A forum I was on years ago found my private MySpace profile, took my photos and posted them on the forum for all to see. I was torn to shreds. That didn't do the ol' ego much good, nor the self-confidence.Nope. But I'm probably on some fat shaming site somewhere. Seems people love those.
Oh wowA forum I was on years ago found my private MySpace profile, took my photos and posted them on the forum for all to see. I was torn to shreds. That didn't do the ol' ego much good, nor the self-confidence.
Oooh, he was just introduced in the last episode I saw before I had to unsub from HBO due to lack of moneyOh, yay. True Blood Season 5 is on Amazon! That means more Alcide! I really hope Jason dies in the first episode. I have to fast forward through his scenes sometimes because its so stupid. Bless the actor and his abs but his character is so poorly written.
For a canine Alcide is exceptionally smooth.
Oh wowI'm so sorry for you!
The only pic of me I've seen somewhere I didn't post it myself was about 10 years ago on a swedish community that regularly scouted another community (with mostly "alternative people") for "funny goth pics". My class photo got posted, so it wasn't specifically me.
Most people in my class, including me, listened to "alternative music". Metal mostly, a bit of rock, punk and classical. This particular photo was our last one and the rest of the class decided that we should do "something fun" for it. This mostly meant that almost everyone just exaggerated their own style. Some girls decided to be "cute school girls" in the middle of all the metalheads and punkrockers. I didn't use makeup (still don't) and I was also disliked by most people in my class, so I just grabbed a shirt I liked and ruffled my hair a bit. My shirt said "Everyone else is stupid" in swedish. I though they were gonna censor it on the photo (they shopped a guy doing the sign of the horns) but they didn't. So when the photo was posted on that other community most people laughed at everyone but me
Oooh, he was just introduced in the last episode I saw before I had to unsub from HBO due to lack of money
It's not a very good series but I still like to watch it on the side while doing other things. Baaah.
Welcome to my world. Midnight signals my brain to be extra awake and speeds up time. I can have an ok pattern, but it's usually broken after a few days.Ugh my sleeping patterns have been fucking up so much recently. It's approaching midnight where I live and I'm not even drowsy. And I just know that by the time I do get tired the sun will have come up.
Guess I'll be floating around here for a while.
Who knows. Judging by tumblr there are surprisingly many chubby chasersNope. But I'm probably on some fat shaming site somewhere. Seems people love those.
That sucksA forum I was on years ago found my private MySpace profile, took my photos and posted them on the forum for all to see. I was torn to shreds. That didn't do the ol' ego much good, nor the self-confidence.
That exact thing happened to me last year. Then I couldn't play NDS for a couple of months so I kinda sorta dropped it again. I miss it like crazy.You know in movies and stuff where someone gets brainwashed and joins the creepy cult or whatever and starts acting like the others? Cus I feel like that's happened to me. I woke up the other day wanting to play animal crossing despite hating it and I finally get it now, I understand Animal Crossing. I want to catch bugs forever.
Heya!I kinda want one since they are matte and I prefer that to glossy things, but as the owner of the original Gaystation it doesn't really make much sense to buy one just for that
Miiight still get one for the Wii U but it wouldn't be that visible due to the small space it's in
Hi btw! Love the IBQ idea
Your gender? - I'm a lady!
Your sexual orientation? - Asexual... sorta? Also bi-romantic but currently (and hopefully forever) in a relationship with a man.
Where are you from? - Sweden, where I also still live.
How old are you? - 26
Favorite type of music? - Such a hard question! I think this changes about 2-3 times a year. Currently it's mostly pop I guess + a bunch of metal, rock and classical music.
Favorite video game(s)? - Way too many to list! Silent Hill and Guild Wars are two franchises I love tho.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? - Trying to get back into all the creative stuff I used to do before, and some new ones. But currently I can't say I have any other hobbies :/
Might take my parents up on an offer to go with them to a five star hotel for dinner that my brother and I gave them a certificate for. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello are getting married there.
If you're gonna be a third wheel, might as well do it at a luxury resort.
your parents need some alone time to work on their marriage
Nope. But I'm probably on some fat shaming site somewhere. Seems people love those.
Oh, yay. True Blood Season 5 is on Amazon! That means more Alcide! I really hope Jason dies in the first episode. I have to fast forward through his scenes sometimes because its so stupid. Bless the actor and his abs but his character is so poorly written.
man, that movie took forever. also, thank you RedLetterMedia, ever since they explained the rear projection effect I can't unsee it. some of the scenes now look like Arnold standing in front of his home theater looking all intense (probably searching for the remote control).
huh? a site where they shame fat people or adore them?
are you going through a Patrick Stewart phase or something?![]()
Robert Patrick. sorry.
Is he in True Blood? I didnt notice him.
They've been there before and I haven't so they keep telling me I should come but yeah that was the original idea so that's why I haven't said yes... Yetyour parents need some alone time to work on their marriage![]()
let them be![]()
alcide's dad.
