Sorry, no.B-b-buuut but but! it's all about preferences and it has nothing to do with racism! Why do we have to be so politically correct!?
Besides, I'm not racist - I think some non-white guys can be cute too!
Sorry, no.
"Looking for friends/chat - NO LATINOS!!!" is one thing, but there's nothing racist about having an exclusive sexual preference/attraction to a particular ethnicity.
Oh, the age we live in~
No one is saying you must like x.
But examining the implications of social conditioning is always worthwhile.
That's why is easier to date 2D people, 3D people are too complicated
Wait. What's going on here?
the same stuff. just different season.
The hottest Latino I ever saw and talked to, in my humble opinion, was Venezuelan. He was an exchange student.
Perfect in every way. What I really liked the the most is that you could talk to him a lot. He was a great conversationalist.
ive posted plenty about it before I just think hand waving 'oh people are offended by everything' posts are really boring
yeah you're right I guess let's stop talking about social conditioning and how it affects us so that you can get back to posting your selfies
Is that your best?
Saying that anyone who is more into "straight acting" guys is promoting "hyper masculinity" and see's femininity as dangerous is just total bullshit.
What is wrong with liking masculinity to a degree? I'm not attracted to women so it makes sense that I don't find feminine traits attractive and hence why I don't find them attractive in men. As gay men, we like men. That's the entire fucking point. straight women are attracted to masculine men, so why aren't they being held to the same standard? why are we so special and deserve criticism for simply having a preference?
I hate gender roles and views of "masculinity" as much as the next person, it doesn't mean that I'm not allowed to have preferences.
There are probably people who do take this to the extreme and act like Femininity should be avoided at all costs, but I very much doubt they are the majority. The gay community has problems but whoever made that rant sounds like they were forcing their own problems on to the rest of the community as well, they are blowing it completely out of proportion.
The tweets and most people in here aren't examining social conditioning at all. The ones on gays in general attempted explanation, but the race rant wasn't insightful in the least.
The tweets list off symptoms of social conditioning without one mention of the causes for anyone to understand or counter the issue better. Sarcastic posts here are doing the same thing, biting at the symptom without saying a word about how they believe those symptoms they hate came to exist, how they can be counteracted in society, and how an individual can evolve their understanding of the issues. Talking in brief sarcasm about how some people use racist expressions online doesn't explain your position and thoughts to people who have subconscious racial preferences of their own brought on by that conditioning (and perhaps concrete developed inclinations). Hence the confusion over the rant and resulting "preferences are fine" responses as a defense to what comes off as a lack of understanding all around. If you want people to know you feel their preferences are brought on by conditioning and that you feel they could expand those preferences, give that insight rather than having it sound like you just gave an unexplained hit and run to match the tweets of a similar nature.
Sorry for not feeding your drama hunger. I'm tired of arguing like beasts and I'm trying to keep things more civilized and hopefully without big insults thrown around.this was disappointing
Sorry for not feeding your drama hunger. I'm tired of arguing like beasts and I'm trying to keep things more civilized and hopefully without big insults thrown around.
Sorry for not feeding your drama hunger. I'm tired of arguing like beasts and I'm trying to keep things more civilized and hopefully without big insults thrown around.
how funny considering a month ago you would've just spammed your natalizard gifs instead
Sorry for not feeding your drama hunger. I'm tired of arguing like beasts and I'm trying to keep things more civilized and hopefully without big insults thrown around.
honestly yeahSo white people are only ever average?
Diet racism.gif
So your solution to 'arguing like beasts', and keeping things 'civilized' is to just sweep things under the rug and label it as people being overly sensitive/eager to take offense?
For what it's worth, I didn't think my initial post was passive aggressive at all, I think I was pretty straight forward in calling your post and posting habits out as being boring.
Here's the way I see it: if you've never dated an Asian/black/Latino guy, that's okay. I myself have only dated a Latino guy and Arab girlyou're not racist for never having dated someone of x/y/z race. Racism comes in when someone says "no blacks" and gross shit like that. Sure, you may not have dated any black people yet, but black people, like gay folks, are not a monolithic figure, and come in all colors and shapes and sizes, and closing yourself off to that does make you racist, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you personally.
(This is a colloquial 'you', not directed at anyone in particular haha)
Well, my date went fine the other day but he's been pretty quiet since, so I guess he's no too interested. So I still need a boyfriend
Just to add to the "same stuff different season"
Here's the way I see it: if you've never dated an Asian/black/Latino guy, that's okay. I myself have only dated a Latino guy and Arab girlyou're not racist for never having dated someone of x/y/z race. Racism comes in when someone says "no blacks" and gross shit like that. Sure, you may not have dated any black people yet, but black people, like gay folks, are not a monolithic figure, and come in all colors and shapes and sizes, and closing yourself off to that does make you racist, no matter how inconsequential it may seem to you personally.
(This is a colloquial 'you', not directed at anyone in particular haha)
I have a confession to make, I have only dated white guys. The hispanic guys I tried to go out with paid me dust, and still do, lol.
Even one hispanic guy said to me after I told him I was Mexican, that he hated the way Mexicans talk, and how we speak our Spanish. I thought to myself that it was such a random thing to say, and a bit silly, but okay. So I dunno. The dynamics of race and ethnicity in the US are interesting and complicated. .
The tweets list off symptoms of social conditioning without one mention of the causes for anyone to understand or counter the issue better.
honestly yeah
trust me there's hot white guys but other times people drool and offer their virginity to any average looking dude that's white because he's white
I don't know where you live but I've never seen this happen, like ever.
I've never really liked Chris. I prefer his brother, not crazy about him either though
That sounds terribly awkward hahaThroughout a lot of my life I've been mistaken for various kinds of Asian, usually Filipino. As far as I know I don't have anything in me except for Mexican and Bolivian, but who knows :0 a handful of other guys in my family have what could be described as some stereotypically Asian features too.
Also lmao I just remembered how my Arab girlfriend and I have been mistaken for brother and sister at LEAST 4 times in the past two months hahahaha. Makes shit awkwardddddd
I'll post on it later tonightSo out of curiosity, how do you examine/explain it?
That sounds terribly awkward haha
I'd sink into the ground or at least try my hardest to do so.
Also, that reminds me of that one tumblr with guy couples that look like twins noooo D:
The hotness of twins without the creepiness of incest. Win-win!Oh this boyfriendtwin tumblr?
I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.
Just wondering.
I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.
Just wondering.
Nope, lol!I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.
Just wondering.
I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.
Just wondering.