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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Gold Member
I always squirm when I see gay people say they hate Tyler Oakley and "don't know why." I hope it's due to strictly his personality and not that he's bubbly and effeminate, or gay and popular, or effeminate and popular, or whatever combination of adjectives that many gay men defensively hate that aren't actually offensive at all. :/
It's a combination of the shit he's said and my dislike of most of the content that he produces. More power to people who find it entertaining, but this is more my style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdyiZSPYm9s&spfreload=10

YES! That channel is so awesome. My favorite video is the one on Kurosawa films.

Son Of D



irresponsible vagina leak
(USA) 2 Codes left now for Zelda Tri Force Heroes. Trying to keep it out of the code begging thread.
I always squirm when I see gay people say they hate Tyler Oakley and "don't know why." I hope it's due to strictly his personality and not that he's bubbly and effeminate, or gay and popular, or effeminate and popular, or whatever combination of adjectives that many gay men defensively hate that aren't actually offensive at all. :/

I used to like watching his videos back in 2008, but sadly he revealed himself as trash and has said really questionable things.

If we give shit to other YouTube personalities for the nonsense they spew out of their mouths, guys like Tyler Oakley shouldn't get a pass just because they're gay. But sadly, some gays don't even question it.

Son Of D

Stress with school?

A little, but it's mostly this job screwing me about. Putting me down for shifts I can't actually do because of it clashing with my classes. I was able to get some changed but still. There's also the usual problems with my mind but I don't want to make the biggest post I've ever made about some seriously negative and sad stuff. But you know the stuff I'm talking about.

Yay, thanks dude. :3

You're welcome :3. Got the email and had some codes who I had no idea who to give to. Checked some threads and saw your post.


irresponsible vagina leak

I have an urge to grab the huge Friday the 13th documentary off of PSN and watch it while I draw today. I wonder if it's as good as the Nightmare on Elm Street one on Netflix.

Looking good!

Is the documentary cheap? If it is there is not much to regret as they still usually have interesting info even if its not as fleshed out as it can be.


Would it be as controversial if they were a straight couple? It's only being reported on for the shock value of "Gays can finally get married, look what they are doing with it!"

The fact it has been reported on at all is questionable. "Look how different they are!" even though there have probably been many straight divorces just while I type this.


What has Tyler Oakley said that make people hate him? I'm not a fan of him but I always thought he seemed nice I'm just curious.
Would it be as controversial if they were a straight couple? It's only being reported on for the shock value of "Gays can finally get married, look what they are doing with it!"

The fact it has been reported on at all is questionable. "Look how different they are!" even though there have probably been many straight divorces just while I type this.

I didn't think about it like that good point but they went to the press to talk about it.

Personally I don't see the issue with wanting a third but they want to start a family.
I wonder how that will hold up if they just got a divorce after one year at any rate they're adults they can do what they want.


Eh I don't see why 3 people couldn't start a family. theres nothing saying that a child has to have 2 parents maximum, just like there is nothing saying there has to be a mother and father.

I imagine it would legally be quite complicated though, hmm
What has Tyler Oakley said that make people hate him? I'm not a fan of him but I always thought he seemed nice I'm just curious.

He deleted the video but there is a link to it.

Eh I don't see why 3 people couldn't start a family. theres nothing saying that a child has to have 2 parents maximum, just like there is nothing saying there has to be a mother and father.

I imagine it would legally be quite complicated though, hmm

Sounds like a legal nightmare but again they can do what they want.
For me it's not even the number of people I just hope they are stable enough to maintain it.
I'd want the code if you still have it. (If it works in PAL region)


My favourite Youtubers are Jim Sterling, GophersVids, PressHeartToContinue and Giant Bomb at the moment. Don't care about Vloggers that much, never did. I'm on Youtube for the Let's Players.

Lol should have known


Why divorce though? I don't see the reason, and if anything they are left in even a worst position legally regarding making a family.

The idea is so... I don't know how to put it, utopian? In paper sounds awesome but these kind of arrangements aren't exactly new and always end up in disaster like the harems some hardcore mormons create.

Dealing with just one person is already very complex, so I can't help but put the equality of everyone involved into question, it's a system ripe for exploitation, as it has always been in the past.


A little, but it's mostly this job screwing me about. Putting me down for shifts I can't actually do because of it clashing with my classes. I was able to get some changed but still. There's also the usual problems with my mind but I don't want to make the biggest post I've ever made about some seriously negative and sad stuff. But you know the stuff I'm talking about.

