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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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Home Depot is my one stop shop.

I need to put that game back on my Vita. Thanks for the reminder. Also, props to you for liking it; so many people hate on it. Makes me a sad panda.

I still have a hard time understanding why the game got so much hate. It really isn't that bad. But you know, most of the hate comes from those who didn't even play the game or put it down after one hour of gameplay.

And the story, well, as long as you pretend that the normal ending is the real ending, it's a very cute story!


I just watched "The Guest". Damn, I'm so hot and bothered now after seeing Dan Stevens in this film. God damn, he's so awesome and hot (DON'T HIGHLIGHT IF YOU HAVEN't SEEN THE FILM)
and psychotic


Bailey 87

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay when sober. Bi when drunk
Where Are You From? Wolverhampton England
Where Do You Live? London England
How Old Are you? 27
Favorite Type of Music? HipHop baby
Profession or Career interest? Instagram whore/Queen of the Skype chat
Favorite video game(s)? GTAV, Witcher 2, Battlefield 4
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Gaf


Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Bi
Where Are You From? Nova Scotia
Where Do You Live? Nova Scotia
How Old Are you? 21
Favorite Type of Music?I don't really single out a genre, I just listen to whatever.
Favorite video game(s)? Monster Hunter, Zelda, and Mario are my top 3.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? I don't have any.

Welcome!! You really don't have any hobbies? I don't believe that... >.>

I tried to follow the last thread but I can't get on gaf everyday, :p also I tend to just read the messages one after the other without looking who's posting so I still don't recognize most posters but whatever. I'll try to post more this time.

I'll do the IBQ in the meantime.

The IBQ™

Your gender? -Male
Your sexual orientation? - Gay
Where Are You From? - Acapulco, Mexico
Where Do You Live? - Acapulco
How Old Are you? - 31
Favorite Type of Music? - Alternative, Rock, Classic rock
Profession or Career interest? - I work in the family business producing and selling ornate plants.
Favorite video game(s)? - Rythm games in general, far cry series, mass effect, dragon age
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? - I watch lots of tv and sing lots of karaoke in my house. :p

You live in Acapulco, nice! Living in a paradise huh? All the tourists and the shirtless guys... :p

Urgh, forgot my login details and now I can't see the nsfw art.

Thanks though, Chief Detective Hours Left. :3

Conchita <3

I love Conchita!! <3

Your gender - Male
Your sexual orientation - Gay
Where Are You From - Florida
Where Do You Live - Florida
How Old Are you - 34
Favorite Type of Music - Videogames
Profession or Career interest - Military
Favorite video game(s) - Dragon's Dogma, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Rez, Ys: Oath in Felghana, Mass Effect 2, Phantasy Star 4
What are your hobbies (other than gaming) - Smoking food, listening to music, minor bits of gardening, working out (see below for target physique)


That's my target too! hahaha...
like I'll ever get there (-__-)

Your gender?

Your sexual orientation?
Straight - very low sex drive/bordering on Asexual/it's complicated

Where Are You From?
Northampton, Massachusetts

Where Do You Live?
Meriden, Connecticut

How Old Are you?

Favorite Type of Music?
Don't listen to music

Profession or Career interest?
Bachelor's Mathematics, Master's Education, most of the coursework of a PhD Education...
Now going back for a Master's IT, hoping to get into something Computer Science/Programming/Development-related

Favorite video game(s)?
Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, SNES RPGs in general, and others

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Other than gaming? What do you mean? >.>
Well, prior to 2013, I didn't have time for much else other than schoolwork, and trying to pretend to be a decent husband.
No more school now, so much more time for GAF. Does GAF count as a hobby? >.>
Oh yeah, I like Baseball too

Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I'll check back in tomorrow...

Yay Terri!! Great to have you back! :D How are you doing?

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual/Pansexual/hoominsarehawt
Where Are You From? Canada
Where Do You Live? British Columbia
How Old Are you? 24
Favorite Type of Music? Folk pop or something like dat?
Profession or Career interest? Writing
Favorite video game(s)? Dota 2, Minecraft, Civilization, Left 4 Dead
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading, writing

O:: o: You play Civ V? I have 320+ hours into that game. Haven't gotten Beyond Earth, I see reviews on Steam are mixed. Do you have BE and what other civ games? Fun story: for some reason when I checked my steam library, Civilization IV was added to my games, and I have no idea why, or how it got there. I discovered Civilization V by accident when browsing through youtube looking for music and stumbled upon Video Game's live "Baba Yetu" and discovered the awesomeness of Civ games. :D

First time posting in one of these threads, so hey everyone :)

Your gender? -Male
Your sexual orientation? -Bisexual
Where Are You From? -New Mexico
Where Do You Live? -Las Cruces
How Old Are you? -20
Favorite video game(s)? -Halo, Mario Kart, Forza, Mortal Kombat
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? -Hiking, cruising, programming, dating ;)

Hi Birdy, welcome! You like programming as a hobby, nice! I love MK, are you excited for MK X?

