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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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This thread is going to give me a sugar comma, because of all the candy posted, I'm gonna go and buy lots of candy and eat it all like a wild dog feasting on a carcass.

The next two weeks will be interesting. I'm in very uncharted territory and feel all kinds of scared/nervous/confused, but I also want this. My body and mind are essentially exploding with contradictions and this poor person has to be a bystander to it.

The funny part is that a lot of people would probably love what's being offered and be incredibly confused by my hemming and hawing. We shall see what happens.

Hopefully I'll be able to refrain from vaguely sharing my personal business in the future, but I'm going to let this one be.

That's very interesting. What is he offering? If you don't mind me asking. Spill the tea.

I'm so happy for you! I hope it works out, and don't worry too much about it. Just let it all sink in.
I've been trying to eat 2500 calories everyday but I am failing pretty hard. I just can't eat much meat or veggies in a sitting. Dunno if it would be best to cram my maw with empty caloric junkfood like donuts and pastries until I reach my goal weight. I have no problem maintaining weight. I just can't put any on.


I've been trying to eat 2500 calories everyday but I am failing pretty hard. I just can't eat much meat or veggies in a sitting. Dunno if it would be best to cram my maw with empty caloric junkfood like donuts and pastries until I reach my goal weight. I have no problem maintaining weight. I just can't put any on.

I'm currently eating about 2400 a day myself (at about a 45% carb, 25% fat, 30% protein split) - I agree it can be difficult sometimes. What helps me is eating about four "meals" a day around 500 calories each, and then some snacks to add up to whatever is left. Protein shakes and Quest bars are so helpful with that. Good luck!


Hunky Nostradamus
i don't...eat...candy

or pastries

or desserts of any kind, really

i like the occasional hershey chocolate bar, but only if someone offered. i'd never buy it for myself

you eat froot tho rite

The next two weeks will be interesting. I'm in very uncharted territory and feel all kinds of scared/nervous/confused, but I also want this. My body and mind are essentially exploding with contradictions and this poor person has to be a bystander to it.

The funny part is that a lot of people would probably love what's being offered and be incredibly confused by my hemming and hawing. We shall see what happens.

Hopefully I'll be able to refrain from vaguely sharing my personal business in the future, but I'm going to let this one be.

follow your heart boo <3
Breaking News: The world is filled with many rude and horrible people.

Some days it feels like you can't walk 10 feet without running into someone that just wants to infect as many around them as possible with their vile attitude or put up ridiculous obstacles in your way for no reason at all. Work today was like a minefield of awful individuals just waiting to explode.

I need several naps.
Breaking News: The world is filled with many rude and horrible people.

Some days it feels like you can't walk 10 feet without running into someone that just wants to infect as many around them as possible with their vile attitude or put up ridiculous obstacles in your way for no reason at all. Work today was like a minefield of awful individuals just waiting to explode.

I need several naps.
What happened Hours?

*Gives virtual hug*
What happened Hours?

*Gives virtual hug*
Just encountered a lot of inconsiderate behavior today at work, and I'm so tired already it affected me more than it usually would. And more importantly, I have some friends dealing with some heavy stuff right now and I wish I could be more helpful to them, so I feel a bit ineffectual.

I just don't understand why more people can't just be kind and helpful to one another. You'd think it would be common sense, but some days I have no idea.


Freedom to Marry just put this up earlier today and yes I'm crying


This is so well put together.

It's still a bit surreal, I never even thought of marriage ever, what for? when the debate intensified in the US and marriage as an institution was deconstructed and I learned, or acknowledged, how it really has not been an institution about love I kind of cared even less about it, however with this decision marriage was indeed redefined, the fantasy definition of marriage about people loving each other like in Disney movies became real, and now is actually law.

Ye I enjoy all kinds of music alot and the carreer thing I feel like I'll see what happens I guess? I'm hoping it will turn out to be something I enjoy alot. And yay! :p

Thanks Kirby, yes I did! The weather was amazing, the people, the food, I wanna go back already :(

Hey! Here are some pics for you. I'm not sure if they are what you're looking for? Also not sure if photobucket is any good? :s

This one was basically my view for 2 weeks long :p

Aw man they're beautiful.


Kinda a lazy day at clinical.

Very cute.


Sandra Lee is far and away the most entertaining lush booze hound ever to hit the Food Network, or perhaps any network. There is no "semi" about her authentic homemade cooking; she often literally assembles several pre-packaged ingredients on top of each other with no work to speak of other than, well, opening the package. Never forget some of her finest moments:

-the time she poured hypnotiq in a glass and called it her "Ocean Breeze cocktail" and matched it with a "beautiful" coral blue table set inspired by her "local aqworium"
-the time she made a Kwanzaa cake. if you're wondering what exactly that might entail, fear not, for Sandra Lee is here to shower you with cultural enlightenment. (make sure you keep watching long enough to see her put corn nuts on a cake. it's a Kwanzaa tradition, okay?)
-the time she made a Hanukkah cake, filled with non-kosher marshmallows (!) and "decorated" with fake plastic pearls - you know, for the symbolism of using an imitation shellfish product on jewish food - while topping it off with a monstrosity vaguely resembling two Stars of David awkwardly shoved into each other
-the time she made a...chocolate yule log. in case you were thinking she picks exclusively on ethnic minorities for her hideous holiday themed cake creations, this looks exactly as appetizing as it sounds. to her credit, this is the first cake she didn't make with store-bought Angel Food cake as a basis. she still bought a chocolate cream roll cake from the store and smothered it in cool-whip, though.


