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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Girl and I start talking. Originally I grow to like girl but assume she is not into me. She gets with a guy. I start talking to another girl. First girl finishes with guy. Tells me she likes me, too, and wants me, despite knowing about the other girl. I do want the original as a friend but don't want to carry on hurting her if she's gonna see me with the other girl.

Nah, I want to avoid ditching them completely if possible.

Like DOWN said, that will cause all sorts of issues.

This doesn't sound particularly heartbreaking, just wrong place wrong time

ditch her, it kinda sounds like she just wants a rebound anyway


hug, obviously. A hand shake is like it is a business transaction or something.

So if you go on a date with someone you just talked to on grindr and first meet them, you hug them? That would be a bit much for me, definitely shake hands. A hug at the end if you had an AMAZING time thats okay.
What's a river date?

It's when you go on a date at at a location/park next to a river. That's what I did yesterday afternoon.

We talked for awhile, and got to know each other. He's a nice guy and easy to talk to. On one hand we don't seem to have a lot in common, but on the other hand we were able to go through topics pretty nicely. I want to see him again and see where things go.
We got a bit...handsy at one point though. I kinda want to not do that next time, if only because that was VERY nice and I want to see how I feel about him non-physically, heheh.

The other important thing was to do something to stay social without dealing with the whole friend with a crush thing. It was nice being able to focus all of my attention on a guy where that wasn't on my mind (for most of it, I'll be honest, I drifted there on a couple occasions, especially when we cuddled since they have similar body builds...)

Overall though it was a good experience. I look forward to meeting him again, and even if it doesn't lead to anything beyond romantic, I could see a friendship with him. Right now, that's something I'll greatly appreciate.

I also took more phone pictures, which I'll post later when I feel like it :p

Oh, and for the record, we hugged after the date. I...don't think I hugged him before. But I don't recall honestly, lol.


Following on from finding out my Origin account was hacked yesterday, my Netflix account got hacked today.

I got 2 emails (in Portuguese) saying that my payment plan had been changed, and then another saying my email had been changed, and then I was locked out of my account.

I ended up getting it fixed by chatting with a customer service guy from the US, he had the sexiest accent ever I swear and he was totally fun to talk to. When he erased all the hackers changes and locked them out of the account he said "Boy they are going to be angry about this", and he called them weirdo's and said that ruining shit for people like that is one of the best things about his job.

Is it weird to fall in love through a customer service phone call? haha.
Considering the stuff he's achieved as a doctor and the struggles he dealt with in the process of it, it was really disappointing to recently learn about Ben Carson's disregard for many aspects of equality, including the stuff in the recent topic in OT

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Folks, on first dates...do you hug or shake hands? I think i'm a hand-shaker first and a hug-dealer after the date. BUt idk since its been a long time since a first date.

Back when I was still dating around, one first date ended with an awkward hand-shake and I kept thinking "well, that was weird" on the elevator ride back to my apartment. Once inside, he texted me saying he wished he had kissed me, so I quickly replied that he should come give it another try. Within about five minutes we were having a rather fun night that ended in a sleepover and me almost being late for work the next day. ;)

Moral of the story is that handshaking isn't necessarily bad!
If I had that on my face, then I think I'd fear something much worse. Also I burnt myself the other day, went to the beach high and forgot sunscreen.
It wasn't too to bad, except SAI_KUN decided to slap me in the arm last night. JERK@!


Folks, on first dates...do you hug or shake hands? I think i'm a hand-shaker first and a hug-dealer after the date. BUt idk since its been a long time since a first date.
A complicated handshake that we keep adding on to it as the date goes on
when you so thirsty you would actually be okay with the make out love story where you both die from his beard salmonella

Y'know how some gay guys that don't tend to themselves at all and let themselves go in all ways, try to make it OK by passing themselves off as a "bear"? I feel like beards being popular has some guys thinking "Oh good. I don't have to practice basic hygiene on my face." And just let that bush retain all kinds of filth.

Also, who has the dirtier beards? Hippies or hipsters?

Folks, on first dates...do you hug or shake hands? I think i'm a hand-shaker first and a hug-dealer after the date. BUt idk since its been a long time since a first date.

Hugs for sure. I guess it's a kiss if it's a super great date and there's an amazing connection. (And we're not in an area where I have to worry about PDA.) Otherwise hugs are always good. If it's super terrible it'd probably just be a wave or nothing. Never a hand-shake.

It's when you go on a date at at a location/park next to a river. That's what I did yesterday afternoon.

