I think I might be one of the few atheists who go to church... lol. A rare breed indeed. Perhaps not as rare as Atheistic Christians (which is a thing appearantly).
At least I had the chance to see my crush. He got a different haircut and let his beard grow a little bit and he kind of has a scruff. He looked so hot and handsome today. He's grown out of his twinkish phase and he looks like a man now. I love it.
I think he's a hardcore closet case, but even if he was, I don't think he would ever be interested in me. I can only just sit back and daydream. Sigh.
What kind of pictures made you think he was gay?
Top of page! Arrest me, officer!
Well dang! His arms are huge.
He's so hot that I would let him crush me with his big arms, while I struggle to breath and feel my bones crushing.
Perhaps a bit morbid, but a really strong hug from him enough to make me feel lightheaded would be heaven for me tbh.
Here's a pic of me and my cat because why not.
Your cat looks adorable! So big and fluffy! :3
Is it a boy or a girl? How old is he/she?
Beyond a 20-minute basic Flash lesson once upon a time, no. When I say "pretend," it's on the level of "Maybe I'll be a wizard tomorrow."
I see. Well you never know, sometimes for some their artistic skills lie dormant.