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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Oh gawd, I just got kicked from a guild chat. People started claiming racism doesn't exist, cops aren't targeting minorities disproportionately, etc; they devolved into anecdotal messes when I countered them with polite, rational, and fact-supported data they couldn't handle it.

Of all places. lol
What guild? Not FFXIV GAF I hope. I had the worst time with those folks.

I dont think its as big as IML but they have their own events. Im not too knowledgable about it.
Oh nice. I need to get to Dallas. I have NEVER been and it's where all the OKC boys flock for fun.


irresponsible vagina leak
I tried getting into FFXIV but it seems the class I picked had the slowest start of them all. Lost interest after running around a town doing basically nothing in terms of action.


What guild? Not FFXIV GAF I hope. I had the worst time with those folks.

Oh nice. I need to get to Dallas. I have NEVER been and it's where all the OKC boys flock for fun.

It's a mobile game called Summoners War. I'm surprised at the kind of vitriol gets casually tossed in both general guild chat and main sever without being checked, usually.

How was FF14 chat? I never got into it enough to pay attention. Was more involved with trying to maintain enthusiasm for an SO who wanted something like an MMORPG with magic but NOT a wide-scale MMORPG with magic. A handful of my friends still play off and on but nothing like 11.

I tried getting into FFXIV but it seems the class I picked had the slowest start of them all. Lost interest after running around a town doing basically nothing in terms of action.

Did you pick some magic-based class?
paging delio



irresponsible vagina leak
Did you pick some magic-based class?
It was one of the Tank characters I believe. I remember I started in a town and that dragged a lot with the conversations. Someone told me the game gets better around level 20 or something along those lines but the game first impression didn't motivated me to pick it up again and the trial ended.

I may reinstall Blade & Soul since the combat was fun once you get used to the set up. Black Desert after reading there is no end game content I kinda lost all interest lol.

Which did you pick?

I think it was a Roegadyn Marauder.
I actually did too. I think I only lasted a month or so before I changed Free Companies LOL
Haha, don't blame you. I only joined cause I was desperate for a FC because most of my friends quit. I really couldn't stand it. It's too popular and I butt heads with far too many people. If I ever go back to FFXIV I'm switching to Gilgamesh.

It's a mobile game called Summoners War. I'm surprised at the kind of vitriol gets casually tossed in both general guild chat and main sever without being checked, usually.

How was FF14 chat? I never got into it enough to pay attention. Was more involved with trying to maintain enthusiasm for an SO who wanted something like an MMORPG with magic but NOT a wide-scale MMORPG with magic. A handful of my friends still play off and on but nothing like 11.
Ugh, yeah I've seen some horrendous stuff in mobile game chats. People are crazy.

You're damn right, nothing like 11. I miss 11, I still play it now and again out of nostalgia. 14 is a little too simple and by the numbers, especially compared to 11. All the classes mostly play the same. The dev team is rehashing endgame concepts. It gets old quick. That said, it's one of the most beautiful and polished games out there. I just wish it had more depth.

I think it was a Roegadyn Marauder.
You went Roegadyn AND picked a tank class? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Me too!


irresponsible vagina leak
Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst remains my favorite online experience. The community was nice for most of the part and not a lot of dickheads when I used to play it. ¯\_(&#12484;)_/¯

You went Roegadyn AND picked a tank class? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Me too!
TBH Tank characters are cool plus Roegadyn look somewhat more unique than the other classes.


It was one of the Tank characters I believe. I remember I started in a town and that dragged a lot with the conversations. Someone told me the game gets better around level 20 or something along those lines but the game first impression didn't motivated me to pick it up again and the trial ended.

I may reinstall Blade & Soul since the combat was fun once you get used to the set up. Black Desert after reading there is no end game content I kinda lost all interest lol.

I think it was a Roegadyn Marauder.
Level 20 seems to be the commonly said advice for newbies. Roegadyns, eh?


Ugh, yeah I've seen some horrendous stuff in mobile game chats. People are crazy.