We talked for awhile, and got to know each other. He's a nice guy and easy to talk to. On one hand we don't seem to have a lot in common, but on the other hand we were able to go through topics pretty nicely. I want to see him again and see where things go.
We got a bit...handsy at one point though. I kinda want to not do that next time, if only because that was VERY nice and I want to see how I feel about him non-physically, heheh.

The other important thing was to do something to stay social without dealing with the whole friend with a crush thing. It was nice being able to focus all of my attention on a guy where that wasn't on my mind (for most of it, I'll be honest, I drifted there on a couple occasions, especially when we cuddled since they have similar body builds...)

Overall though it was a good experience. I look forward to meeting him again, and even if it doesn't lead to anything beyond romantic, I could see a friendship with him. Right now, that's something I'll greatly appreciate.

I also took more phone pictures, which I'll post later when I feel like it :p

Oh, and for the record, we hugged after the date. I...don't think I hugged him before. But I don't recall honestly, lol.

Sounds like an adorable date idea. Good luck with future ones.


Y'know how some gay guys that don't tend to themselves at all and let themselves go in all ways, try to make it OK by passing themselves off as a "bear"? I feel like beards being popular has some guys thinking "Oh good. I don't have to practice basic hygiene on my face." And just let that bush retain all kinds of filth.

I wasn't serious so that's TMI please

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
What varied subjects! Do you have a favorite?

I think my favorite is when all of them combine. As of now, I'm trying to figure out what that could mean in the professional world.


Folks, on first dates...do you hug or shake hands? I think i'm a hand-shaker first and a hug-dealer after the date. BUt idk since its been a long time since a first date.

I either hug or do nothing. A handshake feels too business-like for me. A kiss is maybe possible.

Considering the stuff he's achieved as a doctor and the struggles he dealt with in the process of it, it was really disappointing to recently learn about Ben Carson's disregard for many aspects of equality, including the stuff in the recent topic in OT

Maybe I'm completely misguided about this, but I don't really like when people compare the two movements. I find it isn't very productive and ignores the issues that each movement faces and their unique histories (and the fact that they aren't even always separate). So...in that sense, I agree with the first part of Ben Carson's opinion. That said, I've read too many problematic quotes from him about LGBT issues (including that one) that I'm scared for what he would look like in office. If he gets the nomination, I'm going to have to have a long talk with some of my family members about why the things he says about queer issues are problems.



Folks, on first dates...do you hug or shake hands? I think i'm a hand-shaker first and a hug-dealer after the date. BUt idk since its been a long time since a first date.
I always try to shake hands first which ends up with me getting embarrassed and the other person trying to save the situation with a hug.

It once even ended in a kiss. :eek:

are you gerls excited for e3 this year?

I'm looking forward to some announcements from Bethesda and maybe Nintendo but that's about it.

Not really excited so far.


are you gerls excited for e3 this year?

they got me hooked on this stuff



Right, add me to the list of people finishing off school work. Just completed my surprisingly fun research project. I still need to proof read and submit it but I've essentially finished my second year of Uni now.


Anyone here lives in San Francisco that might be able to do me a favor? I have a friend recently had an article written about him in a local publication, but I can't seem to be able to obtain a copy online. So if someone is willing to obtain the magazine for me, I'd be happy to pay them for their trouble! Thanks!

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone here lives in San Francisco that might be able to do me a favor? I have a friend recently had an article written about him in a local publication, but I can't seem to be able to obtain a copy online. So if someone is willing to obtain the magazine for me, I'd be happy to pay them for their trouble! Thanks!

I live near SF, but not in it. I could keep my eyes open for it though. What's the publication and which issue?

You might have some luck in the SF BayGaf thread.


are you gerls excited for e3 this year?

Always excited. But this year I expect a super boring Sony conf where they talk about shit nobody but fanboys care about like sales and pointless numbers, then talk about non gaming stuff that are also boring, then maybe have or two interesting stuff.

I don't really expect anything great from Nintendo besides a Xenoblade X date.

MS could be fun.

Mildly excited for Bethesda's stuff.

Can't wait for the ridiculous fake cheering from EA's conf. Shit was hilarious last year.


irresponsible vagina leak
This is probably the year where I don't have single ounce of excitement for E3. Still watching but something is not the same as previous years I suppose.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Like always, I'm excited for E3, but all these pre-E3 announcements and leaks seem like they're going to take away from the actual event. They should just declare June E3 Month. It can exist alongside LGBT Pride Month.
Like always, I'm excited for E3, but all these pre-E3 announcements and leaks seem like they're going to take away from the actual event. They should just declare June E3 Month. It can exist alongside LGBT Pride Month.

