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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Son Of D

Need a little advice and I thought I'd ask here.

I've been talking to someone as a friend. He's become very attached to me (however, I'm not 100% certain if it's in a romantic way but I do have a feeling that it is that way) but I don't feel the same way. I haven't said or done anything to make him think that I do. Part of me wants to say that I don't feel that way because I don't want to lead him on, but another part doesn't since from what he's said about stuff in the past I'm unsure how he'll take it.

I don't want to lose him as a friend and there's a slight fear that could happen if I say something. Not to mention I'm unsure as to how to bring it up since I don't just want to call him and say "Hi, I'm not into you that way" but I wouldn't want to wait until he says something for me to shoot him down. Also don't want to be wrong with my assumptions and for me to say something and then find out he didn't feel that way either.
Need a little advice and I thought I'd ask here.

I've been talking to someone as a friend. He's become very attached to me (however, I'm not 100% certain if it's in a romantic way but I do have a feeling that it is that way) but I don't feel the same way. I haven't said or done anything to make him think that I do. Part of me wants to say that I don't feel that way because I don't want to lead him on, but another part doesn't since from what he's said about stuff in the past I'm unsure how he'll take it.

I don't want to lose him as a friend and there's a slight fear that could happen if I say something. Not to mention I'm unsure as to how to bring it up since I don't just want to call him and say "Hi, I'm not into you that way" but I wouldn't want to wait until he says something for me to shoot him down. Also don't want to be wrong with my assumptions and for me to say something and then find out he didn't feel that way either.

Until you have reason to think he has the wrong idea maybe just hold tight.
Even though I'm enjoying myself thoroughly in FFXIV I keep considering buying a PS3 to play Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen again. I miss that game dearly. :/
Watching the videos for DD Online only heightened the feeling

I mean c'mon!



It's either skinned whole thighs or boneless, skinless thighs. Oh, and, I don't have $500 dutch oven or 6 matching 2-inch ramekins. Fuck you Ina Garten.
Slow cookers are great for cheap cuts of meat. It just falls off the bone and becomes super succulent. Slow cookers are super cheap in America, too. I generally avoid fancy recipes, though, and only cook simple foods (or avoid using some ingredients if the recipe calls for many expensive ones in small amounts).

Now I'm kind of wondering why that dude in paragraph 2 got fired. In my head I'm imaging that he got fucking pissed that I've been here like under 3 weeks and am getting pseudo "promoted' by being able to take a higher paying position. He maybe outraged and then quit or got fired for being a baby. But nobody else in the lab when I got back at 2:00 really seemed to know or say anything. There wasn't any gossip or awkwardness. So I've no clue. But something went down, and I'm going to keep my ear open at the water cooler tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to be the one to ask though.
Are you sure the position didn't open up because he was already planning on leaving? He might have had a good reason for it. What kind of position is it?

Even though I'm enjoying myself thoroughly in FFXIV I keep considering buying a PS3 to play Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen again. I miss that game dearly. :/
Watching the videos for DD Online only heightened the feeling
Still annoyed there was never a PC version of DD. It makes no sense. I still haven't played the PS3 version I got as part of PS+ because of how poor the performance seems to be.


Hi again! did you have a good trip?

You are the same age as me, have the same "anything goes" interest in music and you also don't have idea about your career! I like you already :p


Ye I enjoy all kinds of music alot and the carreer thing I feel like I'll see what happens I guess? I'm hoping it will turn out to be something I enjoy alot. And yay! :p

Welcome back, Kaimu. I hope you had a wonderful trip!

Thanks Kirby, yes I did! The weather was amazing, the people, the food, I wanna go back already :(


I'm obsessed with France. Really wanna go someday. Did you go sight-seeing? If so, can you post any pics of landmarks, cool places, and stuff?

Also, welcome. :)

Hey! Here are some pics for you. I'm not sure if they are what you're looking for? Also not sure if photobucket is any good? :s

This one was basically my view for 2 weeks long :p


Even though I'm enjoying myself thoroughly in FFXIV I keep considering buying a PS3 to play Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen again. I miss that game dearly. :/
Watching the videos for DD Online only heightened the feeling

I mean c'mon!




That's dragons dogma online? It looks like DD: Dark Arisen. Color me interested if that's DD Online, looks as awesome as Dragon's Dogma.

Still annoyed there was never a PC version of DD. It makes no sense. I still haven't played the PS3 version I got as part of PS+ because of how poor the performance seems to be.

It's a slide show in some parts of the game but definitely a fun game. It's worth playing especially since you got it in PS+

One of my favorite games, and shame at no PC port. That reminds me that DD Online is gonna be Japan only when it launches. Capcom gonna Capcom.

Hey! Here are some pics for you. I'm not sure if they are what you're looking for? Also not sure if photobucket is any good? :s

This one was basically my view for 2 weeks long :p

Wow those are some amazing shots. Photobucket is good in my opinion.

Where in France is that?


I enjoyed watching Ina Garten because of how ridiculous it was. The fake stories, the shameless display of wealth and all that stuff. By the end of the show I think she just didn't bother anymore and bought her food from an expensive Long Island caterer and plated it and that's it.

