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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Because I wasn't circumcised and the idea of it being done makes me squeamish, haha.

I think it's the same as Female Genital Cutting, it's body mutilation. I'm strongly against circumcision, there's no real logical reason for this practice to be continued in today's world.

This Collegehumor video sums it up.

"Circumcision was practiced in the middle east for a millennia, no one really practiced it in the west until the sexphobic days of the late 19th century when puritanical doctors promoted as a way to stop young men from masturbating"

The arguments for both male and female circumcision are downright silly.


What does that mean exactly?

He basically said (iirc) that if someone said they were unattracted to someone because they were transsexual, he would think of them as being bigoted.

I think so anyway, don't feel like digging it up (maybe not appropriate either? Idk) and it may have been deleted anyway.

@Alex that sounds exciting except full time unpaid. That sounds hellish


Uuurgh I'm so shallow,
talking with this handsome guy, he sent his dick pic from beside, looks thick and perfect, and then he sent from his POV and the girth is thin, but the head is huge. This is the second time I had major crush on a guy but after saw their dicks I lost my drive.


Uuurgh I'm so shallow,
talking with this handsome guy, he sent his dick pic from beside, looks thick and perfect, and then he sent from his POV and the girth is thin, but the head is huge. This is the second time I had major crush on a guy but after saw their dicks I lost my drive.

I'd wager a lot of dicks have more flattering angles than others. Oval shafts can be fun too so don't let that get you down.

Mine's best in panoramic view.
Uuurgh I'm so shallow,
talking with this handsome guy, he sent his dick pic from beside, looks thick and perfect, and then he sent from his POV and the girth is thin, but the head is huge. This is the second time I had major crush on a guy but after saw their dicks I lost my drive.
It's just a dick chill the fuck out tbh


Uuurgh I'm so shallow,
talking with this handsome guy, he sent his dick pic from beside, looks thick and perfect, and then he sent from his POV and the girth is thin, but the head is huge. This is the second time I had major crush on a guy but after saw their dicks I lost my drive.

That honestly sounds like an issue

As long as its not looking diseased or anything I dont really care, THANK god I'm not a programmed to hate uncut American or a size queen gay.


I'd wager a lot of dicks have more flattering angles than others. Oval shafts can be fun too so don't let that get you down.

Mine's best in panoramic view.


That honestly sounds like an issue

As long as its not looking diseased or anything I dont really care, THANK god I'm not a programmed to hate uncut American or a size queen gay.

Nah, I'm not a size queen. It just weird, it looks like a meatball on a chopstick
Uuurgh I'm so shallow,
talking with this handsome guy, he sent his dick pic from beside, looks thick and perfect, and then he sent from his POV and the girth is thin, but the head is huge. This is the second time I had major crush on a guy but after saw their dicks I lost my drive.
Ask him to silicone it


So I'm not done with Daredevil yet (so far pretty good for what it is), but something is bugging me. The show is doing pretty alright in terms of ethnic diversity but so far not one character has been part of the LGBT community. Which just irks me, there really is no reason to not include us in a contemporary New York setting.

Actually I think it is worse than that, are there any LGBT characters at all in the entire Marvel interconnected bullshit thing? Because as far as I know (haven't seen the latest Captain America or Agents of Acronym) over the course of ten films (so far) and two three TV series not a single LGBT character is present. I'd really love to be wrong on this, otherwise this is some serious bullshit.


So I'm not done with Daredevil yet (so far pretty good for what it is), but something is bugging me. The show is doing pretty alright in terms of ethnic diversity but so far not one character has been part of the LGBT community. Which just irks me, there really is no reason to not include us in a contemporary New York setting.

Actually I think it is worse than that, are there any LGBT characters at all in the entire Marvel interconnected bullshit thing? Because as far as I know (haven't seen the latest Captain America or Agents of Acronym) over the course of ten films (so far) and two three TV series not a single LGBT character is present. I'd really love to be wrong on this, otherwise this is some serious bullshit.
I've been thinking the same thing about Grimm.

