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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Deleted member 465307

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I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.

Just wondering.

Nope. Closest thing would be assignments where people got to choose their topics. For example, in an English class, we got to write about a stereotype that we wanted to dismantle, and a person could choose "gay" (I did this, and it was in researching for this essay that I learned about twink/jock/bear/pig for the first time). I think also people could have written about sexuality for a personal essay they'd use for college (pretty sure we had to write a college essay as one of our assignments).

But it was definitely never part of the set curriculum. For example, I know that we read The Importance of Being Earnest, but I don't recall learning anything about Oscar Wilde's life. Then again, I don't think we ever really discussed anything other than the reading.

For context, I went to high school between 2006 and 2010 in a middle class suburban neighborhood with a mixed conservative-liberal atmosphere (I personally felt that the conservative voices were much louder, but I know it wasn't fully that way).

Omg, I just had a flashback to middle school when I wanted Bush to win. I don't even know.


I don't get mistaken for a specific nationality or ethnicity that often, most of the time I just get 'were you born here?' or 'where are you really from?'

I have a question that I've come across in a few psychology studies that I've participated in at my university:

Rating on a scale of Strongly Disagree, Somewhat Disagree, Neutral, Somewhat Agree, and Strongly Agree: People of different racial backgrounds can look alike.

There's no right answer, of course. I imagine a few of us in here have different answers.

Of course - phenotypical features exhibited by groups broadly categorised as an ethnicity are varied enough that overlap is almost to be expected.


I've been mistaken for Hispanic a few times which I don't get at all. I also recently found out my mom considered me white which is weird. I mean I'm biracial and she is white so I guess its not that odd, but still my skin color is definitely darker than standard Caucasian.


I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.

Just wondering.
I think the only things from the top of my head were learning about Stonewall very briefly, that some of the Beat Generation authors were openly gay or bisexual, and that LGBT people were also being being persecuted in Nazi Germany.

Also probably doesn't count but we watched The Wedding Banquet for my Mandarin class freshman year of High School, which is all about a man trying to hide that he's gay from his parents by faking a marriage.


For example, in an English class, we got to write about a stereotype that we wanted to dismantle, and a person could choose "gay" (I did this, and it was in researching for this essay that I learned about twink/jock/bear/pig for the first time).

Pig?? lol.


Omg, I just had a flashback to middle school when I wanted Bush to win. I don't even know.

I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.

Just wondering.

I think we read that Apollo and Hyacinth myth in an English class once? lol. There were a few versions and I guess, the Zephyrus one had a weird love triangle thing. Maybe that was the start of the bury your gays trope.
Was it explicitly mentioned by teachers what was going on, in relation to LGBT representation? Or was it kind of just ignored?

We did discuss it, but I guess it was mostly about the context. Considering that Greek myth is also rife with incest and stuff it didn't really make much of a statement, or maybe if anything it made the wrong kind :p I kind of thought it was neat though.
Race and masculinity have become a rather hot button issue in the LGBT community thanks to apps like Grindr. It's a damn important discussion to have, but in the interest of diffusing and releasing any tension before they climax here inappropriately, I just wanna remind everyone that
the Bieber peen is now all over the internets.
Race and masculinity have become a rather hot button issue in the LGBT community thanks to apps like Grindr. It's a damn important discussion to have, but in the interest of diffusing and releasing any tension before they climax here inappropriately, I just wanna remind everyone that
the Bieber peen is now all over the internets.


I am quite frankly disgusted. Curiosity makes me wanna look but let me not punish myself.



He's sooo cute!!!

D'awww. Especially this one:


His lips are so kissable. Hnng.
I met this really cute guy today in my class today. We got put into this group discussion. I think I have a crush on him. Unfortunately, I'm extremely shy and he seems to be too. Which makes him even cuter.


I haven't been proper drunk in so long :( why must I maintain sobriety

i miss getting high too but I gotta stay off the stuff while I job hunt


I met this really cute guy today in my class today. We got put into this group discussion. I think I have a crush on him. Unfortunately, I'm extremely shy and he seems to be too. Which makes him even cuter.
Invite him over for Netflix. Chilling optional.


irresponsible vagina leak
Laughing a bit at some friend who constantly talks about acceptance and justice but is constantly getting into fights with people. Everyone knows he is a living contradiction and instead of telling him to his face what they think they simply stay talking behind his back and talk to me about it. Tbh he should drop the act of and accept that he is simply another guy that likes getting into fights simply cause he doesn't get everyone to agree with him. I have called him out a few times and instead of taking it as feedback he feels attacked and goes even worse on it. Sometimes you gotta let people realize shit themselves and let them make bigger mistakes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for now all I do is read his contradictions daily like.

That's definitely not the definition I've heard for a "pig".

I've always heard of it as a term used for guys that like raunchier forms of sex
The one time I heard it was a dick pig and I believe it was used as someone who is into dirty sex.


If prescribed by his doctor, his testosterone levels would be checked regularly and maintained via medications. So it's not bad to be given steroids for this reason obviously


I'm writing an essay on LGBT youth curriculum in public schools, does anyone remember being taught literature with LGBT characters/themes in English courses or LGBT history/prominent figures in History courses? Because I sure as hell don't.

Just wondering.

Does non-american stuff count? When I was doing my A Levels here in England our Literature course was called 'Love Through The Ages', and some of the more modern stuff in that was explicitly LGBT. Jeanette Winterson's Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit for example, about a lesbian growing up in Yorkshire. We also studied some authors who were LGBT, Like Duffy and Auden and examined that as a theme in their work. Similarly, we looked at the queer interpretations of Arthur Miller's A View From The Bridge, and some implied lesbianism in Forster's Howard's End.

I believe the topic came up in my Religious Ethics course too, and may have been briefly discussed in my French class.


The way Nicole Arbour is still making people panini pressed even tho she's just a basic ass Jenna Marbles wannabe. That's power. White privilege. Etc.


Oh this boyfriendtwin tumblr?
Well, there's probably hundreds of them but it was something along those lines. People that look very similar that date each other. Making out with someone who looks so much like me would just be ... well, the strangest thing ever, at least in my imagination. (maybe it's because I can't fully accept myself? haha)

I like it when there's differences, most of all in the looks. Different height and so on.


I'm trying to decide whether to go to the small bear party or the huge electronic music but more regular gay party this saturday.
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