It changed in a lot of ways, actually. To start off with, when we first started dating, we would go hiking, to the aquarium, out for walks etc. He genuinely seemed to enjoy going out and doing stuff together. A couple months in, and up until now, all he ever wants to do is stay home and watch TV. Don't get me wrong, I like doing that every once in a while, but he has no desire to go out and do things. It's like pulling teeth to get him to even go for a walk or something. Not to mention, I'm starting to realize that I don't think he has any hobbies/interests OTHER than staying in and watching TV. He was a national swimmer in his past, and I thought maybe that was a passion of his. But he told me the other day that he only did it because he felt pressured to, but he hated it. I just.. I dunno. I've never met someone who's truly not passionate about anything. So I'm still searching.
I can deal with all of that, though. I'm a social guy, and I just hang out with my volleyball teammates/friends when I want to go out to play sports or hike etc. The worst part of it was his emotional sensitivity and generosity did a total 180.
Honestly when I first met him, I thought I won the lottery. He's an attractive guy, and he was one of the kindest, sweetest guys. Totally patient, emotionally sensitive, and approachable. I felt like I could go to him for anything, no matter what I was feeling, and he'd lend an ear and be supportive. About a month and a half in, that started changing. I feel like I can't talk to him about anything without him getting pissed off for bringing up my feelings to him. Then he just drops the subject and lets it boil under the surface when I'm someone who wants to settle matters right away.
Not to mention, I feel like often times he doesn't take me into consideration at all for things that actually involve me. Here's the big example that happened recently:
In December he found out that his family would be having a family reunion on the second weekend of August. He told me to keep that whole week off from work because we could go to that if he decided that he wanted to go, and if he decided against the reunion we could go somewhere else together for a getaway. So he told me he'd make a decision and then we'd start planning.
The end of June rolls around and he still hasn't decided on whether or not he wants to go to the reunion. And at this point, that weekend is less than 2 months away. I want to be able to sort of structure the rest of my summer and vacation etc, as well as start thinking about trip locations if we choose not to go to the reunion. He said he was going to take a few more weeks to decide, when he's known about this thing since December. And so I told him "no, could you please decide by the end of the week? you've had a lot of time to decide and since we're travelling together this decision kind of involves me too". So he finally makes a decision, and when I asked him why he didn't consider me at all he got pissed off and said "i'll take as long to decide as I god damn want to". I never in a million years thought that he'd be the type of guy to be so inconsiderate, and lazy, to be frank.
Sorry for the massive post/rant, but I feel stuck. There's so much more I could say, too. Like the fact that I feel very little to no sexual chemistry with him anymore either :S which to me is kind of a big deal.
We've been together for 7 months. My parents really, really like him. And sometimes my mom will say stuff like "Stephen stay with him, he's good for you. I hope you guys never break up", which adds a lot of pressure.. I've spoken to him countless times about his personality change and his new lack of consideration for my feelings and the fact that he's no longer approachable. Again, he just says "no I haven't changed" and drops the subject, knowing full well that it's something that bothers me a lot. He just keeps saying "my emotional well is empty now, sorry".
Sorry guys :S :S :S Didn't mean to kinda unload like that.