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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Internship went well. They seemed impressed and easily impressed in general so it should be fine. I was pleased with how tech savvy they all are for being all near 50.

Also going to dinner tonight with the new friends.
Would you take the last name of the person youre marrying? Would you hyphenate it? Ive never liked my last name and it sounds ridiculous when paired with another name. I could change my legal name by moving my middle name but thatvsounds crazy. But its not like gays or anyone for that matter must or should follow tradition.

I've always told my friends I'd take the last name of my spouse because mine is a bit French so it isn't obvious how to pronounce it or spell it. As you might see from my username, I like 1 syllable so if I could become a Mr. Smith I'd love it. Changing to a spouse's name would just be a great excuse to change it to the aesthetic I like on a name.

That said, if there's is more syllables or more complicated, then no. I want the cooler, simpler last name option.

I was just about to go to bed...

Oh and have fun with your friends!

Best of luck tomorrow! I know you're gonna go it!



My last name is really short and cool. I like it; I share it with my bros. I think I'd want to keep it. Might hyphenate though.


Would you take the last name of the person youre marrying? Would you hyphenate it? Ive never liked my last name and it sounds ridiculous when paired with another name. I could change my legal name by moving my middle name but thatvsounds crazy. But its not like gays or anyone for that matter must or should follow tradition.

i totally would. hyphenated last names are awesome, and my girl's last name sounds cool. my mom hyphenated her last name with my dad's and it sounded cool as well. i just have a cool hyphenate-able last name.
I think I feel like giving up my last name would feel like giving away a part of my identity (it isn't that common, and I like my family, even if the name is just patrilineal), and hyphenating two family names would become too much of a mouthful. I don't know how I'd actually feel if posed with that choice though.


Would you take the last name of the person youre marrying? Would you hyphenate it? Ive never liked my last name and it sounds ridiculous when paired with another name. I could change my legal name by moving my middle name but thatvsounds crazy. But its not like gays or anyone for that matter must or should follow tradition.

I hate my last name. Both in general and because it belongs to my homophobic, alcoholic father who I don't speak to. If my future husband (knock on wood ;_;) for whatever reason wanted to take on my last name, then I would have us hyphenate (as I will always gladly respect the wishes of my partner to the extent possible), but otherwise I would just take his.
Oooo! If I saw you in that outfit, I'd feel very compelled to tell you the truth because I'd be afraid that you'd know when I was lying. Great job with the costume!


Ha, that's great.
Thanks friends!! :) i was actually really happy too because I found a Juniper Woods shortly after getting there <3!

Where is the bandage though?

Hahaha I know!! I never got around to doing the bandage cosplay ;_; I'm sorry!


I usually use that to determine who bottoms but this works too.

How was your date with the guy?

How did it go? Yay or nay?

Internship went well. They seemed impressed and easily impressed in general so it should be fine. I was pleased with how tech savvy they all are for being all near 50.

Also going to dinner tonight with the new friends.

I've always told my friends I'd take the last name of my spouse because mine is a bit French so it isn't obvious how to pronounce it or spell it. As you might see from my username, I like 1 syllable so if I could become a Mr. Smith I'd love it. Changing to a spouse's name would just be a great excuse to change it to the aesthetic I like on a name.

That said, if there's is more syllables or more complicated, then no. I want the cooler, simpler last name option.


Glad to hear it went well!

Also, I was meant to write "you're gonna kill it" but my phone auto corrected to "you're gonna go it."

How was your date with the guy?

How did it go? Yay or nay?

Glad to hear it went well!

Also, I was meant to write "you're gonna kill it" but my phone auto corrected to "you're gonna go it."


Thanks for asking. It went really well. Hes a really sweet guy and we both had a good time. We may end up doing something Sunday.
Internship went well. They seemed impressed and easily impressed in general so it should be fine. I was pleased with how tech savvy they all are for being all near 50.

I hope you like silver daddies.

No seriously, congrats.I'm sure it'll be a huge learning experience. Here's to landing bigger and brighter things down the line.


I will, thank you.

Yeah, it's much more "pure" and focused than the Telltale games and I think that really works to its advantage. Atmosphere and decision-making prioritized with zero garbage QTEs. I also think the time mechanic is a pretty brilliant addition to this genre - it seems like it should have been obvious all along, but it really deepens the experience when you can watch the (immediate) consequences of even the smallest decisions, and change course if you feel it necessary. Although nobody seems to actually remember ha, Dontnod's last game "Remember Me" also had a great use of time manipulation along with brilliant atmospherics, decent platforming and very blah combat.

On the strength of episode 3 alone I think my favorite of this style of game may actually be Kentucky Route Zero, though, if'n that's ever goddamned finished... but it is significantly weirder and more surreal than anything else in that vein.
A friend of mine actually played their last game and liked it a lot. The game that nobody remembers. He was also the one that first recommended LiS to me. <3

Man, what a shame when something is left unfinished. Did the dev run out of money or ideas to put into this game somehow? I saw the game last year a couple times on sale but now it's been unmentioned for a while and apparently abandoned. Such a shame.

Edit: Top of the page again lmao


Michael Fassbender this time



(I kinda ship those two, hehe)
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