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LGBTQIA+ |OT8| PrEPare Yourself.

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Not I. I do wish I was straight...

Same, but at the same time, on a very personal level, this has come with a great price to pay. I was just thinking about it today and if I want to have a serious relationship with another man I will have to cut off a lot of people from my life including my parents. That's not something I'm really looking forward to it.

I just wish I didn't have to choose between the two. I:

That is really quite a shame man, and I'm sorry you have to go through that. But you need to do what makes you happy. I hope you can really try and get your parents to understand, man. It was really hard coming out to my parents. I only did it this year. But it was like a giant weight had been taken off my back for my entire life.

But dude, you need to love yourself for who you are :)

Astral Dog

Not I. I do wish I was straight...

Same, but at the same time, on a very personal level, this has come with a great price to pay. I was just thinking about it today and if I want to have a serious relationship with another man I will have to cut off a lot of people from my life including my parents. That's not something I'm really looking forward to it.

I just wish I didn't have to choose between the two. I:

im sorry, i know exactly what you mean, but,you could see this as an opportunity, a chance to grow, you see the world in a different light than most, life not perfect and these toxic views make it much worse, its kinda up to us to built a better, more accepting world for everyone, and sometimes that comes at a cost of some very personal relationships, or even worse for others

at least thats what i would like to believe


im sorry, i know exactly what you mean, but,you could see this as an opportunity, a chance to grow, you see the world in a different light than most, life not perfect and these toxic views make it much worse, its kinda up to us to built a better, more accepting world for everyone, and sometimes that comes at a cost of some very personal relationships, or even worse.

at least thats what i would like to believe

I agree with this a lot. Even after all the homophobic stuff I've heard my dad say over the years, I came out to him. It made HIM grow as a person when he realized his own son was gay.

You should be a role model for the LGBT community. The more openly gay people, the more its normalized, and the easier it is for future people to come out :)
Not I. I do wish I was straight...

Same, but at the same time, on a very personal level, this has come with a great price to pay. I was just thinking about it today and if I want to have a serious relationship with another man I will have to cut off a lot of people from my life including my parents. That's not something I'm really looking forward to it.

I just wish I didn't have to choose between the two. I:

I mean it depends. I think you can find a guy that's understanding about your situation, and I think you can find a solution that works for you, him, and your family. Just don't pass up on opportunities because you're afraid of what might happen. At the end of the day you need to do what's best for you, not what's best for anyone else family/boyfriend/otherwise.


Hunky Nostradamus
Idk. I think I'm really starting to understand "gay pride". It took a long time, but not only do I feel comfortable in my own skin, but I love being gay. 2016 is an amazing time to be gay. We've made so much progress, (we still have further to go), but wow. Whenever I learn a singer or author or politician is gay, I'm just really happy to see - it reminds me that we aren't invisible. We're here and we're queer.


slay the world qween


im sorry, i know exactly what you mean, but,you could see this as an opportunity, a chance to grow, you see the world in a different light than most, life not perfect and these toxic views make it much worse, its kinda up to us to built a better, more accepting world for everyone, and sometimes that comes at a cost of some very personal relationships, or even worse for others

at least thats what i would like to believe

I agree with this a lot. Even after all the homophobic stuff I've heard my dad say over the years, I came out to him. It made HIM grow as a person when he realized his own son was gay.

You should be a role model for the LGBT community. The more openly gay people, the more its normalized, and the easier it is for future people to come out :)

I came out to my parents when I was 16. :)

When I said that I wish I was "x" (because I wish many things) I'm kind of thinking of an alternate reality where I have more privileges and benefits than I currently do. I think about what it would be like and such. It sure is enticing. It doesn't mean that I want other people to feel that way or be ashamed of who they are.

I do agree it's a toxic feeling though.


Not I. I do wish I was straight...

Same, but at the same time, on a very personal level, this has come with a great price to pay. I was just thinking about it today and if I want to have a serious relationship with another man I will have to cut off a lot of people from my life including my parents. That's not something I'm really looking forward to it.

