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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


Iv*nka can choke. She willingly helped get her father elected and has used his presidency to try and elevate her own brand. She's as much of a kleptocrat as he is and I can't believe for a second her views on anything are sincere and unmotivated by PR because if she were sincere she wouldn't have helped get the piece of shit elected in the first place. Thrilled her brand is tanking and becoming utterly toxic tbh.

I mean... what was she gonna do? Denounce her father publicly?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I mean... what was she gonna do? Denounce her father publicly?


I mean I guess it's more strategically worthwhile to control Trump from inside his circle like a double agent but I highly doubt that's Ivanka's long term plan.

Astral Dog

Oops at least that sounded like good news.just found this gem on the new Ivanka thread though :O

"IIvanka Trump’s 2009 self-help book, “The Trump Card,” opens with an unlikely sentence: “In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” Ivanka quickly adds caveats. “Yes, I’ve had the great good fortune to be born into a life of wealth and privilege, with a name to match,” she writes. “Yes, I’ve had every opportunity, every advantage. And yes, I’ve chosen to build my career on a foundation built by my father and grandfather.” Still, she insists, she and her brothers didn’t attain their positions in their father’s company “by any kind of birthright or foregone conclusion.”
Ivanka spends much of “The Trump Card” massaging the difficulty in her premise. What can a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth teach people who use plastic forks to eat salads at their desks? To answer this question, Ivanka employs an audacious strategy: all of her advantages have actually been handicaps, she says. When she was appointed to the board of directors at Trump Entertainment Resorts, at age twenty-five, the situation was “stacked all the way against me.” Her last name, her looks, her youth, her privilege have all colluded to make people underestimate her. And when she is overestimated—when people believe that she has an “inherent understanding of all things related to real estate and finance,” because her father is Donald Trump—this, too, “can be a big disadvantage.”
When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each".


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
l m a o

Just who would've expected a privileged white scion would be unwilling to recognize the nature of their privilege?

Definitely not me.



I mean I guess it's more strategically worthwhile to control Trump from inside his circle like a double agent but I highly doubt that's Ivanka's long term plan.

You're just silly if you think that was ever gonna happen. You're silly if you think 99% of people would do that.

At the very least she could have stayed on the sidelines and not done anything to actively help him.

Maybe I'm wrong but I felt she did less than the two stooge brothers and she never said anything remotely as stupid as what they did.

I'm not defending her, but I just think she's not worth targeting. The two idiot brothers aren't worth going after but they're more palatable to make fun of. Trump is the only one who really deserves scorn though. It's like when Melania supported her husband after his infamous grabbing comments. People were like "why didn't she denounce him???" Like...


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Look 99% of people didn't think Trump would've won, alright?

Statistics are meaningless now. Anything is possible.


Oops at least that sounded like good news.just found this gem on the new Ivanka thread though :O

"IIvanka Trump’s 2009 self-help book, “The Trump Card,” opens with an unlikely sentence: “In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” Ivanka quickly adds caveats. “Yes, I’ve had the great good fortune to be born into a life of wealth and privilege, with a name to match,” she writes. “Yes, I’ve had every opportunity, every advantage. And yes, I’ve chosen to build my career on a foundation built by my father and grandfather.” Still, she insists, she and her brothers didn’t attain their positions in their father’s company “by any kind of birthright or foregone conclusion.”
Ivanka spends much of “The Trump Card” massaging the difficulty in her premise. What can a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth teach people who use plastic forks to eat salads at their desks? To answer this question, Ivanka employs an audacious strategy: all of her advantages have actually been handicaps, she says. When she was appointed to the board of directors at Trump Entertainment Resorts, at age twenty-five, the situation was “stacked all the way against me.” Her last name, her looks, her youth, her privilege have all colluded to make people underestimate her. And when she is overestimated—when people believe that she has an “inherent understanding of all things related to real estate and finance,” because her father is Donald Trump—this, too, “can be a big disadvantage.”
When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each".

Wow, she's more dangerous than her father when it comes to bullshit.


Hunky Nostradamus
Your gender? Your sexual identity?
Your sexual orientation?
Where Are You From?
Where Do You Live?
Rio de Janeiro
How Old Are you?
Favorite Type of Music?
Profession or Career interest?
I'm a lawyer.
Favorite video game(s)?
JRpgs and nintendo games.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Travel, netflix, cooking...



I just came back from meeting with a dude and I gave him a BJ and swallowed his load, now I have a really nasty jizz aftertaste in my mouth, yuck,


I just came back from meeting with a dude and I gave him a BJ and swallowed his load, now I have a really nasty jizz aftertaste in my mouth, yuck,

Wash your mouth



Hunky Nostradamus
netflick just added a new movie called 'Fire Song', in which:

An Anishnaabe teen wrestling with his bisexuality is also torn between family loyalty, tribal customs and an opportunity to attend a good university.


Anyone seen it?


Ugh of course my Grandpa and his old friend are trying to put in new light fixtures so they go and turn the breaker off without telling me while I had my PC on. I hope the power supply didnt bite it. Why they don't just tell me when they are about to do things so I can help annoys me.
Need quick advice:

Party dude and I are going to see a movie today. He texted me saying he was going to head there a bit earlier to grab tickets.

So he's intending to pay. This is a date.

We had made these plans on Saturday. I became certain today that I don't want this to become something serious. I want to be friends who hang out and get intimate occasionally. I don't want to date him seriously. I have the feeling his feelings for me are stronger than mine are for him.