You're welcome :3. Got the email and had some codes who I had no idea who to give to. Checked some threads and saw your post.
It's appreciated!

That was pretty educating and entertaining. So it's some really trashy boulevard magazine, one that is sadly quite popular. I guess every country has those really stupid big daily newspapers. Shame, really.

Lol should have known
e's quite a well-known modder and that's why I follow him for the most part. I do like to watch his Minecraft streams too on occasion just to hear his voice while I draw (loving his voice).
It's appreciated!

That was pretty educating and entertaining. So it's some really trashy boulevard magazine, one that is sadly quite popular. I guess every country has those really stupid big daily newspapers. Shame, really.

He's quite a well-known modder and that's why I follow him for the most part. I do like to watch his Minecraft streams too on occasion just to hear his voice while I draw (loving his voice).

Yeah I know who he is. I've watched his Skyrim LP's.


That was pretty educating and entertaining. So it's some really trashy boulevard magazine, one that is sadly quite popular. I guess every country has those really stupid big daily newspapers. Shame, really.

It's a total rag, but has quite the following. My grandma reads it religiously and believes everything it says, which often includes sexist, racist and anti-LGBT views. Unfortunately it is indeed quite popular in the UK; there are also those of us who read the website when we feel like laughing at something, which I've been guilty of a few times. That video about why the Daily Mail sucks is pretty spot on.

Uhhh he looks 19 in those gifs, lol. Who hasn't said some bullshit at 19 years old? Context gets lost on younger people kind of a lot. You can't really blame him for this like 7 fucking years later, especially since he apparently admitted to saying dumb shit and deleted the video a while back. He gets a pass in my book.

Might as well declare me a sexist because I called girls "icky" in 4th grade
yeah who hasn't gone on a racist tirade when they were 19? I'm 18 and I already went on 3 racist rants today alone! It's completely normal behavior that randomly goes away a few years later. Why is the world so against innocent white gays?
Lol, there's a difference between spewing conscious hate speech and aiming for irreverence. He was aiming for irreverence, albeit badly. He was 18 in this video, evidently. He was trying to be funny and instead sounded like he's discriminating against people of color. Seems more like he failed at being funny than anything else. Nice try with the 'white gays' drive-by though. :p

Point is, I would judge his character at 18 about as harshly as I would judge my own character at 18. I've evolved a great deal, so it'd be unfair to not assume the same with him.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Lol, there's a difference between spewing conscious hate speech and aiming for irreverence. He was aiming for irreverence, albeit badly. He was 18 in this video, evidently. He was trying to be funny and instead sounded like he's discriminating against people of color. Seems more like he failed at being funny than anything else.

I agree with this interpretation. However, I also agree with that tumblr post a bit. My thoughts:

1) I believe that people do, say, and believe harmful and stupid things all the time that they later grow to regret. I personally would like to be forgiven for my past mistakes, so I'm open to doing the same for Tyler Oakley. If he recorded that when he was 18 and is 26 now, I figure it's possible he's not the same person anymore. Changes in opinions and beliefs can happen in much shorter periods of time.

2) Removing the video shows that he regrets making it and/or that he knows there would be backlash against it. It does not guarantee either and only the former suggests a change in character.

3) If someone asks him to address it, I think apologizing is the right thing to do. The problem is that his words were (and still are) harmful and he's offered no definitive sign that things have changed. If he hasn't repeated the behavior since (see #2 for possible reasons why), the only thing remaining would be an apology. It'd be impossible to know if it's sincere, but it's probably the best you can expect for a past mistake. While I can't say they're the same, I know that if someone were to say some offensive homophobic stuff years ago, I'd still feel somewhat uncomfortable associating with them until they've directly apologized for it. That's the only way I'd feel like I know things have changed. The apology would feel as if it defused the words and threat.
I agree with this interpretation. However, I also agree with that tumblr post a bit. My thoughts:

1) I believe that people do, say, and believe harmful and stupid things all the time that they later grow to regret. I personally would like to be forgiven for my past mistakes, so I'm open to doing the same for Tyler Oakley. If he recorded that when he was 18 and is 26 now, I figure it's possible he's not the same person anymore. Changes in opinions and beliefs can happen in much shorter periods of time.

2) Removing the video shows that he regrets making it and/or he knows there would be backlash against it. It does not guarantee either.

