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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Thanks guys!

Hello! But Reshiram is better :)
Reshiram's cool too... it's just too fluffy for a dragon :p
The Spyro PS1 trilogy was one of my favorite series growing up.
Same here. I'd love to see the series back in the hands of Insomniac someday, but I don't hold out much hope at this point.
Hello! :)
How are you doing today?
What kind of books do you like to read?
Just fantasy novels for the most part, Dragonlance, LOTR, Harry Potter and whatever else I pick up (I still have way too many I haven't gotten around to reading yet).
Welcome to the thread !

Which are your favourite Ace Attorney and Zelda games ?

Ace Attorney it's a tie between 1 and 3, 1-4 and 1-5 are still among my favourite cases in the entire series, the same with 3-5.

For Zelda I'd probably say ALTTP, though admittedly a large part of that is due to nostalgia, playing through that game was a cooperative effort between me, my brother and sister, so some golden memories there :)
Yay metal!

It's difficult to find other gays with rock/metal inclination around here.



Hey guys, been lurking for a bit around here, and you seem to have a pretty awesome community going so I figured I'd stop being an unsocial knobhead and say hi :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From?/Where Do You Live? England
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? Metal (mainly Power Metal), Rock and VGM, though I like music from various genres.
Favorite video game(s)? Final Fantasy (JRPGs in general really), Kingdom Hearts, Spyro (PS1 trilogy), Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Zelda (and pretty much most things Nintendo)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Trying to learn the electric guitar (emphasis on the "trying" :p), making crap games in RPG Maker, and reading every now and then.

Oh yes! Spyro was my favorite trilogy growing up.

Welcome to the thread! :)

Son Of D

Hey guys, been lurking for a bit around here, and you seem to have a pretty awesome community going so I figured I'd stop being an unsocial knobhead and say hi :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From?/Where Do You Live? England
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? Metal (mainly Power Metal), Rock and VGM, though I like music from various genres.
Favorite video game(s)? Final Fantasy (JRPGs in general really), Kingdom Hearts, Spyro (PS1 trilogy), Ace Attorney, Pokemon, Zelda (and pretty much most things Nintendo)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Trying to learn the electric guitar (emphasis on the "trying" :p), making crap games in RPG Maker, and reading every now and then.

Welcome :)

Oh hey another England user. Also a fan of FF, KH and Spyro. I think we'll get along gaming wise :p
Ace Attorney it's a tie between 1 and 3, 1-4 and 1-5 are still among my favourite cases in the entire series, the same with 3-5.

For Zelda I'd probably say ALTTP, though admittedly a large part of that is due to nostalgia, playing through that game was a cooperative effort between me, my brother and sister, so some golden memories there :)

1 and 3 are my favourites as well...but my favourite case is probably 2-4 (
the one that breaks with the series' conventions
) .

I think the Zelda game you love the most is always the one you play when you are about 6 or 7 years old (which is OoT for me) :p .


Pantheon, this is relevant to your interests.



Dinner for both Cannons in the room.
I was 16 when I played my first Zelda.
I was probably 20 or 21. Maybe I played a little Phantom Hourglass when I was 20, but the time I am sure about was some OoT on the Wii VC, with a broken Gamecube controller. This was the first time I used a gamecube controller or a wii also.

This was at my first boyfriend's house.

He broke up with me the next day. :(


Hunky Nostradamus
Oh, thats pretty late ! What I meant...or rather: observed over the years is that people tend to like their first big Zelda game the most.

Which was it, Twilight Princess ?

Yeah, Twilight Princess. Not my favorite btw.
Wind Waker for 3D and Link's Awakening for 2D.
Yay metal!

It's difficult to find other gays with rock/metal inclination around here.
That's because rock music is dead :p Was a long time coming too and I say this as someone that used to like it.

I think the last rock album I listened to was that Microphones one in 2008 or something.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Wish I was in the part of Florida with the beaches... :p

There is lakes and springs around. Some of the springs are even better than the beaches. Don't cry to me for not going out of county to the springs. :p
Happy Birthday Danny!

Anyone listening to Kendrick's new album?

It's a mixed bag for me, not really feeling it. It's also hard to compete with the Sufjan record for my attention, I know it's early in the year but the Sufjan record is AOTY material and some of his career's best work.


Oh yes! Spyro was my favorite trilogy growing up.

Welcome to the thread! :)

Welcome :)

Oh hey another England user. Also a fan of FF, KH and Spyro. I think we'll get along gaming wise :p

Welcome! Good taste in games.

Thanks! ^_^

In other news, this needed to be said about freedom of speech and people's obsession with it whenever things aren't going their way, it's getting kinda tedious at this point.


Thanks! ^_^

In other news, this needed to be said about freedom of speech and people's obsession with it whenever things aren't going their way, it's getting kinda tedious at this point.

That's wonderfully written. I always hate when someone claims that because they're criticized (for what they said) somehow their freedom of speech is threatened. That's a poor way of losing an argument.


That's wonderfully written. I always hate when someone claims that because they're criticized (for what they said) somehow their freedom of speech is threatened. That's a poor way of losing an argument.

To paraphrase Cracked: it's pretty sad when the best argument you have behind what you say is that it's not literally illegal to say it.
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