With that said, when should I tell him? After the movie? Should I try and get their earlier than him so that I can buy my own ticket?
Need quick advice:

Party dude and I are going to see a movie today. He texted me saying he was going to head there a bit earlier to grab tickets.

So he's intending to pay. This is a date.

We had made these plans on Saturday. I became certain today that I don't want this to become something serious. I want to be friends who hang out and get intimate occasionally. I don't want to date him seriously. I have the feeling his feelings for me are stronger than mine are for him.

With that said, when should I tell him? After the movie? Should I try and get their earlier than him so that I can buy my own ticket?

Tell him the moment it goes from just having the feeling, to a kind of 'adequate certainty', that he's interested in more from you.

Basically, I see there as being two possibilities you likely want to avoid:

1. You say it too soon and he's insulted because you somehow misunderstood the situation.
2. You hold off saying it for too long, probably because it's painful or hard to try to let people down easy, and then he ends up feeling like you lead him on.

It's hard, but just try to be open, or remain in good faith, to the situation, so that when the moment emerges when he seems to be expecting some answer from you, you'll be able to recognize it and you'll be free to respond honestly and sensitively.


Need quick advice:

Party dude and I are going to see a movie today. He texted me saying he was going to head there a bit earlier to grab tickets.

So he's intending to pay. This is a date.

We had made these plans on Saturday. I became certain today that I don't want this to become something serious. I want to be friends who hang out and get intimate occasionally. I don't want to date him seriously. I have the feeling his feelings for me are stronger than mine are for him.

With that said, when should I tell him? After the movie? Should I try and get their earlier than him so that I can buy my own ticket?

Is it the first date? Just go! Obviously tell him you enjoy hanging out. "I always wanted a gay bro"

say that, easy d imo.
Is it the first date? Just go! Obviously tell him you enjoy hanging out. "I always wanted a gay bro"

say that, easy d imo.

Technically? We've been to a bunch of gay-board gamer group meetups. I stayed over his place one night. Then another night and that night we fucked. Then last Saturday we hooked up again. He asked me on a date that night and I agreed. We talked a bit about what we wanted it to be and I wavered between "as serious as you want" (he's claimed to be anti-dating) and "lets not put a label on it now."

And then today I realize that yeah, my actual answer is "friends with benefits."

But I think he likes me and it sucks because I think he's gonna get hurt.

Tell him the moment it goes from just having the feeling, to a kind of 'adequate certainty', that he's interested in more from you.

Basically, I see there as being two possibilities you likely want to avoid:

1. You say it too soon and he's insulted because you somehow misunderstood the situation.
2. You hold off saying it for too long, probably because it's painful or hard to try to let people down easy, and then he ends up feeling like you lead him on.

It's hard, but just try to be open, or remain in good faith, to the situation, so that when the moment emerges when he seems to be expecting some answer from you, you'll be able to recognize it and you'll be free to respond honestly and sensitively.

I want to avoid 2. I think it might be best to have a conversation after the movie and just ask if he's cool with this not becoming more than a FWB thing. It also avoids 1 becoming an issue depending on how I phrase it.


Technically? We've been to a bunch of gay-board gamer group meetups. I stayed over his place one night. Then another night and that night we fucked. Then last Saturday we hooked up again. He asked me on a date that night and I agreed. We talked a bit about what we wanted it to be and I wavered between "as serious as you want" (he's claimed to be anti-dating) and "lets not put a label on it now."

And then today I realize that yeah, my actual answer is "friends with benefits."

But I think he likes me and it sucks because I think he's gonna get hurt.

Still gotta tell him! :(


Swallowing is one of those things I thought sounds hot af in theory, but in practice I probably wouldn't like it myself.


I remember the first time my ex swallowed my load, it was ridiculously amazing, like I'm pretty sure I saw through time and space TBH


irresponsible vagina leak
I will not post all the sexual stuff I like if swallowing is already disgusting to some. 😂

Some already know the stuff Im into anyway 💅🏽


I think I'm ready to start dating again. Sadly it will have to be through online dating so tinder, OKCupid and such.

Okay I don't actually feel like I'm ready but I don't think I ever will. I always think of myself as a "work in progress" and not yet ready for action but I've felt like this for the past three years.

Just gotta take a dive.

Lol Between pictures of hot people and talk of cum swallowing this thread is awkward as fuck to browse in a classroom

As is most of gaf, truth be told.


I think I'm ready to start dating again. Sadly it will have to be through online dating so tinder, OKCupid and such.

Okay I don't actually feel like I'm ready but I don't think I ever will. I always think of myself as a "work in progress" and not yet ready for action but I've felt like this for the past three years.

Just gotta take a dive.

Go in son


Heard a knock at my door (1am here), so went and opened it. Some drunk girl and guy random walked into my hall. Stood there then laughed and said sorry before walking (more like stumbling) out.


I will not post all the sexual stuff I like if swallowing is already disgusting to some. 😂

Some already know the stuff Im into anyway 💅🏽

also, same.

I think I'm ready to start dating again. Sadly it will have to be through online dating so tinder, OKCupid and such.

Okay I don't actually feel like I'm ready but I don't think I ever will. I always think of myself as a "work in progress" and not yet ready for action but I've felt like this for the past three years.

Just gotta take a dive.

Good luck! It's intimidating, but the best thing is just to get out there, and try not to get discouraged.


Skype calls with my mom are always a good time... I have to hear homophobic comments, crazy theories and massive disappointment for more than 30 minutes. (I'm 22)

I can't complain, say something "heavy" or stop talking to her because that would probably put her in a severe depression or something.

I'm who I'm, I'm proud to be gay. The past year, since I came out, has been the happiest year of my entire life.
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