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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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there's a 62 year old man on grindr that wants to proposition me. the only thing i ask in return is McDonalds LOL. he wants to suck me and top him.

So much eye rolling with this one.


They are working on Vampyr so maybe after that one unless they announce something else.

To Baeyo!

Can you add the explanation part of the acronym? Inb4 we'll get many asking what the QIA+ part means, and we can always redirect said posters to OP.

Also, there's a list of reading material, TV shows and films that many in here put up together (Berzeli's film list, Mumei's reading list, and Ratsky's TV shows).

I think that should stay in the next thread as well.

At least, those are my requests for the next OT. :p

Thank you! xoxox

I hope all of your posts are joke posts. 😦

I can vouch that they aren't.

I hope all of your posts are joke posts. 😦

To Baeyo!

Can you add the explanation part of the acronym? Inb4 we'll get many asking what the QIA+ part means, and we can always redirect said posters to OP.

Also, there's a list of reading material, TV shows and films that many in here put up together (Berzeli's film list, Mumei's reading list, and Ratsky's TV shows).

I think that should stay in the next thread as well.

At least, those are my requests for the next OT. :p

Thank you! xoxox

I can vouch that they aren't.

lol. i just go to grindr to read messages.

this one is old. like my dad old. it would be like having sex with my dad. and he only gave me the option of Mcdonalds or Windys.


irresponsible vagina leak
To Baeyo!

Can you add the explanation part of the acronym? Inb4 we'll get many asking what the QIA+ part means, and we can always redirect said posters to OP.
That is covered in the introduction (Which I forgot to add intersexual to the preview but now fixed) but maybe I should put the definitions just in case. :p

Also, there's a list of reading material, TV shows and films that many in here put up together (Berzeli's film list, Mumei's reading list, and Ratsky's TV shows).

I think that should stay in the next thread as well.

At least, those are my requests for the next OT. :p

Thank you! xoxox
I shall link the user posts in the OT so everyone go and read the posts since Berzeli's list has trailers and its better to let the original posts shine. I shall add a media section that pretty much link those posts. Thanks for the suggestions!


Neo Member
Too broke but it looks amazing. (The model in your pic is also good ;))

Thank you for the kind compliment. That was before I got the haircut. It's a little bit different now. :)

I wonder when we're going to ses LiS season 2 pop up

i hope 2 gays are the main characters but i know that's not gonna happen lmao

Life is Strange related spoiler.

That would be a good idea. Fingers crossed for another dare involving a kiss. Would be interesting to see how a male main character might react to being dared to kiss a male friend.


So I watched "Do I sound gay?" (It's on YouTube) and it was pretty interesting. I remember seeing the Kickstarter campaign, but then I forgot it existed, lol. So basically, "gay speak" is a learned accent, like pretty much all accents, but in the end I don't think the protagonist was able to get rid of it as he originally intended to. Not that I sound super macho or whatever, but I don't think I sound particularly gay, and as was shown in the documentary, it might be because I didn't grow up close to many females (or gay males for that matter). They showed a straight dude with the absolute "gayest" voice and he indeed grew up surrounded by women (so really, it's no different from a regional accent). In the end the protagonist learned to accept his voice, I think, which was the correct thing to do. This is particularly interesting for me from a language perspective, I've always found regional accents fascinating, and how people can adapt to other accents but immediately go back to their origins when they're on the phone with someone who has the same accent. I guess our brains feel more comfortable with one particular accent and stick with it, lol.


So I watched "Do I sound gay?" (It's on YouTube) and it was pretty interesting. I remember seeing the Kickstarter campaign, but then I forgot it existed, lol. So basically, "gay speak" is a learned accent, like pretty much all accents, but in the end I don't think the protagonist was able to get rid of it as he originally intended to. Not that I sound super macho or whatever, but I don't think I sound particularly gay, and as was shown in the documentary, it might be because I didn't grow up close to many females (or gay males for that matter). They showed a straight dude with the absolute "gayest" voice and he indeed grew up surrounded by women (so really, it's no different from a regional accent). In the end the protagonist learned to accept his voice, I think, which was the correct thing to do. This is particularly interesting for me from a language perspective, I've always found regional accents fascinating, and how people can adapt to other accents but immediately go back to their origins when they're on the phone with someone who has the same accent. I guess our brains feel more comfortable with one particular accent and stick with it, lol.

I think you do sound pretty gay though.

Just saying.


