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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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lol @ y'all crying about being 24. How will you be able to handle your 30's?

Like a bawss. Gonna be beasting and feasting! :)

I know that everyone here is joking but it does feel like being over 30 is considered decrepit. Media doesn't help when 20something is considered youthful and vibrant and anything past that is old

Don't listen to the media. Also, there's a lot of thirty-forty something year old hotties out there. Like Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Van Damme.

gross youre in your 30s

r u twenty four

No. I'm older than time~
He's cute, I want to marry him. Paging @Hours Left, is there way to know his name? Does he have a tumblr?
Catalog images like that are hard because unless they're done in a fashion shoot type spread, they don't usually get posted anywhere except for online retailers, which makes image searches tough because they all just link to stores, most of which don't identify the models.

And I don't recognize him from just these pictures. Sorry. :(
Catalog images like that are hard because unless they're done in a fashion shoot type spread, they don't usually get posted anywhere except for online retailers, which makes image searches tough because they all just link to stores, most of which don't identify the models.

And I don't recognize him from just these pictures. Sorry. :(
Hours Left is stumped.
I'm stunned.


Catalog images like that are hard because unless they're done in a fashion shoot type spread, they don't usually get posted anywhere except for online retailers, which makes image searches tough because they all just link to stores, most of which don't identify the models.

And I don't recognize him from just these pictures. Sorry. :(

Ahhhh... :(

But he has a tattoo on his left arm, on the second picture. I can't figure out what it says.

How am I supposed to marry him if I can't even know his name? :(


Looking for grey hairs. My eyes keep fooling me.


fuck your professor and get straight a's all year

Class is easy enough that I could get that anyway lol.
He's like an ultra conservative republican so probably not happening.

I feel you, bro. But at the same time, I think I'd happily take a seat in that class ;)

It's so much torture though ;_; All I wanted to do was just grab one and start sexy times damn it! Lol. That was the longest three hours ever.

April right? :D

I would love to be in that class.

Yup! April 28 to be exact.


Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.


Hunky Nostradamus
Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.

Welcome to the thread! :)
Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.
Welcome :) It's great to meet you!


Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.

Ayyyyy I like riverside. Drive through there once a year. Welcome.


what was i fired from the first time

Caladrius's Australian Localized Associate Socialization Specialist

Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.

Hello hello

Judging by that list we seem quite alike.


Ayyyyy I like riverside. Drive through there once a year. Welcome.
I live pretty much right outside of it but the area i'm in used to be apart of it. I like it but not specifically where I live though since it's a pretty bad area.
Hello hello

Judging by that list we seem quite alike.
Always great to have things in common with others!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.
Another Californian. Nice. I'm in San Diego; we're pretty close!

Oh, this is why I stopped watching Twitch streams. I kept falling in love with cute streamers with face cams.
Like who? I'm curious.


Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.
Hi there Gattuso!
Ahh, didn't see that

From and live in USA
Age 30
Music: none
profession: health care
Videogame: ff5
Other hobby: eating

Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.
Welcome new people. :)


Also, procrastinated work selfie!

Really nice beard!

I was planning on starting MH4 tonight but your post scares me a bit. Never played a MoHun in my life, I hope I'll like it or won't feel too lost :/

Also MM3D is fantastic. Once you get the grasp of it, you'll love it.

Il fait bon ici maintenant. :)

Ohhh :D that's so cute of you to take the time to answer to me in french!

Il fait toujours froid aujourd'hui mais il faut dire aussi que je suis un peu frileux ;)


Don't feel bad. I should be used to the cold, but visited Paris around this time of year some years ago and learned how cold that wind could be.


They sell it in regular grocery stores here, lol.


I'm going to use this in case of shade.

Class is easy enough that I could get that anyway lol.
He's like an ultra conservative republican so probably not happening.

It's so much torture though ;_; All I wanted to do was just grab one and start sexy times damn it! Lol. That was the longest three hours ever.

Yup! April 28 to be exact.

Nice! Almost two months. :)

Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.

Software development, that's really nice. How can you forget to go to sleep? O:

Welcome to the thread! :)

Really nice beard!

I was planning on starting MH4 tonight but your post scares me a bit. Never played a MoHun in my life, I hope I'll like it or won't feel too lost :/

Also MM3D is fantastic. Once you get the grasp of it, you'll love it.

Ohhh :D that's so cute of you to take the time to answer to me in french!