I love the show (despite the ridiculous turn it is taking at the moment), but the show is currently heading towards the end of it's 4th season, and despite there being lots of ethnic diversity due to it being a procedural cop show and having so many different guests per week, there has yet to be a single LGBT character.

The only ever mention of anything LGBT related is through jokes, mostly. There are straight romances shoehorned into nearly every episode, some of them completely not important to the plot at all, who could have easily been a gay couple or something.

It would even fit in with the theme of the show, about people who have to hide what they are and struggle due to traditional views, and yet, nothing.

Every single episode at this point is me saying "could this be it? could we finally have an LGBT character?" but nope, there never is. I'm not even hoping for an LGBT MAIN character, an extra or a guest star would do.


I've been thinking the same thing about Grimm.

I love the show (despite the ridiculous turn it is taking at the moment), but the show is currently heading towards the end of it's 4th season, and despite there being lots of ethnic diversity due to it being a procedural cop show and having so many different guests per week, there has yet to be a single LGBT character.

The only ever mention of anything LGBT related is through jokes, mostly. There are straight romances shoehorned into nearly every episode, some of them completely not important to the plot at all, who could have easily been a gay couple or something.

It would even fit in with the theme of the show, about people who have to hide what they are and struggle due to traditional views, and yet, nothing.

Every single episode at this point is me saying "could this be it? could we finally have an LGBT character?" but nope, there never is. I'm not even hoping for an LGBT MAIN character, an extra or a guest star would do.

Damn, you caught my post pre-edit.

Yeah it is basically exactly the same situation, but worse since the Marvel thingy very much is in the zeitgeist and could be an incredibly positive force. But no, we barely get any diversity in the films (the shows do better) and Feige et al. seems to either not get or not care about the criticism levelled towards them.

Not helping are the folks who keep harping on about how anything diverging from the perceived norm must be justified. Somehow "shoehorning" in a gay couple or a person of colour is bad but letting those that are in place be just as badly written straight white people is just fine. Urgh.


Damn, you caught my post pre-edit.

Yeah it is basically exactly the same situation, but worse since the Marvel thingy very much is in the zeitgeist and could be an incredibly positive force. But no, we barely get any diversity in the films (the shows do better) and Feige et al. seems to either not get or not care about the criticism levelled towards them.

Not helping are the folks who keep harping on about how anything diverging from the perceived norm must be justified. Somehow "shoehorning" in a gay couple or a person of colour is bad but letting those that are in place be just as badly written straight white people is just fine. Urgh.
Aha don't worry, I went back and replaced the quote with the edited version :p

I completely agree, increased diversity of race, sexuality or whatever always has to be justified, otherwise it is "pandering to social justice warriors", "pushing an agenda", "making a political statement" or whatever.

Reminds me of The Legend of Korra when everyone was saying the canon bisexual ending was shoehorned, tumblr pandering, came out of nowhere ect, when it was actually the best written relationship on the show.

It really pissed me off that a well written gay couple was less accepted than a shittily written fanfic mess that was the straight couple.


I would love a video game where the main character is LGBT, and that this is important to his character development and nbt something set aside. I know there are already games like this, but I would love to see a triple A title do this. Mass Effect or Dragon Age don't count. Well they do, but it's up to the player really. I think the Last of Us Left Behind is a prime example. Ellie's relationship with Riley is important and it drives the plot, it's part of the story and it's part of who Ellie is as a character. Something similar to this on a larger scale would be awesome.
I would love a video game where the main character is LGBT, and that this is important to his character development and nbt something set aside. I know there are already games like this, but I would love to see a triple A title do this. Mass Effect or Dragon Age don't count. Well they do, but it's up to the player really. I think the Last of Us Left Behind is a prime example. Ellie's relationship with Riley is important and it drives the plot, it's part of the story and it's part of who Ellie is as a character. Something similar to this on a larger scale would be awesome.

