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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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We were told El Niño is coming. Still waiting here.



Hi LettersGAF - haven't posted here in almost four months, figured it's about time for a comeback! (And I did the real pic thing for funsies as well.)

Hope you all have been well. <3


In corporate news we all come to this thread for:

One week later: "Dick Smith has gone into voluntary administration, with receivers reportedly appointed to try to claw back debt owed to the company's creditors.

The electronics goods chain entered a trading halt on Monday, pending an announcement about its "funding position and debt financing covenants"."

Ohh yeah, keep going! Tell me about your profit margins daddy!


There are a lot of hot UFC fighters.

Guys I want to win the lottery so bad. The powerball is 400 million!

I'll have us a big party if I do.


Went to Disney with boyfriend for New Year's Eve. Epcot, then Hollywood Studios, then dinner at the Polynesian resort and their hula show, then watched the castle fireworks on the beach at midnight, then hung out in the Magic Kingdom until it closed. &#128076;&#127881;


Went to Disney with boyfriend for New Year's Eve. Epcot, then Hollywood Studios, then dinner at the Polynesian resort and their hula show, then watched the castle fireworks on the beach at midnight, then hung out in the Magic Kingdom until it closed. &#128076;&#127881;

Go [R E D A C T E D] yourself.
I went to a magic show today, when there I saw that Alan Cumming was performing (singing) there another show later in the evening and the next two nights...but it was sold out. He's my favourite actor and I didn't even know he was here. Disappointing!

But what about GAAP and non GAAP income? I need to know that!
Thigh GAAP income.


Ugh. Date in a couple day and nerves are killing me, help LettersGAF....

You've made it past the hard part! I know I haven't had a date in years ever until last year. You've gotten farther than I have! That means someone likes you and wants to spend time with you. No need to be neeeeh-vous.


So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.
I fucked up by staying up to like 6 am on sunday and now im paying the price, now that school had started again.
I do this all the time. And I keep saying I will stop but I don't. lol


irresponsible vagina leak
So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.

I do this all the time. And I keep saying I will stop but I don't. lol

To me it somewhat sounds homophobic if you cant talk about your partner. Sure he accepts you but he doesn't want to know about your relationship when he can talk about his relationship all he wants. Diet Homophobia vibes.


So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything. l

I would be offended. He has no right lol
So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.

You can decide whether you're offended, but this really bugs me. Conservatives say being gay is fine as long as you keep your sexuality private, but have no problem flaunting their own sexuality without even realizing it: talking about your partner with your friends and going to social events with him or her, commenting about which celebrities you find attractive, getting married in flamboyant public ceremonies, changing your name and form of address when you get married, gossiping about your friends' relationships. But as soon as I do anything like this, I'm rubbing your face in my sexuality.


So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.

I do this all the time. And I keep saying I will stop but I don't. lol

I would be annoyed as fuck. Nothing bugs me more than stupid hypocrites.


So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.

I do this all the time. And I keep saying I will stop but I don't. lol

uh what? Next time he starts tell him to shove a dick in it and shut the fuck up
So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything. l
That's total BS. Try talking to him about the double standard.
So my cousin told me he didn't want me to talk about my boyfriend. But all he does is talk about his girlfriend. Should I be offended cause I'm sort of offended. And he's not homophobic or anything.

I do this all the time. And I keep saying I will stop but I don't. lol
He seems like a bit hypocrite, hopefully everything goes alright when you confront him.

Yeah i do the same thing. That night me and a bunch of friends where playing video games till like 2: AM then all of them get off but me and my only friend who's gay and i came out to first. So basically we play a game for another hour, then i get in bed and we start texting, and basically we talking for like 3hr. It is nice to be able to talk to him about things.
So, there is this idiot on my campus today protesting the gays. Although that isn't the word he is using. Also shouting against Muslims. Took forever for security to arrive. Now he isn't being as loud but I feel he should be escorted off the campus since he is causing a feeling of uneasiness and hostility. I do feel better knowing that he has no umbrella and it started down pouring on him.


So I talked to my cousin. He said he was having problems with school finances and he was arguing with his girlfriend and that he took out his anger on me. He told me he was sorry.

But I delved deeper and asked him if he had a problem with me talking about guys in particular, that if I cross the line sometimes, and he said no. He said that if he wants to brag about banging a chick that I should be able to as well, guy or girl. And that he loved me no matter what. I'm not going to lie, I cried a little. lol

Speaking about double standards, I was recently invited to church and that my boyfriend could come but I would be asked to leave if we had any PDA.......

i just said ok....

Baffles the mind.
So I talked to my cousin. He said he was having problems with school finances and he was arguing with his girlfriend and that he took out his anger on me. He told me he was sorry.

But I delved deeper and asked him if he had a problem with me talking about guys in particular, that if I cross the line sometimes, and he said no. He said that if he wants to brag about banging a chick that I should be able to as well, guy or girl. And that he loved me no matter what. I'm not going to lie, I cried a little. lol

Speaking about double standards, I was recently invited to church and that my boyfriend could come but I would be asked to leave if we had any PDA.......

i just said ok....

Baffles the mind.
Well I'm glad that everything went well, I hope he gets all that stuff figured out.

For the second part i couldn't put it better.


Well PDAs of any sort in churches aren't really a well regarded thing in general tbh.
Well they clearly meant no forms of affection, even hand holding. If I can't be myself then why go?

But yeah the church is ok, and maybe slowly changing. A few years ago the pastor gave a sermon about "gay choice and their sin".
So I talked to my cousin. He said he was having problems with school finances and he was arguing with his girlfriend and that he took out his anger on me. He told me he was sorry.

But I delved deeper and asked him if he had a problem with me talking about guys in particular, that if I cross the line sometimes, and he said no. He said that if he wants to brag about banging a chick that I should be able to as well, guy or girl. And that he loved me no matter what. I'm not going to lie, I cried a little. lol

Speaking about double standards, I was recently invited to church and that my boyfriend could come but I would be asked to leave if we had any PDA.......

i just said ok....

Baffles the mind.
Aww, glad he wasn't entirely serious. That's sweet. :)

Aren't there better churches out there that you could seek out?
I started taking a class in yogic philosophy for religious studies credit and Hinduism is so weird, I kind of hate it lol. I thought I was supposed to like it because I'm a Buddhist and Buddhism is practically like the protestant reform movement of the Hindu philosophy of the time, but they're really so different. I even like Confucianism more (which has literally nothing to do with either) because it's at least more straight philosophy. Hinduism is this weird dizzying hodgepodge of theistic reverence and rituals and asceticism, it's kind of overwhelming and scary, like I feel like a lot of the things these yogis do is probably kind of unsafe and they should probably be reading more books or something instead of seeing Ganesh in pine needles or whatever /culturally ignorant.

Like Buddhist cultivation methods are straight forward, sensitize your awareness to phenomena until you can notice the subtle variations therein, that's impermanence/emptiness. Noticing it causes reality to seem holographic, because what formerly seemed like a solid 'thing' is actually subtly inconsistent, and that's panna (or wisdom into how things are). Keep doing that for a while and suddenly you're mind snaps out of seeing everything as more real or enduring than it really is, and that's basically enlightenment. It's so simple, but Hinduism is all god this divinity that, I can't handle it lol.
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