On the subject of coming out, I really want to come out to my best friend but I'm a bit scared to do it. I know he's not the kind of person who is homophobic but I'm worried that either he would be worried that I would try and push the boundaries from friendship into intimacy (in simpler terms, flirting) or he already knows and I would just be making things awkward. I'm also not sure about randomly bringing it up, but at the same time he's my best friend, I trust him a lot and I feel that he deserves to know.
I wouldn't worry about randomly bringing it up, that's how I've come out to everyone so far, lol. If he's your best friend, those things shouldn't be a problem.
I mean, you can always make it clear that it's not going to be something that will change your friendship in any way, if he seems worried. And if he already knows, why would it be awkward? He'd probably be proud of you for coming out.
I came out to my best friend a week or so ago, and I was super worried about it as I thought she might see me as a different person. Like, I had said I was heteroromantic asexual for ages because the idea of sex kind of weirded me out, so I had kind of repressed any sort of sexual inclination I might have had. So I thought that by coming out as heteroromantic bisexual, I wouldn't be the person she thought I was and she wouldn't like this new version of me. Of course, I was just being silly and everything was fine and she's super proud of me and happy for me, but I get the anxiety. Obviously that's a bit of a different situation, but I think there's the same underlying fear of not wanting to ruin the friendship by saying that a part of you isn't what they might have thought it was
I guess the thing is that you're best friends for a reason. Something like this won't change it, and should only be a positive. Don't force yourself to do it if you aren't comfortable, but I'm sure it's something he'll want to hear you say whether he knows or not.
So I was watching Always Sunny and at first Mac wasn't really attractive in my eyes but Season 7 made me change my mind on him.
He's so buff!