So it's my birthday today
. And it's also my boyfriend's birthday. We have the same birthday, funny enough.
And there was some hilarious candle drama (he's 32 today and I'm 24 today)
So my family just decided on 324 LOL!
Happy Birthday to both of you! The 324 thing is hilarious - I love it!
Pamp, just work on it. I made a comment that I got called out on awhile back. Someone on the thread didn't like it, and called me out on it. Everyone makes mistakes.
Just own it, own the responsibility for it, re-read your post before you hit "submit reply" and you'll have made progress. Put forth effort in that. And if you need help or want to talk, then talk and ask. People will contribute what they can.
Also: no excuses. Own it, accept it, keep moving forward.
This is a good piece of advice - sadly myself and several others have said almost exactly this numerous times.
Pample if you're not willing to read everyone's comments and re-evaluate your attitude in this forum then you're never going to be accepted and will most likely end up banned.
If you chose to actually take some responsibility for yourself however, you may find there's a place for you here where you can earn back respect, friendship and maybe a place where you can vocalise your issues in a healthy and constructive way.
This community - for all the backlash it's dealt to you - has been insanely forgiving of your completely offensive behaviour. But you should be able to see now that everyone is done. No more chances.
For every one of those comments you make about 'femme's being disgusting' or 'unattractive' - imagine the people that frequent this forum, actively or passively - who feel this confirms their own fears and insecurities about themselves. Who reads your comments and feels bad, cries, or self-harms or worse.
The internet is an amazing place, somewhere communities can form and support each other. I bet it's made a huge difference in so many lives. But people like you damage that - for some people it's damage beyond repair.
Take some responsibility, or get out.