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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I passed my class in which I don't even know what the professor looks like because I have second year senioritis and I just used a cool study guide instead.


Straight people also don't need permission to say any of those words, they can already say them and already do say them quite frequently, it's just that us non-self hating queer people will think they're assholes for saying them, so Mr. Yiannopooplous is thinking of nothing original.
I saw that thread title and thought 'no one would actually think that, right?' and I couldn't get past the first page without a headache. It felt like most of them didn't even consider two women having sex to be 'real' sex so it didn't count. But that was a while ago so I may be misremembering.

Also that article is some vile shit piled into some Slightly more vile shit.

The idea was "hey she wants vagina and I dont have one so it isn't cheating."

But I fail to see how that would change if you just sucked in bed and she wanted better dick on the side.


irresponsible vagina leak


This guy is something else.


Got fever and stomach ache on a saturday...;/

I have to say, I was on the fence with FF13-2's OST, since I heard only Starting Over and Unseen Intruder (the rap on this one....ugh).

But that Missing Link song, WOW.


Got fever and stomach ache on a saturday...;/

I have to say, I was on the fence with FF13-2's OST, since I heard only Starting Over and Unseen Intruder (the rap on this one....ugh).

But that Missing Link song, WOW.

Listen to Plains of Eternity for something more upbeat.


Hey LGBTQIA-gaf, I don't know if this is the place for this but I need advice.

I've been having some mental health issues for a while that I've probably needed to get help for, but i just recently let my parents know. I kind of just sent my mom an email and ran. They're coming over tomorrow (for something else) and I know this is something we're going to need to talk about because I don't have the money for a therapist since I'm graduating college next week with no job or even potential prospects, and they're obviously going to be concerned. I don't know how to talk to them about this since I'm shit at talking in person about normal shit let alone my own personal issues. So now I'm sitting here as a big bundle of stress and anxiety wondering what they're going to say or what I should say and I've been pacing around my workplace for the past half an hour and I've only now stopped because all my limbs feel like jelly and whenever I start to think about tomorrow my heart starts beating fast and it gets a little harder to breathe.

I don't know what I'm looking for exactly, but I felt like I needed to post this somewhere.
Got fever and stomach ache on a saturday...;/

I have to say, I was on the fence with FF13-2's OST, since I heard only Starting Over and Unseen Intruder (the rap on this one....ugh).

But that Missing Link song, WOW.

Most of the soundtrack is A++

Especially the Mizuta songs.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I've been having some mental health issues for a while that I've probably needed to get help for, but i just recently let my parents know. I kind of just sent my mom an email and ran. They're coming over tomorrow (for something else) and I know this is something we're going to need to talk about because I don't have the money for a therapist since I'm graduating college next week with no job or even potential prospects, and they're obviously going to be concerned..

Are you in the US? Many cities have LGBT health centers that offer discounted or sliding scale rates for therapy and counseling. I was seeing a therapist a few years ago and only needed to pay ~$15 per session through one of these services. Even though you're graduating soon, something may be accessible within the college, as well.


Are you in the US? Many cities have LGBT health centers that offer discounted or sliding scale rates for therapy and counseling. I was seeing a therapist a few years ago and only needed to pay ~$15 per session through one of these services. Even though you're graduating soon, something may be accessible within the college, as well.

I'm aware of my college's mental health services, but what I'm dealing with is something I feel like I'm going to need a little longer term care for. I'm also not dealing with anything specifically LGBT related, do those centers just offer those rates regardless or what? Either way I've calmed down significantly now after going for a walk. I'm still stressed, but I know what I did is what I needed to do if I'm going to be happy in life.

Thanks for the advice, though.


Hey LGBTQIA-gaf, I don't know if this is the place for this but I need advice.