I agree with you on the last part. My mom constantly switches between accents depending on who she is with and I think I do the same to a certain extent.


Yeah, my mother can go full central Mexico accent, but revert back as soon as she phones her sisters. Same with an Argentinean friend of mine, you wouldn't notice he's from Argentina unless he phones his mom, lol. On the other hand, a friend's girlfriend is originally from Venezuela, has been living in Mexico for ~5 years, and her Venezuelan accent is still intact. The difference would be that her Venezuelan relatives also live here, and she still spends lots of time with them.

I think my only accent is central Mexican, which according to Rayis shines through my English :p It makes sense since I haven't been able to develop an English accent, I'd need to live in an English speaking country for that to happen, I guess.


irresponsible vagina leak
Thank you for the kind compliment. That was before I got the haircut. It's a little bit different now. :)
Even better! ;)
Life is Strange related spoiler.

That would be a good idea. Fingers crossed for another dare involving a kiss. Would be interesting to see how a male main character might react to being dared to kiss a male friend.

I agree it would be nice to let you decide the sexuality of your character like they did with Season one but I would like to see a bit more development from it in terms of seeing some sort of actual relationship going on which might seem dating sim like perhaps but its would be nice to see all those different aspects.

Oh also added a bit of stuff based on the earlier suggestions. More suggestions are welcomed and please let me know if the Skype info has changed to change the name of the members.

Yeah, my mother can go full central Mexico accent, but revert back as soon as she phones her sisters. Same with an Argentinean friend of mine, you wouldn't notice he's from Argentina unless he phones his mom, lol. On the other hand, a friend's girlfriend is originally from Venezuela, has been living in Mexico for ~5 years, and her Venezuelan accent is still intact. The difference would be that her Venezuelan relatives also live here, and she still spends lots of time with them.

I think my only accent is central Mexican, which according to Rayis shines through my English :p It makes sense since I haven't been able to develop an English accent, I'd need to live in an English speaking country for that to happen, I guess.
Lol, recently I've been asked about how much time have I been living here and then they tell me my accent is still intact. But maybe it's also because I spend a lot of time around Venezuelan people. I do feel I put a bit of a Mexican accent sometimes when I'm talking with Mexican people for a while, though.


After Saturday night's carnival party, second day with hangover. Got up late, arrived late to work, still with headache, my stomach is still cleaning in the inside, no gym today, and dinner earlier. I hope to be recovered tomorrow morning.

It's been many years since I arrived home at dawn. This cannot be good when you are 30.


Lol, recently I've been asked about how much time have I been living here and then they tell me my accent is still intact. But maybe it's also because I spend a lot of time around Venezuelan people. I do feel I put a bit of a Mexican accent sometimes when I'm talking with Mexican people for a while, though.
Yeah, I don't think one's original accent fully goes away, especially if you never cease being exposed to it. Do you use Mexico City slang by now? :p I love when my friend's girlfriend says something decidedly chilango with her accent, lol. And now we all call each other "tierrudo" 😝


With the code-switching thing and sounding effeminate: I don't think I've ever sounded feminine, though I think I have a pretty dynamic voice in terms of what ranges I'll speak in depending on what I'm doing, like telling a joke or a story that requires you to be expressive. I grew up with 3 brothers but never identified with any of them. I did, however, try walking "effeminately" when I was probably 8 or 9 because I think I liked the way it looked. My father, in his very Filipino way, told me to cut that shit out and I stopped instantly from then on. "Tssss! Putanganimo!" was the phrase I dreaded hearing whenever I did something wrong.



Oh for fuck's sake.

Oh also added a bit of stuff based on the earlier suggestions. More suggestions are welcomed and please let me know if the Skype info has changed to change the name of the members.

Looking good.

Are you linking to my old list or the updated one; the updated one ended up being so big it came in two parts (1 & 2). I probably should update it again since it doesn't have Carol on it.
Yeah, I don't think one's original accent fully goes away, especially if you never cease being exposed to it. Do you use Mexico City slang by now? :p I love when my friend's girlfriend says something decidedly chilango with her accent, lol. And now we all call each other "tierrudo" 😝
Well I don't know if they are all from Mexico City but I do use a lot of Mexican words, when I'm around Mexican people. I think my favorite expression that I learned here is: No pos wow. (Which I'm not sure if it's a Mexican thing but I never heard anyone saying it before).

It's so funny for us too. I remember when I just arrived here and we went out with a Venezuelan guy who has been living in Mexico for a long time. He just kept using Mexican words with a Venezuelan accent and I just thought: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????



