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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Not sure what you would call it, basically I'll just date anyone i love regardless of gender?
Where Are You From? Michigan
Where Do You Live? Grand Rapids
How Old Are you? 29
Favorite Type of Music? not sure. I like Birthday Massacre, Foo Fighters, Chili Peppers...
Profession or Career interest? Retail
Favorite video game(s)? Dragon Quest, Otome games, Danganronpa
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Movies, Running, Manga

Hello and welcome!


Forgot to do this since I just randomly plop in sometimes lol.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? LA
Where Do You Live? LA
How Old Are you? 22
Favorite Type of Music? Lykke Li, Passion Pit, Chvrches, Fleetwood
Profession or Career interest? Very interested in Human Resources and being a Museum Curator
Favorite video game(s)? Tekken series, Soul Series, FF9, Crash Bandicoot, DARK CLOUD
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Dancing, writing poetry, daydreaming about random stuff, Rami Malek


Forgot to do this since I just randomly plop in sometimes lol.

Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? LA
Where Do You Live? LA
How Old Are you? 22
Favorite Type of Music? Lykke Li, Passion Pit, Chvrches, Fleetwood
Profession or Career interest? Very interested in Human Resources and being a Museum Curator
Favorite video game(s)? Tekken series, Soul Series, FF9, Crash Bandicoot, DARK CLOUD
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Dancing, writing poetry, daydreaming about random stuff, Rami Malek

Hello and welcome! What type of dancing you do?




How long have you been dancing and do you dance for fun or on a team?

I've been dancing for four years and was going to join a team the first year I decided to dance but unfortunately I had terrible coordination at that time and couldn't follow the choreography the team I was interested in set out. After practicing for a couple more years, I grew much better at the craft and was invited to join the team, needless to say though, I was really afraid of having something I really enjoyed doing that was artistic and relaxing turn into a competitive act of adrenaline, sweat/tears, and practice constantly each day so I declined.

That's one of my hobbies that I like to remain as just a hobby, reserved for clubbing, parties and workout haha

The short answer would be I dance for fun now.
My first purchase from the B/S/T thread (a PS3) should be arriving tomorrow.

god i'm so tired of all the fucking trump threads in OT

there's one every day it's kind of stupid

I decided to take a break from OT, hearing Trump and Carson's stupid musings has been fun, but I think I've had my fill. Too much poison isn't good for you.


Does anyone else like to dance? Whether you think you're good or bad or just do it just because who gives a flying penguin?



who doesn't like to dance?

the answer to that rhetorical question is humourless dorks.

I have friends that would rather be buried in a coffin then dance in public. I was in that place 6 years ago lol. For me it's an expression of what the music makes me feel and how fun it is, whether you're doing some sick moves or just having fun. I think learning to let go is incredibly important.

I remember dancing in a party 4 years ago when I just started dancing and some guy came up to me and told me my dancing is terrible and I need to work on my footwork and I should stop LOL. #shade #meangirlsaf #didntdanceforweeks
I have friends that would rather be buried in a coffin then dance in public. I was in that place 6 years ago lol. For me it's an expression of what the music makes me feel and how fun it is, whether you're doing some sick moves or just having fun. I think learning to let go is incredibly important.

I remember dancing in a party 4 years ago when I just started dancing and some guy came up to me and told me my dancing is terrible and I need to work on my footwork and I should stop LOL. #shade #meangirlsaf #didntdanceforweeks


yeah I think it's just a fun way of accessing a 'flow' state. it's like writing, when everything syncs it's like intrinsically enjoyable.

I could be offended, but I guess you're not wrong...


Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone else like to dance? Whether you think you're good or bad or just do it just because who gives a flying penguin?

Ooooooh yes. I don't care what anyone else thinks. If I like a song, I will dance. I feel the music and do what it tells me. Some people have said I'm a good dancer, but I think it's only because I have rhythm and some control over my hips. However, I have always thought that dance is the hobby I regret never pursuing.


I've been dancing for four years and was going to join a team the first year I decided to dance but unfortunately I had terrible coordination at that time and couldn't follow the choreography the team I was interested in set out. After practicing for a couple more years, I grew much better at the craft and was invited to join the team, needless to say though, I was really afraid of having something I really enjoyed doing that was artistic and relaxing turn into a competitive act of adrenaline, sweat/tears, and practice constantly each day so I declined.

