Cosmic Bus
pristine morning snow
Tori Amos posted about Boys for Pele being 20 years old now. Jesus, that album have me life as a gay teen. Can't believe it's been 20 years. Feel so old.
I was confused at first, thinking "didn't she just put out a 20th anniversary album last year?" but oops on me, that was for Under the Pink WHICH IS ALSO AMAZING, DUH; Little Earthquakes' anniversary wasn't too long ago either. Aren't too many other faves that have released three consecutive albums worth celebrating milestones for... Too bad she fell off so hard, imo, after those.
Everyone go listen to M.I.A.'s masterpiece of an album: matangi
I've listened to it more times than almost anything else in recent memory, and it's still fresher than fresh. Hard to believe she had this in her after how A W F U L M A Y A was.