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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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So hot dude who this whole week was super nice and caring and telling me sweet sweet things talked to me last night with a dry "hi" and after I inquired what happened he told me "I'm tired, please understand (yes I know) and dissappeared from the face of earth. byebitch.gif or not?


So hot dude who this whole week was super nice and caring and telling me sweet sweet things talked to me last night with a dry "hi" and after I inquired what happened he told me "I'm tired, please understand (yes I know) and dissappeared from the face of earth. byebitch.gif or not?

How long ago was it? Maybe he just needs a little disconnect time.


How long ago was it? Maybe he just needs a little disconnect time.
Around 6pmEST yesterday, there was something off about his dryness, I dunno, something doesn't feel right with him since the beginning, like he was too good to be true you know? Like when you feel people have some weird intentions by being so complacent. That made the heel turn feel more drastic, but it's the first time it's hapened to me and I'd love some gaf advice. For additional info we've been "dating" (as in, we're going out, with clear intentions but are not a couple) for 3 weeks aprox.
Have I mentioned how much I love it when strangers accidentally text me?

I fucking love it.


Clearer image of MetroPCS number:



I've just had a conversation with my father. We've been going through a lot of awful things lately and he told me that he is saddened by it and that he would be lost if I'm gone.

It saddens me too, but at the same time I'm angered because he doesn't realize that the only thing that I expect of him at this point is to accept my sexuality. I still can't get out of my head the moment I told him and the horrible words he told me that day, and the sad feelings get worse because he hasn't told me anything about it since that day.

He says that he loves me no matter what but he's not touching that topic ever again. It makes me feel bad because I already decided that once I'm economically independent, I'm getting as far as I can from him to not ever see him again.
I've just had a conversation with my father. We've been going through a lot of awful things lately and he told me that he is saddened by it and that he would be lost if I'm gone.

It saddens me too, but at the same time I'm angered because he doesn't realize that the only thing that I expect of him at this point is to accept my sexuality. I still can't get out of my head the moment I told him and the horrible words he told me that day, and the sad feelings get worse because he hasn't told me anything about it since that day.

He says that he loves me no matter what but he's not touching that topic ever again. It makes me feel bad because I already decided that once I'm economically independent, I'm getting as far as I can from him to not ever see him again.

How long has it been since you told him? Sometimes they come around after they get some time. (Or once reality is forced on them by seeing you with a serious partner and how happy you two are together)


Hunky Nostradamus
Inside Out was gooood. I had to keep blinking rapidly to prevent myself from being a teary mess towards the end. I'm not sure where I'd rank it yet among the Pixar films—it was not quite perfect for me—but I think I would place it pretty high. Lots of clever elements.

I saw it too.


I liked it, but it wasn't, like, a revelation for me. I'm kind of disappointed that it didn't resonate with me as much as I hoped it would. I don't really know how to articulate my issues with it.

People keep saying that it's like the first 15 minutes of UP stretched to an hour and a half, but I think that's giving the emotional stakes of Inside Out too much weight. (the first 15 minutes of) UP dealt with much broader yet more serious themes - life, death; love, loss - while Inside Out is basically
"girl becomes temporarily depressed and angsty because her family moves across country"
which isn't something that resonated with me very much if at all. (Not to mention the fact that both that and the general "growing up" themes were already covered pretty well in the Toy Story films) There is an emotional depth that is lacking in most other animated films, but it just...felt like it tried too hard? I guess? Like, a lot of it felt forced?

And despite some fantastically creative trappings, I thought the story itself was predictable and there was nothing in there that surprised me - it played out pretty much exactly the way I thought it would.

At this point my opinions are still forming (hence the edits:) but I wouldn't put it in Pixar's top tier. It is definitely better than most of their recent outings though.

Also, Lava was pretty but cloying. And the song wasn't very good either. One of my least favorite Pixar shorts.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I saw it too.


I liked it, but it wasn't, like, a revelation for me. I'm kind of disappointed that it didn't resonate with me as much as I hoped it would. I don't really know how to articulate my issues with it.

