Your gender? - Male
Your sexual orientation? - Gay
Where Are You From? - Canada (ON)
Where Do You Live? - Canada (ON)
Favorite Type of Music? - Showtunes and Disney Park music, with a little bit of everything else in between.
Profession or Career interest? - I'll be going to college in September for Hospitality & Tourism Management. I'm hoping to work with shore excursions on a cruise (preferably DCL), but we'll see where I go after school. Definitely something in the general field of Hospitality/Tourism, though!
Favorite video game(s)? - Pokémon, WWE 2K/SvR, and Kingdom Hearts. I mostly played Nintendo games for a while, but I got a PS4 a few months back. Right now I'm still in the "revisiting classics" stage (NFS, Dark Cloud, WWE 2K16, Sleeping Dogs, Ratchet & Clank, etc.) but I'm planning expanding my library soon!
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? - Travelling, even though I don't get to do a lot of it right now. I also enjoy [watching] wrestling (WWE, ROH, NJPW, Lucha Underground, sometimes TNA) and UFC. I'm really into theme parks as well, with WDW being the one I mostly visit and enjoy following news/watching videos on. My love for Disney does go past the theme parks though, I'm also a fan of the movies, music, collectibles, art pieces, TV shows, and pretty much anything else attached to the company.
aaaand yeah, I guess that's it. Hello.