Speaking of, I always find it interested how people say "if they want to make a character LGBT or non-white/non-male they should have a story justification for it, rather than just doing it to earn progressive points." Doesn't such thinking just stress how much we see "straight white male" as the default? Like why should it need to be important to the plot if they make a character gay, or black, or a woman, or whatever else? Real people in real life are those things, and that should be justification enough.


Aha don't worry, I went back and replaced the quote with the edited version :p

I completely agree, increased diversity of race, sexuality or whatever always has to be justified, otherwise it is "pandering to social justice warriors", "pushing an agenda", "making a political statement" or whatever.

Reminds me of The Legend of Korra when everyone was saying the canon bisexual ending was shoehorned, tumblr pandering, came out of nowhere ect, when it was actually the best written relationship on the show.

It really pissed me off that a well written gay couple was less accepted than a shittily written fanfic mess that was the straight couple.

Haha, thanks for not letting my hackery show too much.

Yeah it is very disappointing to see how people will justify shit that is pretty unjustifiable. This is actually making me more angry the more I think of it. Game of Thrones which targets pretty much the same audience as Marvel has proved that even fairly explicit male-male sex (Olyvar <3), which I'm assuming would be the most "divisive" form of LGBT inclusion, does not significantly impact a show's popularity.


I really don't care for LGBT characters in games to be honest, then again I've never been crazy about story driven games to begin with, they are generally poor in that department, good stories are easier to be found elsewhere.


The only Marvel LGBT characters I could think of that have a chance to appear on screen are the Runaways. My big favorites, Wiccan and Hulkling, are too tied up in the history of the Avengers that doesn't exist in the movies yet. The rest like Anole, Colossus from the Ultimate universe, Northstar, Rictor, and Shatterstar are tied up in the X-Men franchise.

Considering Marvel superheroes have decades of history with romantic interests attached to each, changing a major character's sexual identity for the movie is a bit tricky. Unless there is a basis for it in the main comic universe or the "Ultimate" comic universe, I predict backlash from a large chunk of hardcore comic readers as well as the usual suspects.


I really don't care for LGBT characters in games to be honest, then again I've never been crazy about story driven games to begin with, they are generally poor in that department, good stories are easier to be found elsewhere.

That is an argument for better storytelling in games and not against LGBT inclusiveness in games.

The only Marvel LGBT characters I could think of that have a chance to appear on screen are the Runaways. My big favorites, Wiccan and Hulkling, are too tied up in the history of the Avengers that doesn't exist in the movies yet. The rest like Anole, Colossus from the Ultimate universe, Northstar, Rictor, and Shatterstar are tied up in the X-Men franchise.

Considering Marvel superheroes have decades of history with romantic interests attached to each, changing a major character's sexual identity for the movie is a bit tricky. Unless there is a basis for it in the main comic universe or the "Ultimate" comic universe, I predict backlash from a large chunk of hardcore comic readers as well as the usual suspects.

Fuck the comics. There already have been a multitude of changes in the adaptions of them already. "But it is like that in the comics" is such a shitty argument, the films are their own thing, not beholden to slavishly follow their original in every single aspect.

And I'm not just talking about the major players in the films, but not even incidental characters in Acronym Agents are deviating from strict heterosexuality. I did some quick math and the interconnected universe thing has to date had more than 65 hours in which not a single second features an openly LGBT character (afaik*). It is frankly embarrassing.

*I'm still holding on for someone to please correct me on this, it just seems unbelievably (literally) shitty.


That is an argument for better storytelling in games and not against LGBT inclusiveness in games.

Fuck the comics. There already have been a multitude of changes in the adaptions of them already. "But it is like that in the comics" is such a shitty argument, the films are their own thing, not beholden to slavishly follow their original in every single aspect.

And I'm not just talking about the major players in the films, but not even incidental characters in Acronym Agents are deviating from strict heterosexuality. I did some quick math and the interconnected universe thing has to date had more than 65 hours in which not a single second features an openly LGBT character (afaik*). It is frankly embarrassing.