3) If someone asks him to address it, I think an apology would be much appreciated. The problem is that his words were harmful and he's offered no definitive sign that things have changed. If he hasn't repeated the behavior since (see #2 for possible reasons why), the only thing remaining would be an apology. It'd be impossible to know if it's sincere, but it's probably the best you can expect for a past mistake. While I can't say they're the same, I know that if someone were to say some offensive homophobic stuff years ago, I'd still feel somewhat uncomfortable associating with them until they've directly apologized for it. That's the only way I'd feel like I know things have changed.

Well, I think since he's recorded himself at least twice a week for 7 years now, the fact that nothing similar to this has unearthed is probably a good enough sign that this was just an attempt to make off-color jokes that didn't land. Whatever the reason for him pulling the video I guess becomes irrelevant, coz what matters is how his words affect you, like actually affect you to your core. If you're offended because you feel you should be offended, then you're wasting your time being upset. If you are actually upset personally by what he said, then that's another thing and I'll respect it.

My issue is with people who've decided to institutionalize "taking offense" because you think you're being a white knight to the world. You're actually not. What you're doing is distracting from getting to the heart of hearts of why those specific words were said, what the intent was, who those words were meant for, etc. and you're just putting the "culprit" on defense. Because the subtext matters, especially if you're deciding whether or not you should be offended at something. And ESPECIALLY when it comes to comedy (or in Tyler's case, the attempt of it), because there are nuances there that are unexplainable to those who take offense, because comedy is all about context and subtext.

I'm an Arab who faced a great deal of discrimination (and physical abuse) post-9/11 in the States, and my skin is thicker because of it, but at least it helped me decipher between discrimination that's rooted in something real and something that's actually not hurtful at all. Do I think Tyler Oakley seems like he'd discriminate against me because I'm not white, or do I think he has a deeply-rooted problem with me and my people? No. I think he's a young gay kid who films himself talking and thought it would be sassy and irreverent to talk about forced diversity for the sake of it. No part of that video threw up a red flag to me. But I mean, apologies clear the air for most so I understand that.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I think since he's recorded himself at least twice a week for 7 years now, the fact that nothing similar to this has unearthed is probably a good enough sign that this was just an attempt to make off-color jokes that didn't land. Whatever the reason for him pulling the video I guess becomes irrelevant, coz what matters is how his words affect you, like actually affect you to your core. If you're offended because you feel you should be offended, then you're wasting your time being upset. If you are actually upset personally by what he said, then that's another thing and I'll respect it.

My issue is with people who've decided to institutionalize "taking offense" because you think you're being a white knight to the world. You're actually not. What you're doing is distracting from getting to the heart of hearts of why those specific words were said, what the intent was, who those words were meant for, etc. and you're just putting the "culprit" on defense. Because the subtext matters, especially if you're deciding whether or not you should be offended at something. And ESPECIALLY when it comes to comedy (or in Tyler's case, the attempt of it), because there are nuances there that are unexplainable to those who take offense, because comedy is all about context and subtext.

I'm an Arab who faced a great deal of discrimination (and physical abuse) post-9/11 in the States, and my skin is thicker because of it, but at least it helped me decipher between discrimination that's rooted in something real and something that's actually not hurtful at all. Do I think Tyler Oakley seems like he'd discriminate against me because I'm not white, or do I think he has a deeply-rooted problem with me and my people? No. I think he's a young gay kid who films himself talking and thought it would be sassy and irreverent to talk about forced diversity for the sake of it. No part of that video threw up a red flag to me. But I mean, apologies clear the air for most so I understand that.

I think I agree with all of this. I believe there's a large grey area with the topic you covered in the second paragraph, but your earlier statement that relates to this, requoted here...

If you're offended because you feel you should be offended, then you're wasting your time being upset. If you are actually upset personally by what he said, then that's another thing and I'll respect it.

...is something I appreciate.

Thanks for your elaboration. :)


Well, I think since he's recorded himself at least twice a week for 7 years now, the fact that nothing similar to this has unearthed is probably a good enough sign that this was just an attempt to make off-color jokes that didn't land. Whatever the reason for him pulling the video I guess becomes irrelevant, coz what matters is how his words affect you, like actually affect you to your core. If you're offended because you feel you should be offended, then you're wasting your time being upset. If you are actually upset personally by what he said, then that's another thing and I'll respect it.

My issue is with people who've decided to institutionalize "taking offense" because you think you're being a white knight to the world. You're actually not. What you're doing is distracting from getting to the heart of hearts of why those specific words were said, what the intent was, who those words were meant for, etc. and you're just putting the "culprit" on defense. Because the subtext matters, especially if you're deciding whether or not you should be offended at something. And ESPECIALLY when it comes to comedy (or in Tyler's case, the attempt of it), because there are nuances there that are unexplainable to those who take offense, because comedy is all about context and subtext.

