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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Who is this woman, and why does she keep appearing in this thread? Is she from some trashy VH1 reality show?

She uttered my all time favorite reality tv quote with some Mozart grace, but the context is exciting too:



What did the text say?

Text was something like (I'm paraphrasing, don't remember what it exactly said)
-bf : "*Dude's Name*, we really need to talk have a sober discussion [about that night]"
-*Dude*: A sober discussion? Tough... Anyway don't be too disappointed if I'm not the one waking up next to you tomorrow morning ;)"
Then a bunch of semi-flirty back and forth about God's ways being impenetrable (my bf is catholic) and "we'll see if you're that impenetrable/who's going to penetrate who".(thinking about it more calmly that's such a ridiculous thing to say to somebody that I'm guessing it was a joke)

This really sucks, and as a person who has done to my ex exactly what you suspect your boyfriend of doing (I now consider myself reformed, grown up and a much better person now btw), I can tell you a couple of things.

Firstly, don't immediately assume the worst. I've got texts on my phone now (which my current boyfriend knows about) that look terrible without context, but also are completely innocent on my end. You can't control how other people behave, and sometimes you'll get the occasional friend who will say something to you, that you really wish they hadn't. So wait to see what your boyfriend says/

Secondly, don't be fucking lied to. Just don't put up with that shit. If his story makes literally no sense, if he's obviously trying to cover things up, seems speechless, don't stand for that. You deserve better than that, and if you let him get away with it then he'll just do it again.

Thirdly, use whatever support you can get. Hopefully it's nothing and you'll have your mind at easy by this evening, but if shit gets bad then at the very least communicate with people here to help you through this. Don't be alone, and don't act without think, and talking through things first.

Yeah we talked a lot when he came back (he immediately noticed something was bothering me as I must have looked pretty miserable).
He promised me that nothing ever happened between the two of them although yeah, that dude tried to kiss him and flirts with him quite often when they see each other. The "we need to talk sober" text was about that, to tell him that he should stop that stuff because my bf liked him as a friend and didn't want to have to stop talking to him.

I told him that the whole waking up next to you in bed thing was weird as fuck and I really didn't like it and he said that it's just the other dude being provocative/joking but that he understood I didn't like it.

He told me that being flirted with flattered him so he didn't really push back too much against it but he never started that kind of stuff himself, that he never thought about cheating and that there was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to be with me and that he loved me. We then hugged, ate some dinner and watched some tv then he went to bed.

I feel like I can trust him so I'm a bit relieved. Still I don't think I would mind people flirting with him as much if I didn't know them. I understand that kind of stuff happens and it's fine, but somebody that knows we're together and still does it multiple them and not as a "drunken mistake" is a quite the douche to me. (so that dude can get fucked really, it's not like he would have issues finding someone else to hook up with).

I'm still not sure how to feel about how my bf doesn't really think being flirted with is a big deal but I guess we just think differently about that. I'm almost always oblivious/naive when someone tries to flirt with me and if I realize what's happening I get super uncomfortable, usually try to get as far away from the person and then start feeling bad about it.

Edit: Oh well I'm still glad this is apparently me being scared for nothing that bad. Being worried for a whole day was absolutely draining, now let me go listen to cheesy cute K-pop songs and relax a bit.


Damn some of the new FF XV shots look pretty dreadful, I feel weird not being excited for a new mainline FF game :( (although that's mostly because of the all boys cast)


irresponsible vagina leak
Damn some of the new FF XV shots look pretty dreadful, I feel weird not being excited for a new mainline FF game :( (although that's mostly because of the all boys cast)

Star Ocean 5 and Persona 5 seem more interesting/fun to me. Then again Im one of those few that likes a small amount of the 3D FF games


Star Ocean 5 and Persona 5 seem more interesting/fun to me. Then again Im one of those few that likes a small amount of the 3D FF games

I honestly tried to get into Persona but I just can't keep interest. And it isn't because of the social links stuff, that's not an issue for me but the dungeon (at least in P3P) was kinda boring to go through and I just couldn't stand the battle music after a while. I should still try to finish it some day. Persona 5 does look nice though.

