the right girl yet." (I'm still waiting on that magic vagina I guess?)

I was blessed to be so lucky, which is why hearing stories like yours and Blood's make me sad. Hopefully everyone finds happiness at some point, fuck the naysayers.

That still happens fairly often with mine as well, but as you said, we're incredibly lucky to have that be our foremost concern.

Way too sweet. I'd recommend some white wine to go with the chocolate.

Even then, I find most white and dessert wine to be too light and/or sweet to accompany chocolate, they're better suited for pastries, fruit or cheese, if at all. Though since the extent of my strategy with wine is essentially 'pair shiraz with everything', I probably shouldn't talk.
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