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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I started taking a class in yogic philosophy for religious studies credit and Hinduism is so weird, I kind of hate it lol. I thought I was supposed to like it because I'm a Buddhist and Buddhism is practically like the protestant reform movement of the Hindu philosophy of the time, but they're really so different. I even like Confucianism more (which has literally nothing to do with either) because it's at least more straight philosophy. Hinduism is this weird dizzying hodgepodge of theistic reverence and rituals and asceticism, it's kind of overwhelming and scary, like I feel like a lot of the things these yogis do is probably kind of unsafe and they should probably be reading more books or something instead of seeing Ganesh in pine needles or whatever /culturally ignorant.

Like Buddhist cultivation methods are straight forward, sensitize your awareness to phenomena until you can notice the subtle variations therein, that's impermanence/emptiness. Noticing it causes reality to seem holographic, because what formerly seemed like a solid 'thing' is actually subtly inconsistent, and that's panna (or wisdom into how things are). Keep doing that for a while and suddenly you're mind snaps out of seeing everything as more real or enduring than it really is, and that's basically enlightenment. It's so simple, but Hinduism is all god this divinity that, I can't handle it lol.

I'm thoroughly intrigued with Buddhist and Buddhism. I started a non-profit awhile ago centered around the art of meditation...not mindfulness. And while I practice it, I felt I should delve deeper into the meditative arts and Buddhism was the first thing that popped up in my findings. It was very interesting and I see where Western culture got Mindfulness from.
I'm thoroughly intrigued with Buddhist and Buddhism. I started a non-profit awhile ago centered around the art of meditation...not mindfulness. And while I practice it, I felt I should delve deeper into the meditative arts and Buddhism was the first thing that popped up in my findings. It was very interesting and I see where Western culture got Mindfulness from.

It is interesting, I actually want to become a Buddhist chaplain to teach meditation and Buddhist phenomenology and stuff. I think it's really fun and interesting but it's kind of a fringe skill, and I think that is partly because on the novice to intermediate level it's mostly an investigative process, which makes it kind of front-loaded or intimidating. The mind isn't really a consistent thing, so the results of sitting down and attending to some object for a set period of time aren't really consistent either, but then you start teasing out some of the cause-effect type stuff of why some approaches are more successful for you than others and then you gain some momentum. That's the difficulty with any new skill, but I think we're used to dealing with external phenomena more than internal ones, so the kinds of skill you're using with this can seem even more tenuous than normal. But I also think it's probably at least a thousand times more rewarding than learning how to juggle or something.

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=phenomenology :p

Phenomenology is the study of direct experience.

The distinctly Buddhist contribution to cultivation practices is a kind of phenomenology. The four noble truths for example define the soteriological problem in phenomenological terms (craving as the cause of dissatisfaction, etc). Insight meditation involves investigating three phenomena (the three marks of existence) as basically the means of deliverance or whatever. Basically if one of your key priorities is "seeing things as they are" then you're going to prioritize understanding of direct experience in some way.

Basically meditation provides a 'lab' for investigating direct experience, and Buddhism has its own complex system of observations, causal factors, etc pertaining to experience in a context of internal cultivation. Dhammas (or 'mental events') are synonymous with phenomena, and we're studying them, naturally Buddhism has its own framework, priorities, etc. Most of what psychology is learning from Buddhist stuff lately has to do with the stuff they mapped out earlier using phenomenology. It's basically introspection as an empirical method.


It is interesting, I actually want to become a Buddhist chaplain to teach meditation and Buddhist phenomenology and stuff. I think it's really fun and interesting but it's kind of a fringe skill, and I think that is partly because on the novice to intermediate level it's mostly an investigative process, which makes it kind of front-loaded or intimidating. The mind isn't really a consistent thing, so the results of sitting down and attending to some object for a set period of time aren't really consistent either, but then you start teasing out some of the cause-effect type stuff of why some approaches are more successful for you than others and then you gain some momentum. That's the difficulty with any new skill, but I think we're used to dealing with external phenomena more than internal ones, so the kinds of skill you're using with this can seem even more tenuous than normal. But I also think it's probably at least a thousand times more rewarding than learning how to juggle or something.

It was supremely rewarding especially when I started to dive into the metaphysical world and spirituality, especially driven from my African heritage. This is why I have a such a negative opinion about mindfulness that's being presenting in the States. Though I been meditating now for almost 3 years, my mind still has trouble cuss my thoughts literally bombard me depending on my emotional levels and if there's some outside issue. That inner world is definitely a critical piece. Exploring reality and all the various questions and beliefs is simply fascinating.


I know some of these words.

You can decide whether you're offended, but this really bugs me. Conservatives say being gay is fine as long as you keep your sexuality private, but have no problem flaunting their own sexuality without even realizing it: talking about your partner with your friends and going to social events with him or her, commenting about which celebrities you find attractive, getting married in flamboyant public ceremonies, changing your name and form of address when you get married, gossiping about your friends' relationships. But as soon as I do anything like this, I'm rubbing your face in my sexuality.

It might not be something you can point to as a strictly right-wing thing - the "don't rub it in my face" mentality is common even among people who'd otherwise describe themselves as progressives. When the default is so thoroughly woven into every social ritual we regard as normal, any deviation from it is immediately noticeable, no matter how small.