I just wish I didn't have to choose between the two. I:
People's minds change. Especially in the US. It may be a while for your family, but my dad had only nasty things to say about non-straight people until I came out, at which point he switched to saying nothing unless asked, and when asked his comments were no longer harsh. This after 20 years of him being anti-gay in any situations I remember growing up. My mom explained to me in middle school how it harms people for gays to marry. Now theyve met my boyfriend a few times and been totally kind.

I went to a Christian school growing up and knew absolutely zero out people and as far as I know my parents weren't in contact with anyone non-straight. Wasn't a positive experience regarding being gay, especially since I hit middle school when it become really big for it to be okay for all the kids to say gay as an adjective for stupid/unlikable/lame. Teachers didn't mind that one. My best friend used to call people faggots and of course when you are young and gay you can't be the champion of the gays without thinking it outs yourself to someone you are pretty sure has revealed that they wouldn't accept you, and you aren't ready for that relationship to end right away. Yet now I've seen some of those people I remember in middle school being super supportive of LGBT+ equality online. My brother came around despite his exclusively redneck social circle, my best friend who I told last out of everyone was so apologetic for saying down stuff about gay people and said how he'll always feel guilty for not thinking about how he would have really felt knowing he had a gay friend all along and saying harsh stuff.

Also coming out was super awkward every time for me except with my best friend who didn't let there be a moment of silence and said, "Well that's okay!" which felt so good after the weird awkward distance it took for parents to finish grieving for the straight future they imagined.

TLDR: I love being gay now but didn't just a few years ago. When you're ready, the good advice I've heard is to let people surprise you. Either way, there's a hint of uncertainty in what type of reaction someone would have even if you feel sure about if it will be bad or not, so at some point in your long life you'll probably have to let them know when you've found a boyfriend and not sure why that would cut things off but it turns out it can be a nice surprise how good it turns out and how you'll feel about being you in the long run.

This post may be uselessly bland and long but it was cathartic for me lol
One thing I really like about myself is that no matter how inebriated I am, I still strive to type with proper spelling and grammar. No one on this forum would ever be able to tell if I'm drunk or not. I guess it's probably maybe a bad thing that I'm a functional alcoholic.

So talking to my friends, it seems that the girls all agree that there's a lot of bad kissers while most of the guys say that they've always enjoyed their kisses. Personally, I've always enjoyed my kissers and I've been told I'm a good kisser. What do I make of this? Do women have too high standards or are men terrible at the kissykissy?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
TLDR: I love being gay now but didn't just a few years ago. When you're ready, the good advice I've heard is to let people surprise you. Either way, there's a hint of uncertainty in what type of reaction someone would have even if you feel sure about if it will be bad or not, so at some point in your long life you'll probably have to let them know when you've found a boyfriend and not sure why that would cut things off but it turns out it can be a nice surprise how good it turns out and how you'll feel about being you in the long run.
I don't think I ever really had a problem with myself being this way. I just felt that society was full of so much BS that being myself was impossible around others.

That really just annoyed the hell out of me.

What do I make of this? Do women have too high standards or are men terrible at the kissykissy?
As long as you enjoy it, I don't think it matters. Maybe women just have higher standards of what to expect from a kiss. Or their dates don't brush their teeth?


irresponsible vagina leak
Get well soon~

You're getting refunded for your plane ticket or just rescheduling?

Huh? That's interesting

Rescheduling but still gotta pay a $200 penalty. FML

Finally have electriclity and Im already feeling better with the fan very close to my face keeping me cool.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Yup it was a really well hidden spot but still

Anyway, just got back from my second date, he was older, less hung and so less passionate that what he sold me on Grindr

Fuckin hell it was the most boring sex I've ever had

He also had a thing for liking everything damn cm on my body, had to rush home and take a shower asap

I also stopped at Mickeyds to get a milkshake, that's how depressing it was

what do you think of paganism umop

There isn't really any surviving European paganism as we might view it, what we have now are essentially attempts at reconstruction, by basically taking pagan components and anchoring them within other western occult traditions (like Hermeticism). It's an interesting prospect, but perhaps cynically I think it's often motivated by a sense of cultural identity or idealizing a mythical past. Other times I think it's an attempt to represent the 'divine feminine', since you could see the Christianization of Europe as an ideological separation from nature, and Neopaganism an attempt to return to it.

