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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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are lesbians into puppy play or is that just something g/b men are into
There are lesbians who are into that, yes.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
SE knows gays don't go for men who don't have European features.

When you and others say "European," are you all talking about race or differences in early medical procedures?
Just wanted to vent a little bit about my date and experience this past Saturday.

Actually I had probably one of the best dates I've been on so far. Ended up meeting him in his neighborhood, we walked around, got coffee and ended up getting lunch. We had plenty of chemistry before hand in texting and FaceTime, and it carried over into our face to face conversations. Went back to his place and played with his dog a bit. He actually initiated a cuddling session, holding hands and a few kisses. Things seemed to go very well at this point. We ended up taking his dog to the dog park/beach, where I took some really good photos of him with his dog, and the dog just running around in general. It was a cute date so far, and I was really enjoying myself. We ended the date with watching fireworks at Navy Pier in Chicago. It might have been cheesy, but it felt good.

During our evening we talked about doing some things the following weekend, he wanted me to go see Spongebob the musical with him. We had even talked about doing a Netflix day of watching Buffy, since he's never seen it. We ended up back at his place around 12:30, at this point he didn't want me taking the red line train back to my car, which was a good 30 mins away, so he actually obliged to pay for my Lyft because he was worried about my safety. I kept thinking, this guy is a keeper.

But the next day is where things just sorta went weird. I think the day after, he texted me maybe 5 times total, mostly one or two word answers. It was the complete opposite of our conversations beforehand. Sunday wasn't really any better, although he complained about a headache and said he was sleeping off and on. But still, while we had some text conversations, he would just flat out not answer or acknowledge some of the things we were talking about. At this point, I just felt something was off. That's when this morning, after I asked if he was feeling any better, he just responded with "fine." And then he told me he's sorry hes been distant, and that even though he had a good time on Saturday, he felt that we were looking for different things and he didn't see much beyond a friendship. He also stated he was going "through some things."

Which is all well and fine, but I just don't have the time for people who don't communicate. It's a real bummer, because his actions and affection on Saturday are the complete opposite of that response I got today. It's been quite a while since I've been single, having had two long term relationships in the past 8-9 years, so maybe I'm just being naive about things. While I'm glad Nathan didn't just outright ghost, I almost think this was a bit more of a punch to the gut because of the way things went. Maybe he's just the type to jump the gun a bit, but it's left me a little more cautious I think.

Sorry for ranting, just wanted to get it off my chest. I basically told Nathan that he can text me or communicate on his terms, he has my number. I also told him I'd send him the photos I took of him and his dog, since they were some really good shots, but I'm not expecting much beyond that in terms of communication.

edit: ok, new Crystal Castles song is out. let me sulk and listen to this shit.


Just wanted to vent a little bit about my date and experience this past Saturday.

Actually I had probably one of the best dates I've been on so far. Ended up meeting him in his neighborhood, we walked around, got coffee and ended up getting lunch. We had plenty of chemistry before hand in texting and FaceTime, and it carried over into our face to face conversations. Went back to his place and played with his dog a bit. He actually initiated a cuddling session, holding hands and a few kisses. Things seemed to go very well at this point. We ended up taking his dog to the dog park/beach, where I took some really good photos of him with his dog, and the dog just running around in general. It was a cute date so far, and I was really enjoying myself. We ended the date with watching fireworks at Navy Pier in Chicago. It might have been cheesy, but it felt good.

During our evening we talked about doing some things the following weekend, he wanted me to go see Spongebob the musical with him. We had even talked about doing a Netflix day of watching Buffy, since he's never seen it. We ended up back at his place around 12:30, at this point he didn't want me taking the red line train back to my car, which was a good 30 mins away, so he actually obliged to pay for my Lyft because he was worried about my safety. I kept thinking, this guy is a keeper.

But the next day is where things just sorta went weird. I think the day after, he texted me maybe 5 times total, mostly one or two word answers. It was the complete opposite of our conversations beforehand. Sunday wasn't really any better, although he complained about a headache and said he was sleeping off and on. But still, while we had some text conversations, he would just flat out not answer or acknowledge some of the things we were talking about. At this point, I just felt something was off. That's when this morning, after I asked if he was feeling any better, he just responded with "fine." And then he told me he's sorry hes been distant, and that even though he had a good time on Saturday, he felt that we were looking for different things and he didn't see much beyond a friendship. He also stated he was going "through some things."

Which is all well and fine, but I just don't have the time for people who don't communicate. It's a real bummer, because his actions and affection on Saturday are the complete opposite of that response I got today. It's been quite a while since I've been single, having had two long term relationships in the past 8-9 years, so maybe I'm just being naive about things. While I'm glad Nathan didn't just outright ghost, I almost think this was a bit more of a punch to the gut because of the way things went. Maybe he's just the type to jump the gun a bit, but it's left me a little more cautious I think.