People keep saying that it's like the first 15 minutes of UP stretched to an hour and a half, but I think that's giving the emotional stakes of Inside Out too much weight. (the first 15 minutes of) UP dealt with much broader yet more serious themes - life, death; love, loss - while Inside Out is basically
"girl becomes temporarily depressed and angsty because her family moves across country"
which isn't something that resonated with me very much if at all. (Not to mention the fact that that material was already covered pretty well in the first Toy Story) There is an emotional depth that is lacking in most other animated films, but it just...felt like it tried too hard? I guess? Like, a lot of it felt forced?

And despite some fantastically creative trappings, I thought the story itself was predictable and there was nothing in there that surprised me - it played out pretty much exactly the way I thought it would.

I wouldn't put it in Pixar's top tier, but it is definitely better than most of their recent outings.

Also, Lava was pretty but cloying. And the song wasn't very good either. One of my least favorite Pixar shorts.

I see what you're saying.

Personally, the underlying theme
of change and growing up, as shown by the various changes in the brain and her increased emotional complexity by the end
hit me pretty hard,
but I'm a sucker for those kinds of stories, which is why Toy Story 3 KILLS me. Give me a kid, fictional or real, leaving behind their childhood and I die.

Interestingly, the first 15 minutes of Up had pretty much zero effect on me (even though everyone went crazy for it), so it's probably a matter of the different themes. Regardless, for people who haven't seen it, I wouldn't say Inside Out has that emotional intensity throughout; it really only hit me during one particular sequence, with another kind of doing it for me, too. The humor and creative/clever touches entertained me in the other sections.

I enjoyed LAVA, but I wouldn't say that I disagree with your description. It's very simple and cute, which kind of prevented it from being anything more than amusing. I appreciated it though.


Hunky Nostradamus
I've just had a conversation with my father. We've been going through a lot of awful things lately and he told me that he is saddened by it and that he would be lost if I'm gone.

That sounds pretty hopeful to me...!

It saddens me too, but at the same time I'm angered because he doesn't realize that the only thing that I expect of him at this point is to accept my sexuality. I still can't get out of my head the moment I told him and the horrible words he told me that day, and the sad feelings get worse because he hasn't told me anything about it since that day.

Have you ever considered telling him these things?

This is so cute and disheartening at the same time when you realize your dad will never do such a thing.

Yeah :(


Hunky Nostradamus
I see what you're saying.

Personally, the underlying theme
of change and growing up, as shown by the various changes in the brain and her increased emotional complexity by the end
hit me pretty hard,
but I'm a sucker for those kinds of stories, which is why Toy Story 3 KILLS me. Give me a kid, fictional or real, leaving behind their childhood and I die.

I think the thing that made the Toy Story films resonate with me so much more than Inside Out is that I grew up with them and also alongside Andy, so the themes that each film covered were that much more relevant to me because they were things I was experiencing and feeling too at the time. I'm not a little girl whose family moved across country so it's harder for me to relate to Inside Out, although I do still empathize with Riley on a basic level.

Regardless, for people who haven't seen it, I wouldn't say Inside Out has that emotional intensity throughout; it really only hit me during one particular sequence, with another kind of doing it for me, too. The humor and creative/clever touches entertained me in the other sections.

Agreed. Was the sequence that hit you the one with
Bing Bong and the rocket?
That was the only moment in the entire film that really "hit me" (still didn't cry though), which was surprising considering that I didn't even really
like or connect with that character in any of his other scenes.

I enjoyed LAVA, but I wouldn't say that I disagree with your description. It's very simple and cute, which kind of prevented it from being anything more than amusing. I appreciated it though.

I don't think Pixar has done anything like it before, so I at least appreciated the novelty of the premise.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I think the thing that made the Toy Story films resonate with me so much more than Inside Out is that I grew up with them and also alongside Andy, so the themes that each film covered were that much more relevant to me because they were things I was experiencing and feeling too at the time. I'm not a little girl whose family moved across country so it's harder for me to relate to Inside Out, although I do still empathize with Riley on a basic level.

I understand. With Toy Story 3, it released about a week after I graduated from high school and right as college began to really feel like it was on the horizon. I saw it three times in theaters, taking different groups of friends with the argument, "If you just finished high school and are headed to college this fall, you have to see this." That said, Riley's story still hit me, just because of how much of a sucker I am for the themes I described before.

Agreed. Was the sequence that hit you the one with
Bing Bong and the rocket?
That was the only moment in the entire film that really "hit me" (still didn't cry though), which was surprising considering that I didn't even really
like or connect with that character in any of his other scenes.