Hopefully I'll contribute more, I've rarely posted in any of the past threads. Mostly because I'm kind of boring.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Washington state
Where Do You Live? Same as above
How Old Are you? 29, nearing gay death.
Favorite Type of Music? Top 40 I guess, mostly Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey
Profession or Career interest? In general Computer Science(still finishing)
Favorite video game(s)? Pretty much anything Nintendo, Fable related, or RPG's in general.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? cooking, comic book movies, and hiking, which i live in the perfect area after all. :)

What kind of RPG's do you like? JRPG's? Action RPG's? Welcome!! ^.^

I never did fill this out some OT's ago

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? A dirty straight
Where Are You From? Merica!
Where Do You Live? Houston
How Old Are you? Double digits
Favorite Type of Music? Psy-Trance
Favorite video game(s)? FreeCell
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Pretending to be a writer

Intruder alert!!! jk :p

You like to write, hmmm.... What kind of writing do you do? Welcome! :)

Oh, hey. TIL this thread exists.

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Are You From? The seventh level of hell Arizona
Where Do You Live? See above
How Old Are you? Double digits, leaving it at that
Favorite Type of Music? Anything but rap
Profession or Career interest? Graphic artist, currently masquerading as an unemployed freelancer
Favorite video game(s)? Persona 4 Golden, Final Fantasy IX, and Space Channel 5
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading, writing crappy stories that form in my head at 2 AM, being generally fabulous and/or sarcastic.

Great OT, Mr. Hobo.

Thank you! Welcome!! :)

Another writer, yay!! :D What kind of writing do you do?

Hello everyone! I've been lurking around here for a long time but decided it's about time I actually introduced myself and interacted with you lot.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Sweden
Where Do You Live? In my new apartment
How Old Are you? 22
Favorite Type of Music? I don't really have any preference as long as it doesn't involve rap (particularly of the swedish variety) or growling
Profession or Career interest? Studying medicine, with the hope of becoming a pediatrician
Favorite video game(s)? All time favourite is Majora's Mask. Other than that I enjoy anything Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Smash Bros, The Secret World, Metroid, Pokémon, Mario, Fallout, Dragon Age and similar games
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Theme parks, reading, animated Disney classics, LEGO, taking daytrips out at sea (either by sailboat or motorboat)

Congrats for your new apartment, and welcome! ^_^

Your gender? Male

Your sexual orientation? Bisexual

Where Are You From? Michigan

Where Do You Live? Mount Pleasant, MI (Central Michigan University) during the school year. Warren, MI when I'm at home.

How Old Are you? 24

Favorite Type of Music? Video game music and some pop stuff I guess.

Profession or Career interest? Currently majoring in Psychology at CMU. Once I get by B.S. though, I'm not quite sure yet what I'd like to do next. I'm mostly leaning towards going into a School Counseling program so I can become a high school guidance counselor (leaning towards this precisely because I didn't know what I wanted to do with myself at all during the bulk of my life so I think that I'd love to be able to help people in the same position that I was to figure things out). I'm also definitely tossing around the idea of being a School Psychologist though, as well as a few other related ideas. We'll see what happens, I guess.

Favorite video game(s)? Super Mario Galaxy (2), Kid Icarus: Uprising, The World Ends With You, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy XII

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Unfortunately, nothing really much at the moment--I barely even play games at the moment (only really played three games last year: DKC: Tropical Freeze, Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and Captain Toad). Combination of not having much time or money or anything right now, especially the latter. Would really love to get into and learn how to cook a bunch of stuff, and both archery and camping really catch my interest to some degree or another, but I just need to find the time and money to actually do something about that stuff first.

Welcome!! Cooking is awesome! :)

Hello alphabetGAF :D

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Mexico
Where Do You Live? Monterrey,Mexico
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Mostly pop(and any variation, like Kpop), electro and videogame
Profession or Career interest? Engineer
Favorite video game(s)? Granado Espada, Metroid Prime (also Echoes and Corruption), Chrono Trigger, Smash Bros., Bayonetta, Fallout. Too many to list, would be easier to list series I like.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Working out, dancing, singing (I don't know how to sing, but I do it anyway) and probably learning, I try to just keep busy looking for new things to do.

Another Mexican Gay Gaffer, yay!! We're gonna take over :D and another singer. Welcome! ^_^


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Chicago
Where Do You Live? Chicago :D
How Old Are you? 22
Favorite Type of Music? EDM/pop
Profession or Career interest? Nurse Practitioner, currently a student nurse :)
Favorite video game(s)? Mass Effect Trilogy, Ninja gaiden <3
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Uhm idk. Working out, running, dancing/going out. And a whole bunch of other stuff

I love otters.



lmao I win

Edit: let me fill out this quiz

Your gender?
Male! He/Him/His
Your sexual orientation?
Where Are You From?
Chicago :)
Where Do You Live?
How Old Are you?
Favorite Type of Music?
Profession or Career interest?
I hate school so nothing
Favorite video game(s)?
Halo 3!
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
I DJ and produce my own music :)


Hey I didn't know there was a fellow Finnish gay GAFer here! :p Cool!


