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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I don't really care about either the PS or the XBone but those consoles look fantastic in pride colours. Love it.

I already got a Wii U so I probably wouldn't buy a second one, still cool though that they made a Pride version for the Nintendo fans too.

Thanks, Xalth! o:

Thanks! Yeah, I saw it a couple times over the years but it seems like a more rare hair style. Most people don't cut the hair on the side as short as that.

I like it though, it's a good Summer hair style.
if you let it grow out it'll look cool lol.
Those console skins are cool, but I wish they had some white / black to break them up. I think having the "flag" somewhere on the console displayed prominently with the rest being made up of more muted / pastel sort of ROYGBIV colors and then whites / blacks would look pretty cool. I'm actually working on a theme for a Halo site I run with some of my buddies that does something similar.


Those console skins are cool, but I wish they had some white / black to break them up. I think having the "flag" somewhere on the console displayed prominently with the rest being made up of more muted / pastel sort of ROYGBIV colors and then whites / blacks would look pretty cool. I'm actually working on a theme for a Halo site I run with some of my buddies that does something similar.
I'm on the brink of actually ordering all of them, but not use every decal, so there would be a bunch of black left on the consoles. I think the Wii U one is way too busy on the front so I would only use the top (with the heart). Same for the One. The Gaystation is perfect the way it is, but maybe that's just me since I have had it beside me for quite some time now and love it above all other console versions ever :p If I get the decal for my other PS4 I might only use the top decals on that one too just to match the other ones under the TV. I'm just annoyed that they would be so hidden it the media unit... hrm.


I kinda want one since they are matte and I prefer that to glossy things, but as the owner of the original Gaystation it doesn't really make much sense to buy one just for that :p

Oh. That's pretty awesome, how much did you end up paying for the privilege?
Hi btw! Love the IBQ idea :eek:

Your gender? - I'm a lady!
Your sexual orientation? - Asexual... sorta? Also bi-romantic but currently (and hopefully forever) in a relationship with a man.
Where are you from? - Sweden, where I also still live.
How old are you? - 26
Favorite type of music? - Such a hard question! I think this changes about 2-3 times a year. Currently it's mostly pop I guess + a bunch of metal, rock and classical music.
Favorite video game(s)? - Way too many to list! Silent Hill and Guild Wars are two franchises I love tho.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? - Trying to get back into all the creative stuff I used to do before, and some new ones. But currently I can't say I have any other hobbies :/

Also; Hi! Always nice to see more Swedes posting here.


Oh. That's pretty awesome, how much did you end up paying for the privilege?
28 300 kr. There was one other bidder who raised it from 20 000-ish at the last hour.

I remember laughing a lot at some the non-swedish news sites reporting the whole thing. Especially since my Tradera name is Pumpkaboo and one site reported "GayStation charity console won by a Pokémon" :D


28 300 kr. There was one other bidder who raised it from 20 000-ish at the last hour.

I remember laughing a lot at some the non-swedish news sites reporting the whole thing. Especially since my Tradera name is Pumpkaboo and one site reported "GayStation charity console won by a Pokémon" :D
Good taste in Pokemon confirmed.


I hate when straight guys start talking about girls with me. I find it funny that girls and gays always know I'm gay (it's not hard to figure out, really) but for some reason straight guys never seem to realise and they insist on talking about girls with me, even when we're not close friends or anything. *sigh*


Hunky Nostradamus
I hate when straight guys start talking about girls with me. I find it funny that girls and gays always know I'm gay (it's not hard to figure out, really) but for some reason straight guys never seem to realise and they insist on talking about girls with me, even when we're not close friends or anything. *sigh*

what do you mean

like, they cant even mention girls around you?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You mean the straights think you're straight when girls and gays know you're clearly gay, right?

I remember you being into the muscle dudes. Do you give off that vibe in person? Maybe that's why they think you're straight and want to talk girls with you.


My "abnormalities" in my labwork was low vitamin D. Other than that Im fit as a fiddle!
I'm on the supplements for that too so maybe it's a club
I hate when straight guys start talking about girls with me. I find it funny that girls and gays always know I'm gay (it's not hard to figure out, really) but for some reason straight guys never seem to realise and they insist on talking about girls with me, even when we're not close friends or anything. *sigh*
makes me uncomfortable too since they expect me to chime in and I have no answer about girls and feel awkward as heck coming out to them one on one just to get it to stop at work

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
makes me uncomfortable too since they expect me to chime in and I have no answer about girls and feel awkward as heck coming out to them one on one just to get it to stop at work

This has been my experience, too. At a job interview once, the interviewer did this with me and I had no idea how to respond. I think I just went silent, shrugged, and smiled.

EDIT: Top of the page again...after opening my last page with mental images of HPV, I figure this thread deserves something more agreeable this time. Googled July 24, saw that slavery was abolished in Chile on that day in 1823, googled "chile sexy man" and found this gynecologist (the continuity between pages was unplanned). Not exactly my taste, but I'm sure some will like him.

More at this link.


You mean the straights think you're straight when girls and gays know you're clearly gay, right?

I remember you being into the muscle dudes. Do you give off that vibe in person? Maybe that's why they think you're straight and want to talk girls with you.

Nope, I'm super average.

What's wrong with that?

Hot girls isn't a subject I'm well versed on. It's just an inconvenience, not a huge deal, but it happens so often.
This has been my experience, too. At a job interview once, the interviewer did this with me and I had no idea how to respond. I think I just went silent, shrugged, and smiled.

EDIT: Top of the page again...after opening my last page with mental images of HPV, I figure this thread deserves something more agreeable this time. Googled July 24, saw that slavery was abolished in Chile on that day in 1823, googled "chile sexy man" and found this gynecologist (the continuity between pages was unplanned). Not exactly my taste, but I'm sure some will like him.

