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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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I know there's the whole STD thing as well, which is kind of scary but it wouldn't surprise me if some of these guys are perhaps safer than another random hookup person.

I have friends who used to escort. Many of them hold actual regular jobs and did this on the side, so to them being safe and healthy is of utmost importance to them. I would also tend to think that "professional" escorts would take a lot of precautions because they do get reviewed and if they are caught word of mouth will spread. That is not to say that there aren't dishonest guys out there, because there are plenty of fakes and hustlers around, but someone trying to earn a living might have a lot more to lose than someone looking for a hook up.

Anyway, in the end it's really up to you to protect yourself. So if you do decide to try it, make sure you do your due diligence and get someone that is known to take care of his clients.


So I was watching Always Sunny and at first Mac wasn't really attractive in my eyes but Season 7 made me change my mind on him.


Girl ew that's when he turned ugly

I so would tho. Other than that season


The cat picture thread seems to be dead. But we all love cute things in here, right? So I'm just gonna post mine here instead.
This is what our ginger does when he gets overwhelmed with happiness:


And he's purring extremely loudly when he's doing that. When he's done, he lies in my arms on his back, like a baby, and stares at me smiling while kneading his paws until he falls asleep.


I haven't been active here for quite a while but lately I've just been very horny and I was wondering, has any of you guys ever paid (or considered paying) for sex? It seems like such a pain in the ass even trying to coordinate with someone, even on grindr, to have a little fun.

I have to admit that it's something I never even considered before but I've been single for about 4 years now and while I'm still hoping to find love again, I've seen quite a few guys on grindr who offer their services and I'm thinking it would make things so much easier, I mean, I could always just watch porn or something but it's not enough for me lately.

I know there's the whole STD thing as well, which is kind of scary but it wouldn't surprise me if some of these guys are perhaps safer than another random hookup person.

you're on grindr but you want to pay? what?


I wouldn't worry about randomly bringing it up, that's how I've come out to everyone so far, lol. If he's your best friend, those things shouldn't be a problem.

I mean, you can always make it clear that it's not going to be something that will change your friendship in any way, if he seems worried. And if he already knows, why would it be awkward? He'd probably be proud of you for coming out.

I came out to my best friend a week or so ago, and I was super worried about it as I thought she might see me as a different person. Like, I had said I was heteroromantic asexual for ages because the idea of sex kind of weirded me out, so I had kind of repressed any sort of sexual inclination I might have had. So I thought that by coming out as heteroromantic bisexual, I wouldn't be the person she thought I was and she wouldn't like this new version of me. Of course, I was just being silly and everything was fine and she's super proud of me and happy for me, but I get the anxiety. Obviously that's a bit of a different situation, but I think there's the same underlying fear of not wanting to ruin the friendship by saying that a part of you isn't what they might have thought it was

I guess the thing is that you're best friends for a reason. Something like this won't change it, and should only be a positive. Don't force yourself to do it if you aren't comfortable, but I'm sure it's something he'll want to hear you say whether he knows or not.

I guess you're right that I shouldn't be worried. I'm worried for the same reasons as you are actually, but when I get a moment in private with him next I'll talk to him about it I think.


Girl ew that's when he turned ugly

I so would tho. Other than that season

Fuller beard plus he acted and looked less like a complete douche, I really warmed up to him in this season because of that.

The cat picture thread seems to be dead. But we all love cute things in here, right? So I'm just gonna post mine here instead.
This is what our ginger does when he gets overwhelmed with happiness:


And he's purring extremely loudly when he's doing that. When he's done, he lies in my arms on his back, like a baby, and stares at me smiling while kneading his paws until he falls asleep.

That's cute :3


Usually on grindr I get offers by guys who I don't find attractive and the ones I do, most of the times don't answer my messages (or charge for sex).

While I (somewhat, I guess) understand what you want, I hope you're aware of the fact that you wouldn't be paying for genuine affection which is what you're looking for, I assume? You'd only be spending money on something barely resembling the real deal.


So I didn't join the lgbt club because of anxiety, so I joined a different club.

Maybe you could see this as a great opportunity to confront your fears and anxiety and win a victory over them. If you give in to your demons in this way they will only grow stronger. Just psyche yourself up, do whatever you need to and do it. Focus on how relieved you will feel when it's done. It's just walking up to a table not jumping out of a plane or anything. You can do it. :)

Astral Dog

I haven't been active here for quite a while but lately I've just been very horny and I was wondering, has any of you guys ever paid (or considered paying) for sex? It seems like such a pain in the ass even trying to coordinate with someone, even on grindr, to have a little fun.

