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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I've been wondeirng on whether or not I should tell my long time cush what I really feel about him.

I saw him recently and I just wanted to hug him. He is still as hot looking as ever. I liked him a lot since the first time I saw and met him like six years ago.

He dresses so fashionably, his taste in clothing is really good. Maybe I'm just in love with the way he dresses, lol.

Thing is that he is a hardcore Christian and he comes from a family history of strong willed conservative protestant Christians.

On his Facebook he had a picture like this:

He also made a long post about why he believes in traditional marriage, and stuff and it just seemed like he was trying too hard. I found this questionable, almost he was insecure and hiding behind those posts and trying to please his family as well.

Also, the times I spent with him, he seemed disconnected, like something was wrong. His family was so cold and distant towards him. He looked sad.

My gaydar tells me he could be deep in the closet. I'm gonna trust my gut feeling and tell him what I really feel. We aren't teenagers anymore, we're adults and I hope this makes things easier. I just hope everything goes well.

I'm more scared about his family than anything lol.

I don't know, I just feel like I gotta get this off my chest and just tell him.

My fear is that he won't see this coming and I'll creep him out... xD

That's very likely to happen.

I wouldn't tell him. Honestly, he doesn't sound gay...


I wouldn't tell him. Honestly, he doesn't sound gay...

I know. It's just wishful thinking on my part. However, I was hoping that telling him would help me get over him. The same way I told my straight friend that I was having feelings for him, he didn't take it the wrong way and it allowed me to move along. Like a burden off your chest.

I don't know, every time I see him I get all emotional and my mind just wanders off, lol. One of the reasons why I avoided him at all costs.

I won't tell him anything at the end of the day because I'll chicken out like I always do.


What does you being clean have to do with the cleanliness of the other guy tho...?
I can only assume that royalan was trying to suggest that if the guy had an STD, I might want to get myself checked out. I do get checked out, though, and I'm clean. Which clearly means he was clean, or at least was clean at the time.


I can only assume that royalan was trying to suggest that if the guy had an STD, I might want to get myself checked out. I do get checked out, though, and I'm clean. Which clearly means he was clean, or at least was clean at the time.

I would just stop replying or posting because people are taking a huge piss at you and clearly you've become, as daripad said, the person everyone loves to hate - for their personal entertainment.

I would consider taking some time off to avoid any more negativity.


Hunky Nostradamus

Does anyone else feel weak?

everything from the navel down is a disaster


I felt fine over the weekend and on monday morning my stomach problems came back and I spent the entire day in an almost fainting stupor because of lack of energy and stuff. And then it happened again this morning which caused me to take the day off to go the doctor.

I just got back and now I know the cause..
my favourite thing in the world, drinking a cup of tea, is harming me :(

I only felt bad yesterday after I had a cappuccino with whole milk, and I felt like utter crap. After that I drank only water for the rest of the day and I gradually began to feel slightly more normal... Until after I went for another cappuccino on my lunch break, after which I started feeling ill again.

I also drink tea a lot, with milk. I have one every morning before I set off for work, and it's usually just after that when I feel bad. My brain somehow never made the connection even though I realized it was happening.

The extremely common food poisoning bacteria I have in my stomach reacts very badly with dairy. I'm essentially lactose intolerant until the food poisoning clears.

It all makes so much sense now.
(and now I have a much greater appreciation for my lactose intolerant ex :p ((the cute, sweet, first ex, not the asshole who ditched me like shit on his shoe)))
I felt fine over the weekend and on monday morning my stomach problems came back and I spent the entire day in an almost fainting stupor because of lack of energy and stuff. And then it happened again this morning which caused me to take the day off to go the doctor.

I just got back and now I know the cause..
my favourite thing in the world, drinking a cup of tea, is harming me :(

I only felt bad yesterday after I had a cappuccino with whole milk, and I felt like utter crap. After that I drank only water for the rest of the day and I gradually began to feel slightly more normal... Until after I went for another cappuccino on my lunch break, after which I started feeling ill again.

I also drink tea a lot, with milk. I have one every morning before I set off for work, and it's usually just after that when I feel bad. My brain somehow never made the connection even though I realized it was happening.

The extremely common food poisoning bacteria I have in my stomach reacts very badly with dairy. I'm essentially lactose intolerant until the food poisoning clears.

It all makes so much sense now.

I got a nasty case of food poisoning last night. Had bad stomach cramps and woke up in the middle of the night to throw up. Staying home from work today as I don't think I could handle being in the heat outside for 8 hours, still feel kinda gross and have some lingering cramps.


I felt fine over the weekend and on monday morning my stomach problems came back and I spent the entire day in an almost fainting stupor because of lack of energy and stuff. And then it happened again this morning which caused me to take the day off to go the doctor.

