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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Get biphobia out of here.

Nah, they can play straight when the going gets tough.
i might be kidding
Eek! Where is the lie



Anyone else tried the swipe thing with mobile phones it never works out for me.
Automated words just feels off for me.
It is almost useless in Norwegian because Google doesn't know how many words can be combined and is confused by all the similar suffixes, but in English it works quite well. I think it helps homophonic words are spelled so differently. I did have one issue though where it refused to spell out seriality, I mean SEXUALITY. Funnily enough one of the suggestions was asexuality which apparently isn't dirty. All of this post is written with Google's stock swipe thingy except for those two and adding a few letters here and there.
But unfortunately that endeavour came to a halt since there is a limit to how many blatantly homophobic (e.g. family research council) websites I can stand seeing in my search results before I feel like punching a wall. Combining that with having to dig through bullshit evolutionary psychology papers for their references to find that they too are bullshit evolutionary psychology which wasn't much fun either so I kind of gave up.
I know. I wish there was a way to look up studies without all the bullshit coming up. I guess that's why peer review is a thing, but journals are either expensive, impossible to navigate or both. And when you get through you find out that there are no good studies in that field...


Ok, one last post before I go to bed. We as a community don't need to be positive and happy about every single topic and disagreement isn't the end of the world. But we should strive to be a welcoming community so insulting posters over their gender, ethnicity or sexuality even when it "is just a joke" should not be a thing we do.

Nah, they can play straight when the going gets tough.
i might be kidding

Even if this was a joke, it really isn't a funny one. I cannot "play straight" any more or any less than you can, so please refrain from saying so.

Eek! Where is the lie
*gif that adds nothing except a certain small peculiar sense of dread to people with bandwidth caps*

And you're not helping this community be a welcoming one either.

II know. I wish there was a way to look up studies without all the bullshit coming up. I guess that's why peer review is a thing, but journals are either expensive, impossible to navigate or both. And when you get through you find out that there are no good studies in that field...

Google scholar which just gives you academic sources is one of my favourite tools on the web , unfortunately it does catch less than a general google search so I usually do both. It also links to a lot of content which may be behind a paywall, so unless you're a student/work at a university you may end up finding zilch. Some public libraries also subscribe to journals, but you usually can't link your library card to those subscription services in the same way as your university ID/library card.


Here's some statistics from OKTrends (the dating data analysis blog by OkCupid). Yes, this is specific to a large online dating site, but I'd say that's more rounded than a hookup app anecdote. They have updated the heterosexual statistics on race more recently, but these are still worth a look:
Promiscuity http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/gay-sex-vs-straight-sex/
Race http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/your-race-affects-whether-people-write-you-back/

Gay men and women are no more or less promiscuous:
Median Reported Sex Partners
straight men: 6
gay men: 6
straight women: 6
gay women: 6

Gay men and women racial selection (lower than heterosexuals, still present):


You can discuss the issues without generalizing and that would make room for a more open dialogue. People are sensitive to wording and issues all around it seems.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
So to bring things back to ME (jk, jk!), my decision to go to the DC pride parade makes me wonder who else is going to do anything similar next month. Any other first timers? Vets? On the fence?

I don't think I'm going this year. I've gone twice, and it was ok both times. I can only handle so much when it comes to naked people and drunk/high/tripping crowds. I'm very neutral about the event: there's nothing terrible about it, but I also leave feeling like I didn't gain anything. They also have a tendency to make me a bit uncomfortable at times, but I guess it's a good kind of discomfort (the kind that makes you grow). I suppose it's a good excuse to see people, and with the right group, I imagine it can be a blast. Random "meh" anecdote I associate with the event: last time I went, my straight male best friend got some male attention while I did not, which was unsurprising/expected but a bit disheartening nonetheless.

Fake edit: Reading what I just wrote, I sound like quite the Debbie Downer. Oops. Sorry. A lot of people really love it, so I hope you have fun! If you're excited for it, then I'm sure you'll have a great time. :)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I ran those two photos in http://how-old.net.

First one got 26. Second one got 31.

Not that this is incontrovertible proof, but the image editing for the first really makes his skin look clearer which I associate with youth. In the next photo he's scruffier, the he's less touched up, and the kind of fluorescent indoor lighting brings out everyone's natural blemishes which could add a few good years.


Ugh Letters GAF, I feel like I'm fucking broken or something.