I have to admit that it's something I never even considered before but I've been single for about 4 years now and while I'm still hoping to find love again, I've seen quite a few guys on grindr who offer their services and I'm thinking it would make things so much easier, I mean, I could always just watch porn or something but it's not enough for me lately.

I know there's the whole STD thing as well, which is kind of scary but it wouldn't surprise me if some of these guys are perhaps safer than another random hookup person.
Hmm this is kind of a fantasy of mine >.>
Someday i shall try 💰 😗


lmao the gay Nirvana

Isn't the Nirvana a place where you are relieved of everything, every thought, every desire, no chains? Sexuality is a pretty big chain tbh.

Also, San Miguel is pretty good Italian beer, found that today at the super market. Man, beer is so nice, I was a fool to ever say anything bad about it.
lmao the gay Nirvana

Isn't the Nirvana a place where you are relieved of everything, every thought, every desire, no chains? Sexuality is a pretty big chain tbh.

Sort of. Nirvana is the eradication of greed, aversion, and ignorance of the fundamental nature of reality (dependant origination). It's not a place or a thing, though. Like what I just presented is one definition, one of the easier ones to grasp, and you can see that it is formulated in the negative- as an absence of stress/dissatisfaction and delusion, etc.

Beyond death (parinibbana) it becomes a lot more difficult. The Buddha said it is neither annihilation nor eternalism, which doesn't really help understanding much. Thanissaro talks about this in his essay "Mind Like Fire Unbound", where he notes that the symbolic language used to refer to clinging and enlightenment tracks some Indic cosmology. That is that fire or Agni was seen as immanent in everything as a potency (so even something like water contains 'fire' as a latency). The Buddha related the clinging aggregates to fire, that they are 'aflame' with desire. The aim of enlightenment is to remove clinging from the aggregates. So the conclusion that Thanissaro comes to is something like this: if fire as we know it is bound to its fuel, what happens if it is unbound from its fuel? Does it continue to exist as a latency, in a dispersed state, what is it? Has it been annihilated? Or does it continue to exist? It's ambiguous.


Worst quote of the year lmao

In 2016 Emmerich blamed the film's failure on "one voice on the internet who saw a trailer and said, this is whitewashing Stonewall. Stonewall was a white event, let’s be honest. But nobody wanted to hear that any more."
I haven't been active here for quite a while but lately I've just been very horny and I was wondering, has any of you guys ever paid (or considered paying) for sex? It seems like such a pain in the ass even trying to coordinate with someone, even on grindr, to have a little fun.

I have to admit that it's something I never even considered before but I've been single for about 4 years now and while I'm still hoping to find love again, I've seen quite a few guys on grindr who offer their services and I'm thinking it would make things so much easier, I mean, I could always just watch porn or something but it's not enough for me lately.

I know there's the whole STD thing as well, which is kind of scary but it wouldn't surprise me if some of these guys are perhaps safer than another random hookup person.

I have considered it more than once. I found a number of extremely attractive escorts and my brain shuts down for a while, like damn I know I shouldn't considering I'm young and inexperienced (might panic), but sometimes you're just horney. Always back down though after giving it a thought, not because lack of chemistry thing (professional escorts will be able to fake it and make it look good) but because it's absurdly expensive (about $600/hr) and the whole STD angle. I agree though, hooking up apps are so frustrating and filled with creeps. So hook up with me?

Colombian guys though... 😥
OMG this. Latinos in general and Colombians specifically make me weak. I really need to take a vacation there sometime.
Honestly reaching Nirvana(™) is how I cured my gay affliction.



Saw Pride (2015) today.

It is such a funny movie! Love it...y'all should see it if you haven't. It's about a bunch of lgbt people helping out miners in their strike in the 80's during Thatcher's UK reign.


Sort of. Nirvana is the eradication of greed, aversion, and ignorance of the fundamental nature of reality (dependant origination). It's not a place or a thing, though. Like what I just presented is one definition, one of the easier ones to grasp, and you can see that it is formulated in the negative- as an absence of stress/dissatisfaction and delusion, etc.

Beyond death (parinibbana) it becomes a lot more difficult. The Buddha said it is neither annihilation nor eternalism, which doesn't really help understanding much. Thanissaro talks about this in his essay "Mind Like Fire Unbound", where he notes that the symbolic language used to refer to clinging and enlightenment tracks some Indic cosmology. That is that fire or Agni was seen as immanent in everything as a potency (so even something like water contains 'fire' as a latency). The Buddha related the clinging aggregates to fire, that they are 'aflame' with desire. The aim of enlightenment is to remove clinging from the aggregates. So the conclusion that Thanissaro comes to is something like this: if fire as we know it is bound to its fuel, what happens if it is unbound from its fuel? Does it continue to exist as a latency, in a dispersed state, what is it? Has it been annihilated? Or does it continue to exist? It's ambiguous.
I think I get it. It's not like the Heaven club like in Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life.:p It's where "you" are when you break out of the cycle, there's no you, no he, no she. No ego. It's nothing, from my understanding. That's why Nihilists like Nietzsche liked the Buddhism. At least that's my understanding of it.