That's one of my hobbies that I like to remain as just a hobby, reserved for clubbing, parties and workout haha

The short answer would be I dance for fun now.

Have you danced in any competitions like Prelude, Vibe, etc?

[Edit] oh, I missed that you declined. I understand how you feel when you turn something you would enjoy into a professional and heavily critiqued atmosphere. You should reconsider because that's often where the most growth happens. =)

Does anyone else like to dance? Whether you think you're good or bad or just do it just because who gives a flying penguin?


I danced and I taught Hip Hop/Modern for 10 years. Can't really call it Hip Hop because a lot of these competitive outlets employ lyrical, jazz, modern and a slew of other styles.
want to get into the energy saving led lightbulb game

any experience with this lbtgaf

Yeah, most of them aren't meant for enclosed features. LED lightbulbs don't put off that much heat, but the diodes themselves are pretty sensitive to heat, so an enclosed fixture will often cook them. It's basically the same reason it's hard to find 100W replacements in LED bulbs, packing that many LEDs into a small area creates hotspots. Otherwise you're good.


Does anyone else like to dance? Whether you think you're good or bad or just do it just because who gives a flying penguin?


I wish I could do this type of dancing, I believe it's called breakdancing (?):





I mean dang... It looks amazing. I wanna be able to do that some day though I may be too old already to try that... ;_;
My aunt and uncle both do swing dance and when they got married this last summer, so basically them and all of there dance friends where super good. It was amazing watching them all dance.
I really with I could dance.


Have you danced in any competitions like Prelude, Vibe, etc?

[Edit] oh, I missed that you declined. I understand how you feel when you turn something you would enjoy into a professional and heavily critiqued atmosphere. You should reconsider because that's often where the most growth happens. =)

I danced and I taught Hip Hop/Modern for 10 years. Can't really call it Hip Hop because a lot of these competitive outlets employ lyrical, jazz, modern and a slew of other styles.

Woo that's awesome you have so many years of experience! #jelly Lol! And possibly, right now I'm very focused on many other things but dance definitely will be an option for me possibly just for performances purposes rather than a full on career if I can survive living in LA a year longer lol. All jokes aside I do love it a lot and wish everyone was more open to it. Thanks for the word of encouragement. #keepondancing.

My aunt and uncle both do swing dance and when they got married this last summer, so basically them and all of there dance friends where super good. It was amazing watching them all dance.
I really with I could dance.

Let me tell you a short personal story, my family, my extended family, my community are all dancers, naturally you'd think I'd be a dancer like them immediately right? Hell no. Every event, every party, anything that had music I would be petrified of the thought of being forced to dance because I felt I was incapable.

I would always just sit and watch yearning to be able to dance like my older sister, aunt, uncle. These people were crazy about it, they would legitimately battle each other while dancing (not literal fights but dance battles)

Finally it was senior prom, still closeted, I hadn't danced my whole life and always regret never doing it each event so I was like, fk it, I'm just gonna dance, this is my last year at this place and I'm gonna have a great time in the end. That was one of the first times I danced and let me tell you once you finally let that music demon out, it sings, it soars and it makes rainbows everywhere.

I was far from a great dancer, or even good, but eventually you just learn to do it to have fun. Don't let ideas such as "I'm a bad dancer" stop you from having a good time and unlocking a part of yourself that would really flourish and have fun. Of course this choice is all yours, I know people who just don't dance cause they just don't like it which is perfectly fine.


I would always just sit and watch yearning to be able to dance like my older sister, aunt, uncle. These people were crazy about it, they would legitimately battle each other while dancing (not literal fights but dance battles)

Finally it was senior prom, still closeted, I hadn't danced my whole life and always regret never doing it each event so I was like, fk it, I'm just gonna dance

I had a similar experience. Didn't dance until I was college and never felt like I could even learn even though I wanted to. Friend asked me to take a beginning class with her and she dropped out third week while I stuck with it. The teacher eventually started asking me to dance with her at the front as guide and it sort of built from there into dancing for my university's first dance team. Then, through that, teaching in my own. I ultimately enjoyed teaching more because I loved coming up with routines. Also, I hate freestyling and prefer the control that choreography allows.