So I was having a pretty normal weekend. Spent it pretty much entirely by myself
which is like most weekends and I usually hate it
, but it wasn't so bad. I rented and watched Fifty Shades
morbid curiosity and God the main guy is gorgeous lol
- well, there were a few things in it that made me think of my ex
no none of the bondage stuff lol
and then I realized he broke up with me exactly a year ago today. Haven't really been able to stop crying since. Wtf is wrong with me? We were an official thing for barely two months. We had some off and on, fwb/friend stuff going on for a while, but we haven't spoken to or seen each other since the end of last year. Why the fuck does this stuff still get to me? I keep thinking I'm over it and him but it feels like no matter what I try, I can't get over him. I haven't been able to get a guy to go on a date with me or even so much as talk to me on these stupid websites and apps in months and even though I just want to try to move on, I can't do it and its fucking infuriating. Ugh.

(Sorry for the ramble. I just had to get it out and have no one to do that with in the real world right now.)

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
EDIT: Was just a bad habit manifesting. Sorry! Please ignore.
Ugh Letters GAF, I feel like I'm fucking broken or something.

So I was having a pretty normal weekend. Spent it pretty much entirely by myself
which is like most weekends and I usually hate it
, but it wasn't so bad. I rented and watched Fifty Shades
morbid curiosity and God the main guy is gorgeous lol
- well, there were a few things in it that made me think of my ex
no none of the bondage stuff lol
and then I realized he broke up with me exactly a year ago today. Haven't really been able to stop crying since. Wtf is wrong with me? We were an official thing for barely two months. We had some off and on, fwb/friend stuff going on for a while, but we haven't spoken to or seen each other since the end of last year. Why the fuck does this stuff still get to me? I keep thinking I'm over it and him but it feels like no matter what I try, I can't get over him. I haven't been able to get a guy to go on a date with me or even so much as talk to me on these stupid websites and apps in months and even though I just want to try to move on, I can't do it and its fucking infuriating. Ugh.

(Sorry for the ramble. I just had to get it out and have no one to do that with in the real world right now.)
Have you tried walking away from dating for a while? Just try doing more activities with people. Try finding a group or something maybe?
Have you tried walking away from dating for a while? Just try doing more activities with people. Try finding a group or something maybe?

This is a good point. Balancing activities seems to be a strong way to handle these sort of situations. That's what I've been learning over the past couple of weeks. Maybe go to a meetup group or try something new that you've wanted to do. Basically something to improve your sense of life and self without the guy.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I threw up last night.

Throwing up is a natural response to what you were told. But it's not the end of the world, as harsh as that sounds.

I feel utterly worthless.

You are not. Says the depressed person, which is ironic I know.

No need to apologize, we're good :)

Also, read The Velvet Rage, people!


It's a great book.

I have. It's alright, but it doesn't explain my depression. It does kinda explain my feelings toward people leaving though.

I'm kinda feeling angry at all gay men right now. Maybe cuz I was cheated on. Bareback of all things too. Ugh.

I'm starting to accept that I'm better off alone and hooking up with guys for sex. As that's what guys seem to want.

:| Do I really have to take a train up to Canada and show up with bells on for you? >:| :mad:

Space: IIRC you gave me your e-mail years ago. If you want to talk, PM me. I'll be happy to listen to you, but I'll tell you right now like I told you in PM's: You're hot, you're desirable
, YOU'RE NOT WORTHLESS GODDAMN IT. People are shitty the whole world over, you need to understand that and just accept this shit head was that: a shit head. Find a new person
and/or do you for a while. Pref. the later by going to the gym, making curry, and other such activities that bring you joy. You shouldn't be the depressed person in this, bb. That should be me.

Edit: Auto-correct to Stealth, really? :|

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Question: do any of you have a name for the indented lines on guys (pretty sure gals would have this, too, though I've never heard anyone mention it like they do for guys) that go from their hips to their crotch area? They almost seem like lines that separate the legs from the torso above each leg. They kind of make an inverted triangle shape as a result, and it's possible they don't exist with all body types (honestly don't really pay attention, but I think someone suggested that to me once). I'm pretty sure a fair number of people find them attractive. I once heard a name for them on a gay-themed podcast (spoiler below), but I can't imagine that that's what everyone calls them. So yeah, do you know of any names for them?

The person on the podcast called them cum gutters.


Question: do any of you have a name for the indented lines on guys (pretty sure gals would have this, too, though I've never heard anyone mention it like they do for guys) that go from their hips to their crotch area? They almost seem like lines that separate the legs from the torso above each leg. They kind of make an inverted triangle shape as a result, and it's possible they don't exist with all body types (honestly don't really pay attention, but I think someone suggested that to me once). I'm pretty sure a fair number of people find them attractive. I once heard a name for them on a gay-themed podcast (spoiler below), but I can't imagine that that's what everyone calls them. So yeah, do you know of any names for them?