I got this friend on facebook who occasionally takes pictures of random hotties on the street. do you think somebody would take pics of you and then masturbate to it at home?
I think I'm safe!
Zomg spoilerz! Haha. i only started episode 2 of season 5. But Patrick Stewart would have been cool.
True Blood is trash. It is known.
And no amount of beefcake can make up for it.
[edit]: And yikes @ that tubecrush site. So many men of color have negative ratings. But I thought racism ended already.
You know in movies and stuff where someone gets brainwashed and joins the creepy cult or whatever and starts acting like the others? Cus I feel like that's happened to me. I woke up the other day wanting to play animal crossing despite hating it and I finally get it now, I understand Animal Crossing. I want to catch bugs forever.
He sounds lame and happy so go find someone hot and exciting, then post pics of new guy on your Facebook, thereby winning the breakup.Hi guys, I don´t show up here maybe ever, but I have a dilemma and I really need some advice on this...I hope someone in here can help me out.
I met a guy almost a year ago. He was new to the city (Newcastle, UK) and he was having trouble meeting people and all. I met him off Grindr and I thought there wasnt much to it given where we started talking, but he had a certain thing to him, so we kept hanging out, and within 2 weeks of dating he said he loved me. Maybe he felt very strongly about me since I did things like cook for him and say goodbye at the airport before he went on a business trip. I was constantly pressured about his overly affection after, since I hadnt been on such and intense relationship before, so I broke up with him before christmas last year.
He emerged again after christmas, saying if we could get back together and after serious consideration I agreed. We had a great time but he popped the phrase again, and I felt weird. We ended up as some sort of friends with benefits, and by June I had to move out to a new city.
Before I moved, we agreed on dating other people, but only because I didnt want to see him suffer for me. Well, 2 weeks into my new stay in a new city (3 hours from Newcastle), he went to Berlin for Pride, where he got mugged and got really shaken from it. I tried to talk to him and lower the tension of the situation over the phone but he thought that I was making fun of it. I apologised time and time again and he wouldnt respond. Soon I learnt why: he started dating someone else.
Now I know I shouldnt be touchy about this since I already told him he could date other ppl, but I dont get why the guy he chooses is A) In the other side of the country, and B) Ugly as fuck.
I've realised that I do want him in my life, NOT because he just happens to be dating someone but because we had something unique, and even though chances are close to nothing, my gut says I should do something to win him back somehow...
I welcome anyone here to call me a selfish dipshit, but I would also appreciate if you could tell me something about what could I do...
He sounds lame and happy so go find someone hot and exciting, then post pics of new guy on your Facebook, thereby winning the breakup.
But do you love him though? You said he has "something special", but twice you have backed away from him once he said he loves you.
The first time I can understand it, two weeks is maybe moving too fast for him to say he loves you. The second time though, it sounds like you didn't feel the same way and pushed him away due to that.
Before you make any moves to try and win him back you need to work out how you really feel about him. Do you want to win him back only to push him away again if he says he loves you?
Think long and hard about why you want him back and whether you really love him, because otherwise you might just be messing him around, and in that case I don't really blame him for trying to move on.
Awwww, then tell him exactly that. Tell him that you weren't prepared for it, and weren't prepared to feel the way that you do.I think I do... I never been in such a loving and caring relationship before, my previous ones have been mostly casual and abrupt so I was not mentally prepared for something like that. The fact that he grew on me and preferred to have me around while we were not officially dating said a lot. He also helped me move and was with me until the very end. I feel like I did a lot of things for him, both good and bad, and I really want to make up for it. I'm not a total victim here, I know I hurt him before but I can't stand to be that kind of person. Not to him. I want to be someone that can love him, I don't want to start anew with someone, I want him.
Now I know I shouldnt be touchy about this since I already told him he could date other ppl, but I dont get why the guy he chooses is A) In the other side of the country, and B) Ugly as fuck.
I've realised that I do want him in my life, NOT because he just happens to be dating someone but because we had something unique, and even though chances are close to nothing, my gut says I should do something to win him back somehow...
Awwww, then tell him exactly that. Tell him that you weren't prepared for it, and weren't prepared to feel the way that you do.
I hope you can get him back, let us know what happens :3
So this thing were I try to win him back is gonna need time, but At the same time I can't wait for long since the other guy might get a good advantage...
I think you should move on. You hurt him badly and now you want to get to him over his new partner.
I don't think that's cool.
I think you should move on. You hurt him badly and now you want to get to him over his new partner.
I don't think that's cool.
When he told me he was dating the ugly guy I didn't take it well. At first I sent him a farewell message and tried to move on, but he kept showing on my mind. I had anxiety attacks, had to take a couple days off work, seeked medical attention....and One day I bursted and sent him a message saying that he was a coward for not letting me talk to him when he was down, and also said "enjoy your new pussy, I hope he was worth it". He called me after that and defended the guy, saying that at least he was there for him...
