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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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Wait... what?



Yeah, I have cheated on my boyfriend numerous times, and him on me. Don't know why we came this far, I guess we don't see sex with other people as a total deal breaker.

He caught me this week, I didn't go all the way, but I still feel bad about it and I know he trust me less now because of it. Then he plowed my brains out after...

Maybe I am just living out my fantasy of being a ho, because I have been with him since 2012, and he is my first and only serious relationship.

TL;DR - I am a slutbag and don't know why <_>;

That was from this past August


Ahhh been forever since I've even lurked this thread. I just stumbled on this awesome web series called The Outs and wanted to see if anyone knew of any shows like it?? It's Saturday night and I'm trolling the net for web series between studying. *sighs*

Anyone here that's US born considering living abroad? Or would you?

I've been living abroad for almost a decade now. It's been pretty awesome. Takes some getting used to at first and you have to be comfortable being a fish outta water... but I've loved it. I will say most people have a love/hate thing when it comes to Americans. Mostly love in places like Japan though. :)

I'm actually going back to the States in a couple of months. After 10 years. The iPhone wasn't even a thing before I left. There was still a Bush in office. Equal parts excited & terrified.... :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

That was from this past August

To steal Pupi's .gif:


Well now... You wanna explain that Koppai? You wanna explain why you two were (possibly) barebacking other people if you were planning to get married? You wanna explain how you two continued to do that after you got married and (possibly) gave others HIV unknowingly despite only getting on meds within the past year?
Ahhh been forever since I've even lurked this thread. I just stumbled on this awesome web series called The Outs and wanted to see if anyone knew of any shows like it?? It's Saturday night and I'm trolling the net for web series between studying. *sighs*
Welcome. I hadn't heard of The Outs but I see Alan Cumming was in it, <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFjVB483Z-A

Were you still cheating on your husband after you found out in 2013?
What a delightful first post here. Don't be like this.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What a delightful first post here. Don't be like this.

Mmmmm... no. This can't slide.

For those of you just tuning in:

Bareback. My husband didn't know he had it and I made the choice to not use condoms, and that is the result. I found out in 2013, about a year after we first met. So I may have possibly had it since 2012, but I did not start medication until January 2015.

That is why I preach to others please don't make the same mistakes, it's awful and that is why there are so many programs for assistance with it. But things could always go awry someday where the medication may stop working or it destroys your liver or kidneys (which is the reason for the blood tests every 3 months). I am currently undetectable.


Yeah, I have cheated on my boyfriend numerous times, and him on me. Don't know why we came this far, I guess we don't see sex with other people as a total deal breaker.

He caught me this week, I didn't go all the way, but I still feel bad about it and I know he trust me less now because of it. Then he plowed my brains out after...

Maybe I am just living out my fantasy of being a ho, because I have been with him since 2012, and he is my first and only serious relationship.

TL;DR - I am a slutbag and don't know why <_>;

You wanna revise your timeline, dear? Did you really have HIV for possibly 3-4 years before getting on meds to manage it? Not trying to start a witch hunt here, but I really want to know this time-line because if you went willingly with HIV and continued to have risky sex... I'm sorry, I can't have any sympathy for you.
Turning 25 soon and it's really hard on the mood. I should post more here.


So this guy (the same one as this one) talked with for around 2 hours during/after a school party this week, a good part while walking home and another good 45 mins while chilling in front of his apt. at 3 in the morning. He gave me an awkward (really awkward) fist bump when we went apart, which I feel may be some weird way to signify a "can i kiss you" or something like that. Thing is, I still don't know if he's gay or not.


So this guy (the same one as this one) talked with for around 2 hours during/after a school party this week, a good part while walking home and another good 45 mins while chilling in front of his apt. at 3 in the morning. He gave me an awkward (really awkward) fist bump when we went apart, which I feel may be some weird way to signify a "can i kiss you" or something like that. Thing is, I still don't know if he's gay or not.
That is the worst. My rule of thumb is eye contact. Constant firm eye contact means he's gay or a very super alpha male, so that narrows your chances a bit, as most straights don't feel the need, or the comfort, to stare at someone, least of all if not on a conversation. Look at the direction of his eyes, maybe they go to your lips? Your hips? Does his voice says "hi" but his eyes say "seeing you pleases me"? That's important to notice.

Or just take the leap and text him for some innocuous thing and use a smiley or something, if he reciprocates, well, time to extend the conversation.

Source: everyone seems to be gay around here where I live. And I really, really enjoy gay fishing.


Turning 25 soon and it's really hard on the mood. I should post more here.


So this guy (the same one as this one) talked with for around 2 hours during/after a school party this week, a good part while walking home and another good 45 mins while chilling in front of his apt. at 3 in the morning. He gave me an awkward (really awkward) fist bump when we went apart, which I feel may be some weird way to signify a "can i kiss you" or something like that. Thing is, I still don't know if he's gay or not.
Have you tried stalking him on every possible social media channel? Thats what I do when I'm interested in someone. Its gotten me a 0% success rate so far, but I'd still recommend it.

Barring that does he know about your sexuality? If not then letting him know might be a way of offering an invitation (either for him to come out to you or for him to ask you out).
That is the worst. My rule of thumb is eye contact. Constant firm eye contact means he's gay or a very super alpha male, so that narrows your chances a bit, as most straights don't feel the need, or the comfort, to stare at someone, least of all if not on a conversation. Look at the direction of his eyes, maybe they go to your lips? Your hips? Does his voice says "hi" but his eyes say "seeing you pleases me"? That's important to notice.