I'm an Arab who faced a great deal of discrimination (and physical abuse) post-9/11 in the States, and my skin is thicker because of it, but at least it helped me decipher between discrimination that's rooted in something real and something that's actually not hurtful at all. Do I think Tyler Oakley seems like he'd discriminate against me because I'm not white, or do I think he has a deeply-rooted problem with me and my people? No. I think he's a young gay kid who films himself talking and thought it would be sassy and irreverent to talk about forced diversity for the sake of it. No part of that video threw up a red flag to me. But I mean, apologies clear the air for most so I understand that.



Hunky Nostradamus
The conventions I've heard of the most are VidCon (Anaheim, CA), Summer in the City (London, England), and Playlist Live (US East Coast). I'm sure there are smaller ones. I don't know much about non-English-speaking YouTube, so perhaps there are other big conventions in other countries I'm unaware of. I would guess the conventions are a mix of partying, professional networking and workshops, and YouTuber-fan meetups.

The live performances are music for those who do that (e.g., Boyce Avenue, Kurt Hugo Schneider/Sam Tsui, etc.) and comedy stuff (I think MirandaSings and a few others may do this). Like I mentioned, it seems like there are a fair amount of people touring for their books now, but I assume those events are free. Choosing to attend a paid event is the same decision as going to a concert or stand-up comedy show when you can listen to albums or watch videos.

Interesting, thanks for the info!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I read Esquire's review of the Dem debates and thought of y'all:
Martin O'Malley: This was basically his audition for the vice presidency, and the dude pretty much nailed it. He recited Democratic boilerplate, he did it in a way that made every answer look and sound like a Days Of Our Lives audition, and he was deeply handsome while doing it. As I wrote over the summer in an essay whose message will resonate through the ages, Martin O'Malley can get it. He's an old-school politician in a way that is quickly becoming obsolete, but it was a comfort to have him there. His best moments came in his closing statement, when he accurately pointed out that nobody had said anything sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, or just generally hateful all night long. It's a depressingly low bar for a presidential debate to clear, but it's nice that they managed it. (It was also refreshing when he claimed that the NRA is the political enemy he's proudest of having made, especially since he is hot enough to prevent me from thinking about the ever-growing number of shootings in Baltimore.)


People might be more willing to accept an apology for Oakley's old video and not-so-old comments if it were coming from him instead of his fans.

what i found on tumblr:

Dominican Transgender model Laith Ashley


I was maybe unaware of how well physical female to male transitions can go until the past couple of weeks.
y'all can keep writing essays excusing racist behavior by white people all you want but take a look at what i found on tumblr:

Dominican Transgender model Laith Ashley


Yeah, I'm not even going to respond to essays about excusing that kind of shit. Point is, he did it and I don't care for him because of it. End of story.
Yeah, I'm not even going to respond to essays about excusing that kind of shit. Point is, he did it and I don't care for him because of it. End of story.
Yup. I don't care if he was "only" 18 (???) and he maybe possibly might have changed his views. He said racist ass shit that's offensive and that's all there is to it for me. I'll be damned if I'm gonna scramble around looking for reasons why that shit's okay. some of you are acting like 18 is the same as being 13, by the time you're 18 you known what's right from wrong and the meaning of the things you're saying and the effects they could have on others. Miss me with this 18=13 in white male years shit.

but anyway, I'm done discussing demon oakley. Yikes.

top of the page.. let me pull out some pics:

BONUS: rihannasus #looks:


Woah, I didn't know he was a racist cunt, what a shame
Calling him "a racist" ascribes internalized prejudice or a pattern of racist behavior. That's a little much to draw from a comedy video that hits a sour note with racial insensitivity. I personally had some pretty fucking thoughtless racist and homophobic attitudes when I was younger. You learn, you grow up, you become better through empathy and reflection. I'm not on board with this practice of slapping a permanent nasty label on someone for a gross thing they did a long time ago.

Is this guy using his influence to spread hateful messages now? Is it a consistent thing he did and continues to do?

Also this:
Lol, there's a difference between spewing conscious hate speech and aiming for irreverence. He was aiming for irreverence, albeit badly. He was 18 in this video, evidently. He was trying to be funny and instead sounded like he's discriminating against people of color. Seems more like he failed at being funny than anything else. Nice try with the 'white gays' drive-by though. :p

Point is, I would judge his character at 18 about as harshly as I would judge my own character at 18. I've evolved a great deal, so it'd be unfair to not assume the same with him.
Yup. I don't care if he was "only" 18 (???) and he maybe possibly might have changed his views. He said racist ass shit that's offensive and that's all there is to it for me. I'll be damned if I'm gonna scramble around looking for reasons why that shit's okay. some of you are acting like 18 is the same as being 13, by the time you're 18 you known what's right from wrong and the meaning of the things you're saying and the effects they could have on others. Miss me with this 18=13 in white male years shit.