Even if they agree (or want to be seen as agreeing due to social pressure) with the abstract idea of civil and social equality, discomfort at the smallest reminder of LGBT people's existence is still a reflexive action. Which is how you end up with the hilarious mixed messages of 'I'm perfectly okay with you as long as I never have to think about or interact with you' - it's tolerance from the mouths of people who'd really rather you didn't exist.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I never thought I'd feel old at 23, but RPJ and some of the posters around GAF make me think I need to start choosing a cemetery.

I am now 21, def official old man status

Happy birthday!


its also my birthday on this fine day of january the 6th....though im "somewhat" older than 21 :(

so bottoms up bitches

I am now 21, def official old man status

its also my birthday on this fine day of january the 6th....though im "somewhat" older than 21 :(

so bottoms up bitches

I hope you guys have a good birthday.

I never thought I'd feel old at 23, but RPJ and some of the posters around GAF make me think I need to start choosing a cemetery.
Lol Im 16 and i feel like the youngest person on gaf, probably because i am.


Happy Birthday everyone!!

I started feeling old and depressed at 29, because I would be old in one year. Now that I'm 30, I feel even better. All right, my hangovers are horrible, but right now I'm much more fit, both physical and mentally, than one year ago. I will probably have the same depression with 39, because I will become old with 40, hope not.

You guys still have many years to enjoy your youth. Now log out of NeoGaf and take your first legal beer!!

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
33 today....i both win and lose this game

Happy birthday! But wait, are you participating in RPJ? If you are, I would never have guessed that you're 33. Your picture was one of the ones that made me feel old!


Happy birthday! But wait, are you participating in RPJ? If you are, I would never have guessed that you're 33. Your picture was one of the ones that made me feel old!

yeah thats me.... and so far my genetics are withstanding all that life has to throw at me....im worried one day ill wake up looking like gandalf, which thinking about it would be pretty awesome.
I definitely have found myself more and more attracted to guys over 30 the older I've gotten. Part of why I'm really not worried about hitting my 30s. As long I stay healthy and hit the gym as much as I do, I'll be fine.

33 today....i both win and lose this game
Well hey, happy birthday! You really look great, would've never guessed 33 either. :)


irresponsible vagina leak
I wish I was more attractive lol. I know I need to shave before my date but I just want to be pretty ya know haha.

Just throwing my bad selfie out here because everyone else does.

Lol but you are pretty attractive. Don't put yourself down and be more confident in yourself.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
yeah thats me.... and so far my genetics are withstanding all that life has to throw at me....im worried one day ill wake up looking like gandalf, which thinking about it would be pretty awesome.

Yeah, I'd have been happy to look like your avatar when I was 21, let alone 33. May your genetics continue to serve you well.

Also, looking like Gandalf would be cool—to be clear, the Grey, not the White—if you got the staff, too. Maybe start exploring the woods and see what you can find.


I wish I was more attractive lol. I know I need to shave before my date but I just want to be pretty ya know haha.

Just throwing my bad selfie out here because everyone else does.

Are you in a Meijer? :)

And I suppose here's my new year's selfie. Taking advantage of good gym lighting and that Galaxy S6 selfie processing :)

Yeah, I'd have been happy to look like your avatar when I was 21, let alone 33. May your genetics continue to serve you well.

Also, looking like Gandalf would be cool—to be clear, the Grey, not the White—if you got the staff, too. Maybe start exploring the woods and see what you can find.
Gandalf is pretty charming. Much like Harrison Ford came off in TFA. Daddy!
Im thinking about posting a pic of me in the Real pic, but i suck at selfies tbh. I never take them usually because i don't use any social media. Maybe I will take a few and see if I like any of them.


its also my birthday on this fine day of january the 6th....though im "somewhat" older than 21 :(

so bottoms up bitches

Happy Birthday!
I am now 21, def official old man status
A teenager called me sir and mister while I was christmas shopping for my mom. I felt like I was about to turn to dust on the spot and I'm only 22 so I feel you.

Happy birthday, though.

Guys only start to get hot past 25 anyway and get even hotter in their 30s and 40s and 50s.

So you're saying there is still hope for me? Will the hotness fairy visit my on my 25th and finally make me attractive?
And I'm back. That was the longest two weeks of my life.

A belated Merry Xmas/Happy New Year to everyone. Got an Xbox one with Destiny/GoW/Rare Replay/Ori and the Blind Forest for xmas and a new tv as (as an very early bday present) since my old tv was a crt that couldn't play the xbox and I needed to get a new one

Also happy Bday to all those celebrating today
And I'm back. That was the longest two weeks of my life.

A belated Merry Xmas/Happy New Year to everyone. Got an Xbox one with Destiny/GoW/Rare Replay/Ori and the Blind Forest for xmas and a new tv as (as an very early bday present) since my old tv was a crt that couldn't play the xbox and I needed to get a new one

Also happy Bday to all those celebrating today
Awesome! How are you liking those games?
And how big is the new TV? :)
Awesome! How are you liking those games?
And how big is the new TV? :)

Loved Ori. Played Destiny before last year when I looked after my brother's dog both those times in Jan/Aug. Have a lvl 40 Titan, a lvl 33 Warlock, and a lvl 11 Hunter right now. Can't stand the GoW games and the Rare Replay games I haven't played all that much (Mostly Conker since it was one of my favorite N64 games).

32 inch LED
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