I've recently been in a position of a person you realize you like eventually goes for someone else, and I truly do sympathize with so many of your feelings. From the "this is the first time I felt like I was beyond a casual relationship and I wasn't ready" feelings to feeling like you didn't get a chance to be there for him as a friend when he got mugged. A lot of your internal emotions are resonating with where I've been (and to a lesser degree still am on occasions) since May.
But having said all of that you definitely need to have some space if this is how you find yourself feeling. Regardless of how you feel about this other guy, you have to realize that he sees enjoyment with him, and as long as he isn't voicing some opinions that say otherwise, you really aren't in a position to knock on what he likes. Now despite that, I actually do agree somewhat with ZombiePlatypus on the potential in Hailmarries...but it sounds like you already tried that, and then bombed it with the insults to his boyfriend.
You mentioned that you were dealing with anxiety attacks and needing to get medical treatment. I do think that at the very very least, you should back off from him until you feel a lot more confident in your mental space. Focus on making you a little better, let them settle into whatever happens, and only then should you consider making an attempt to reconnect with him again.
You mentioned having a phone call with him, but how did he respond to what you said? Did he even seem like he wanted to work with you on it? If he is willing to then I still think you should keep an armslength distance for now and freshen your own space up. It also will really do you some good to try seeing other people in the meantime. Eventually you may be able to maintain a friendship with him again, and MAYBE JUST MAYBE things may shift in a way that you can reclaim "Your Greatest Failure"...but you can't live life counting on that happening. You can't be a permanent understudy for a guy because you dropped the ball once. Learn from it, and then keep that lesson in your mind and heart for next time...whoever next time is with.
i need to add some information tho... Let's call the guy B.
Before shit went down, I went to surprise him at Newcastle, and we got on really well. He took me to a very fancy restaurant and paid the bill. And my self esteem was low since I just moved to a new place and had low income. The day I left from that weekend surprise, a friend of mine started poisoning my brain with thoughts of how B was gloating about taking me out and paying for stuff, and I fell for it. I confronted B on Whatsapp and I made him cry....
Then the mugging happened and I made things worse...
When he told me he was dating the ugly guy I didn't take it well. At first I sent him a farewell message and tried to move on, but he kept showing on my mind. I had anxiety attacks, had to take a couple days off work, seeked medical attention....and One day I bursted and sent him a message saying that he was a coward for not letting me talk to him when he was down, and also said "enjoy your new pussy, I hope he was worth it". He called me after that and defended the guy, saying that at least he was there for him...
The following week I called him and apologised for the whole thing, and I confessed that I really wanted him...but he said that it was best to move on because he was with someone new and It was going really well...
Now he deleted me from Facebook and all, saying that he doesn't trust me as a friend anymore, and I feel devastated...I have done so much wrong I can't keep myself moving...
Now just yesterday we had a phone call and I apologised, again, for being such a gigantic prick all this time, for breaking his heart, and I declared my intention of getting his trust back. Just his trust, since the wounds are still fresh...
So this thing were I try to win him back is gonna need time, but At the same time I can't wait for long since the other guy might get a good advantage...
OH GOD the drama, I know.
Thanks for reading, to anyone concerned![]()
Don't do this. It will not be appreciated as a romantic gesture now that he's dating someone else.Now I have been learning how to play the guitar and composing a song for him. It's kinda ridiculous but I want to do a thing where I disguise myself in a restaurant and sing in the stage, and midway into the song I remove my disguise... I know, a bit corny, but it feels like it's worth it....
Now I know I shouldnt be touchy about this since I already told him he could date other ppl, but I dont get why the guy he chooses is A) In the other side of the country, and B) Ugly as fuck.
Serious question: why do you care so much about the attractiveness of your ex's partner? You keep referring to him as ugly or the ugly guy, like you're incredulous that your ex is dating someone that doesn't meet your standards. What is there not to get about this? They must not be ugly to your ex, and long-term relationships are built on more than just looks anyways.When he told me he was dating the ugly guy I didn't take it well.
If you're going to try and win his trust back, only to make a move and try to break up his current relationship to get with him again, then you don't deserve his trust. Learn what you can from this for the future and move on.Now just yesterday we had a phone call and I apologised, again, for being such a gigantic prick all this time, for breaking his heart, and I declared my intention of getting his trust back. Just his trust, since the wounds are still fresh...
So this thing were I try to win him back is gonna need time, but At the same time I can't wait for long since the other guy might get a good advantage...
I think Ive finally broken my coke habit. It tastes so sugary now that its hard to even finish a can. I could try snorting it or free basing but I dont think Id like it any more.
Coca Cola, Pepsi and all other carbonated cola manufacturers: you have failed. I am free!
You'll be back, TehHamburglar.
I know a coke-craver when I see one.
Snippety snip