Or just take the leap and text him for some innocuous thing and use a smiley or something, if he reciprocates, well, time to extend the conversation.

Source: everyone seems to be gay around here where I live. And I really, really enjoy gay fishing.

Yeah, there's always intense eye contact with him, but architecture students / architects tend to be like that so it's hard to say. And in this field, every guys seems gay even though they're not. :/

Also sent him a message via Facebook (telling him how fucking hungover I was) and he told me that the best way for him to lose his hangover was to do and activity. I though it was maybe a way to subtly ask me out, told him a coffee always helped me, but then he told me he had to go to school. Then we stopped texting.

Have you tried stalking him on every possible social media channel? Thats what I do when I'm interested in someone. Its gotten me a 0% success rate so far, but I'd still recommend it.

Barring that does he know about your sexuality? If not then letting him know might be a way of offering an invitation (either for him to come out to you or for him to ask you out).

Yeah I stalked him everywhere already (we're friends on Facebook/Instagram now). He seems to follow a few models (women) on IG, but nothing else.

And it's hard to come out during a conversation where it fits. He knows I'm single, but I think that's pretty much it. :/

I should post a picture of a dog now

The world always need more dog pictures.


Would you look at that? Drama in LettersGAF that wasn't caused by me. I could get used to that. Leona, I think it's the fact he had HIV and was sleeping around bareback that is the problem.


Yeah, there's always intense eye contact with him, but architecture students / architects tend to be like that so it's hard to say. And in this field, every guys seems gay even though they're not. :/
We call the Architecture Department on our college the Butterfly Nest for a reason. Don't worry, your odds are high. If not gay, they tend to be very open mind to every kind of things (like drugs and stuff). Maybe you can find a great friend in there.


Yeah I stalked him everywhere already (we're friends on Facebook/Instagram now). He seems to follow a few models (women) on IG, but nothing else.

And it's hard to come out during a conversation where it fits. He knows I'm single, but I think that's pretty much it. :/
Well the more you interact the more likely coming out will find its way into conversation.

I should post a picture of a dog now
I'll post a dog. Anything to move past the uh... awkwardness. This is my (parent's) dog. He hates me very much and will not stop barking at me now that I live here with my parents.

Is it something you would call "cheating" if it was agreed upon?
I don't understand this sentence's structure, but I will say that if both parties tacitly agreed to have a somewhat open relationship (in other words, if both had extramarital affairs and stayed together anyway), then why the judgment?

Leona, I think it's the fact he had HIV and was sleeping around bareback that is the problem.
We know nothing about whether he informed his partners or not. Plus, personal responsibility for safety falls on his partners as well.

If you're going to be so rude as to trot out old receipts to embarrass someone, at least let him defend himself before piling on.


I don't understand this sentence's structure, but I will say that if both parties tacitly agreed to have a somewhat open relationship (in other words, if both had extramarital affairs and stayed together anyway), then why the judgment?
Off topic Leona, but I'm a bit curious, what haircut are you sporting on these days? I remember the day you wowed us with your skin photos here on Gaf and as casual as they were, you seemed to have a great hair (besides the rest).
Off topic Leona, but I'm a bit curious, what haircut are you sporting on these days? I remember the day you wowed us with your skin photos here on Gaf and as casual as they were, you seemed to have a great hair (besides the rest).
Buzz cut now, slowly growing it out.

I'd posted a recent pic in my avatar, but my seat on the Real Pic bandwagon lasted for all of three days before I chickened out :p
I don't understand this sentence's structure, but I will say that if both parties tacitly agreed to have a somewhat open relationship (in other words, if both had extramarital affairs and stayed together anyway), then why the judgment?

Ok let me explain.

Cheating was the word used. That word means it was not tacitly agreed upon. Do you consider it cheating if you sleep with someone else in an open relationship? No, of course you wouldn't. So why, if it was an open relationship, would Koppai say he and his boyfriend cheated on each other?
Where's his nipples?

We call the Architecture Department on our college the Butterfly Nest for a reason. Don't worry, your odds are high. If not gay, they tend to be very open mind to every kind of things (like drugs and stuff). Maybe you can find a great friend in there.

Yeah I know. Still, I wouldn't want to scare him away if he's straight you know.
He's also the first irl crush I ever have, eh.


Where's his nipples?

Yeah I know. Still, I wouldn't want to scare him away if he's straight you know.
He's also the first irl crush I ever have, eh.
Just take it easy, give, but don't expect back, it's a bit like fishing; have fun and give fun, that's the most important thing, congats on your crush :) How old are you btw Alex?


Turning 25 next week, which makes everything even sadder. :/
Wow that's interesting, were we, the rest of mortals, so undeserving of your bad thoughts?

What is great is that now you are mature enough to jump over that phase of social anxiety (so you only keep the personal anxiety :p).
Wow that's interesting, were we, the rest of mortals, so undeserving of your bad thoughts?

What is great is that now you are mature enough to jump over that phase of social anxiety (so you only keep the personal anxiety :p).

I say crush as in someone I'm interested as a partner. I see guys I wanna bang everyday. ;)
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