He shoves hate and fear into Gods mouth, Starling said. He puts the devils words on Gods tongue. Very rarely am I met with rudeness or unkindness when I go buy panty hose and Ive got a beard going, or I go in the Christian donation store to pick out a dress. These people are not as hateful and spiteful as the politicians are pushing them to be.
I learned to cook, and I learned my manners, she said. If youre a southern child between ages five and six, youre going to learn your manners. I was busted three times in one meal for not saying Please pass the ... and I slammed down my fork and crossed my arms. I said, I dont like good manners.
My grandmother very calmly put down her fork and looked at me. She said something Ill never forget: Manners are free. Around the world, war and bloodshed and chaos begin because someone didnt have respect for someone else.
Roy Moore simply is not using good manners. He is being rude, she said. In his mind the south won the war, and we dont have to pay any attention to the federal government.