Thanks for reminding me of these priceless recipes!

One of the comments on the Aqworium video:

This woman got a bottle of Hpnotiq, talking about how she bought the bottle because it matches her tablescape. Sandra, me and my homies used to get TRASHED on Hpnotiq back in high school, that shit packs a fucking punch! Are you seriously serving that at your get-togethers with the neighborhood moms?! Bitch is you trying to turn that suburb into a hood?!! Someone help me, I can't with this bitch.

#D E A D


Sandra Lee is far and away the most entertaining lush booze hound ever to hit the Food Network, or perhaps any network. There is no "semi" about her authentic homemade cooking; she often literally assembles several pre-packaged ingredients on top of each other with no work to speak of other than, well, opening the package. Never forget some of her finest moments:

-the time she poured hypnotiq in a glass and called it her "Ocean Breeze cocktail" and matched it with a "beautiful" coral blue table set inspired by her "local aqworium"
-the time she made a Kwanzaa cake. if you're wondering what exactly that might entail, fear not, for Sandra Lee is here to shower you with cultural enlightenment. (make sure you keep watching long enough to see her put corn nuts on a cake. it's a Kwanzaa tradition, okay?)
-the time she made a Hanukkah cake, filled with non-kosher marshmallows (!) and "decorated" with fake plastic pearls - you know, for the symbolism of using an imitation shellfish product on jewish food - while topping it off with a monstrosity vaguely resembling two Stars of David awkwardly shoved into each other
-the time she made a...chocolate yule log. in case you were thinking she picks exclusively on ethnic minorities for her hideous holiday themed cake creations, this looks exactly as appetizing as it sounds. to her credit, this is the first cake she didn't make with store-bought Angel Food cake as a basis. she still bought a chocolate cream roll cake from the store and smothered it in cool-whip, though.

Oh lordy lord. This is just amazing, and the best thing I found out whilst glancing at her wikipedia page is that this woman won an Emmy (granted, a daytime one but still). The second best thing is Anthony Bourdain's take on her show:
"She makes her audience feel good about themselves. You watch her on that show and you think, "I can do that. That's not intimidating." All you have to do is waddle into the kitchen, open a can of crap and spread it on some other crap that you bought at the supermarket. And then you've done something really special. The most terrifying thing I've seen is her making a Kwanzaa cake. Watch that clip and tell me your eyeballs don't burst into flames. It's a war crime on television. You'll scream."​

Why am I just finding out about her? Well I've seen the "two shots of vodka" clip before, but still.


Had a weird experience this morning while on the way to the office i'm working at for the moment.

I was slightly early so I decided to go to the shops and get something to snack on throughout the day, and as I was just walking past the entrance I saw a sheet of paper on the floor, it was lined paper like the kind you get in notebooks, and on it was a drawing of an anthropomorphic wolf.

I wasn't quite sure what I had just seen. Did I literally just see some Furry artwork lying on the ground in the middle of town?

On the way out I had a closer look.
It was furry artwork. gay, furry, adult artwork. That thing slipped out of somebodies bag.

Had a weird experience this morning while on the way to the office i'm working at for the moment.

I was slightly early so I decided to go to the shops and get something to snack on throughout the day, and as I was just walking past the entrance I saw a sheet of paper on the floor, it was lined paper like the kind you get in notebooks, and on it was a drawing of an anthropomorphic wolf.

I wasn't quite sure what I had just seen. Did I literally just see some Furry artwork lying on the ground in the middle of town?

On the way out I had a closer look.
It was furry artwork. gay, furry, adult artwork. That thing slipped out of somebodies bag.




Had a weird experience this morning while on the way to the office i'm working at for the moment.

I was slightly early so I decided to go to the shops and get something to snack on throughout the day, and as I was just walking past the entrance I saw a sheet of paper on the floor, it was lined paper like the kind you get in notebooks, and on it was a drawing of an anthropomorphic wolf.

I wasn't quite sure what I had just seen. Did I literally just see some Furry artwork lying on the ground in the middle of town?

On the way out I had a closer look.
It was furry artwork. gay, furry, adult artwork. That thing slipped out of somebodies bag.

You found my drawings then. o:


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Most furry art is gay.

Probably most furries are as well.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
a Popeye's
Sounds like heaven.
Do you slice your ingredients with a knife or simply tear them with your teeth as god intended? I already know the answer, but I want to hear it from you.
Here's a GIF of me prepping a bell pepper:

I don't skimp on the knives but I never use food processors when I can use some good old fashioned bushido instead.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Btw icarus, what's the meat situation like in Hawaii? Is it all imported or what?


Had a weird experience this morning while on the way to the office i'm working at for the moment.

I was slightly early so I decided to go to the shops and get something to snack on throughout the day, and as I was just walking past the entrance I saw a sheet of paper on the floor, it was lined paper like the kind you get in notebooks, and on it was a drawing of an anthropomorphic wolf.

I wasn't quite sure what I had just seen. Did I literally just see some Furry artwork lying on the ground in the middle of town?

On the way out I had a closer look.
It was furry artwork. gay, furry, adult artwork. That thing slipped out of somebodies bag.


You thought you saw some furry art, so you went back to look at it in greater detail? Mmhm, no need to repress these things, you'll be happier out of the closet ;)
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