It is time consuming, especially competitive levels. I wish I could get back into it but at the same time, felt like it was taking away from other things. You should take a class to keep up w with it, though. It's great cardio. =)


I had a similar experience. Didn't dance until I was college and never felt like I could even learn even though I wanted to. Friend asked me to take a beginning class with her and she dropped out third week while I stuck with it. The teacher eventually started asking me to dance with her at the front as guide and it sort of built from there into dancing for my university's first dance team. Then, through that, teaching in my own. I ultimately enjoyed teaching more because I loved coming up with routines. Also, I hate freestyling and prefer the control that choreography allows.

It is time consuming, especially competitive levels. I wish I could get back into it but at the same time, felt like it was taking away from other things. You should take a class to keep up w with it, though. It's great cardio. =)

That's so awesome to hear about your journey and how you stuck by it. I love free styling and choreography, free styling for moves I have to improvise on the spot and choreography for its flow and control. Congrats on dancing for your university, I'm sure that was a huge honor but also I bet they were lucky to have a talented individual like you on their team!

I'll make sure to go to my University's gym and take some classes there, you really reminded me why I love it and why it's so fun. And yes, it is amazing cardio! >;)


When that liquor get into me.




I have a serious question for the gays in the thread

Are there any here in a relationship that have sex as in penetration daily? Like is that even feasible, the work and diet that must go into that is astounding to me not to mention sitting


irresponsible vagina leak
I have a serious question for the gays in the thread

Are there any here in a relationship that have sex as in penetration daily? Like is that even feasible, the work and diet that must go into that is astounding to me not to mention sitting

My hand never complains.


I have a serious question for the gays in the thread

Are there any here in a relationship that have sex as in penetration daily? Like is that even feasible, the work and diet that must go into that is astounding to me not to mention sitting
he poops from there

No, sadly.


I have a serious question for the gays in the thread

Are there any here in a relationship that have sex as in penetration daily? Like is that even feasible, the work and diet that must go into that is astounding to me not to mention sitting

I did it for the first couple months and it was amazing.... but your butt can only take so much. I had to sit out for a couple weeks in other words... Moderation is important everyone. If I had to choose between intercourse everyday to intercourse once or twice a week, I'd choose the latter. It feels more special to me and connected. (call me a sap I don't mind lol)

It's feasible if you're eating healthy, have a fast metabolism, do cardio, or use an enema, but after a while I think you have to give the butt a break unless I'm just a bad bottom.

Don't shame me bottoms on this thread -hides-


I did it for the first couple months and it was amazing.... but your butt can only take so much. I had to sit out for a couple weeks in other words... Moderation is important everyone. If I had to choose between intercourse everyday to intercourse once or twice a week, I'd choose the latter. It feels more special to me and connected. (call me a sap I don't mind lol)

It's feasible if you're eating healthy, have a fast metabolism, do cardio, or use an enema, but after a while I think you have to give the butt a break unless I'm just a bad bottom.

Don't shame me bottoms on this thread -hides-

my metabolism used to be fast lolz

but I dunno if i could do everyday but I would want more than 1/2 week too. 3-4. of course the goal with my bf is ideally vers both. maybe we'll just alternate each day haha


my metabolism used to be fast lolz

but I dunno if i could do everyday but I would want more than 1/2 week too. 3-4. of course the goal with my bf is ideally vers both. maybe we'll just alternate each day haha

Alternating is the best way to go. Your bf might be ready to bottom, or you might be and you both switch off on days, that way you can have your cake and eat it too! haha

Oh god it'll catch up with me soon, I'm only 22 and living it up while I still can. I should stop buying In N out fries right now


Alternating is the best way to go. Your bf might be ready to bottom, or you might be and you both switch off on days, that way you can have your cake and eat it too! haha

too bad he's not into rimming. probably the reason we will break up in the future i can see it already


too bad he's not into rimming. probably the reason we will break up in the future i can see it already


I wonder why, did you speak to him about why he isn't in to it? Rimming is awesome and I think every guy should experience/do it. Gay straight whatever.



I wonder why, did you speak to him about why he isn't in to it? Rimming is awesome and I think every guy should experience/do it. Gay straight whatever.

Haha I'm kidding about the breakup bit but he's still new to it and when I've done it his noises were more than a good sign of liking it but he says it's a mental thing about cleanliness. Hopefully he gets over it considering you know being gay and all (well bi in his case but still)
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