I've been having some mental health issues for a while that I've probably needed to get help for, but i just recently let my parents know. I kind of just sent my mom an email and ran. They're coming over tomorrow (for something else) and I know this is something we're going to need to talk about because I don't have the money for a therapist since I'm graduating college next week with no job or even potential prospects, and they're obviously going to be concerned. I don't know how to talk to them about this since I'm shit at talking in person about normal shit let alone my own personal issues. So now I'm sitting here as a big bundle of stress and anxiety wondering what they're going to say or what I should say and I've been pacing around my workplace for the past half an hour and I've only now stopped because all my limbs feel like jelly and whenever I start to think about tomorrow my heart starts beating fast and it gets a little harder to breathe.

I don't know what I'm looking for exactly, but I felt like I needed to post this somewhere.

If you ever need a ear to chew on PM me


I'm aware of my college's mental health services, but what I'm dealing with is something I feel like I'm going to need a little longer term care for. I'm also not dealing with anything specifically LGBT related, do those centers just offer those rates regardless or what? Either way I've calmed down significantly now after going for a walk. I'm still stressed, but I know what I did is what I needed to do if I'm going to be happy in life.

Thanks for the advice, though.

When I went to see a therapist at my school, I saw him once a week for almost the entirety of the school year, and each session was only $5 because I was a student. Honestly, going to it was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, and it was supremely helpful across many facets of my life.

I don't know how long you define 'longer term care' for, but I went to this same guy every week/every other week for about 6 months, and I seriously can't understate how helpful it was to me.


Been a busy week for me! more training at work, christmas shopping, a new PS4 (and games!), a work meal on thursday and then the gay geek social tonight!

There is one guy at the social.. I'd seen him there before and we always make a lot of eye contact when I do, but I've never spoken to him, until tonight when we were on a small table playing card games and donkey kong jenga and he was sat across from me, we were making eye contact all night, and he's super cute, has the most amazing smile and a really great sense of humour (and what looks like a nice body) we hit it off quite well I thought.

I just got home and added him on facebook, and if he accepts i'm gonna message him and say hi.The chances of meeting someone I'm THIS attracted to and there is no "Is he gay? isn't he?" bullshit. It's worth a try.
Been a busy week for me! more training at work, christmas shopping, a new PS4 (and games!), a work meal on thursday and then the gay geek social tonight!

There is one guy at the social.. I'd seen him there before and we always make a lot of eye contact when I do, but I've never spoken to him, until tonight when we were on a small table playing card games and donkey kong jenga and he was sat across from me, we were making eye contact all night, and he's super cute, has the most amazing smile and a really great sense of humour (and what looks like a nice body) we hit it off quite well I thought.

I just got home and added him on facebook, and if he accepts i'm gonna message him and say hi.The chances of meeting someone I'm THIS attracted to and there is no "Is he gay? isn't he?" bullshit. It's worth a try.
Not to mention that just being at this social means you already have a few things in common. Do your best Razmos!


Been a busy week for me! more training at work, christmas shopping, a new PS4 (and games!), a work meal on thursday and then the gay geek social tonight!

There is one guy at the social.. I'd seen him there before and we always make a lot of eye contact when I do, but I've never spoken to him, until tonight when we were on a small table playing card games and donkey kong jenga and he was sat across from me, we were making eye contact all night, and he's super cute, has the most amazing smile and a really great sense of humour (and what looks like a nice body) we hit it off quite well I thought.

I just got home and added him on facebook, and if he accepts i'm gonna message him and say hi.The chances of meeting someone I'm THIS attracted to and there is no "Is he gay? isn't he?" bullshit. It's worth a try.
Wait, what happened to Mr. Perfect bus guy?



Milo is such an odd character. He's the type of person that feels the need to stand on the other side of a fence to expound his criticisms.


I don't know how someone can make his points, and act like it has such a strong influence when so many women do succeed at those things, and further when there are so many other factors at play. He just lets his points hang as if there is some conclusion we are all supposed to be reaching, while acting like this women is making bold lies in the face of science.


If you ever need a ear to chew on PM me
Thanks for that. I'll remember that.

When I went to see a therapist at my school, I saw him once a week for almost the entirety of the school year, and each session was only $5 because I was a student. Honestly, going to it was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, and it was supremely helpful across many facets of my life.