Charlie is best girl guy.

But I guess Mac doesn't look that bad in this promo pic. :p
Mmhm, he looks great there. I also like him in that shirt in the Jersey Shore episode.
I think I get it. It's not like the Heaven club like in Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life.:p It's where "you" are when you break out of the cycle, there's no you, no he, no she. No ego. It's nothing, from my understanding. That's why Nihilists like Nietzsche liked the Buddhism. At least that's my understanding of it.

Yeah, I think you have the right idea.


OMG this. Latinos in general and Colombians specifically make me weak. I really need to take a vacation there sometime.

Yeah they're hot.

Oh you're Colombian? o:

This Colombian guy I talked to on grinder is quite charming but too bad after I had to cancel our frozen-yogurt-get-together he hasn't replied since. Especially since we exchanged numbers and texted consistently in the first few days.

It's heartbreaking tbh.
Been obsessed with these tracks. Felt like sharing.

Soft Hair - Lying Has To Stop

Roosevelt - Moving On

D.R.A.M. - Cute

serpentwithfeet - blisters

Cashmere Cat - Wild Love


James Vincent McMorrow - Surreal

Dan Deacon - Change Your Life (You Can Do It)
Is anyone else like a 0 out of 10 when it comes to friendships. I crave companionships but anything beyond casual makes me uncomfortable. I prefer being alone but I wish I enjoyed being close/open with people but I don't. Even people that I am very fond of, I retract at any sign of advanced fellowship.

I don't know why. It's almost never anything against the person, but I avoid actual friendships all the time. Everyone I know is more or less an acquaintance for that reason. Which is something I regret whenever I think about what I could have had with all these people. Its always me, never them, and then we drift apart, just the way I like (hate) it.

It leads me to wonder how competent of a boyfriend I could even be if I'm not even a good friend to have. Most people will say i'm a good friend but its not true. I'm likable but that's it. The only people I could see myself being close with are people that I could potentially be in love with. Which is a huge restriction on my social life
which doesn't exist.
Everyone else is doomed to be kept at arm's length. I've never been on a date. I've never been at a friends house. I've never went out with any friends, peers etc period.

But my mind and body prefers it but my heart doesn't. (I know that sounds sappy but its accurate enough) half of me wants it but the dominant half won't like it.
so I really don't know what the point of this post is but. eh
also, my finger is twitching. wtf


Maybe you could see this as a great opportunity to confront your fears and anxiety and win a victory over them. If you give in to your demons in this way they will only grow stronger. Just psyche yourself up, do whatever you need to and do it. Focus on how relieved you will feel when it's done. It's just walking up to a table not jumping out of a plane or anything. You can do it. :)
You're right. I need to be a stronger person. Thank you.

I have been contemplating buddhism, seriously, and I feel like its resonating with me in a way that other religions never did. I'm trying to make more concious choices and be more considerate and empathetic to others. I uninstalled Grindr and I'm going to try looking for real, meaningful relationships. I've been eating healthier, not over indulging, and sticking with water. I've been being more friendly and more honest with people. And I feel better for it.

I used DMT to meditate today. And I know that some buddhists may disagree with me doing it that way, but I still found the meditational helpful. It reminds me that this life is real, and that I need to live it to the fullest - because this is it. Make concious choices. And make the right ones. Be an example for others around you. Help people out whenever I can. It makes me feel better about myself and the world. I feel less neurotic as well. More at peace. Serene.

This class im taking, east asian religion, professor made a joke about how she doesn't expect you to convert. But I actually might.


Been obsessed with these tracks. Felt like sharing.

Soft Hair - Lying Has To Stop

Roosevelt - Moving On

D.R.A.M. - Cute

serpentwithfeet - blisters

Cashmere Cat - Wild Love


James Vincent McMorrow - Surreal

Dan Deacon - Change Your Life (You Can Do It)
I like some of these, but I'd never heard of any of them before. Where did you discover them?
You're right. I need to be a stronger person. Thank you.

I have been contemplating buddhism, seriously, and I feel like its resonating with me in a way that other religions never did. I'm trying to make more concious choices and be more considerate and empathetic to others. I uninstalled Grindr and I'm going to try looking for real, meaningful relationships. I've been eating healthier, not over indulging, and sticking with water. I've been being more friendly and more honest with people. And I feel better for it.