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Finland
Where Do You Live? Helsinki, Finland
How Old Are you? 25
Favorite Type of Music? Pop, indie and movie soundtracks mostly
Profession or Career interest? Graphic designer
Favorite video game(s)? Zelda, Phoenix Wright, Uncharted, Shadow of the Colossus, etc.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading, drawing, trying to keep bf happy :p

How hard is it trying to keep the bf happy? :p

Another Uncharted fan, yay!! Welcome. :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Wales, UK
Where Do You Live? ^
How Old Are you? 20
Favourite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Retail
Favourite video game(s)? FFX, FFXII, KH, TLOU, R&C
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Watching movies/TV shows, reading (though not much in recent times)

Random question, do you speak Welsh? and yes to TLOU!!! because of Troy Baker <3

Welcome. ^.^

On the subject of books/media, I highly recommend Jeanette Winterson - her first novel, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, is one of the most brilliant books I have ever read. It's the semi-autobiographical story of her childhood and adolescence (she was adopted and raised by evangelical missionaries, and had to come to terms with her identity as a lesbian). This was made into a BBC series in the early 90s - you can find it on DVD.

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Bisexual
Where Do You Live? Australia
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Many kinds, but I particularly like chillout (Zero 7's "Simple Things" album being a prime example)
Profession or Career interest? Science
Favorite video game(s)? Okami, Zelda series, Xenoblade Chronicles
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Drawing, painting, photography

I may have heard of Jeanette's book, I'll definitely take a look at it. What kind of science are you interested in?

Welcome to the madness :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay (Nun)
Where Are You From? Scotland, UK
Where Do You Live? London BABY!
How Old Are you? 26
Favourite Type of Music? Erm... Michael Jackson, Nightwish and a whole spectrum of shit in between. Currently obsessing over the new Fall Out Boy album. (I also have a very embarrassing addiction to Galaxy Supernova by Girls Generation)
Profession or Career interest? Actor (earning pennies by slumming it as a waiter in fancy hotels)
Favourite video game(s)? Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Devil May Cry, Mortal Kombat.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading, Movies, Netflix, Swiping left on tinder.

Oh and..... SELFIES

Yup, we love selfies! :p What does swiping left on tinder mean? o:

Your gender? Male

Your sexual orientation? Gay

Where Are You From? Texas

Where Do You Live? Texas

How Old Are you? 38

Favorite Type of Music? God's music

Profession or Career interest?

Favorite video game(s)? Assassin's Creed, GTA V, Infamous: Second Son

What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Tumblring hot dudes.


Welcome back Robido! :)

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay when sober. Bi when drunk
Where Are You From? Wolverhampton England
Where Do You Live? London England
How Old Are you? 27
Favorite Type of Music? HipHop baby
Profession or Career interest? Instagram whore/Queen of the Skype chat
Favorite video game(s)? GTAV, Witcher 2, Battlefield 4
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Reading Gaf

Witcher 2 is so underrated. I cannot talk about GTAV since I'm still waiting for the PC version ;_;

Reading Gaf is also one of my hobbies, lol.


Everyone thank you for coming to this thread! Don't hesitate to post in here, and don't be intimidated (I know my thirst can be intimidating at times) :p

Thank you all, and Welcome to the madness! ^_^
Your gender?
Your sexual orientation?
A gay homosexual
Where Are You From?
Where Do You Live?
In between the end of NYC a the tip of LI NY (figure out the rest :p )
How Old Are you?
22-Oooh ohhh....(sorry :/)
Favorite Type of Music?
1930-70 Jazz 60-70 soul/funk/disco 80-90 hip hop and RnB. And a ton of modern music from all generes. And plenty of OSTs from every generation and forms of media.
Profession or Career interest?
BA in being a college student. Masters in listening to peoples BS for money (service/retail)
Favorite video game(s)?
DKC series, Chrono Trigger, TWEWY, Pokemon series( just lots of Nintendo tbh).
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?
Going out to eat, Driving(i know..), chatter, Netflix binge. Being a complete dork lol

I feel like this is almost like a Dating profile what we're all writing lol
I wanna do this thing

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Ally
Where Are You From? Mexico
Where Do You Live? Arizona
How Old Are you? 17
Favorite Type of Music? Pop
Profession or Career interest? Nothing tbh
Favorite video game(s)? Kingdom Hearts 2, TWEWY, SSB4
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Tumblr
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