You're damn right, nothing like 11. I miss 11, I still play it now and again out of nostalgia. 14 is a little too simple and by the numbers, especially compared to 11. All the classes mostly play the same. The dev team is rehashing endgame concepts. It gets old quick. That said, it's one of the most beautiful and polished games out there. I just wish it had more depth.
My coworker had such a thing for 11. Really called it the most underrated story of Square's existence and I'd have to agree. Plus, the characterizations are great. A few of my friends had physical 11 clocks to keep themselves aligned to their server times. :p Though, I'm guessing this may have been a common thing for serious players. I had to quit because I was becoming too addicted.
Guys. I asked someone at the gym to work out and he's okay with it.so hopefully tomorrow we do legs lol.

By aked. I dm him on Instagram. Not creepy at all

I should tell the full story

I saw him at the gym. I creep stare. Like hard creep stare like I want to eye fuck him. I guess he's okay or just oblivious. Like several months now I saw he posted on ig when I would creep and check our people who tag their location. Seath and I added him. To see who he adds first. That was like last week we done this. Anyway he added me back. And today I saw him at the gym alone. I didn't talk to him. But he was doing legs. It must be the pills I'm taking but I DM on IG and he responded to doing legs and for me to help him get his legs bigger.


I should tell the full story

I saw him at the gym. I creep stare. Like hard creep stare like I want to eye fuck him. I guess he's okay or just oblivious. Like several months now I saw he posted on ig when I would creep and check our people who tag their location. Seath and I added him. To see who he adds first. That was like last week we done this. Anyway he added me back. And today I saw him at the gym alone. I didn't talk to him. But he was doing legs. It must be the pills I'm taking but I DM on IG and he responded to doing legs and for me to help him get his legs bigger.
Oh, it's THAT guy?


Keep us updated.


Even though I know I have friends/family that love me but always can't shake the feeling that I'm alone. Sometimes I think I'm depressed but I'd really rather not go to the doctors.


Even though I know I have friends/family that love me but always can't shake the feeling that I'm alone. Sometimes I think I'm depressed but I'd really rather not go to the doctors.

Take it from someone that has been in that position, you really need to go see a doctor.
Even though I know I have friends/family that love me but always can't shake the feeling that I'm alone. Sometimes I think I'm depressed but I'd really rather not go to the doctors.

Then just talk to someone that knows what they're doing. You can feel like you've lost a lot of time to even a vague but persistent feeling of dissatisfaction, you don't spare yourself anything waiting for it to play out.

Our default state is often like a powerful spell we're constantly enchanting over ourselves. If you have a moment of clarity to consider that something might be amiss, take hold of it, because once we slip back into our conditioning, moments like that can be few and far inbetween.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Ratsky where's TV of the year plz it's been an entire month.
Have you guys watched London Spy? I'm hooked on it, just finished the 3rd episode. It's sort of a thriller/mystery/spies tv show and the leads are gay. Definitely would recommend it!!!
hi badger wb
Thanks Ratsky!! How are you? :)

I think it was a Roegadyn Marauder.
Yeah that definitely makes sense. Tanks in that game get a bit more exciting later on but it's definitely a slow start.

Haha, don't blame you. I only joined cause I was desperate for a FC because most of my friends quit. I really couldn't stand it. It's too popular and I butt heads with far too many people. If I ever go back to FFXIV I'm switching to Gilgamesh.

Yeah it was just too busy for me x_x so much going on to the point where it was near impossible to make friends in it!

Is gilgamesh kind of like the unofficial LGBT server?


When you find out your ex is probably dating someone new barely over a month after you and you thought you were over it but you feel like you're gonna vomit



irresponsible vagina leak
When you find out your ex is probably dating someone new barely over a month after you and you thought you were over it but you feel like you're gonna vomit

Makes you feel like whatever you guys went through didn't matter much to that person. Been there but everyone works in different ways so you try doing your best to keep yourself busy to make the moving on process less sucky. Moving can be long ass process at times depending how long you guys were together but it's not the best to keep your mind thinking over it. It sucks really but that's something to work on.


