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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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So part 2 to my coming out.

I've been avoiding my mom all day because I knew if we started talking she'd just cry. It was unavoidable.

Anyway, she basically went through the motions a religious parent does when their child comes out: what did I do wrong, you have a disease, etc. I tried to explain my position but she wasn't having it. I realize this is going to take some time but she's starting to break down. Her whole future for me is shattered (or at least the one she imagined). She wants to tell my dad too, which I really don't want her to do. This is especially difficult because my parents were planning on me getting married to some girl soon, so it's been hard for her to wrap her mind around it.

As the experienced gays unfortunately have to say sometimes, give your parents time to grieve who they thought you would be. There's plenty they thought they knew about your future and now don't. It's hard, but time is important.
I haven't seen The Little Mermaid on Blu-ray, only on DVD, but I do think it's appreciable that it uses a form of colour xeroxography and non-digital production methods rather than the digital ink and paint and other digital stuff that came immediately after, so it does look dated in that respect. Around about that time there were random bits of fairly crude CGI in Disney films as well.


So part 2 to my coming out.

I've been avoiding my mom all day because I knew if we started talking she'd just cry. It was unavoidable.

Anyway, she basically went through the motions a religious parent does when their child comes out: what did I do wrong, you have a disease, etc. I tried to explain my position but she wasn't having it. I realize this is going to take some time but she's starting to break down. Her whole future for me is shattered (or at least the one she imagined). She wants to tell my dad too, which I really don't want her to do. This is especially difficult because my parents were planning on me getting married to some girl soon, so it's been hard for her to wrap her mind around it.

Damn, I'm sorry it has to go down like that for you. Judging by the way you phrased it, you dodged a bullet on an arranged marriage, though.

And, if my parents are anything to go by in terms of sharing things, it's only a matter of time before your mom tells your dad. I'm no expert on coming out, but I would prepare something more direct for him if he asks you about it.
Everyone is all, like, "Russell Tovey is the worst person ever!!!" right now but what about that episode of Looking where the top line of his facial hair is all weird? THERE WERE GLIMMERS OF MALIGNITY ALL ALONG.


Neo Member
Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.

Ohai! :3

I like you already! I forgot to list videogame music when I filled out that thingy, oh well!



What. What the. I don't even. What is that thing?!
No, nevermind, I don't wanna know.
A T-Rex in a Spacesuit riding some sort of segway.
Unless you mean that almost completely hairless creature in the foreground, because that is what experts call a human.
Afternoon LGBT GAF. I hope everyone is having a good day.
I made some delicious chicken and rice with corned beef.

What about you?


Err, why not?

why not tho? :(

I've only talked to him two times in person. I don't even know his name, lol. It seems weird to me that he would give me his number without any hesitation. I was going to make this absurd excuse as to why I wanted his number, something school related, but he didn't even let me finish what I was gonna say. Idk... maybe I'm overthinking this. Just gonna text him and see what happens.


I've only talked to him two times in person. I don't even know his name, lol. It seems weird to me that he would give me his number without any hesitation. I was going to make this absurd excuse as to why I wanted his number, something school related, but he didn't even let me finish what I was gonna say. Idk... maybe I'm overthinking this. Just gonna text him and see what happens.

If he didn't need encouragement to give you his number, wouldn't that mean he's kinda into you? Get after it, man. See where this goes.
I've only talked to him two times in person. I don't even know his name, lol. It seems weird to me that he would give me his number without any hesitation. I was going to make this absurd excuse as to why I wanted his number, something school related, but he didn't even let me finish what I was gonna say. Idk... maybe I'm overthinking this. Just gonna text him and see what happens.
You know what to do.
Go on and get some.


"you know why im here"


I don't get it... ;_;

If he didn't need encouragement to give you his number, wouldn't that mean he's kinda into you? Get after it, man. See where this goes.

Or maybe he's a serial killer? o:

You know what to do.
Go on and get some.