*I'm still holding on for someone to please correct me on this, it just seems unbelievably (literally) shitty.

I'm actually surprised that SHIELD don't have any. Most of the cast are original characters and it just seems like a Whedon-esque thing to do. One of the character did show a sign that the person might not be a 0 on the Kinsey scale during a hallucination, but that was probably just a joke.


That is an argument for better storytelling in games and not against LGBT inclusiveness in games.

You are probably right, but even the few times is done right (I can only think of Shattered Memories) I still don't see the need for a LGBT character inclusion.

I'm just not a fan of heavy stories in games I guess, they come off as poor games for me, I want excellent design and gameplay and a decent but minimal storyline, but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense I say to devs knock your socks off and add all the characters you want.


So I'm not done with Daredevil yet (so far pretty good for what it is), but something is bugging me. The show is doing pretty alright in terms of ethnic diversity but so far not one character has been part of the LGBT community. Which just irks me, there really is no reason to not include us in a contemporary New York setting.

Actually I think it is worse than that, are there any LGBT characters at all in the entire Marvel interconnected bullshit thing? Because as far as I know (haven't seen the latest Captain America or Agents of Acronym) over the course of ten films (so far) and two three TV series not a single LGBT character is present. I'd really love to be wrong on this, otherwise this is some serious bullshit.

Well there is one confirmed LGBT-character in the MCU as far as I know. Hammer, Tony Stark's "rival" in Iron Man 2 is shown to be gay in the short story "Hail to the King" that came with the DVD/blu-ray release of Thor 2. Other than that it's been hinted that Fitz from Agents of SHIELD is bisexual. That still doesn't change the absolute lack of anything LGBT-related in the main movies like you said, so the situation is still pretty deplorable.

Then again, we've still not had a single major LGBT-character in any mainline Disney animated feature (the shopkeeper in Frozen doesn't count), so I'm not too surprised that they won't do anything in the MCU either.


You are probably right, but even the few times is done right (I can only think of Shattered Memories) I still don't see the need for a LGBT character inclusion.

I'm just not a fan of heavy stories in games I guess, they come off as poor games for me, I want excellent design and gameplay and a decent but minimal storyline, but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense I say to devs knock your socks off and add all the characters you want.

No, we do not "need" a LGBT character; nor do we need yet another straight white male character. I must say that I feel that you are approaching this subject in a very bad way, just because it isn't a problem to you or that it doesn't cater to your specific needs and wants doesn't make it less important.

Representation really matters, studies have shown that there is a significant impact on self-esteem based on the media which we consume. Media consumption also plays a part in people's ability to emphasise with people who differs from them.

And you are bringing up that argument which I stated before that I dislike, there is plenty of straight characters and romances which aren't organically included, doesn't make sense and aren't "justified". So giving LGBT inclusion this arbitrary barrier (i.e. it must make sense/be justified/etc.) is just hurtful to creativity.


Speaking of, I always find it interested how people say "if they want to make a character LGBT or non-white/non-male they should have a story justification for it, rather than just doing it to earn progressive points." Doesn't such thinking just stress how much we see "straight white male" as the default? Like why should it need to be important to the plot if they make a character gay, or black, or a woman, or whatever else? Real people in real life are those things, and that should be justification enough.

This particular justification thankfully is ineligible for use in modern settings, but it's particularly toxic when the 'historical accuracy' argument is brought out - despite the wealth of information depicting significant non-white involvement in European history (because non-European cultures aren't worth depicting in historical fiction or fantasy on their own, obviously) and common, documented acknowledgment - if not approval, of non-heterosexual orientations (the entire concept of peccatum mutum, for example), every deviation from the 'default' must be justified individually.


Obviously the quote isn't all-encompassing, but the backlash towards non-white, non-straight representation in media often comes from a similar place. Obviously they have no organic place here, clearly any sign of their presence is a transparent attempt to pander.

Reminds me of The Legend of Korra when everyone was saying the canon bisexual ending was shoehorned, tumblr pandering, came out of nowhere ect, when it was actually the best written relationship on the show.