The scene you suggested was my "kind of" scene. I'm totally with you though:
I was surprised by my reaction to Bing Bong because I had pretty much zero attachment to him leading up to that moment.
The scene that nearly turned me into a mess was
when Joy handed Sadness all of the core memories and they flashed up on the screen/when Sadness takes control and Riley cries. Thinking back on it, I'm a bit surprised by my reaction, since we're not seeing anything new at all with the memories. But I think what they were suggesting—that happy memories can become sad ones when you realize they are only memories and are stuck in the past—hit me so hard in so many ways, had me reflecting on lots of personal moments and regrets from my childhood, that I nearly lost it, despite having never moved.
I could see how not everyone would react that way though because it's probably my narrative Achilles heal.
Geeze, writing about this now, I felt a small surge of emotion again. I'm weak. Lolz.

I don't think Pixar has done anything like it before, so I at least appreciated the novelty of the premise.

The closest thing I could think of was The Incredibles's Boundin' (because of the song) and maybe Monster University's The Blue Umbrella (because of the love story).


Gosh. tonight I remembered why I hate drama seakers at grad school in Skype.

Who gets off at someone else's real life issues ? :/


During a conference call, Santorum was asked what he would do as president about the fact that “our children are being forced to accept lifestyles that are totally against our values.” The caller went on to ask why “our government allows people that hurt children by way of child molestation” to impose their beliefs on others.

Right Wing Watch has obtained a recording. In it, Santorum wastes no time answering the question: “That’s one of the reasons why I talk about the importance of focusing on the nuclear family.”
He then added that the next president should focus on fighting for the rights of innocent children and ensuring they are raised by two parents of the opposite sex. None of this two dads or two moms or single moms or single dads business.

Good thing this douchenozzle is never becoming president, right?


Yesterday was shit.

Last night was shittier.

This morning was a little better.

Now it's shit again.

In short, I hate weekends. And anxiety. And people.


I feel kind of bad as I want to get another artist to design a cover for me for Seasonals, (my two year brain child book) but I love the art from the first artist I went to who actually captured my idea for my characters. Should I feel bad getting another artist?


Just watched Inside Out by myself because boyfriend didn't want to watch it, it's emotionally taxing. I'm glad I was alone, cried so fucking much.


I saw it too.


I liked it, but it wasn't, like, a revelation for me. I'm kind of disappointed that it didn't resonate with me as much as I hoped it would. I don't really know how to articulate my issues with it.

People keep saying that it's like the first 15 minutes of UP stretched to an hour and a half, but I think that's giving the emotional stakes of Inside Out too much weight. (the first 15 minutes of) UP dealt with much broader yet more serious themes - life, death; love, loss - while Inside Out is basically
"girl becomes temporarily depressed and angsty because her family moves across country"
which isn't something that resonated with me very much if at all. (Not to mention the fact that both that and the general "growing up" themes were already covered pretty well in the Toy Story films) There is an emotional depth that is lacking in most other animated films, but it just...felt like it tried too hard? I guess? Like, a lot of it felt forced?

And despite some fantastically creative trappings, I thought the story itself was predictable and there was nothing in there that surprised me - it played out pretty much exactly the way I thought it would.

At this point my opinions are still forming (hence the edits:) but I wouldn't put it in Pixar's top tier. It is definitely better than most of their recent outings though.

Also, Lava was pretty but cloying. And the song wasn't very good either. One of my least favorite Pixar shorts.

Doesn't hit home with me either. I watched the trailers many times and couldn't figure out what exactly about the film is sad or emotional. What's the premise of the film anyways? Seems like it's all over the place.

she's sad because she moves across the country and she's growing up?
Meh... :p

Thanks for saving me 16 bucks~
I'm underwear/j-strap/tank-top/short shopping mood right now.

Why is everything too expensive. Poop
It's a terrible rabbit hole to fall down when you have no money. Too many things bookmarked for later purchase.

The good ones are always so expensive tho, yeah.


I saw Inside Out last night and absolutely loved it.

Doesn't hit home with me either. I watched the trailers many times and couldn't figure out what exactly about the film is sad or emotional. What's the premise of the film anyways? Seems like it's all over the place.

she's sad because she moves across the country and she's growing up?
Meh... :p

Thanks for saving me 16 bucks~

Well, there's your problem.

