I like your hair. Long hair is my one weakness.The furthest one and I'm holding the camera like a tit. Oh well. This is me in my pyjamas.
Incidentally if you're looking for the most ghetto production values in Britain, I'm your man.
Could the self esteem plummet any further? Let's find out!
judging the lessers
I like Pikachu
I like you liking Pikachu
Pretty sure I posted this before. (It's the only good picture I have, QQQQ)
Fuck it.
All of you are damn cute. The whole lot of you.
Sure. I could get past that of I like them enough.Would you date someone who had excess/loose skin from weight loss (and couldn't afford surgery)? Like if they used to be very big and lost a lot of weight, but now have excess skin where the fat used to be. Would it be too much of a turn off for you to get past it? Would you still be able to find them attractive?