Il fait toujours froid aujourd'hui mais il faut dire aussi que je suis un peu frileux ;)

Merci Grizzo. :)

Je suis frileux aussi. When it's cold, I rather stay sleeping all day, lol.

But... perfect time to cuddle :3
Thought i'd take the IBQ since it's my first time posting in here. Was supposed to be doing this sooner though haha.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gaaaay
Where Are You From? California
Where Do You Live? Riverside
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music? VGM
Profession or Career interest? currently wrapping up the last 6 months of classes to get my associates in software development. wish to be game dev of some sort.
Favorite video game(s)? Most Nintendo stuff, Sonic, FF series, SMT series, plently of other stuff
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being unofficial tech support to my friends and family, hacking games, looking at porn, watching anime, reading gaf, forgetting to go sleep.
Welcome! :)
Software development, huh.
What kind of games would you like to develop?


Was meant to be sarcasm. Your interaction is going to be extremely limited, so your experience will be frustrating and, in your case, sad.

You will essentially be a babysitter. I remember my GF telling me that a ton of her classmates just chilled in the break room during psych because they weren't doing anything of value, both for their education and for the patients.

You'll get through it and be in the OR in no time, though. And you'll be able to view surgeries during your rotations. I hear open heart surgery is really cool (besides the rib cracker initially).

Yeah I've been told that. THe matter of psych really does not interest me a whole not anyways so that one is gonna be a lil pain. DId your GF find a job quickly? lol

which one do you want to be then? i think being an anesthesiologist would be scary because if you accidentally gave your patient the wrong dose of stuff they would probably never wake up or if they did they would certainly be very grumpy that you gave them the wrong does of medicine

No, by then I'll have enough experience plus i'm very anal retentive.

This is the model guy from the short shorts Amazon link Danny posted in here a while ago:

He's cute, I want to marry him. Paging @Hours Left, is there way to know his name? Does he have a tumblr?

Husband material right there. :3

Haha, you should just buy those shorts like I did :D

Looking for grey hairs. My eyes keep fooling me.

I know, greying hair looks great, very distinguished, I want :3


Really nice beard!

I was planning on starting MH4 tonight but your post scares me a bit. Never played a MoHun in my life, I hope I'll like it or won't feel too lost :/

Also MM3D is fantastic. Once you get the grasp of it, you'll love it!

Thank you!

Go for it in regards to mh4, I'm probably just being an old geezer about it. They ease you into it just fine, but sometimes they throw a heap of text at you only to leave you (well, me) more confused after the fact. It's really confusing that there are are multiple quest givers and types (guild marm, arena, regular guild quests, expeditions, quests earned from expeditions.) but now that I've digested it a Lil bit think it's because everything but guildmarm quests are available for multi-player.

I booted up MM and head straight to the trade post and spoke with the scarecrow a few times. I guess I need my ocarina back before I can get songs! I've no idea what I'm doing.

Hrmm, I don't think I ever did the intro thing:

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Georgia USA
Where Do You Live? Still in Georgia :'(
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Depends on the mood. Everything from CHVRCHES to Bastille, Akira Yamaoka to Conway Twitty and random 80s/90s stuff.
Profession or Career interest? I'm in financing/title loans but my dream is in the art industry, preferably concept work or graphic novels.
Favorite video game(s)? Basara, Musou, Zelda, All things SMT, Tactics Ogre/FFT, Souls series, fighting games etc.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Mostly drawing painting. Every once in a while I'll get a gundam model to build.


Yeah I've been told that. THe matter of psych really does not interest me a whole not anyways so that one is gonna be a lil pain. DId your GF find a job quickly? lol

Hasn't graduated yet, but has multiple references and points of contact. She hasn't taken the NCLEX yet either.

The market for actual nurses (RN/BSN/not techs) is booming because there are too many techs that need real nurses to manage them. You shouldn't have any problems finding a job.

All I can tell you is to rub shoulders with your instructors and peers and you'll be fine.


Thank you!

Go for it in regards to mh4, I'm probably just being an old geezer about it. They ease you into it just fine, but sometimes they throw a heap of text at you only to leave you (well, me) more confused after the fact. It's really confusing that there are are multiple quest givers and types (guild marm, arena, regular guild quests, expeditions, quests earned from expeditions.) but now that I've digested it a Lil bit think it's because everything but guildmarm quests are available for multi-player.

