I think I just came up with the perfect workout routine for those who have a partner/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband or wife!
- Pushups with your partner on top of you. That would be challanging, but if anyone can get five pushups with the extra weight of their beloved one, then my hat is off to them!
- Planking. Again, this would be with your partner on top of you. Planking for thirty seconds is quite a challenge even among strong individuals, so planking with someone else on top of you would be even more challenging!.
- Squats with your partner. Carry your beloved one as you squat your way to have that bottom that you always desired!
- Carrying and running with your partner. Not piggybacking but carrying your partner in a way that you can run for two miles nonstop to build up that stamina and legs.
- Hip thrust. Instead of hip thrusting a bar with weights, you could hip thrust your partner! Essentially your partner would be on you, as you are hip thrusting.
Variation of hip thrust:
I can't wait to have a boyfriend to try that out!
As far as males go, working out with your partner is supposed to release more testosterone so you can work out harder and have an intense workout.
So that covers upper body, lower body, cardio and some strength based exercises, all in one. All you need is you and your beloved one.
Those of you that already have your boos should definitely try it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Those of you with no boyfriend or girlfriend or friend with benefit, well... I feel bad for you.
A pet can also help motivate you to work out too!
No pets? Well I feel even more bad for you.
Maybe listening to this will help.

edit: I'm a member now, look at that!
I don't think the end goal of the conversation/discussion is to change a person's mind but rather, to be open and have a dialogue about this "perceived" issue some of us have with racial preferences/prejudices in the dating scene.
Congratulations on becoming a full member!