Star Ocean looks nice too but I'm kind of wary of it, especially after 4. That game was a mess.
Yeah we talked a lot when he came back (he immediately noticed something was bothering me as I must have looked pretty miserable).
He promised me that nothing ever happened between the two of them although yeah, that dude tried to kiss him and flirts with him quite often when they see each other. The "we need to talk sober" text was about that, to tell him that he should stop that stuff because my bf liked him as a friend and didn't want to have to stop talking to him.

I told him that the whole waking up next to you in bed thing was weird as fuck and I really didn't like it and he said that it's just the other dude being provocative/joking but that he understood I didn't like it.

He told me that being flirted with flattered him so he didn't really push back too much against it but he never started that kind of stuff himself, that he never thought about cheating and that there was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to be with me and that he loved me. We then hugged, ate some dinner and watched some tv then he went to bed.

I feel like I can trust him so I'm a bit relieved. Still I don't think I would mind people flirting with him as much if I didn't know them. I understand that kind of stuff happens and it's fine, but somebody that knows we're together and still does it multiple them and not as a "drunken mistake" is a quite the douche to me. (so that dude can get fucked really, it's not like he would have issues finding someone else to hook up with).

I'm still not sure how to feel about how my bf doesn't really think being flirted with is a big deal but I guess we just think differently about that. I'm almost always oblivious/naive when someone tries to flirt with me and if I realize what's happening I get super uncomfortable, usually try to get as far away from the person and then start feeling bad about it.

Edit: Oh well I'm still glad this is apparently me being scared for nothing that bad. Being worried for a whole day was absolutely draining, now let me go listen to cheesy cute K-pop songs and relax a bit.

I think your reaction to those texts was completely understandable. Without the context, it looks terrible. But yeah, it sounds legit and your confidence in that is reassuring.

Regarding the flirting thing, I enjoy being flirted with too. It doesn't mean I have any intention of pursuing it, but it's flattering and quite exhilarating to know somebody finds you attractive - even if you don't feel the same way about them. But yes, the caveat is that you have to understand how to not get carried away with that and to stop things before they become hurtful to anybody (including the person flirting with you).

I'm glad it's all resolved :) Have a relaxing evening!
So I met up with my date for a second time.

Went over to his for a movie, got there late and had work in the morning so only watched half of it. I asked him before if I could stay over as he lives an hour (on the tube) away and he said yes.

During the movie we cuddled a bit under a blanket and held hands, so far so good.

As we went to bed he turned the lights off etc and immediately we start making out in his bed. He asked me part way through my "spooning" preference and I told him I was vers (even though I don't really have much experience either way), he says he's a bottom.

I was totally anticipating some sort of sex but it just never seemed to happen, lot's of making out but every advance I made towards sex he seemed to brush away so we kinda just stopped and went to bed.

He was kinda annoying overnight, he wouldn't let me sleep on my own. I'm not good at touching a lot in bed, I just can't get comfortable and sleep though cause I asked to stay I didn't tell him so I just slept poorly.

In the morning we did more cuddles and kissing etc. He even made me breakfast and a herbal tea before I went to work. He was really sweet tbh. We chatted more on whatsapp etc throughout the day normally and he said he enjoyed having me over.

Am I overthinking the fact that we didn't have sex despite him asking that question? I mean he might have just thought it was too soon, or maybe he's a 3rd date kinda guy. I don't know. I'm shit at dating and don't really know how to approach these situations. A friend suggested I just ask him if he likes to take things slow but I'm not good at being so forward with those kinds of questions.

All in all I had a great time and I think he did too, just expected something different I guess. Man dating is hard.


Seems like he was making conversation. Even if he is gay that doesnt necessarily mean he wants to do you. Talk to him next time and dont overplay your hand. You dont want to set yourself up for disappointment or make things awkward at the gym. So talk to him and try to make a connection.

You're right. And every time I have thought that someone who just talked to me wanted something more than just talk, it has ended in disappointment. I should have already learnt the lesson by now.
So I met up with my date for a second time.