Neo Member
Even better! ;)

I agree it would be nice to let you decide the sexuality of your character like they did with Season one but I would like to see a bit more development from it in terms of seeing some sort of actual relationship going on which might seem dating sim like perhaps but its would be nice to see all those different aspects.

Now you are just making me blush.

That would be a nice idea. Would be quite cool to see how a relationship develops in more detail and how interacting with others might affect it. There was a scene in the 5th episode that I found amusing. I basically kissed both Chloe/Warren and Max got berated by Chloe in the dream like sequence because of it.

Took a quick look at that list of films and I really liked watching Weekend. It's the sort of relationship I would like to have. Just two guys hanging out and doing stuff together like playing games. All very casual.


irresponsible vagina leak
Now you are just making me blush.
Mission accomplished then. Haha

That would be a nice idea. Would be quite cool to see how a relationship develops in more detail and how interacting with others might affect it. There was a scene in the 5th episode that I found amusing. I basically kissed both Chloe/Warren and Max got berated by Chloe in the dream like sequence because of it.
Maybe wont happen in future Life is Strange games but there needs to be more games where sexuality is explored more and I'm pretty sure with how well the interactions were with the quirky cast in LiS maybe with a bit of research Dontnod could do something along those lines and deliver something interesting and compelling but maybe this time give a chance to adult characters to deal with those situations along with their daily life situations. I'm kinda warming up to games where things dont have to be too out of the extraordinary to impress me.

Took a quick look at that list of films and I really liked watching Weekend. It's the sort of relationship I would like to have. Just two guys hanging out and doing stuff together like playing games. All very casual.

I'll take a look at the film. I'm very behind in terms of watching LGBT films since I always tend to end up watching the depressing films even when I try avoiding them. LOL
So I watched "Do I sound gay?" (It's on YouTube) and it was pretty interesting. I remember seeing the Kickstarter campaign, but then I forgot it existed, lol. So basically, "gay speak" is a learned accent, like pretty much all accents, but in the end I don't think the protagonist was able to get rid of it as he originally intended to. Not that I sound super macho or whatever, but I don't think I sound particularly gay, and as was shown in the documentary, it might be because I didn't grow up close to many females (or gay males for that matter). They showed a straight dude with the absolute "gayest" voice and he indeed grew up surrounded by women (so really, it's no different from a regional accent). In the end the protagonist learned to accept his voice, I think, which was the correct thing to do. This is particularly interesting for me from a language perspective, I've always found regional accents fascinating, and how people can adapt to other accents but immediately go back to their origins when they're on the phone with someone who has the same accent. I guess our brains feel more comfortable with one particular accent and stick with it, lol.
Hmmm. Maybe the reason I have such an unmanly voice is because I grew up with two women. Life sucks.


There are likely many factors at play. I doubt who you grow up with has any effect on wether your voice is naturally high / deep, for example - but as a "dialect", "gay speak" can indeed be more high pitched in the same way some people report having a higher tone while speaking Japanese compared to other languages.
Did you read RM8's post, though? The movie shows a straight a guy who has a womanly voice because he grew up with women. It's either that or a hormonal problem, but I kind of doubt the latter.
It is sort of both. Men have deeper voices than women, due to hormones pretty much. But you can control the deepness/pitch/tone of your voice to some degree. Though some of it is learned and not really conscious control.
It is sort of both. Men have deeper voices than women, due to hormones pretty much. But you can control the deepness/pitch/tone of your voice to some degree. Though some of it is learned and not really conscious control.
Can you teach me how, CB, when I visit you in Ohio. I sound like a lady. 😒
Can you teach me how, CB, when I visit you in Ohio. I sound like a lady. ��

lol. I sounded like a girl until I finally hit puberty in like 6th or 7th grade.

Though I never developed the accent. Or at least people have reassured me that I have not. But I always worried I had it. Honestly I don't think there's much you can do other than maybe go to a speech therapist if you really want to change how you talk. But honestly people aren't wrong in that the accent is only viewed as bad because of homophobia.


irresponsible vagina leak
I used to be mocked for my voice until 8th or 9th grade. It was funny cause I was a big guy with a really soft voice. Youtube a Janet Jackson interview and look one of my pics and try connecting those two together.
if that would be the case then i'd have a manly voice. (disgust)
You have a womanly voice too?
lol. I sounded like a girl until I finally hit puberty in like 6th or 7th grade.