It really pissed me off that a well written gay couple was less accepted than a shittily written fanfic mess that was the straight couple.

At least those responses were depressing and hilarious in equal measure.

I admire your creative effort tremendously. I watched your shows, bought your merchandize, and supported and lauded you. I made your work a part of my imagination and a part of my life, and introduced your show to my children.

And this is how you repay loyalty and affection?

A children’s show, of all places, is where you decided to place an ad for a sexual aberration; you pervert your story telling skills to the cause of propaganda and political correctness.

You sold your integrity out to the liberal establishment. In a craven fashion you deflect criticism by slandering and condemning any who object to your treason.

You were not content to leave the matter ambiguous, no, but had publicly to announce that you hate your audience, our way of life, our virtues, values, and religion.

From all the fans everywhere worldwide let me say what we are all feeling:

Mr DiMartino and Mr Konietzko: You are disgusting, limp, soulless sacks of filth. You have earned the contempt and hatred of all decent human beings forever, and we will do all we can to smash the filthy phallic idol of sodomy you bow and serve and worship. Contempt, because you struck from behind, cravenly; and hatred, because you serve a cloud of morally-retarded mental smog called Political Correctness, which is another word for hating everything good and bright and decent and sane in life.

I have no hatred in my heart for any man’s politics, policies, or faith, any more than I have hatred for termites; but once they start undermining my house where I live, it is time to exterminate them.


And you are bringing up that argument which I stated before that I dislike, there is plenty of straight characters and romances which aren't organically included, doesn't make sense and aren't "justified". So giving LGBT inclusion this arbitrary barrier (i.e. it must make sense/be justified/etc.) is just hurtful to creativity.

I'm not putting any barriers, as I said knock your socks off, but if it's a crappy character I'll call it when I see it. Chances are it will.


I'm not putting any barriers, as I said knock your socks off, but if it's a crappy character I'll call it when I see it. Chances are it will.

It might be a crappy character, all I'm saying is that a crappy character isn't going to be significantly less or more crappy due to his or hers ethnicity or sexual orientation. And saying things like "but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense" isn't helpful to anyone and is putting up barrier. There is no reason why a gay character or a black character needs some special justification (i.e. "organic inclusion" or "make sense").

Well there is one confirmed LGBT-character in the MCU as far as I know. Hammer, Tony Stark's "rival" in Iron Man 2 is shown to be gay in the short story "Hail to the King" that came with the DVD/blu-ray release of Thor 2. Other than that it's been hinted that Fitz from Agents of SHIELD is bisexual. That still doesn't change the absolute lack of anything LGBT-related in the main movies like you said, so the situation is still pretty deplorable.

Then again, we've still not had a single major LGBT-character in any mainline Disney animated feature (the shopkeeper in Frozen doesn't count), so I'm not too surprised that they won't do anything in the MCU either.

Hmm. I just watched that short film, and where as it is kind of nice it wasn't significant really. It doesn't go far enough in my opinion to confirm Justin Hammer as gay or anything else than straight. his friend at the table might be, but a modicum of the faintest of male intimacy isn't enough to take away from my overall sentiment. Just for fun timed all his screen time. It adds up to 50 seconds so that gives us less than a minute of possible LGBT inclusion in over 65 hours of content. But hey it is more than nothing, so yay progress!


It might be a crappy character, all I'm saying is that a crappy character isn't going to be significantly less or more crappy due to his or hers ethnicity or sexual orientation. And saying things like "but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense" isn't helpful to anyone and is putting up barrier. There is no reason why a gay character or a black character needs some special justification (i.e. "organic inclusion" or "make sense").

Hmm. I just watched that short film, and where as it is kind of nice it wasn't significant really. It doesn't go far enough in my opinion to confirm Justin Hammer as gay or anything else than straight. his friend at the table might be, but a modicum of the faintest of male intimacy isn't enough to take away from my overall sentiment. Just for fun timed all his screen time. It adds up to 50 seconds so that gives us less than a minute of possible LGBT inclusion in over 65 hours of content. But hey it is more than nothing, so yay progress!