I also learned about Boys and Sirs. They are pretty much what you would think. The submisive and the dominant. Guys of all body types were there with their shirts off/modelling the underwear. That was their space and they felt good about themselves and felt free show off. I thought Id feel pretty uncomfortable but everyone was really nice. My friend knows so many people there that I cant remember anyones name. I stayed for a little over 2 hours but I had fun. It was an interesting experience.

This is actually totally my scene. From the outside it looks rough and tough, but everybody is very nice actually.

Also, I remeber Vice doing this documentary about The Eagle in New York, which is pretty cool: http://www.vice.com/video/leathermen
Hi everyone. Decided to finally participate in here.

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Lesbian
Where Are You From? VA
Where Do You Live? NC
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Hip-Hop, but I listen to everything
Profession or Career interest? It's a secret to everyone
Favorite video game(s)? Final Fantasy IX
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Writing, drawing, and I'm trying to get into music production too.


I'm dangerous when I'm bored.

Where the fuck is that gif from?


When you find out your ex is probably dating someone new barely over a month after you and you thought you were over it but you feel like you're gonna vomit

Been on the other side, two days later.

Relationship was getting abusive and I wasn't in love.
Does anyone know if a ban for a junior is automatically a perma? 300 posts is a lot, and I worry because I often use exaggerated language. &#128556;
Hi everyone. Decided to finally participate in here.

Your gender? Female
Your sexual orientation? Lesbian
Where Are You From? VA
Where Do You Live? NC
How Old Are you? 26
Favorite Type of Music? Hip-Hop, but I listen to everything
Profession or Career interest? It's a secret to everyone
Favorite video game(s)? Final Fantasy IX
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Writing, drawing, and I'm trying to get into music production too.
Welcome :)


I swear I've seen a junior rise from the grave before. Maybe it was a member with a 'joke' junior tag, though, so you never know. I myself have been banned before after becoming passing my junior stage. In fact, I've been banned a fair few times. I think it's time I behaved.


irresponsible vagina leak
I swear I've seen a junior rise from the grave before. Maybe it was a member with a 'joke' junior tag, though, so you never know. I myself have been banned before after becoming passing my junior stage. In fact, I've been banned a fair few times. I think it's time I behaved.

Sounds like things changed then. Usually junior accounts get permabanned and there are accounts that get downgraded to junior accounts if they make shit or annoying threads. I think those basically are in warning of a permaban when I see the juniored users. Mind you even with member status permabans are doable depending how bad the offense is.

EDIT: Maybe a mod can explain this?


Sounds like things changed then. Usually junior accounts get permabanned and there are accounts that get downgraded to junior accounts if they make shit or annoying threads. I think those basically are in warning of a permaban when I see the juniored users. Mind you even with member status permabans are doable depending how bad the offense is.
Oh, absolutely. I've seen some absolutely corking account suicides on GAF. There was one who posted gay porn in a thread in off-topic. Gave me a chance to wank and laugh at the same time. The rules on this forum are definitely easy to understand. Either abide, or be banned. That said, I got banned last week for something I said in a thread regarding David Cameron's plans to have immigrants be able to speak English before permitting them in the country. Someone made some rather arrogant posts. I called them out on it, but got banned in the process. When I was unbanned, the mod who banned me said he agreed with me and respected me for voicing my opinion but, as expected, he had to do his duty as moderator and ban me for my offense.

There were no harsh feelings, though. What I said was out of order and was worthy of a ban. That's one of the reasons I enjoy posting on NeoGAF. There are plenty of opportunities to engage in decent conversation (which I was) but the banhammer will fall when someone steps over the line (which I did) but not to the extent where the ban is excessive.


Usually, a genuine junior getting banned is permanent. That said, I was banned as a true junior and survived it. There is some discretion used in all bans except in very clear extreme breaking of the rules. As for getting junior'd, it's usually based solely around a thread creation or repeated thread creation issue, be it clickbaits, irrelevance, list threads, ignoring warnings, obnoxious or non-contributive, and so on. That can be permanent or temporary. As far as I've seen, a junior'd poster who is actually a long term member is less likely to be permabanned than true juniors.
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