Holy crap, I'm a terribad queer. Totally forgot it was pride-month! :O

Just checked, LA Pride is this weekend. Will go and check out the festivities.
Jon Horton was on American Ninja Warrior. He made it up the wall and hes only 5'1" and 125 lbs. The woman interviewing him after he cleared the course towered over him.



really want to see more from SW : Battle Front, my friend is the lead environment artist over at DICE so its awesome to see his work too :)


I wasn't that excited for E3. Then that The Last Guardian rumour popped up, followed by people talking about dicks in the gaf thread about it. So now I'm a bit excited.
I wasn't that excited for E3. Then that The Last Guardian rumour popped up, followed by people talking about dicks in the gaf thread about it. So now I'm a bit excited.

I was honestly ready to write the PS4 off and say fuck it, just go gaming PC+WiiU for this gen. (Most 3rd party stuff are putting out PC versions.) But, TLG, Wattam, and Uncharted 4 are keeping me from doing so.
I wasn't that excited for E3. Then that The Last Guardian rumour popped up, followed by people talking about dicks in the gaf thread about it. So now I'm a bit excited.

I always hope and think TLG might be at E3 each year but then nothing. I just don't know what to think anymore. :(
I don't actively follow E3 much anymore (IE watch the shows live) but I will look for announcements from my favorite avenues. I really want to see Rhythm Heaven Plus get an English announcement, and MAYBE Trails in the Sky SC with a release date (but that's too much to ask for I think). Persona 5 would be awesome but unlikely. Anything else, I'll take as it comes.

It has been too long since I went on a date.

You never did clarify if you felt anything for your fb turned fwb besides friendship y'know.

Seriously though, if it isn't there this year it's dead. Either way I need closure.

I want to believe, I really do! Who knows, they might actually surprise us this year. I do think if it isn't there, it's not gonna ever be there and they should just cancel it and admit they dun fucked up.


This is the most hope people have ever has for The Last Guardian because this is the highest concentration of credible rumors suggesting it will appear that we've had since announcement. I'm ready


Hi everyone, I was checking my email this morning and found myself with this shiny new account. And just in time for E3 to boot! I filled out that questionnaire thingamajig too.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? See above. Looking to move to Seattle after college.
How Old Are you? 19 years young.
Favorite Type of Music? J-Pop (Utada Hikaru, Namie Amuro, Perfume)
Profession or Career interest? Starting IT classes this fall after a dismal freshman year with an art major. Trying to start off on the right foot this time!
Favorite video game(s)? WoW, Hearthstone, Guild Wars 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Early morning runs, drawing (not as much as I'd like to be), and baking for the fam. I try to hit up Friday Night Magic every week as well.

Nice to meet you all! (v^‿^)


Hi everyone, I was checking my email this morning and found myself with this shiny new account. And just in time for E3 to boot! I filled out that questionnaire thingamajig too.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? See above. Looking to move to Seattle after college.
How Old Are you? 19 years young.
Favorite Type of Music? J-Pop (Utada Hikaru, Namie Amuro, Perfume)
Profession or Career interest? Starting IT classes this fall after a dismal freshman year with an art major. Trying to start off on the right foot this time!
Favorite video game(s)? WoW, Hearthstone, Guild Wars 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Early morning runs, drawing (not as much as I'd like to be), and baking for the fam. I try to hit up Friday Night Magic every week as well.

Nice to meet you all! (v^‿^)

Nice to meet ya!

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Hi everyone, I was checking my email this morning and found myself with this shiny new account. And just in time for E3 to boot! I filled out that questionnaire thingamajig too.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? See above. Looking to move to Seattle after college.
How Old Are you? 19 years young.
Favorite Type of Music? J-Pop (Utada Hikaru, Namie Amuro, Perfume)
Profession or Career interest? Starting IT classes this fall after a dismal freshman year with an art major. Trying to start off on the right foot this time!
Favorite video game(s)? WoW, Hearthstone, Guild Wars 2
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Early morning runs, drawing (not as much as I'd like to be), and baking for the fam. I try to hit up Friday Night Magic every week as well.

Nice to meet you all! (v^‿^)

Hello! Nice to meet you! Seattle is an cool choice for an eventual destination. Any particular reason(s) you want to move there?
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