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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Coincidentally none of you can say you aren't into animals. Sexuality is fluid. Have you met all the animals in the world to say for sure you wouldn't be attracted to a dog? Didn't think so. How come there isn't a Kinsey species scale?
Why you only call out dogs, huh? Got something against cats?


Yes, it's a running theme. But fluid sexuality != choice. I don't know how to explain this any better or how to make myself more clear.

Again, that's not what the argument is about. No one is reaching the conclusion that being gay is a choice.
Then, what, if I'm fluidly bisexual, what controls my attraction? What's the mechanism that changes it? Have I just not found the right girl, or what? If it's not a choice, then what is the implication?

That's a straw-man. Also, whatt does that have anything to do with sexuality being fluid rather than fixed? Like I said it's not like one sits through and ponders "should I be gay, bi or straight?" - it doesn't work like that.
Then how would it work? I keep reading what it's not, but not what it actually is.

I don't think he's homophobic, just delusional.
It's condescending at best and frustratingly degrading at worst to hear "oh, you're actually fluidly bisexual, even if you don't know it yet," which is what "everyone is fluidly bisexual" boils down to. I haven't read the specific user's posts in question, but it's not the first time I've come across such rhetoric, and it is increasingly bothersome to me each time I encounter it.

The presumptuousness to declare anyone's sexuality is, frankly, obnoxious and insulting enough as it is to earn an eyeroll. That it carries an implied undercurrent of "your sexuality is malleable and changeable" opens the door to rather awful conclusions.

Because here's the thing: if sexuality is fluid, it is changeable. If it is changeable, there exists a mechanism for changing it. So far as I can see, there are only two basic ways that would happen: a conscious choice, which argues sexuality is self-decided but I read is not being argued here; and an unconscious process triggered by some unknown means. But even that second route is dangerously gross.

Why? Simple: it leaves open the very door that "conversion therapy" hinges on existing to exploit. Because if everyone is fluidly bisexual, then whatever mechanism affects sexuality, conscious or unconscious, is capable of being used to change sexuality. And the damage such rhetoric has caused is immeasurable. The snakeoil promises of "you can become straight yo be right with God" have ruined a stomach-turning number of lives.

I just don't appreciate the attitude of being told what the fuck my sexuality is or what the fuck my loins direct me towards. Being told "you're fluidly bisexual and capable of some ampunt of opposite sex attraction" is fucking frustrating to me because I went through fucking hell for years of my life as I had to come to terms with my sexuality and who I was attracted to, and it gnaws on long festering insecurities and doubts and depression that defined my teenage years.


I wish winter would end already. Today on my way to work I fell on the sidewalk because of the ice, and now I'm sitting here in soggy pants with a sore back and ass.
I hate snow and ice with an intense, burning passion. When I'm inside in the warm with soup and a cup of tea, it's not so bad, but when you have to trudge to walk through it, it's horrible. A few years, I slipped forward on some sheet ice on the way to work. I stupidly put my arms out to soften the blow. I landed awkwardly on my right hand, with the most pressure on my thumb. As such, I completely dislocated it and can now bend it backwards, complete with a nice clicking sound.

I really should get it looked at.
People have fluidity within their own limits. People's sexual interests can change over time with regards to specifics, whether it is whether particular acts are sexually appealing or changes in the specific desired attributes like hair colour or body size or age. For the fraction of people with a potential attraction to people of multiple genders, gender can be another variable for the same changes.


I find this fluidity thing a bit silly when most people in the world are exclusively into one gender. I don't entertain "alternative" ideas that are not backed by any evidence, and that are not compatible with the observable reality.
I find this fluidity thing a bit silly when most people in the world are exclusively into one gender. I don't entertain "alternative" ideas that are not backed by any evidence, and that are not compatible with the observable reality.
Was this in part in response to my post?


McD Mexico is boring outside of breakfasts, and I almost never eat breakfast. I fear I can't help McDonald's fight their declining profits :(


I would love to objectify Pantheon like the rest of you, but I'm not sure if he would like it. Yo, @Pantheon, can I?

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