Though I never developed the accent. Or at least people have reassured me that I have not. But I always worried I had it. Honestly I don't think there's much you can do other than maybe go to a speech therapist if you really want to change how you talk. But honestly people aren't wrong in that the accent is only viewed as bad because of homophobia.
Everyone saying they got made fun of until puberty, imagine that your voice never deepened. That's how mine is. I sound like a chipmunk in recordings, a nasally chipmunk. In fact, CB will never wanna bone me once he hears my voice. No guy ever will.


Neo Member
I'll take a look at the film. I'm very behind in terms of watching LGBT films since I always tend to end up watching the depressing films even when I try avoiding them. LOL

It's worth watching. Probably the only LGBT film that I watched and could relate to. Pride is another decent LGBT film. It's probably on that list. Gives you a good idea of what it was like to be gay in 1984 and that there is a lot we take for granted these days. That we should be a bit more grateful to the older generation that fought for these rights in the first place.
I think you can learn to accept it. I used to really dislike my voice before, but then I recorded so many videos while playing Bloodborne with my friends that now I've grown accustomed to it and can see some of the things that make it unique and/or interesting.
I think you can learn to accept it. I used to really dislike my voice before, but then I recorded so many videos while playing Bloodborne with my friends that now I've grown accustomed to it and can see some of the things that make it unique and/or interesting.
Yeah i have just kinda stopped caring about it like i dont love it but i dont hate it

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone like their voice when they hear it recorded?

I think most people don't at first because it doesn't sound like what we hear in our heads. I know I didn't and was very self-conscious. Then I thought, "People seem to like talking to me, so they must not hate it too much, plus I can't/won't change it so..." and that was that. I like it better when singing in certain styles.

Everyone saying they got made fun of until puberty, imagine that your voice never deepened. That's how mine is. I sound like a chipmunk in recordings, a nasally chipmunk. In fact, CB will never wanna bone me once he hears my voice. No guy ever will.

I get where you're coming from because I've thought/written many paragraphs like the one you did. That said, be careful about absolutes and generalizations. I strongly believe, after a long and still continuing journey, there are no such things as "everybody" and "nobody" when it comes to attraction. Attraction is highly personal and unique, influenced by cultural norms but far from limited to it. I also think it can be very personally powerful, whether positive or negative, which gives it a universal feeling. Explore a bit away from superficial presentations of what people want/don't want and you might find that qualities you find disgusting or repulsive on yourself or other people is exactly what appeals to people who aren't you. I speak from experience with this. Don't let your self-hate or self-judgment be the voice of others before they speak.
You have a womanly voice to?

Everyone saying they got made fun of until puberty, imagine that your voice never deepened. That's how mine is. I sound like a chipmunk in recordings, a nasally chipmunk. In fact, CB will never wanna bone me once he hears my voice. No guy ever will.
my balls never dropped.

just whimper the whole time. also i wouldn't have sex if youre so negative to yourself. it's so not cute. (disgust)
I went in to a restaraunt for lunch because the drive thru was backed up. I file in behind the people I followed in from outside and order a sandwich. Transaction took 15 seconds. Then I see a huge line behind me of people waiting in line. Nobody bitched at me but I was pretty embarassed. I walked out aa fast as I could. Whoops. Sometimes Im not very observant.


Hunky Nostradamus
No, the only thing you can do is sync up your B/W save file with the B2/W2 save file and unlock some backstory on whats changed since your B/W character went on their journey. It also unlocks a couple of unique battles between your B2/W2 character and some important characters from B/W. Overall its mostly just about story. (Also B2/W2 have the best soundtrack in the main series so that alone justifies it in my opinion, lol.)

The thing is, BW2 focus on different protagonists, so obviously you can't use your same team from BW. Plus, BW is the only Pokemon gen with a good story, XY disappointed me in that regard.

Well it's a new protagonist so yeah you can't use the Pokemon team from the BW protag.

BW2 is basically a new game set in the Unova region. The map is different from BW, there's different gym leaders, new characters, and new stuff to do. The appeal (at least for me) of catching Pokemon from past gens is that you can transfer them to the next one and you also get a chance to catch pokemon that you would otherwise have to get from some dumb unfair trade.

Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like it might be worth playing after all. Plus, it'll give me a chance to play with 2 different starters!

oh no. i mean go get a pic of seath. his look much better than mine for sure.

youve traded ball pix?
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