More at this link.

The 24th is also the day Utah became a state.


I'm out in the sun as much as I can be - I know it will age my skin dramatically, but then again this is basically my aesthetic goal:

Wow. That old guy looks amazing. I love his hair and his beard. I also want to look like that when I'm old. His eyes look sad though.

It's a very artistic and poetic look.


I'm out in the sun as much as I can be - I know it will age my skin dramatically, but then again this is basically my aesthetic goal:
That's a cool having-been-in-the-sun-look. I'm one of those people that can't survive in the sun without a parasol or something :p It burns me in minutes. I was soooo careful with layers upon layers of sunscreen and lots of clothes even when being in the water when I was on vacation in Turkey when I was a kid. What I didn't realise was that during some hour when I was floating around on some kind of inflatable floaty thingy to look at fishies my shirt had moved up a bit. And I hadn't thought of needing lotion there...
I thought I was gonna break in half that night. It hurt soooo much.

I want this so badly it hurts:
Aaaah, soooo cute!
I have to stop myself from looking at too many Pokémon things. Either they are impossible to get or waaaay too expensive. :(
I did get the official life size Scraggy plush tho!


Hunky Nostradamus
Hi! thanks so much :)
I've been pretty scared of joining community threads because I'm not very good with people... but I really like the feel of this thread!

A lot of people pop in to say "hi" and then never post again, so I hope you'll stick around!

Watch out for Ratsky. Hes poison, sister!


if you're a woman you may want to avoid escape goat because he's allergic or something

Hot girls isn't a subject I'm well versed on. It's just an inconvenience, not a huge deal, but it happens so often.

just be like 'yeah she coo'

The 24th is also the day Utah became a state.

and here i was thinking utah's been a state this whole time
Wow. That old guy looks amazing. I love his hair and his beard. I also want to look like that when I'm old. His eyes look sad though.

It's a very artistic and poetic look.

Yeah, whenever I see old yogis or aborigines I get so inspired. It looks like they were created out of the earth and lived for a thousand years - I can't waaaait, haha. I've been told that I always look sad so I'll take it!

That's a cool having-been-in-the-sun-look. I'm one of those people that can't survive in the sun without a parasol or something :p It burns me in minutes. I was soooo careful with layers upon layers of sunscreen and lots of clothes even when being in the water when I was on vacation in Turkey when I was a kid. What I didn't realise was that during some hour when I was floating around on some kind of inflatable floaty thingy to look at fishies my shirt had moved up a bit. And I hadn't thought of needing lotion there...
I thought I was gonna break in half that night. It hurt soooo much.

Yikes! That sounds miserable!


Are all Chileans white? Almost all Chileans I've met look Caucasian for the most part.

They are a considerable majority, yes.

As with Argentinians, their population consist mainly of European immigrants, natives in the south of the continent were very scarce, and they didn't have an african slave trade the size of Brazil. Uruguay and Paraguay are similar in that regard to Chile and Argentina, even their accents are kind of similar.


They are a considerable majority, yes.

As with Argentinians, their population consist mainly of European immigrants, natives in the south of the continent were very scarce, and they didn't have an african slave trade the size of Brazil. Uruguay and Paraguay are similar in that regard to Chile and Argentina, even their accents are kind of similar.

Ah yes, the Spanish also didn't bring many African slaves to Argentina/Chile like they did to Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America afaik.

Also, I remember reading somewhere that Argentina had a mass genocide against black people. The afro-Argentinian community was vanished.

I'm quite excited for the weekend. I don't have any noteworthy plans, but this week has been very taxing for me so I'm glad to have it behind me.

Aha! Sounds like crunching time to me. Gotta get ready for that trailer/artwork and eventual reveal trailer of Turtle Rock's next game? Amirite? :)

Dem deadlines though... They seem unrealistic sometimes (most of the time) don't they?
Aha! Sounds like crunching time to me. Gotta get ready for that trailer/artwork and eventual reveal trailer of Turtle Rock's next game? Amirite? :)

Dem deadlines though... They seem unrealistic sometimes (most of the time) don't they?

Luckily, work has been relatively easy lately. Nice try though! ;) As far as deadlines go, VFX are always second to last in line, just before Audio. I'm using to having to work miracles at the very last moment. I've just been abnormally and consistently tired lately. -_- zZ

I'm with ya, the last week - really the last month or two - has been uncomfortably busy. Thankfully I start class next week, so my working hours will be cut in half. Still, I think I'm just gonna hibernate through the next two days.

Hibernate in an avalanche of sunshine.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
  • Welcome
  • Awesome username

Haha Thanks :)

I've been wanting to visit the city for ages but it's a rather expensive trip (at least during the summer) so I had to wait for a while. Also 5 days in not nearly enough to visit everything so I'll have to go back someday :p

Here's another one of us (we didn't take that many picture and most of them are meh selfies because I don't have a decent camera >.>)
I didn't realize it could be expensive . . . I never really thought about it, but I guess I should do some research.

Seeing pics like those really makes me think that I need to take more pics with the boyf. :?

I want this so badly it hurts:
It's like a pumpkin with a hat that happens to look like a bat?
Netflix has enabled a terribad addiction in me consisting of:

  • Private Practice
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • PINTS of Ben & Jerry's

No, shut up, I don't own any cats.

I'm quite excited for the weekend. I don't have any noteworthy plans, but this week has been very taxing for me so I'm glad to have it behind me.

I want to go to there.

Almost got with New York. D:

Just what I was thinking. Can she have a reality-tv comeback already?
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