$16 for tickets? I only spent $10 and could have spent $7-something if I'd gone earlier!



That's his way of pivoting and saying "yeah i understand completely" to the voter without saying he agrees or disagrees and changes the subject. He's pretty much as right-wing as you can get in terms of policies on social values but he can be smart with how he dances around questions.

Last go-round he stole a victory in Iowa and I think won one other state but he isn't that viable a candidate, especially with so many hard-hitters in the field with him. He's always been that way, the strange thing about this election cycle however is that he's seen as middle of the pact in terms of republican craziness because there are just so many clowns running.


Hunky Nostradamus
The scene that nearly turned me into a mess was
when Joy handed Sadness all of the core memories and they flashed up on the screen/when Sadness takes control and Riley cries. Thinking back on it, I'm a bit surprised by my reaction, since we're not seeing anything new at all with the memories. But I think what they were suggesting—that happy memories can become sad ones when you realize they are only memories and are stuck in the past—hit me so hard in so many ways, had me reflecting on lots of personal moments and regrets from my childhood, that I nearly lost it, despite having never moved.
I could see how not everyone would react that way though because it's probably my narrative Achilles heal.
Geeze, writing about this now, I felt a small surge of emotion again. I'm weak. Lolz.

That was probably the best part of the movie for me, even though it wasn't the most emotional. I loved seeing
mixed emotion memories pop up at the end - the idea that a memory can be both sad and joyful. The depiction of budding emotional maturity was really well done.

The closest thing I could think of was The Incredibles's Boundin' (because of the song) and maybe Monster University's The Blue Umbrella (because of the love story).

Yeah, those ones are pretty similar, but I feel like they both were executed better than Lava was.

It's Kater's birthday today.
Happy birthday Kater! :)

Happy Birthday Kater!

No, I'm not bringing up the subject, he has to do it because as of right now I know he's heavily opposed.

Whatever you think is best!

I watched the trailers many times and couldn't figure out what exactly about the film is sad or emotional.

It deals with a lot of the same themes as the Toy Story films, so if you've seen any of them that should give you a good idea of what emotional beats Inside Out hits.

HippieHobo said:
What's the premise of the film anyways? Seems like it's all over the place.

Riley is a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl, but her world turns upside-down when
she and her parents move to San Francisco. Riley's emotions -- led by Joy -- try to guide her through this difficult, life-changing event. However, the stress of the move brings Sadness to the forefront. When Joy and Sadness are inadvertently swept into the far reaches of Riley's mind, the only emotions left in Headquarters are Anger, Fear and Disgust.

There are three main storylines all running concurrently - Riley's experiences in the real world;
Joy and Sadness' quest to make their way back to Headquarters; Anger, Fear, and Disgust's attempts to manage things at HQ while Joy is away.

The first storyline is pretty straightforward and this:

HippieHobo said:
she's sad because she moves across the country and she's growing up?

about sums it up. The second storyline provides the first with more depth and richness, while also serving as the typical cartoony
adventure road trip romp

The third storyline gets the short shrift and is mainly played for laughs.

It is a bit messy but it mostly works.


The character design in Drakengard 3 though.

He is actually wearing pants in that second pose, even though they look like assless chaps.

(i'm reading through TheDarkID's playthrough of it. The Drakengard games seems like something I'd hate playing, but someone else playing through it and relaying that crazy ass story and setting is just awesome. I DID play NieR though. gosh that was a depressing game)


I forgot that my best female friend had her birthday today and now I feel bad about it :(

What should I do to make up for it? Considering I won't be seeing her until August :/

Edit: ohhhh

Happy Birthday gatito :)


Thanks guys for the cats and the Khajiit hottie (needs texture mods tho, upgrade that hunk).

I forgot that my best female friend had her birthday today and now I feel bad about it :(

What should I do to make up for it? Considering I won't be seeing her until August :/

Edit: ohhhh

Happy Birthday gatito :)

Just spend some good time with her, do something that you both enjoy. Maybe a bicycle tour or some theme park if you have one there. Or just do something like a BBQ evening on a nice sunny evening. (That's what I'd do, anyway. :D)

And thanks for the birthday wishes, dari. ^w^
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