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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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So Colombia just legalized same sex couples adopting.

It's absolutely bizarre, because gay marriage isn't legalized, we do have that civil union figure thing that it's basically the same thing but in name, still, we can't use the word marriage.

Maybe it deserves its own thread but I'm on my phone and lazy :p.


GUIS, which glasses should i get??


None of them.

Get LASIK surgery for better eyesight. Do away with the glasses~


lol yeah, also beware of sites that may or not give you malware giving you trouble :p

In order of importance:

Web browsing
Apps (Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Skype/Facetime)
School stuff (textbooks and the like)
Streaming movies (Netflix, Hulu)
Games (I don't reaaaaaally care about games but it would be sort of nice to play something now and then)

I won't be using it much/at all for work. Also, I don't own very much/any media - I prefer to stream everything via Spotify/Netflix, etc. - so I'm hoping the 16GB of the iPad Mini 2 (the tablet I'm still leaning towards) won't be a barrier for me.

Most your needs would be handled by an iOS/Android tablet. The only thing that wouldn't would be note-taking, possibly, depending on what school stuff you're using. Are you annotating pdfs? Reading ebooks? If it's just reading books, non-windows is fine. If it's handwritten notes. You'd go with a stylus-enabled tablet. Otherwise, you could just use a bluetooth keyboard. No windows tablet in that price range will run any decent game, so you'd have better luck with a mobile OS. Microsoft One Note is also free and Google Docs has compatibility with MS Word.

Options are overwhelming. :) I would suggest getting a Chromecast so you can stream videos/music to your entertainment system.


I'd vote for the first pair of glasses.
None of them.

Get LASIK surgery for better eyesight. Do away with the glasses~

Yah just hop into a Lasik store in the middle of running errands, pay ~$200 and have your coworkers comment on your new look when you go into work the next day.

...the two are not equivalent.

Also glasses are boss.


Gold Member
I wish I could go back to wearing thin rims, but the problem is that my lenses are absurdly thick due to my ever-worsening diplopia. The combination of thick lenses and thin rims looks awful. So I'm pretty much stuck with the thicker plastic rims.

Diplopia also makes LASIK and PRK non-solutions.


I think they look fine on plenty of people, but not on me. I can only do smallish wire oval shaped ones, kinda like these:


aspiring style: sexy teacher's assistant.

I'm the opposite - oval-shaped frames don't go with my face at all. Though it's only really my last pair that were that large - I'm still not sure if they were a good idea.
I got contacts quite a while ago and won't ever go back to glasses. The right glasses look ok on the right kind of face, but not mine I think.

I'm avoiding Lasik because of the horror stories, even though I'm sure there's only a small chance that it can go wrong. It's hard to accept any risk of uncorrectable permanently blurry vision.
I plan on getting Lasik when I turn 25. Most of my family has had it done and loved it.

I need to pick up contacts again in the meantime. I don't think I look good in glasses.


I used to want surgery; but at the moment I'm fairly comfortable with the idea of wearing glasses permanently. Both from general laziness, and how much I've come to rely on having something to hide and distort the shape of my face.


Since we're talking about glasses, thought I may as well throw a picture of me wearing goggles into the ring. :)


Recently I've had to start wearing them more often as otherwise my eyesight is too blurry. I don't mind it though, I've been told that I look good in them.
I don't know how anyone can wear contacts. I'm way to skiddish about anything getting even close to my eyes let alone putting something on them.
I don't know how anyone can wear contacts. I'm way to skiddish about anything getting even close to my eyes let alone putting something on them.

yeah, that's why I cut off my eyelids

I could understand this sentiment if contacts were still mostly made out of glass, but soft well-lubricated polymer? putting contacts in is like a soothing eye massage.
Some woman asked my Aunt today if she knew any gay males she could set her 24 year old son up with. My Aunt was telling me and my cousin about it at dinner, and remarked about how cool it was that society has progressed to the point where someone can just openly ask that.

Being a 22 year old gay male, I'm really tempted to take this chance. Would finally be an excuse to out myself to my family.


I'm tempted to invite this guy over for Amazon Instant Prime Video™ and Chill, but still on the fence about it.

I don't have Netflix... ;_;

Some woman asked my Aunt today if she knew any gay males she could set her 24 year old son up with. My Aunt was telling me and my cousin about it at dinner, and remarked about how cool it was that society has progressed to the point where someone can just openly ask that.

Being a 22 year old gay male, I'm really tempted to take this chance. Would finally be an excuse to out myself to my family.

Is the 24 year old good looking, or in other words, are you attracted to him?

Why not ask your aunt about the woman and her son so maybe you could get to know them?

Or was this just a random thing?

Your family sounds very progressive.
Is the 24 year old good looking, or in other words, are you attracted to him?

Why not ask your aunt about the woman and her son so maybe you could get to know them?

Or was this just a random thing?

Your family sounds very progressive.

I'm going to ask my aunt if she can get a picture of the guy. And then see if anything happens. Who knows, dude might not find me attractive enough to give a chance. Or I might not be attracted to him. But me showing interest in dating a dude would be a change in how my family perceives me.

I think I'm gonna do it.

And yeah my family, or at least most of them, are extremely gay friendly. My own personal hangups are the only real thing that has prevented me from coming out.


Coming Out on Top got a free update with 2 new dateable guys

Free smut is the best smut

The pink haired guy's date went in an interesting direction.

Also, it's worth mentioning that Obscura's writing is as amusing and witty as ever. She does great work.


Hunky Nostradamus
Thanks for the feedback folks! Glasses are great, never having contacts again.


Contacts suck

Coming Out on Top got a free update with 2 new dateable guys

Is that game available on iPad.

Most your needs would be handled by an iOS/Android tablet. The only thing that wouldn't would be note-taking, possibly, depending on what school stuff you're using. Are you annotating pdfs? Reading ebooks? If it's just reading books, non-windows is fine. If it's handwritten notes. You'd go with a stylus-enabled tablet. Otherwise, you could just use a bluetooth keyboard. No windows tablet in that price range will run any decent game, so you'd have better luck with a mobile OS. Microsoft One Note is also free and Google Docs has compatibility with MS Word.

Options are overwhelming. :) I would suggest getting a Chromecast so you can stream videos/music to your entertainment system.

Tell me about it. There are so many options out there that it's really hard to discern which one is the best for me. I think I've decided to go with the iPad (seems like an all around solid machine and if I'm being honest, the Apple branding has a bit more sway over me than the other brands for some dumb consumerist sheeple reason -__-) but first I need to visit the store so I can test it out to see if I'll like it in person.

Your advice has been a lot of help to me though, so thank you! <3

My real life didn't start when I came out, it came closer to its ending.

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