Hey everyone! Newbie here, I have been lurking here from time to time, and now that I'm bored at work it's the perfect time to introduce myself
Your gender? male
Your sexual orientation? gay
Where Are You From? Germany
Where Do You Live? Münster, Germany
How Old Are you? 27
Favorite Type of Music? Pop, R'n'B
Profession or Career interest? Web developer/designer
Favorite video game(s)? started gaming with Sonic, he still has a special place in my heart but the last years were so disappointing

. Other than that: Final Fantasy, Uncharted, Zelda, Pheonix Wright, Shenmue (proud backer of III)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? gym, traveling, tv shows and movies
edit: also, selfie time: This is me some weeks ago, hungover after berlin pride