Went over to his for a movie, got there late and had work in the morning so only watched half of it. I asked him before if I could stay over as he lives an hour (on the tube) away and he said yes.

During the movie we cuddled a bit under a blanket and held hands, so far so good.

As we went to bed he turned the lights off etc and immediately we start making out in his bed. He asked me part way through my "spooning" preference and I told him I was vers (even though I don't really have much experience either way), he says he's a bottom.

I was totally anticipating some sort of sex but it just never seemed to happen, lot's of making out but every advance I made towards sex he seemed to brush away so we kinda just stopped and went to bed.

He was kinda annoying overnight, he wouldn't let me sleep on my own. I'm not good at touching a lot in bed, I just can't get comfortable and sleep though cause I asked to stay I didn't tell him so I just slept poorly.

In the morning we did more cuddles and kissing etc. He even made me breakfast and a herbal tea before I went to work. He was really sweet tbh. We chatted more on whatsapp etc throughout the day normally and he said he enjoyed having me over.

Am I overthinking the fact that we didn't have sex despite him asking that question? I mean he might have just thought it was too soon, or maybe he's a 3rd date kinda guy. I don't know. I'm shit at dating and don't really know how to approach these situations. A friend suggested I just ask him if he likes to take things slow but I'm not good at being so forward with those kinds of questions.

All in all I had a great time and I think he did too, just expected something different I guess. Man dating is hard.

Spooning? He was asking if you like to hold or be held. It seems you were the one with sex in mind so i wouldnt overthink it. Clearly he is one to take it slow or hed had tried something. Schedule another date and have fun.


irresponsible vagina leak
I honestly tried to get into Persona but I just can't keep interest. And it isn't because of the social links stuff, that's not an issue for me but the dungeon (at least in P3P) was kinda boring to go through and I just couldn't stand the battle music after a while. I should still try to finish it some day. Persona 5 does look nice though.

Star Ocean looks nice too but I'm kind of wary of it, especially after 4. That game was a mess.

Persona 4 improved a lot of things including dungeons (still weak IMO) so we'll see how much they improve that on 5.

SO4 gameplaywise was fine but the characters and the generic story were awful. I do have hope in them since the did make Resonance of Fate later which I liked a lot. Hope the dynamic of the party is fluid like that tbh.

It's further out, but how about Dragon Quest XI?

Good one. I need to catch up on 3DS RPGs.
Spooning? He was asking if you like to hold or be held. It seems you were the one with sex in mind so i wouldnt overthink it. Clearly he is one to take it slow or hed had tried something. Schedule another date and have fun.

So wait spooning isn't a euphemism for top or bottom? I feel like an idiot.
This week is hell and I won't see bae till Friday

Yeah this week is not fun, i have a bunch of tests.
I just want it to be 2 weeks from now because i get to go see unknown mortal orchestra with my brother. Im super excited because it is my first concert and i really like them.


Neo Member
I have to run to work but I will type this out real fast but ok so anyway! Even though my asexual ass is still asexual I have been going out with this guy that seems to have a romantic interest in me. I dropped a few hints that I am asexual but my mom is like "are you dating? no! So just hang out as friends whatever" but I feel like I should kiss him? I am so apathetic about it tbh but what if I am Demi and don't even know it yet?

Girls apparently dont even reach peak sexual drives until like 20+ and I was on anxiety medicine way before that so that might be killing my sex drive but at the same time it lets me leave the house and eat and stuff so I honestly don't care but like...

He is really nice and stuff and super liberal and really nice so I mean I feel like it would be legit? He seems like someone who would be like a cuddle buddy/companion until I was ready to try anything and then take it super slow...

Down told me to ask you guys but now I am basically "outing" myself as a maybe filthy heterosexual thus kicking myself out of this thread but I am pretty sure I am not? Asexuals can be sex apathetic which I mostly what I am but ah! I am stressed thinking about this cause I also dont want to hurt his feelings cause he is so nice! I dont want him to be my experiment?
I have to run to work but I will type this out real fast but ok so anyway! Even though my asexual ass is still asexual I have been going out with this guy that seems to have a romantic interest in me. I dropped a few hints that I am asexual but my mom is like "are you dating? no! So just hang out as friends whatever" but I feel like I should kiss him? I am so apathetic about it tbh but what if I am Demi and don't even know it yet?