Sorry for ranting, just wanted to get it off my chest. I basically told Nathan that he can text me or communicate on his terms, he has my number. I also told him I'd send him the photos I took of him and his dog, since they were some really good shots, but I'm not expecting much beyond that in terms of communication.

edit: ok, new Crystal Castles song is out. let me sulk and listen to this shit.

You know what I told you. You will be fine and many more will come. Tho him flip flopping is a mess. Yeah I'd say be more cautious and just keep them at arms length until you know for sure what they want .


You know what I told you. You will be fine and many more will come. Tho him flip flopping is a mess. Yeah I'd say be more cautious and just keep them at arms length until you know for sure what they want .

This. Fucking this so much.

A lesson I learned the hard way.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So you had a great date that made you hopeful that you might have found a right match for you, but it went sour in less than a day. The good part is you had a very cute and enjoyable day with a guy, and found out in a short amount of time that he wasn't for you, so you can look elsewhere. A bittersweet experience.


The model Nyx is based on is much hairier (possibly NSFW).

Googled this model and his face reminds me of Tom Hardy, Hardy has such great lips.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Do male-attracted people here have a significant (as in, make-or-break) preference when it comes to cut vs. uncut?


irresponsible vagina leak
Sex dreams where first you have a development and see people from the internet and people you know together and interacting like they knew each other is such an odd thing. The sex in the dream was god tier tbh.
I'm feeling like I'm in the Sahara desert with my thirst these last few days.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
You know, I've never really put any serious thought into it before.

This is pretty much where I'm at. It wouldn't ever have occurred to me as a thing had it not been for seeing parodies and stereotypes of Grindr that always featured "cut/uncut" as part of the introduction process.

Based on what I've seen on grindr, some do.

I don't. Though I prefer cut. Looks nicer.

Huh. It's unintuitive to me that appearance matters, but when I think about it, I guess that makes sense. People have tried to explain what makes a good-looking penis to me before, but I didn't grasp it.
The concept, not the penis. No pun was intended.

While I'd prefer uncut, I'd never turn a guy down because he wasn't. I'm not so picky as to be an ass about it.

You don't need to go into specifics, but what makes you prefer one over the other (appearance, functionality, etc.)?
This is pretty much where I'm at. It wouldn't ever have occurred to me as a thing had it not been for seeing parodies and stereotypes of Grindr that always featured "cut/uncut" as part of the introduction process.

Huh. It's unintuitive to me that appearance matters, but when I think about it, I guess that makes sense. People have tried to explain what makes a good-looking penis to me before, but I didn't grasp it.
The concept, not the penis. No pun was intended.

You don't need to go into specifics, but what makes you prefer one over the other (appearance, functionality, etc.)?

Just think it looks nicer. This is all moot though since I haven't had any yet anyways
Do male-attracted people here have a significant (as in, make-or-break) preference when it comes to cut vs. uncut?

I really really, really like uncut but if the guy I want to sleep with is cut, I have a little mental image of me shrugging and saying w/e, and put a poker face. Don't want to be disrespectful for my arbitrary desires. I like uncut but it's not a deal breaker, I'm Mexican so there is plenty of uncut goodness to go around.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Ah, but what does that have to do with the question you originally asked?

The original question I asked was in response to a mention of "European features." As an American, one of the generalized distinctions I've seen/heard made between American and European men is that American-born men are often cut (I think it's somewhat of a norm/hospital default here?) while European-born men are often not. I was asking if the comments about European features pandering to gays were a commentary on the ways in which white men (typically equated with men of European descent) are commonly presented to gay and bisexual men as the image of attractiveness or if it was a reference to uncircumsized male genitalia. The latter meaning would imply a preference (perhaps a general one if it were pandering), which brings us to the present and my second question asking if people had a preference.

This concludes my very long explanation.


When you and others say "European," are you all talking about race or differences in early medical procedures?
It's about Caucasian people snatching up so many roles that could be played by Asian or African or Hispanic people. And I mean, I get that, I think the screen is oversaturated with so many white people.


Have I sold you yet?

Nice gif

Do male-attracted people here have a significant (as in, make-or-break) preference when it comes to cut vs. uncut?
Uncut sometimes reminds me of a sleeping bag. It's cute but also odd. I'm used to cut since I'm cut myself. :p


In my experience I've found more people that said being cut was a deal breaker than otherwise. But that might be biased because I'm uncut myself heh


Sent my second batch of applications yesterday. One of the companies just replied and explained their application process in detail. Among other things, I will have to complete a programming test which might take up to four hours. Oh god. I'm scared.


I'm uncut and I prefer cut. I never really like the look of the foreskin, and I think that's why at an early age I kept it down instead of covering the head (sort of simulates a cut penis). So several decades later the foreskin no longer covers the tip in its natural state. This is probably a bit unusual because I've never met another person that did this.


Wait wait wait

A student at the time or years after they left middle school? Middle school would be 10 - 14 here in the EU. o_O

I'm assuming at the time, because it says she was still teaching at my middle school when her student relationship happened.


Going to the rocky mountains (Banff/Jasper) on Sunday for 9 days and its supposed to rain the whole time.

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