I think it's pretty clearly implied that he's gay through their interactions. Then again he's a 'coded gay' villain even in the movie, which is another problem in itself. You know, the whole "he acts foppish, flamboyant or girly and talks using pretty words like them gays. That must mean he's a bad guy!". See also Scar, Dr Ratigan, practcally everyone from the capitol in the Hunger Games etc.


I think it's pretty clearly implied that he's gay through their interactions. Then again he's a 'coded gay' villain even in the movie, which is another problem in itself. You know, the whole "he acts foppish, flamboyant or girly and talks using pretty words like them gays. That must mean he's a bad guy!". See also Scar, Dr Ratigan, practcally everyone from the capitol in the Hunger Games etc.

Yeah, no I'm totally with you on all accounts. It is just that (heavily) implying it is one thing, outright stating it quite another. And I was looking for the latter. Thanks for the info regarding the short though.


Speaking of, I always find it interested how people say "if they want to make a character LGBT or non-white/non-male they should have a story justification for it, rather than just doing it to earn progressive points." Doesn't such thinking just stress how much we see "straight white male" as the default? Like why should it need to be important to the plot if they make a character gay, or black, or a woman, or whatever else? Real people in real life are those things, and that should be justification enough.

Straight people are wild lmao


Speaking of, I always find it interested how people say "if they want to make a character LGBT or non-white/non-male they should have a story justification for it, rather than just doing it to earn progressive points." Doesn't such thinking just stress how much we see "straight white male" as the default? Like why should it need to be important to the plot if they make a character gay, or black, or a woman, or whatever else? Real people in real life are those things, and that should be justification enough.

I don't think there needs to be any justification. It's a condescending notion that straight doesn't need to be justified, but gay does.

On a related note, I really liked TLOU's depiction of gay characters, especially in the DLC.


I don't think there needs to be any justification. It's a condescending notion that straight doesn't need to be justified, but gay does.

On a related note, I really liked TLOU's depiction of gay characters, especially in the DLC.
Many here will argue to the end that it was a "friend kiss."


Speaking of, I always find it interested how people say "if they want to make a character LGBT or non-white/non-male they should have a story justification for it, rather than just doing it to earn progressive points." Doesn't such thinking just stress how much we see "straight white male" as the default? Like why should it need to be important to the plot if they make a character gay, or black, or a woman, or whatever else? Real people in real life are those things, and that should be justification enough.

I always hate that. They don't want a character that isn't like them, that's very myopic.

I really don't care for LGBT characters in games to be honest, then again I've never been crazy about story driven games to begin with, they are generally poor in that department, good stories are easier to be found elsewhere.

You are probably right, but even the few times is done right (I can only think of Shattered Memories) I still don't see the need for a LGBT character inclusion.

I'm just not a fan of heavy stories in games I guess, they come off as poor games for me, I want excellent design and gameplay and a decent but minimal storyline, but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense I say to devs knock your socks off and add all the characters you want.

Oh, but I do care about story and LGBT characters in videogames! :p

In fact, it's the story that attracts me to the games I play. I want to know more about the game, the characters and the design choices the developers made and how it ties to the storyline amd the overall atmosphere of the game in a a holistic fashion.

I feel like there's a lot of videogames with great storylines and gameplay. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, heck a lot of PC RPG's have a lot of lore and story in them. Also, Naughty Dog's games. I dunno, a good storyline is what keeps me hooked.

I've only seen one actual dick in my life. And it was my friends. In a picture they sent.

Speaking of which, I've only gotten two dick pics. One was by accident I think, and the other one by a friend who's really confident about himself, lol.

Many here will argue to the end that it was a "friend kiss."

Except Neil Druckmanm confirmed it, and so did the actress that played Ellie (I can't remember her name right now).

Edit: Ashley Johnson.