I booted up MM and head straight to the trade post and spoke with the scarecrow a few times. I guess I need my ocarina back before I can get songs! I've no idea what I'm doing.

Hrmm, I don't think I ever did the intro thing:

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Georgia USA
Where Do You Live? Still in Georgia :'(
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Depends on the mood. Everything from CHVRCHES to Bastille, Akira Yamaoka to Conway Twitty and random 80s/90s stuff.
Profession or Career interest? I'm in financing/title loans but my dream is in the art industry, preferably concept work or graphic novels.
Favorite video game(s)? Basara, Musou, Zelda, All things SMT, Tactics Ogre/FFT, Souls series, fighting games etc.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Mostly drawing painting. Every once in a while I'll get a gundam model to build.

Welcome Masamuna! Your gaf handle sounds familiar.. what's the story behind it?


I'm "old", but wasn't aware of the questions, so...


Your gender? Male.

Your sexual orientation? Gay (or something like that. I've been told I'm not gay enough...).

Where Are You From? Puerto Rico (live there still, would like to move one of this days).

How Old Are you? 32 (33 in five months).

Favorite Type of Music? Any. Don't have a favorite genre or group.

Profession or Career interest? Have a BA in Graphic Design, but work on anything as long as I can pay my bills and help my dad. Would like to be involved in movie or game-development someday.

Favorite video game(s)? Anything Nintendo. Can buy anything from them without previews or pictures.

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Some movies, food, daydreaming for the most part. My dog takes a good chunk of time too.


Welcome Masamuna! Your gaf handle sounds familiar.. what's the story behind it?

I played FF7 when it first came out and the Masamune sword stuck with me. Then I found out about Masamune Shirow around the same time I started posting in forums/attending game tournaments and decided to use it. Changed the last letter because I thought I was special or something.

Coincidentally Masamuna is also the capital of Congo. And IIRC means bread in another language. /shrug


So part 2 to my coming out.

I've been avoiding my mom all day because I knew if we started talking she'd just cry. It was unavoidable.

Anyway, she basically went through the motions a religious parent does when their child comes out: what did I do wrong, you have a disease, etc. I tried to explain my position but she wasn't having it. I realize this is going to take some time but she's starting to break down. Her whole future for me is shattered (or at least the one she imagined). She wants to tell my dad too, which I really don't want her to do. This is especially difficult because my parents were planning on me getting married to some girl soon, so it's been hard for her to wrap her mind around it.


I'm "old", but wasn't aware of the questions, so...


Your gender? Male.

Your sexual orientation? Gay (or something like that. I've been told I'm not gay enough...).

Where Are You From? Puerto Rico (live there still, would like to move one of this days).

How Old Are you? 32 (33 in five months).

Favorite Type of Music? Any. Don't have a favorite genre or group.

Profession or Career interest? Have a BA in Graphic Design, but work on anything as long as I can pay my bills and help my dad. Would like to be involved in movie or game-development someday.

Favorite video game(s)? Anything Nintendo. Can buy anything from them without previews or pictures.

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Some movies, food, daydreaming for the most part. My dog takes a good chunk of time too.

Welcome to the thread! 32/33 isn't old, you're still a baby. Unless you mean old as in you've been here for a while? O:

What kind of dog do you have?


It's beautiful, I have it on bluray.

Yeah, it's just that there aren't many hand drawn animated films anymore.

I played FF7 when it first came out and the Masamune sword stuck with me. Then I found out about Masamune Shirow around the same time I started posting in forums/attending game tournaments and decided to use it. Changed the last letter because I thought I was special or something.

Coincidentally Masamuna is also the capital of Congo. And IIRC means bread in another language. /shrug

FF7, ah that's it. I'm not surprised it means bread, lol.


So part 2 to my coming out.

I've been avoiding my mom all day because I knew if we started talking she'd just cry. It was unavoidable.

Anyway, she basically went through the motions a religious parent does when their child comes out: what did I do wrong, you have a disease, etc. I tried to explain my position but she wasn't having it. I realize this is going to take some time but she's starting to break down. Her whole future for me is shattered (or at least the one she imagined). She wants to tell my dad too, which I really don't want her to do. This is especially difficult because my parents were planning on me getting married to some girl soon, so it's been hard for her to wrap her mind around it.
That's rough :( Coming out can be difficult by itself, I can't imagine how it's like when your parents had already decided a future for you. I hope everything turns out fine.
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