They don't change the deaths, but the whole psychlogical part is portrayed a lot better in my opinion. It isn't told from Katniss's perspective, so it works a lot better in my opinion.
GayGAF, I have a story to tell you. About my first day of work.
So I set off for my first day today, thinking "oh lord, I bet there are going to be loads of hotties on my commute" and sure enough there were, towards the end of the journey a really cute guy got on the tram and we glanced at each other a couple of time, he got off the same stop as me, and I was like "Oh, he works around here?"
So I went exploring for a bit since I was early, and I doubled back when I reached the place i'm going to be working, and I saw him walking towards me and I was like "Shit, he doesn't work there does he?" but he walked past it, and I was like "Oh never mind". So then I went to go get a coffee and then walk back up again, and sure enough I ran into him AGAIN.
When I finished my coffee I went to the building and got signed in, and there were 3 or 4 other people who were signing in too, who were also there on their first day and were ready for the induction. And he comes in behind me, he's also starting at the exact same place on the same day, though he's going to be on a different team and a different floor *sweats*
I didn't get chance to talk to him but I caught him glancing at me a couple of times, I was going to introduce myself on the way back at the tram station, but he was looking at his phone and walked right past me

Ah well, I have all week.
That WAS the story I was originally going to tell, but something happened on the way home as well.
I was waiting for the train, and there was a train already there, despite the departure being in like another 20 minutes, and I was confused as to whether it was the train I was getting, and I waited there for around 5 minutes when an incredibly handsome, tanned skin guy with black hair walked past, bundled up in a fancy coat and scarf, he was gorgeous.
Then he doubled back and started talking to me. Just asking if this was that train, I told him that I wasn't sure myself and I had been wondering the same thing, we laughed about it and he went over to the driver to ask him but he wasn't there, so he came back to talk to me. I said I was going to ask one of the staff, and he came along with me, and we asked together.
We got sent to the wrong platform, but we started talking on the way about how bad the trains are, how little sense it makes, which led to us talking about trains in Japan, to talking about trains in London, until we started talking about why we were in the city, which led to me telling him it was my first day at a new job, and he started talking about his job, and we ended up getting on the train together and talking non-stop the entire train ride back.
I was just completely dumbfounded by this guy, our conversation was so natural and we had so many shared interests, he was telling me about his job as a freelance cinematographer, about where he comes from, his half-italian heritage, his hobbies and interests, we talked about movies and games, and he told me on length about his job and I kept asking him loads of questions and it was genuinely interesting. Our eyes were pretty much locked on each other the entire journey and at one point we leaned close together to see some pictures he was showing me on his phone and our legs touched and neither of us moved away.
It was actually a pretty short train journey but it seemed to last forever, and I didn't want it to end, and neither did he. He gave me his business card and stressed that I should email him or add him on facebook and we can keep in touch, even suggesting we could meet up and hang out.
I have never been this captivated by a person in my entire life. I hung on his every word, I watched his every movement. I think I fell in love in the space of a short train journey, and I smiled all the way home despite walking in the rain.
This is nuts, it's like some fairy tale nonsense. There is going to be an inevitable fall back to earth when I find out he's straight, but oh god, I can dream for just a little bit.