A lot of people think that the mysteries of Egypt, Greece, and India all have the same source, and if I'm interested in western occultism that tends to be where my interest lies. Some traditions under this umbrella claim to have unbroken continuity from antiquity, which is neat. With the Greeks you get cool stuff like Neoplatonism and ritual (theurgy) directed towards a soteriological aim (henosis), which is usually the sort of thing I'm more interested in. But I think occultism is at best an indirect path to enlightenment, the benefit of the Buddha's teachings are that the path was made very clear and direct, so while I find a lot of these other systems interesting I tend to see them more as intellectual curiosities or points of comparison.


Hunky Nostradamus
There isn't really any surviving European paganism as we might view it, what we have now are essentially attempts at reconstruction, by basically taking pagan components and anchoring them within other western occult traditions (like Hermeticism). It's an interesting prospect, but perhaps cynically I think it's often motivated by a sense of cultural identity or idealizing a mythical past. Other times I think it's an attempt to represent the 'divine feminine', since you could see the Christianization of Europe as an ideological separation from nature, and Neopaganism an attempt to return to it.

A lot of people think that the mysteries of Egypt, Greece, and India all have the same source, and if I'm interested in western occultism that tends to be where my interest lies. Some traditions under this umbrella claim to have unbroken continuity from antiquity, which is neat. With the Greeks you get cool stuff like Neoplatonism and ritual (theurgy) directed towards a soteriological aim (henosis), which is usually the sort of thing I'm more interested in. But I think occultism is at best an indirect path to enlightenment, the benefit of the Buddha's teachings are that the path was made very clear and direct, so while I find a lot of these other systems interesting I tend to see them more as intellectual curiosities or points of comparison.

Interesting. I just saw a strange book relating to it being advertised on Amazon and wondered what you'd think of it~

btw, "With the Greeks you get cool stuff like Neoplatonism and ritual (theurgy) directed towards a soteriological aim (henosis), which is usually the sort of thing I'm more interested in." is perhaps the most umoppy thing you've ever written.


I'm done with dude B.


And it turn it makes me not want to go out with dude A, lol.


I'm not proposing for another 5 years, minimum, but that's just me. We hit 3 years in august.
Gosh, in thinking sooner . Maybe year 3 Of our relationship.

Also; ya know I want kids early; so maybe that's why I wanna tie the knot asap. 😛💀🤔


being not married doesn't preclude you from having kids (as far as i know D: it could be different if you are adopting or going through a different process to get them. i might absolutely be wrong)

if you both treat the relationship seriously, i don't think you need to be married to have kids. 3 years feels early, but maybe that's just me. I think even 3 years into our relationship, I still have a lot to learn about my partner. Absolutely neither of us are in a position for a marriage to really mean anything aside from the official meaning either. We might have the ceremony, but we aren't moving into a house, buying property, etc.

edit: a year??? damn yall are thirsty for the marriage. i feel like i didn't know shit about either of my partners compared to how i understood them at three years. i definitely wouldn't feel comfortable making a call about whether or not i wanted to marry them after a year.


I'm not certain what the mistake was, is he homophobic or is it weird because of the social role (I can't find the right words) or something else?
Yeah I guess i'm not really comfortable with what he does tbh

Not a clue if he's homophobic or something, haven't checked, but the Catholic Church here in Italy it's not something that I wanna be affiliated with at all


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
When is too early to propose? We are almost 2 years into our relationship.
When you're both ready?

I had these kinds of notions, but I think it just has to happen when both of you are 100% sure that you're ready to commit to the other, and that there are no outstanding problems that can fuck you up down the road.

jk 2 years sounds like a good amount of time to me~ heck, if i really liked someone i'd probably say yes after only a year~
So you want to be the proposed.
I don't know if I told any of you guys but I actually managed to get myself my first boyfriend. We'd been seeing each other for about 6 months after meeting in a club in London.