Fun fact: Racial insensitivity will always exist if you look for it. People aren't very consistent. The same way someone who will protest a politician for using a racial slur might then go home and say the word "retarded" casually in conversation. The issue here isn't hate or discrimination, it's recklessness, and there's a huge difference actually. Words are meant to hurt when the intent to hurt is behind it. If the intent isn't there, then why you mad? The bar for demonizing people has apparently gotten so high that we'll call a 26 year old racist for a video he made 7 years ago that wasn't actually racist, but was kinda sorta racially insensitive due to failed humor. And not to be "that" guy, but you dropping the word "white" randomly in your sarcasm tells me there's more at work here. lol

Either way, as mentioned, Mamrie Hart is amazing and she's by far my favorite youtuber. I'll sit around binge-watching her stuff then switch over to MirandaSings. She has all her bloopers on Youtube now too, which are just as funny. <3


I didn't watch the video and don't intend to, but I don't think that "if there's no intent to hurt, don't be mad" is the best rule to live by idk

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Yup. I don't care if he was "only" 18 (???) and he maybe possibly might have changed his views. He said racist ass shit that's offensive and that's all there is to it for me. I'll be damned if I'm gonna scramble around looking for reasons why that shit's okay. some of you are acting like 18 is the same as being 13, by the time you're 18 you known what's right from wrong and the meaning of the things you're saying and the effects they could have on others. Miss me with this 18=13 in white male years shit.

but anyway, I'm done discussing demon oakley. Yikes.

top of the page.. let me pull out some pics:

BONUS: rihannasus #looks:

Your taste is on point.


On the topics of immaturity and time:

I don't think it matters what age someone is. It doesn't matter if the person is 4 years old or 40&#8212;if you make an opinion or belief public that is offensive, then people have the right to hold you accountable for it and should exercise that right.

I also don't think words expire. Innocuous words can become offensive, offensive words can become neutral, and words can be constant in their reception, but the thing is that once something is put out there, you can't erase it. I'm still undecided whether intent or reception matters more in communication.

I've said some stupid things and made some stupid assumptions over the years that I still need to apologize to people for. I wouldn't necessarily expect them to forgive me (though some already have for whatever reason), and I would hope that people who have offended others understand that no one is owed forgiveness.

I think if you are responsible for harming someone else and you believe you shouldn't have harmed them, then the responsible and respectful thing to do is to apologize. That apology is for others, not you.


I didn't watch the video and don't intend to, but I don't think that "if there's no intent to hurt, don't be mad" is the best rule to live by idk

Obliviousness is never an acceptable excuse in itself - you'd be tolerating some pretty vile attitudes if you treated every 'people are so sensitive these days :///' and 'can't you take a joke' as unconditional absolutions.

But at the same time, continually raking someone over the coals for bigoted comments they made 7 years ago and appear to have retracted does seem a little futile - they should still be held accountable for them, but unless they're making no effort to address their prejudices or are unrepentantly continuing to exercise them, the possibility should at least be entertained that they've become less awful.


Speaking of Rihanna, who I don't follow at all, the other day I saw her on a Vanity Fair cover and noticed her badass hand tattoo. There's no point to this story, I just like her taste.

Just sitting here, still waiting for the new Grimes album. I am still hoping this song makes it onto said album.


One of the best songs of all time. Crazy that it almost didn't see the light of day.
I remember when this was uploaded. Definitely album worthy.


Gold Member
That was something she wrote in the description the day it was published on Youtube. Since then, there is this:

While discussing her recent loosie "REALiTi," which she had previously scrapped from her new album, she told Entertainment Weekly, "I hate 'Oblivion' too... I always hate the songs that are the singles."

Although it's kind of a bummer to learn that Grimes doesn't like one of her most loved songs, there's a silver lining to all this: the reaction to "REALiTi" has been so overwhelmingly positive that she might put it on her album after all.

"By popular demand, I did try to remake 'REALiTi' and it is really good now," she said. "I'm considering putting it on the record. I had to reproduce it for the live show anyway. I don't like 'REALiTi,' but everybody else does. I may put it on by popular demand, I don't know."
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