The person on the podcast called them cum gutters.
Apollo's Belt, among others


Question: do any of you have a name for the indented lines on guys (pretty sure gals would have this, too, though I've never heard anyone mention it like they do for guys) that go from their hips to their crotch area? They almost seem like lines that separate the legs from the torso above each leg. They kind of make an inverted triangle shape as a result, and it's possible they don't exist with all body types (honestly don't really pay attention, but I think someone suggested that to me once). I'm pretty sure a fair number of people find them attractive. I once heard a name for them on a gay-themed podcast (spoiler below), but I can't imagine that that's what everyone calls them. So yeah, do you know of any names for them?

The person on the podcast called them cum gutters.
I always thought they were just called V-lines.

Question: do any of you have a name for the indented lines on guys (pretty sure gals would have this, too, though I've never heard anyone mention it like they do for guys) that go from their hips to their crotch area? They almost seem like lines that separate the legs from the torso above each leg. They kind of make an inverted triangle shape as a result, and it's possible they don't exist with all body types (honestly don't really pay attention, but I think someone suggested that to me once). I'm pretty sure a fair number of people find them attractive. I once heard a name for them on a gay-themed podcast (spoiler below), but I can't imagine that that's what everyone calls them. So yeah, do you know of any names for them?

The person on the podcast called them cum gutters.

That podcast name is oddly appropriate.
Yesterday sucked. Visited my mom and grandma for Mother's Day, and went out to eat with my parents afterwards. In the restaurant, there was a gay couple holding hands and just being kind of flirty with each other. My dad made a comment like, "Just look at them... disgusting." And my mom agreed. My heart sank and I just spent the rest of the meal picking at my food and not saying anything. Yet another reason why it feels like I'll never be able to come out to them.


Yesterday sucked. Visited my mom and grandma for Mother's Day, and went out to eat with my parents afterwards. In the restaurant, there was a gay couple holding hands and just being kind of flirty with each other. My dad made a comment like, "Just look at them... disgusting." And my mom agreed. My heart sank and I just spent the rest of the meal picking at my food and not saying anything. Yet another reason why it feels like I'll never be able to come out to them.
Jeez that sounds awful. It must be horrible feeling like you can't come out to them :/


Yesterday sucked. Visited my mom and grandma for Mother's Day, and went out to eat with my parents afterwards. In the restaurant, there was a gay couple holding hands and just being kind of flirty with each other. My dad made a comment like, "Just look at them... disgusting." And my mom agreed. My heart sank and I just spent the rest of the meal picking at my food and not saying anything. Yet another reason why it feels like I'll never be able to come out to them.
Are you able to leave their house any time soon?

edit: you did say "visit", so I hope you're not around them often. Sucks that you can't come out :(
Jeez that sounds awful. It must be horrible feeling like you can't come out to them :/

Yeah, it does. :/ They are ultra-conservative and very religious people which just makes it even harder. I can pretty much predict their reaction if I ever tell them.

Are you able to leave their house any time soon?

edit: you did say "visit", so I hope you're not around them often. Sucks that you can't come out :(

Well, I don't live with them anymore, but I also don't live that far away from them either. They are really the only family that I see on a regular basis because my brother lives like 7 hours away from me, and I've distanced myself from my extended family (they are similar to my parents).
Sorry Soraan :(

I think you said you were from rural Georgia. Would you possibly be able to move? Maybe you could transfer at your job?

Its just that, you can't fully be yourself if your family and friends aren't accepting of you. Do you have a boyfriend? Also I'd think it would be really lonely to be in the closet.

Hopefully you have options and this will get better soon.


Yesterday sucked. Visited my mom and grandma for Mother's Day, and went out to eat with my parents afterwards. In the restaurant, there was a gay couple holding hands and just being kind of flirty with each other. My dad made a comment like, "Just look at them... disgusting." And my mom agreed. My heart sank and I just spent the rest of the meal picking at my food and not saying anything. Yet another reason why it feels like I'll never be able to come out to them.
Urgh, I'm sorry to hear that, Soraan. It appears the older generation are, apparently, mostly homophobic. Both my parents and my nan believe homosexuals are the work of Satan and should be treated as such. I, like you, have not yet come out to anyone in my family, and I very much doubt I ever will. If you ever need to talk, about anything, feel free to drop me - or anyone else here - a line. LettersGAF has your back, bro.
Sorry Soraan :(

I think you said you were from rural Georgia. Would you possibly be able to move? Maybe you could transfer at your job?