Unfortunately we broke up yesterday and I just thought I'd share.

I'd noticed that recently he had become more distant than usual (he's already pretty distant) and brought it up when I saw him thursday night. He basically said he didn't see us having a future together because we fundamentally want different things. He compared our relationship to his ex who I'm convinced he's not over yet. Even then he was saying that he wasn't sure if getting back with him was an option. He said that he doesn't feel the same way about me in the same time period as he did with him. He just doesn't have strong enough feelings for me. That was really difficult for me to hear and felt kinda crap but I was glad he was honest with me (even though I had to bring it up!). He said he's been feeling this way for about a month but wasn't sure. He also said that he doesn't necessarily even want a relationship and he finds I stress him out simply from being in a relationship, from the start he wanted to keep it super casual and I think from my perspective I really wanted to be in my first relationship.

We had such a great time together and I definitely don't regret being with him. I think part of me just wanted the good times and new experiences we've had together to keep going for a bit longer but his distant nature was really bothering me so I had to bring it up. Part of me feels like I've been made to look like a fool because I put so much more care and affection into the relationship when he wasn't feeling the same way and he barely returned it but what's done is done.

From the start I should have known that this wouldn't go anywhere as our ideas of a relationship and the future were very different. I feel like I shouldn't have got too emotionally involved. He wanted an open relationship as he doesn't believe in monogamy (though neither of us slept with anyone else in the 6 months we were together) despite my reservations I still went with it as I wanted a relationship.

He messaged me last night when I was out drinking (because of course I was) "if it helps I've been depressed all day :) xx" I thought the smilie was odd. I didn't respond until this morning. Just said that I wasn't ignoring him but I just didn't know what to say yet. Then wished him a good weekend.

Sorry this has been a bit rambly not in the writing frame of mind I guess. This was my first "real" relationship so I really don't know how to deal with it but I'm trying to just figure out my head and what I actually want. I think for a bit at least I should just learn to be single and happy and not feel the need to be in a relationship.


I think it's a nice sentiment to think that people in your life will be accepting, but that isn't a reality for some of us. I've come to the terms that I have to either choose to live a life I want to live, or try to please my parents/family and my community. I have a brother who went to an anti-equal marriage rally. I have a mom who thinks I'm diseased. And I have an extended community who thinks that trans people are just men playing dress up like... Yea people can change but I'm not gonna wait for them I got a life to live.
Does anybody here study any programming languages? I'm trying to get into C++.

I think it's a nice sentiment to think that people in your life will be accepting, but that isn't a reality for some of us. I've come to the terms that I have to either choose to live a life I want to live, or try to please my parents/family and my community. I have a brother who went to an anti-equal marriage rally. I have a mom who thinks I'm diseased. And I have an extended community who thinks that trans people are just men playing dress up like... Yea people can change but I'm not gonna wait for them I got a life to live.

I'm really sorry to hear that. I feel blessed that my mother didn't have a problem when I came out of the closet last year.


being not married doesn't preclude you from having kids (as far as i know D: it could be different if you are adopting or going through a different process to get them. i might absolutely be wrong)

if you both treat the relationship seriously, i don't think you need to be married to have kids. 3 years feels early, but maybe that's just me. I think even 3 years into our relationship, I still have a lot to learn about my partner. Absolutely neither of us are in a position for a marriage to really mean anything aside from the official meaning either. We might have the ceremony, but we aren't moving into a house, buying property, etc.

edit: a year??? damn yall are thirsty for the marriage. i feel like i didn't know shit about either of my partners compared to how i understood them at three years. i definitely wouldn't feel comfortable making a call about whether or not i wanted to marry them after a year.

I've always been under the impression that three years is ideally the earliest point at which marriage is a sensible idea. I've heard of people popping the question earlier though (sometimes much earlier), so I have no idea really. Maybe it's completely subjective and depends on the people involved.

As for kids, I can actually speak from personal experience there. My sister and her fiancé aren't married and don't really intend to get married yet, but they are expecting a baby any time between now and late next month. I think the people involved need to know for sure though that they can trust each other.


