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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's more like guys have no idea how to take care of long hair so it always ends up disgusting.


Okay. It's not as short as you might be thinking, but that's pretty short for me :[ Plus it looks shorter from behind. I'm overall not pleased. Also, excuse the 3DS selfie.

This is like mid-2000s Pete Wentz aka not short at all.
It's more like guys have no idea how to take care of long hair so it always ends up disgusting.

There's not a big difference between hair on guys who don't cut it because they are careless and have poor taste and those who intentionally grow it out for style. Men aren't gonna do much with their long hair in general so it all looks similarly unflattering and unkempt to me. Get on the A-list movie star haircuts GAF.

ooph not that I can quite hit that stride, but try y'all


It's too long

Who would ever say this?



Wow, there's no need to be rude about it. I don't like MGS! :p

I told you the shorter the better when it comes to men's hair. Dodge the Kojima comparisons breh (no offense Kojima as I'm playing MGS V tonight but not playing with that hairstyle)


irresponsible vagina leak
Wow, there's no need to be rude about it. I don't like MGS! :p

I dont like MGS either but the hair and glasses combo reminds me of him. I dont mind Kojima but I find the fanbase to be a bit absurd at times. BTW that wasn't said as something negative.


I told you the shorter the better when it comes to men's hair. Dodge the Kojima comparisons breh (no offense Kojima as I'm playing MGS V tonight but not playing with that hairstyle)
...I still want longer hair :p Maybe if not as long as in that pic.

I dont like MGS either but the hair and glasses combo reminds me of him. I dont mind Kojima but I find the fanbase to be a bit absurd at times. BTW that wasn't said as something negative.
Yeah, I was just kidding, lol.


You sure were in that vinyl thread.

You seem to do this when you don't like something.

I suppose in text it can be hard to catch the lightness but I didn't edit the post because it frankly seems echoed throughout that thread that vinyl is a lot of fashion and hobby, not "really worth it" in a quality sense like I felt OP was getting at. It's just one of those impractical passion buys, worth it only if you care about trying to get something intentionally made in smaller, yet still mass produced, machine batches these days.

And I'm not sure what other examples you've got in mind but I'll say generally when I go full force with a "nah, [this thing] is the way to be" I don't expect any heavy influence so it's just lighthearted, if honest, smack posting and I at least try to dodge going into cursing and cruder wording like "sucks" and "is awful" about widely liked stuff that I happen to dislike

TLDR: no offense


^ The reddit comments were all "who cares", "upvote me because I'm gay", "this is not Facebook", "can you imagine if it had been the other way around? Someone who accepted christ and became straight. It'd be downvoted to hell", etc.


I'm genuinely curious. I know he isn't really a college kid just a model
Pietro Boselli was a college kid though (and a teacher!), proving that if you're extremely lucky, college can bring you closer to world class hunks.





He's my favorite. Well, one of my favorites. Top 10 for sure. Those last two pics destroy me.


sexualities + mythical creatures

  • homosexual: 20th century vampires (prey on the same gender with manipulation based on empathy and understanding)
  • heterosexual: satyrs (obtain a woodland companion of a different gender)
  • bisexual: sprites (mischievous; can take a liking to members of two different genders, as well as two different species, often faerie and human)
  • demisexual: mermaids (typically pretty deadly but can eventually take a liking to a potential victim and spare them a drowning death)
  • pansexual: succubi/incubi (fully willing to sleep with humans of any gender, for soul-stealing purposes)
  • asexual: sirens (feign attraction to sailors but actually feel only bloodlust)

Why vampires. :(

Pansexual and Asexual get to be the best mythical creatures, it's not fair!



Hunky Nostradamus
try working out your tricep to build some strength (y)


What do you mean the wrong way?

in the video that guy said there's a right way to do push ups and a wrong way. i figure im doing them the wrong way

I can do five Spiderman push ups but each side counts as one, so it's equivalent to 10. Same for another type of push ups where you bring your feet and your leg to your hand. Don't know what they're called but this dude showed me and they were really difficult at first.

I can do 10 diamond pushups but I don't think I'm doing them right. As for regular pushups z I can do 15 with a 35 lbs plate on my back, but again, I don't think I'm doing them right.

spidermans and diamonds are killer -__-

If you can do 20 push ups then congratulations!

That's a lot. Not a lot of people can do that many. I think that's as many as I can do.

But keep at it Ratsky! Just a couple of months ago I could not do a single pushup. I started doing them on my knees first.

thanx, yeah, last year i couldn't even do 1 either. i tried but my arms gave out like wobbly pieces of spaghetti and i fell on my face (even though i was alone in my bedroom i still couldn't manage to escape the indignity of it all). after that i tried the knee kind and eventually worked my way up.
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