Girls apparently dont even reach peak sexual drives until like 20+ and I was on anxiety medicine way before that so that might be killing my sex drive but at the same time it lets me leave the house and eat and stuff so I honestly don't care but like...

He is really nice and stuff and super liberal and really nice so I mean I feel like it would be legit? He seems like someone who would be like a cuddle buddy/companion until I was ready to try anything and then take it super slow...

Down told me to ask you guys but now I am basically "outing" myself as a maybe filthy heterosexual thus kicking myself out of this thread but I am pretty sure I am not? Asexuals can be sex apathetic which I mostly what I am but ah! I am stressed thinking about this cause I also dont want to hurt his feelings cause he is so nice! I dont want him to be my experiment?
Just do what makes you happy and you feel right, also you dont have to kick your self from the thread just because your hetro. Like dont worry about fitting into a sexuality just do whatever makes you happy. Thats my advice

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I have to run to work but I will type this out real fast but ok so anyway! Even though my asexual ass is still asexual I have been going out with this guy that seems to have a romantic interest in me. I dropped a few hints that I am asexual but my mom is like "are you dating? no! So just hang out as friends whatever" but I feel like I should kiss him? I am so apathetic about it tbh but what if I am Demi and don't even know it yet?

Girls apparently dont even reach peak sexual drives until like 20+ and I was on anxiety medicine way before that so that might be killing my sex drive but at the same time it lets me leave the house and eat and stuff so I honestly don't care but like...

He is really nice and stuff and super liberal and really nice so I mean I feel like it would be legit? He seems like someone who would be like a cuddle buddy/companion until I was ready to try anything and then take it super slow...

Down told me to ask you guys but now I am basically "outing" myself as a maybe filthy heterosexual thus kicking myself out of this thread but I am pretty sure I am not? Asexuals can be sex apathetic which I mostly what I am but ah! I am stressed thinking about this cause I also dont want to hurt his feelings cause he is so nice! I dont want him to be my experiment?

I'm slightly confused about whether you're going on dates with this guy or not. If you're not officially going on dates with him with a romantic agenda, then you should talk about it whenever you would with any other friend. If you think these are unofficial dates, then I think you should talk about this with him once you have actual confirmation that he's into you and is looking for sexual activity. Don't assume anything earlier. If you two kiss and he starts suggesting you go further, I'd say that's a good time to start talking. Basically, once things you're uncomfortable with get brought up, express your discomfort. For all you know, he could have the same sex drive as you. You could talk to him about it before that moment if you feel that it will be an issue (once again, after you know he's interested in you), but I don't think that's required. Whatever works for you.

Also, heterosexual people are more than welcome in this thread. I know we have at least one and I hope he has felt welcome :)
Time to catch up on bed terms!
Before he ask if you're into felching

I think I'm generally fine on most terms (even that one). I know what spooning is and all I just thought for the longest time it was a euphemism in the gay community. :/

Thankfully I don't seem to have done any damage to the possible relationship with this guy. Fingers crossed :D
I think I'm generally fine on most terms (even that one). I know what spooning is and all I just thought for the longest time it was a euphemism in the gay community. :/

Thankfully I don't seem to have done any damage to the possible relationship with this guy. Fingers crossed :D

Its ok. Spooning leads to forking in most cases.
I have to run to work but I will type this out real fast but ok so anyway! Even though my asexual ass is still asexual I have been going out with this guy that seems to have a romantic interest in me. I dropped a few hints that I am asexual but my mom is like "are you dating? no! So just hang out as friends whatever" but I feel like I should kiss him? I am so apathetic about it tbh but what if I am Demi and don't even know it yet?

Girls apparently dont even reach peak sexual drives until like 20+ and I was on anxiety medicine way before that so that might be killing my sex drive but at the same time it lets me leave the house and eat and stuff so I honestly don't care but like...