Your post reminded me of this:

"She's up all night to the sun
I'm up all night to get some
She's up all night for good fun
I'm up all night to get lucky

Will Ferrell <3

Gosh why is watching Bob Ross so relaxing?

Bob Ross is a relaxing dude.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
saw this posted on george takei's fb page. so if youre into asian guys and like pictures.


there's words there too if there are people who are into reading

there's pube in there.

Asian dudes are the best. THE BEST.

It's weird for me to read in that article about Asians not being traditionally thought of as desirable or sexual -- that's how I've considered them most of my life. ;)
Russell Tovey Says He&#8217;s Been &#8220;Branded The Worst Gay Ever&#8221; For Comment About Effeminate Men
Tovey says he&#8217;s been &#8220;branded the worst gay ever&#8221; by critics.

Actually HuffPo Gay Voices editor Noah Michelson feels pity for him:

I don&#8217;t think Tovey or anyone who thinks like Tovey is a bad person for feeling the way that he feels. But let&#8217;s be clear that Tovey is passing judgement on effeminacy&#8230;

What&#8217;s more, when he says, &#8220;If I&#8217;d have been able to relax, prance around, sing in the street, I might be a different person now&#8230;&#8221; I can only read longing in that statement. Despite how much the lady doth protest, he gives himself away. He wanted to relax. He wanted to prance. He wanted to sing in the street. But because his dad&#8212;and society&#8212;wouldn&#8217;t allow him to &#8220;go down that path,&#8221; he didn&#8217;t.
Poor fella. When will this top shaming end?


How do I not seem like a pessimistic loser

I finally got in a conversation with that fellow in my math class, but was kinda worried I might have come across as a debbie downer.

Found out he was a computer engineering major. I wonder...


irresponsible vagina leak
I've only talked to him two times in person. I don't even know his name, lol. It seems weird to me that he would give me his number without any hesitation. I was going to make this absurd excuse as to why I wanted his number, something school related, but he didn't even let me finish what I was gonna say. Idk... maybe I'm overthinking this. Just gonna text him and see what happens.

Who's gonna get his noodle wet? (or get a noodle wet) YOU!!!


Software development, that's really nice. How can you forget to go to sleep? O:
Welcome to the thread! :)
well, i'll usually tell myself that I need to go to bed at X time and end up staying awake for quite a few more hours past the little deadline for myself, knowing I can't sleep in at all.
well, i'll usually tell myself that I need to go to bed at X time and end up staying awake for quite a few more hours past the little deadline for myself, knowing I can't sleep in at all.
Hey, you never answered my question from before.
What kind of games would you most like to develop?
Just curious.


Hey, you never answered my question from before.
What kind of games would you most like to develop?
Just curious.
oh, oops haha.
hmm... I haven't decided on anything really all that specific outside of something not apart of the usual side scrolling stuff that's always seen. not that they're bad or anything, and I do love the genre.
I'm having a really hard time, GAF. My 4-day old niece has been in the hospital the last couple of days, and I just found out the prognosis may not be good. It's just not fair. She's so sweet and precious, how can things like this happen to her? :'(

I was just getting out of my depression again and regaining a positive view on life and then this happens...


I looked for his [disparaging] comment about effeminate men, but...couldn't really find one. Seems like much ado about nothing.

I agree.

The lgbt community engages in the most absurd witch hunts sometimes, reminds me of the controversy with RuPaul last year. These fellows aren't exactly our biggest threats, people.
I'm having a really hard time, GAF. My 4-day old niece has been in the hospital the last couple of days, and I just found out the prognosis may not be good. It's just not fair. She's so sweet and precious, how can things like this happen to her? :'(

I was just getting out of my depression again and regaining a positive view on life and then this happens...

Really sorry to hear this man .... :(. I sincerely hope everything pulls through and gets better in the end. Your family is in my thoughts *big big hugs*


I agree.

The lgbt community engages in the most absurd witch hunts sometimes, reminds me of the controversy with RuPaul last year. These fellows aren't exactly our biggest threats, people.

So if someone says something shitty, but not too shitty, we shouldn't comment on it at all?
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