I don't know how long you define 'longer term care' for, but I went to this same guy every week/every other week for about 6 months, and I seriously can't understate how helpful it was to me.

The only reason I state longer term care is because I'm graduating in less than 7 days so I won't have access to those facilities for that long. I've already talked with my parents a little and I think things are going to be just fine. I'm still not looking forward to tomorrow, but at least I'm a lot less stressed than I was before.
Milo is such an odd character. He's the type of person that feels the need to stand on the other side of a fence to expound his criticisms.


I don't know how someone can make his points, and act like it has such a strong influence when so many women do succeed at those things, and further when there are so many other factors at play. He just lets his points hang as if there is some conclusion we are all supposed to be reaching, while acting like this women is making bold lies in the face of science.

Do you want to answer the IBQ?
Your gender?
Your sexual orientation?
Where Are You From?
Where Do You Live?
How Old Are you?
Favorite Type of Music?
Profession or Career interest?
Favorite video game(s)?
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)?

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I'm also not dealing with anything specifically LGBT related, do those centers just offer those rates regardless or what? Either way I've calmed down significantly now after going for a walk. I'm still stressed, but I know what I did is what I needed to do if I'm going to be happy in life.

It doesn't have to exclusively be LGBT-related issues, the centers simply cater to the subset because we aren't always comfortable discussing problems - mental, physical, sexual, etc - with a counselor or therapist who doesn't necessarily "get" where we're coming from.

I mostly talked to my therapist about depression and whatnot, but it felt more relatable since he was also a gay man... and it was in a professional setting, heh. I'll be perfectly open with other gays but I don't typically expect well-considered advice, y'know? Even if you're leaving school shortly, it can't hurt to have a meeting with one of their support staff, and maybe you'll get a better feel for how the idea of being in therapy strikes you.


Gold Member
Game commentary time: So Xenoblade X is a fairly solid game when it comes to most of the gameplay mechanics. The flexibility of the combat system and character build possibilities is amazing. It was pretty overwhelming at first. The world's scale is definitely something else. There's no shortage of stuff to do and see. Combat is just plain fun, and a lot deeper than I expected.

The problem is that the game has some of the most boring main characters in a JRPG to date, and the mascot character is borderline Jar Jar Binks in terms of annoying. The dialogue has very rare moments of brilliance (particularly with certain side quests) but is mostly uninteresting, and most cutscenes are 'meh'. The mute protagonist has a lacking presence as an important part of the game, especially compared to say, Persona 4 or even the FFXIV Heavensward MMO expansion. It's the Elma, Lin, and Tatsu show, with Elma being as exciting as white bread, and Lin/Tatsu repeating the Tatsu-is-food Tatsu-is-not-food joke ad infinitum.

The really glaring problem of all things though, is that the exploration feels mechanical instead of organic and I think it's because of the Wii U gamepad. Because of how the map system was implemented, you are forced to use it frequently. At times it feels like I'm playing an Ubi Soft game, with my exploration guided by the hexagons on a technically pre-explored map filled with checklist items of things to do. Much like Riddler trophies in the Batman games, you are given approximate locations for probes and such, and I don't feel like I'm a pioneer exploring a truly unknown world. The maps should have zero information until you physically went to locations like in Skies of Arcadia, because as it stands, I feel like someone else did all the exploring, found out where the lands end and the seas begin, left markers for probes and such everywhere, and now I'm stuck with the busywork.

Essentially, despite Fallout 4 not having the scale of Xenoblade X's world, I find that game's exploration much more fulfilling. This is surprising because I honestly expected the reverse after hearing how big X's world would be and how exploration is a key theme to Xenoblade. Fallout 4 certainly doesn't hold a candle to X's scenic vistas, but the sense of discovery is better with you having little to no clue what is around every corner until you physically get there. With X, you already have at least a basic idea: it's right on the Wii U gamepad screen.

A lot more to go for me in the game, but X is a 7 out of 10 game so far. I'm honestly a little disappointed, but the game is still fun and I'll definitely see it to the end.
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