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LGBTQIA+ :)OT6(: We’re taking over -- first the alphabet, then the world!

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Would eat guacamole with tortilla chips out of.


O:: o: You play Civ V? I have 320+ hours into that game. Haven't gotten Beyond Earth, I see reviews on Steam are mixed. Do you have BE and what other civ games? Fun story: for some reason when I checked my steam library, Civilization IV was added to my games, and I have no idea why, or how it got there. I discovered Civilization V by accident when browsing through youtube looking for music and stumbled upon Video Game's live "Baba Yetu" and discovered the awesomeness of Civ games. :D
I have about 405 hours into Civ V, it's a great game that gets even better with its Gods & Kings and Brave New World expansions. I have played IV, and III before that (stacks suck).

Haven't played Beyond Earth, and I admit I've been put off by the mixed reviews and by how closely it stuck to the V formula. I don't need to purchase another game to experience V all over again when I already have the given thing at hand :p

Favourite civs and wonders and the like? I'm in love with strong water civs like England, Carthage, Venice, Byzantium, and I like wonders like the Great Lighthouse and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.


Thank you! Welcome!! :)

Another writer, yay!! :D What kind of writing do you do?
Usually original little stories just to exercise my writing brain, sometimes fanfic if I'm interested in a series or franchise enough to do so. Most of them will never see the light of day because they're silly.


I love Civ 5 as well!

Steam shows that I've played for 1880 hours. Yikes.

Makes sense though. I can get home from work on a Friday afternoon, nap, start a Civ game at 7PM on Friday night.. and the next time I look up at the clock, it's 2AM on a Monday morning and I have to be up for work in 4 hours. It's a scary game in that way.

No interest in Beyond Earth. 5 is probably going to be my main Civ game for years. Like the Elder Scrolls games, I can play on Civ 5 forever because of moddability - and map creations!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I did photoshop the bandage onto him, since his wrist was injured at the time.
646 hours of Civ5!

Beyond Earth is.. I dunno, I think I'll wait for Civ6.. but I'll likely need a new computer for it.


So excited that others here like that game.

Mr. F

LGBTQIA+ Civ V league please thanks.

Haven't played much of Beyond Earth but it's okay so far, certain it'll get better with expansions to flesh it out as with Civ V. Either way I'll keep playing Firaxis strategy games as long as they make them. Can't. Wait. For. Starships.


Your gender? Dude/bro
Your sexual orientation? Super gay
Where Are You From? Tarnaveni, Romania
Where Do You Live? Morgantown, West Virginia
How Old Are you? 23
Favorite Type of Music? EDM
Profession or Career interest? I wanna be a hospital administrator, a management consultant, or do marketing for something I like like a tv show or music
Favorite video game(s)? That's too hard. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 9/10, Tales of Vesperia are a few, but there's too many others and I don't feel like listing series cuz that's too much too.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? being lazy hueheue


Finally caught up with the thread.

For the whole list by berzeli, refer here.

Thanks for the shout-out and nice work with the thread. But I'm kind of sad to not have the documentaries in this OT, a lot of them (and I really mean a lot) are worth watching.

Black Gay Movies:

Thanks for the list, will give it a look. But I noticed you didn't say whether Noah's Arc was actually good or "good for being on Logo"-good, just that it was popular. ;)

Would eat guacamole with tortilla chips out of.

Uuuh, you might want to opt for another image, or are we allowed to post images of people in underwear with visible bulges now? I never got the hang of what was allowed.

That sucks. Wonder why he was banned.

He was acting a bit like an asshat in the Wikipedia-gamergate thread, not sure if that is what got him though. Can't say I'm sorry to see him go.
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