Y'all into Mr. Robot?

Just like season 1 put me in the Watch dogs mood, season 2 is at it as well

Yes, it's excellent. I know many were put off by the slow tempo in S2, but I loved it, from the first episode to the finale. Can't wait for the third one!

Btw, this reminds me, where's my boi Grizzo at? I know he watches a lot of great television, I'd love to see his recommendations!
Interesting. I just saw a strange book relating to it being advertised on Amazon and wondered what you'd think of it~

btw, "With the Greeks you get cool stuff like Neoplatonism and ritual (theurgy) directed towards a soteriological aim (henosis), which is usually the sort of thing I'm more interested in." is perhaps the most umoppy thing you've ever written.

What book? I don't know a ton on the subject but I could see what my impressions are.

And lol, I think I can see what you mean :p

Umop is so cute

Haha, thanks :)
I'm done with dude B.


And it turn it makes me not want to go out with dude A, lol.
Well you should have found dude c already.

Also when you see a straight guy message you on okcupid and ask if I want to fuck him but only to find out he's bi. Disgusting behavior


irresponsible vagina leak
Me when I see someone cute checking me out on growlr.

and then I read he is in an open relationship or in a relationship


Hunky Nostradamus
i mean, outside of religious reasons, i think the only real reason for marriage is for like tax purposes and stuff like that right? legal protection and shit? idk

if youre going to be living with someone, having kids, and building a life together, i dont see why you wouldnt just go ahead and get married. take advantage of those tax cuts
(or whatever)

So you want to be the proposed.

I actually kind of want to be the one to propose, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

What book? I don't know a ton on the subject but I could see what my impressions are.


(I noticed it in some unrelated search results and was intrigued by the vaguely creepy cover)

And lol, I think I can see what you mean :p


Me when I see someone cute checking me out on growlr.

and then I read he is in an open relationship or in a relationship

what anime is this


Friendly reminder that Destiny is the GOAT even if the PS3/360 Edition are no longer getting updated
I loved the art but got super disappointed at how small it was compared to Bungie's original claims and how abruptly there very thin story ended and Peter Dinklage

Basically I regret buying it but am interested in Destiny 2


irresponsible vagina leak
what anime is this

Saber Marionette J to X (There is also Saber J which also has the same cast which is the original show)

The gay character you see there is in all episodes as comic relief and is always hitting on the lead protagonist but he happens to ignore him or push him away all the time.


Since yesterday was apparently bisexuality day or something I came out on Twitter (lol?) and whoopdy-whoop, everyones cool with it. So much unnecessary anxiety haha.
Since yesterday was apparently bisexuality day or something I came out on Twitter (lol?) and whoopdy-whoop, everyones cool with it. So much unnecessary anxiety haha.
Hooray! Congratulations!

I went out shopping today with a friend and bought myself some Kinder Happy Hippos and I think I managed to convince him to play Bloodborne. Today was a good day!


Hunky Nostradamus
Saber Marionette J to X (There is also Saber J which also has the same cast which is the original show)

The gay character you see there is in all episodes as comic relief and is always hitting on the lead protagonist but he happens to ignore him or push him away all the time.

Thanks! Have you seen it? Is it any good?


Hunky Nostradamus
It is my favorite anime show. Watch if it you got some free time. :p

You can PM me if you want to chat about the show when you are watching or even chat on discord :p

Wow, really? It must be good then! How does one go about watching it? (hulu, crunchyroll, etc.)


irresponsible vagina leak
Wow, really? It must be good then! How does one go about watching it? (hulu, crunchyroll, etc.)

It was one of my first shows so it might in part be nostalgia but I can just rewatch the show over and over without getting bored. as for where to watch I will hook you up with the link in a bit cause I have terrible memory.


Friendly reminder that Destiny is the GOAT even if the PS3/360 Edition are no longer getting updated

What platform do you play on, PS3/360? I enjoy it, Rise of Iron is pretty good. People who buy the collection though are getting a pretty damn sweet deal.

Really excited to see what they do with Destiny 2.
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