I used DMT to meditate today. And I know that some buddhists may disagree with me doing it that way, but I still found the meditational helpful. It reminds me that this life is real, and that I need to live it to the fullest - because this is it. Make concious choices. And make the right ones. Be an example for others around you. Help people out whenever I can. It makes me feel better about myself and the world. I feel less neurotic as well. More at peace. Serene.

This class im taking, east asian religion, professor made a joke about how she doesn't expect you to convert. But I actually might.

My understanding is that the fifth precept is more about avoiding substances that result in heedlessness (or dull awareness), so more drugs like alcohol or to a lesser extent weed, hard drugs other than alcohol, etc. It's ultimately up for interpretation, though, and I could see a possible argument being made for other drugs too. But it's also the fifth of the five precepts, which tells you that it's the 'least important' of the five, and while it may not be ideal, I'd say most Buddhists will still have the occasional drink or something.

That said, I think the problem with meditating with entheogens has more to do with the whole process of developing the skill of meditation being one where you're trying to develop consistency and repeatability. You'll find that if you continue with the practice, that even if you practice really inconsistently, over a long enough period of time you'll have at least a few really impressive or illuminating experiences. But the problem is that they happen in a haphazard fashion, as if by luck, so you can't really rely on them or develop the kind of consistent momentum that really makes the difference. And once you get to the intermediate/non-novice level that's basically what it's all about, finding that consistency or momentum where the skill really becomes yours.

So I don't think it's a big deal, but in the longer term it's something to keep in mind that by approaching meditation from an already altered state, you might be creating even more of a moving target. That's not to discourage you, though, I am really glad to hear that you're feeling better and getting enjoyment out of more wholesome things, I think that's a massive piece of the puzzle tbh.


Colombian guys though... 😥

As I colombian I wholeheartedly disagree, but maybe is the familiarity? I don't find colombian guys attractive at all, even the obviously handsome actors and models. Now of course, never say never, I don't now every single colombian guy out there :p
As I colombian I wholeheartedly disagree, but maybe is the familiarity? I don't find colombian guys attractive at all, even the obviously handsome actors and models. Now of course, never say never, I don't now every single colombian guy out there :p

IIRC familiarity is likely to breed attraction, I mean Canadians are probably the only ones in the world that find stereotypical 'Canadian accents' sexy (feels home-y) :p
idk. something about how they say their 'aboot' just jazzes me up

We don't really say 'aboot', but stereotypically at least we do pronounce the diphthong differently, kind of like "abowt", lol.

My accent is basically General American, but once you get a little more rural this can become really accurate.

Astral Dog

So I don't think it's a big deal, but in the longer term it's something to keep in mind that by approaching meditation from an already altered state, you might be creating even more of a moving target. That's not to discourage you, though, I am really glad to hear that you're feeling better and getting enjoyment out of more wholesome things, I think that's a massive piece of the puzzle tbh.

how do you deal when the people closest to you can make you feel miserable and worthless.there is a point when i feel like the odd one out and that no matter what i do i cant fit here in this life.
No paid work for me. :(

Is anyone else like a 0 out of 10 when it comes to friendships. I crave companionships but anything beyond casual makes me uncomfortable. I prefer being alone but I wish I enjoyed being close/open with people but I don't. Even people that I am very fond of, I retract at any sign of advanced fellowship.

I don't know why. It's almost never anything against the person, but I avoid actual friendships all the time. Everyone I know is more or less an acquaintance for that reason. Which is something I regret whenever I think about what I could have had with all these people. Its always me, never them, and then we drift apart, just the way I like (hate) it.

It leads me to wonder how competent of a boyfriend I could even be if I'm not even a good friend to have. Most people will say i'm a good friend but its not true. I'm likable but that's it. The only people I could see myself being close with are people that I could potentially be in love with. Which is a huge restriction on my social life
which doesn't exist.
Everyone else is doomed to be kept at arm's length. I've never been on a date. I've never been at a friends house. I've never went out with any friends, peers etc period.

But my mind and body prefers it but my heart doesn't. (I know that sounds sappy but its accurate enough) half of me wants it but the dominant half won't like it.
so I really don't know what the point of this post is but. eh
also, my finger is twitching. wtf
Have you gone out of your comfort zone with it much?

This might be the cutest shirt I've ever worn haha. <3
cute cute cute

IIRC familiarity is likely to breed attraction, I mean Canadians are probably the only ones in the world that find stereotypical 'Canadian accents' sexy (feels home-y) :p
What I remember from sexuality courses in uni, there are people who think that "Exotic Becomes Erotic" and other people think the opposite, as well as a lot of views entirely.

People assume that sexuality is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a ball of wibbly-wobbly sexy-wexy stuff.
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