I guess it's up for interpretation. I took their background to signify a relationship, especially in the context of the plot.
It's really not though :p

A lot of straight people simply "don't see" any subtext or even text between two characters of the same gender. probably because they are conditioned to not see it.
They don't look for signs of a relationship/feelings. They'll see any intimacy as just very close friends, as was the case of Legend of Korra and The Last of Us.

Straight relationships in media are generally very obvious with no subtlety or subtext required, if ones a male and ones a female, they'll probably fuck or fall in love, so straight people usually don't need to work very hard to see a relationship, it's expected and incredibly likely.

Meanwhile us gays are looking for all the signs and subtexts and whatever, and that's usually all we get, subtext.


It might be a crappy character, all I'm saying is that a crappy character isn't going to be significantly less or more crappy due to his or hers ethnicity or sexual orientation. And saying things like "but as long as the inclusion is organic and makes sense" isn't helpful to anyone and is putting up barrier. There is no reason why a gay character or a black character needs some special justification (i.e. "organic inclusion" or "make sense").

ALL characters need a good justification, they need to make sense for the story, that is precisely why the bald space (white straight) marine or the scantly clad woman are such terrible characters, it's there to pander to the power fantasy of the 15-25 y/o demo group. Characters for the sake of it are terrible, period, in any medium.

Would more gay characters be better even if they are there just to please sjws? Well, yes, it's better than none at all, but we should aim higher. Straight people have no shortage of good characters, are we going to conform with crappy ones for the sake of "inclusion"?

I do feel though that some sort of gender bending character would be better for gaming than a gay/lesbian one, it opens up gameplay possibilities that could be really interesting, I'm already imagining a detective or spy of some sort that infiltrates by impersonating men or women depending on the objectives it has to acomplish. Of course it could also be a trainwreck of sexist and transphobic jokes which is why I don't put much faith in the modern gaming industry to do something like that decently, but it could be a start if done well. You know, that the queerness of the character is integral to gameplay.
I really don't care for LGBT characters in games to be honest, then again I've never been crazy about story driven games to begin with, they are generally poor in that department, good stories are easier to be found elsewhere.

Meh, I liked the option of being able to play a gay character in Fallout New Vegas.


Speaking of which, I've only gotten two dick pics. One was by accident I think, and the other one by a friend who's really confident about himself, lol.

I got a snapchapt from my boyfriends roommate saying something like "damn your hot, ill send you one in a sec" I responded with a "WUT LOLZ" and he replied "SHit! that was for Danielle!! ;x ;x :c"


ALL characters need a good justification, they need to make sense for the story, that is precisely why the bald space (white straight) marine or the scantly clad woman are such terrible characters, it's there to pander to the power fantasy of the 15-25 y/o demo group. Characters for the sake of it are terrible, period, in any medium.

Would more gay characters be better even if they are there just to please sjws? Well, yes, it's better than none at all, but we should aim higher. Straight people have no shortage of good characters, are we going to conform with crappy ones for the sake of "inclusion"?

I do feel though that some sort of gender bending character would be better for gaming than a gay/lesbian one, it opens up gameplay possibilities that could be really interesting, I'm already imagining a detective or spy of some sort that infiltrates by impersonating men or women depending on the objectives it has to acomplish. Of course it could also be a trainwreck of sexist and transphobic jokes which is why I don't put much faith in the modern gaming industry to do something like that decently, but it could be a start if done well. You know, that the queerness of the character is integral to gameplay.

sjws? Please tell me that you use that term ironically, gamergate and its offspring has made me completely unable to tell when people are using it in earnest or not.

These barriers I'm mention is among other things, this incessant need of "if you can't do it absolutely perfect" don't do it at all. I'm not saying that they should make bad gay characters and it is pretty darn disingenuous to suggest that I do. I don't want good characters, I want great ones but I recognise that people will fail at those endeavours. What I'm asking for is that some of those failures as well as some of those successes are LGBT characters.

You've already made your preferences and expectations regarding stories in games clear so I don't see us coming to some great understanding over this.
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