He is really nice and stuff and super liberal and really nice so I mean I feel like it would be legit? He seems like someone who would be like a cuddle buddy/companion until I was ready to try anything and then take it super slow...

Down told me to ask you guys but now I am basically "outing" myself as a maybe filthy heterosexual thus kicking myself out of this thread but I am pretty sure I am not? Asexuals can be sex apathetic which I mostly what I am but ah! I am stressed thinking about this cause I also dont want to hurt his feelings cause he is so nice! I dont want him to be my experiment?
It doesn't mean you're not asexual.


Hunky Nostradamus
'Tangerine' was great fun. For those who don't know:

Transgender sex worker Sin-Dee Rella, who has just finished a 28-day prison sentence, meets her friend Alexandra, another trans sex worker, at a donut shop in Hollywood on Christmas Eve. Alexandra accidentally reveals that Sin-Dee's boyfriend and pimp Chester has been cheating on her with a cisgender woman. Sin-Dee storms out to search the neighborhood for Chester and the woman...


It's on Netflix. Watch it. (the entire thing was filmed using an iphone too)
So I had my first sexual experience today and 'twas interesting,with an older pretty cute guy, I found out a couple of things about myself, which will be all spoilered for all of y'all's virgin ears

I do not enjoy being dominated at all, the guy started by taking me by force and making out with me, I did not enjoy that at all, it all started with a sour note because of that

Once the tables turned and I got on top of him, I motherfuckin' surprised myself cuz I had him moaning pretty damn soon, I was just kissing and licking him all over his body and it drove him wild, he even said I was a bad boy!

I sucked cock like a pro, my gag reflex is surprisingly amazing, he wasn't very impressive package-wise but I had him moaning and begging for more and asking me to stop because I almost made him cum

I could not cum like at all, I tried many things but I just couldn't do it, and he tried many things and I just couldn't do it, it could be because he sucked at sucking (lol) but I couldnt do it, my nly regret, but regardless I considered it a success because I made him cum and found out things about myself

I'm officially a whore and I love it

yes, finally! as a virgin, this literally sex for me. congrats btw.
anyways Hey all! ive been reading all the backlogs of LGBTQIA Gaf to coax my sexual interest and along the way ive read things hot,funny,uplifting and beautiful. so ive decided finally introduce my self.
yes, finally! as a virgin, this literally sex for me. congrats btw.
anyways Hey all! ive been reading all the backlogs of LGBTQIA Gaf to coax my sexual interest and along the way ive read things hot,funny,uplifting and beautiful. so ive decided finally introduce my self.
Welcome to the wonderful world of letters gaf. Everyone's awesome except one. Enjoy your stay

Im old is tonguing making out, licking body while voguing or eating booty like groceries?
Unless the meaning changed its the latter.
Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Gay all the way
Where Are You From? USA
Where Do You Live? Brandon,MS
How Old Are you? 18
Favorite Type of Music? Classic rock, Adele, Synth rock and a whole lot of non related songs
Profession or Career interest? Writing, Acting, Film Making
Favorite video game(s)? SOTC, Bioshock, MGS, DMC, Edit: AND Souls/Borne!!! how did i forget?!
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? writing.....and uuumm gamin--eerrr i mean. working on it
Hey Homos! (And everyone else) Watch this fucking show!

It stars Rachel Bloom, who is also the cocreator and famous for doing youtube videos like "Fuck Me Ray Bradbury" and "Historically Accurate Disney Princess Song"

Its a dramedy that also has music numbers

It's about a hot shot New York lawyer who gave up a promotion to jr partner and 500k salary at her firm to move to a California town to get away from busy life (and definitely DEFINITELY not to be with her ex boyfriend from high school summer break. Really)

It has an awesome cast, like the love interest and his friend that helps form the triangle

And both the music numbers and the show are hilarious, on point, and too real.




She won a Golden Globe and a Critics Choice Ward for her acting in a comedy show.

Because she's awesome and so is the show. All the current episodes are on Hulu and CW.com and you can watch a new episode tonight at 8 PM EST.


So again. Watch. This FUCKING. Show!

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