I just got back and now I know the cause..
my favourite thing in the world, drinking a cup of tea, is harming me :(

I only felt bad yesterday after I had a cappuccino with whole milk, and I felt like utter crap. After that I drank only water for the rest of the day and I gradually began to feel slightly more normal... Until after I went for another cappuccino on my lunch break, after which I started feeling ill again.

I also drink tea a lot, with milk. I have one every morning before I set off for work, and it's usually just after that when I feel bad. My brain somehow never made the connection even though I realized it was happening.

The extremely common food poisoning bacteria I have in my stomach reacts very badly with dairy. I'm essentially lactose intolerant until the food poisoning clears.

It all makes so much sense now.
(and now I have a much greater appreciation for my lactose intolerant ex :p ((the cute, sweet, first ex, not the asshole who ditched me like shit on his shoe)))

So you have a bacteria, did the doctor tell you what bacteria you have?

All of a sudden I started to become lactose intolerant too. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I started drinking almond and soy milk.

They got nothing on real cow milk. Soy milk tastes like stale cum (thanks Ratsky):


So you have a bacteria, did the doctor tell you what bacteria you have?

All of a sudden I started to become lactose intolerant too. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I started drinking almond and soy milk.

They got nothing on real cow milk. Soy milk tastes like stale cum (thanks Ratsky):
She suggested it might be Campylobacter, one of the most common forms of food poisoning.

I just read on here
This condition is more common than you realise and if it occurs following a bout of food poisoning is known as ‘secondary lactose intolerance’.
It all seems to match up with how I've been feeling.

Thanks guys, I got REALLY stressed over this due to my concerns over the possibility of HIV. So I feel a lot better now that I know it isn't something worse.

I got a call from the jobcentre earlier, the office i've been doing work experience for said that they "don't have the resources" to have me there anymore, even though it was costing them nothing. They said I did a good job and they'd give me a good reference, but the fact that they didn't tell me themselves and did it so out of the blue suggests to me that they had a problem with me being off sick so much recently.

I mean I wasn't learning any more there anyway, I got some good experience but it kinda went from "learning" to me practically working there, for no pay. So i'm glad it's over and I can have some free time now. Once i'm better i'm gonna start going to the gym again.
Even though I'm lactose intolerant, it's been fairly easy to just switch to almond or soy milk. Just as tasty in my opinion.

Hope you feel better soon Razmos. :)
Even though I'm lactose intolerant, it's been fairly easy to just switch to almond or soy milk. Just as tasty in my opinion.

Hope you feel better soon Razmos. :)

I'm actually someone who vastly prefers almond milk to regular milk! But I know that's not necessarily for everyone.

I'm glad you were able to give yourself even just a little peace of mind, Raz <3

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
When did this 17 year old youtubers with millions of subscribers talking about silly things become a thing?

I don't care about their recent trip to the beach... how are they able to amass so many views and subscribers?

How are they getting sponsorships from Ikea and other giant retailers?

I don't understand the internet sometimes.

If you want to feel confused, frustrated, and hate modern society in general, you may enjoy this article :skypesun:

If you want to feel confused, frustrated, and hate modern society in general, you may enjoy this article :skypesun:

Him and all of his Vine star friends all sound annoying and douchey as hell, but they're young so I'll forgive it for now.
They also all sound like they're having a difficult time finding mainstream crossover success as well so we'll see how long their staying power is on the internet which is very volatile.




Even though I'm lactose intolerant, it's been fairly easy to just switch to almond or soy milk. Just as tasty in my opinion.

Hope you feel better soon Razmos. :)

It's not only about taste though. Cow's milk is more nutritious. What they sell as Almond Milk in Sweden at least (by Alpro), has like none of the fat or protein that exists in ordinary milk. Almond milk is basically water with a taste of almonds. And I LOVE almond milk and prefer it because industrially milking cows is not the nicest thing to do. But it's so empty compared to cow's milk. :/


my lactose intolerance got really bad in my mid twenties. before that I had regular milk every day (or cheese, or butter, etc.). I'm using almond/hazelnut/coconut flavored rice milk
and it's delicious!

The only problem I have with drama is that everyone shits the thread up with gifs.

Otherwise it gets pretty hilarious

Guys help I cheated on my boyfriend of eighteen months. Please tell me what a wonderful person I am. Because there's nothing wrong with cheating. No judgement please. My body my choice.


Neo Member
As someone who's been cheated on, and who's done it themselves, I can say that it is often much more complicated than a clear cut case of "I'm gonna do something blatantly disrespectful of my partner because I'm a selfish bastard."

But uh... this doesn't sound that complicated.
Regardless of how "blatant" the act is, you're still ultimately destroying your partner's trust and disregarding their wellbeing with the added risk of STI's etc. You can only be so "safe".

Sounds pretty disrespectful to me at the end of the day. That's just my opinion tho :/
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