I mean, almost none of the Food Network shows made anything appetizing, but some of them were entertaining to watch. Sandra Lee was so fun

As for cooking myself I do love it. I have to make do with a shitty old electric stove where you have very little control on your heat besides the initial ones because there's so much thermal inertia that the thing stays super hot forever even after turning it down to low, but I still do decent food most of the time. I'm trying (and mostly failing) that have some sort of fresh herb "garden" on the balcony of my apartment but aside from a basil, nothing seems to survive :/ I never cook fish although I love it because it's just way too expensive, it's mostly chicken, rarely pork and even more rarely steak.
I enjoyed watching Ina Garten because of how ridiculous it was. The fake stories, the shameless display of wealth and all that stuff. By the end of the show I think she just didn't bother anymore and bought her food from an expensive Long Island caterer and plated it and that's it.

I mean, almost none of the Food Network shows made anything appetizing, but some of them were entertaining to watch. Sandra Lee was so fun.

What about Good Eats?
But the show is aimed for the lazy non chef type that don't want to put much effort into their food.

who would be willing to put pre made foods together and call it a new thing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Before I bought my motorcycle I used to legit take the 40 minute bus ride into town just to get to a decent grocery store, and it blew chunks, but in a lot of ways I'm pretty sure it made me a far better cook. Eventually I just learned to stop caring about getting those coriander seeds or pickling spices or fresh tarragon and to just improvise with whatever I had. Not nearly as easy as it sounds, but I got a lot better at shopping around this limitation and stocking up stuff like canned tomatoes or country-style mustard that are versatile and tasty with a lot of different things.
That was me in college except it was a one hour bus ride both ways. Eventually I gave up and just ate out.

Haly, friend, in all of our years together on this website I have never agreed with you more than I do now.
Those shows never tell you the sheer amount of cleanup involved. They have separate bowls for every ingredient. Who the fuck cleans all that? Not the hosts I assure you.

One prep bowl and one saute pan is enough for me. Two bowls is a luxury. I didn't choose the spartan chef life. The spartan chef life chose me.
Still annoyed there was never a PC version of DD. It makes no sense. I still haven't played the PS3 version I got as part of PS+ because of how poor the performance seems to be.

Yeah, Capcom is really weird about how/why they release games. I played DD originally on the 360 and the performance was a bit better than the PS3, although the 360 version had very noticeable screen tearing *womp womp*.

That's dragons dogma online? It looks like DD: Dark Arisen. Color me interested if that's DD Online, looks as awesome as Dragon's Dogma.

It's a slide show in some parts of the game but definitely a fun game. It's worth playing especially since you got it in PS+

One of my favorite games, and shame at no PC port. That reminds me that DD Online is gonna be Japan only when it launches. Capcom gonna Capcom.

Oh sorry, the gifs I posted are from Dark Arisen. DD Online doesn't seem to have the same "flair" that DD:DA had, which is why I feel such a strong urge to play the PS3 one again.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm not a fan of candy. Chocolate is my jam though.

(Not literally of course. I don't like jam much, or jamming.)


Hunky Nostradamus
But I don't care what those fake diners at her fake barefoot dinner parties in her fake-ass garden say, Ina Garten makes boring food in her designer colanders and that's just the truth.

i will fight you

Thanks. It...uhh...seems like it turned out fine. So far, it's going as well as it possibly could. The hurdle was overcome. If I want it, there's something in my future. The only barrier now is my own personal issues with accepting what is being offered.

hooray :)


I've been thinking... Maaaaybe I should go out, try to actually meet someone? I'm a little afraid to reach the dreaded 30' years old milestone and still be single. I mean, cute guys
such as Dany nice selfie!
are out there, waiting for me right? I can definitly find someone if I begin to look...

*sigh* I need to do something. It is either that, or the Ben & Jerry's. I'd rather avoid that option.



The skype chat is now invading this thread.

I almost never visit this OT (sorry ;__;), but just for this glorious gif I need to show myself inside here too :).

I'm still mostly doing fine. Kinda sad I can't really see my bear as often I wanted to, but it's alright.
Are you sure the position didn't open up because he was already planning on leaving? He might have had a good reason for it. What kind of position is it?

Yes. We work in department A. The new position is in department B. Anyway it was the water cooler talk today. So basically the dude got fired for being late too many times in too short a timeframe, on top of making too many errors in a given month.


i don't...eat...candy

or pastries

or desserts of any kind, really

i like the occasional hershey chocolate bar, but only if someone offered. i'd never buy it for myself


We have those too!! I looooove those! :')

This conversation made me crave gummy so much I went and bought the only thing I could find in the vending machine...

...it was just a bag of sour patch kids.

Blegh, watermelon candies.

This is my favorite right now.

So good.

I see those all the time at checkouts and never buy them. I really should try it...

i don't...eat...candy

or pastries

or desserts of any kind, really

i like the occasional hershey chocolate bar, but only if someone offered. i'd never buy it for myself

look just because you're beautiful or whatever doesn't mean you can lord over me with your "not candy" diets.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Siri corrects people who misgender Caitlyn Jenner or use the wrong name. Nicely done, Apple.

The next two weeks will be interesting. I'm in very uncharted territory and feel all kinds of scared/nervous/confused, but I also want this. My body and mind are essentially exploding with contradictions and this poor person has to be a bystander to it.

The funny part is that a lot of people would probably love what's being offered and be incredibly confused by my hemming and hawing. We shall see what happens.

Hopefully I'll be able to refrain from vaguely sharing my personal business in the future, but I'm going to let this one be.
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