Its just that, you can't fully be yourself if your family and friends aren't accepting of you. Do you have a boyfriend? Also I'd think it would be really lonely to be in the closet.

Hopefully you have options and this will get better soon.

Yup, I'm from a very rural part of Georgia which I know makes it worse. Lots of homophobia around here, and I really do need to get out of this area. Transferring with my job wouldn't really work, but I should start looking for something else in the mean time. Creating some distance from my parents would probably be wise just in case I ever do tell them, maybe it wouldn't hurt so badly if I already had some emotional distance. That's basically what I did with the rest of my extended family. :( I seriously haven't seen some of them for like 7+ years now.

Urgh, I'm sorry to hear that, Soraan. It appears the older generation are, apparently, mostly homophobic. Both my parents and my nan believe homosexuals are the work of Satan and should be treated as such. I, like you, have not yet come out to anyone in my family, and I very much doubt I ever will. If you ever need to talk, about anything, feel free to drop me - or anyone else here - a line. LettersGAF has your back, bro.

I'm sorry you have similar issues as I do. :( My mom is very much in the camp that homosexuals are the work of Satan and the only way to "save" them is to send them to church to get help. I would love to be able to come out to them, but I know how that scenario would end.

Thanks for your and everyone else's support. There are times when I'm around my family that I forget just how bigoted they are, then out of the blue, something like that will happen and I'm depressed for days. :(


Yup, I'm from a very rural part of Georgia which I know makes it worse. Lots of homophobia around here, and I really do need to get out of this area. Transferring with my job wouldn't really work, but I should start looking for something else in the mean time. Creating some distance from my parents would probably be wise just in case I ever do tell them, maybe it wouldn't hurt so badly if I already had some emotional distance. That's basically what I did with the rest of my extended family. :( I seriously haven't seen some of them for like 7+ years now.

I'm sorry you have similar issues as I do. :( My mom is very much in the camp that homosexuals are the work of Satan and the only way to "save" them is to send them to church to get help. I would love to be able to come out to them, but I know how that scenario would end.

Thanks for your and everyone else's support. There are times when I'm around my family that I forget just how bigoted they are, then out of the blue, something like that will happen and I'm depressed for days. :(

Maybe you could just not care about what your parents think. I know it sounds hard and harsh, but if you dwell too much on their negativity, it's not going to help you.

I stopped caring about what my parents think about LGBTQIA+ issues a while back. I don't let their negativity affect me. You don't live with your parents, close to them, but now with them. Use this to your advantage.

I was like "is this a new person"? Until I saw the avatar and realized it was you... :p Pantheon/Canon and now Down.

I'm just gonna call you precious because this is becoming confusing.


That's no doge.....

It's a pug!


Gay men and women are no more or less promiscuous:

Gay men and women racial selection (lower than heterosexuals, still present):

Is there a chart like this but instead of race, body types? I want to know what percent of tall skinny boys are into cubs

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
That podcast name is oddly appropriate.

? Do you know the podcast? The podcast is called "Flame On!" Mostly comics-focused, but they cover all kinds of geeky and gay stuff, which includes video games (though if you closely follow video games, this coverage can be meh at times). I'm still catching up on back episodes, and I know their group has changed a bit over the years, so I'm not sure how their dynamic is now.

Yes! I honestly prefer really skinny guys over built guys any day.

Over the past few months I think I've became the definition of cub. It's weird
I have a super soft spot for 5"10'-6" skinny guys.

Oh heeeeeeey.
The fat on my stomach says I'm just kidding. My brain does, too.


It's a pug!

pugs are my ideal dog, honestly. I really, really want one.

also, sorry for the self promo, but I'm only behind in this DJ contest by like 170~ votes or so, so every extra vote counts ;3 If you already voted, thanks again, and if you haven't voted, I'd love if you could just take a minute to do so, and then confirm your vote through your email! This is such a rad opportunity for me that I'd be remiss not to ask you all for your help.


The contest ends tonight at midnight CST, so I'm doing my best to scrounge up every vote I can from every source >< I really appreciate it, y'all.


pugs are my ideal dog, honestly. I really, really want one.

also, sorry for the self promo, but I'm only behind in this DJ contest by like 170~ votes or so, so every extra vote counts ;3 If you already voted, thanks again, and if you haven't voted, I'd love if you could just take a minute to do so, and then confirm your vote through your email! This is such a rad opportunity for me that I'd be remiss not to ask you all for your help.


The contest ends tonight at midnight CST, so I'm doing my best to scrounge up every vote I can from every source >< I really appreciate it, y'all.
For a moment there I thought "I can't vote for this guy AND Sai-Kun, before realizing you had changed your avatar ;P
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