You look great! Very handsome.
Is it OK if I ship you + Bladenic already?
You may do whatever you please hahaha.
Heeeeey! I'll check it out.
Welcome new people!
Thank you! Extremely shocked at how welcoming it's been. I definitely approve.
Thanks to all recent gay encouraging posts above. I knew checking this thread every now and then would be worthwhile someday.
I turned 30 a few days ago and I'm fresh off a 2nd try with the same guy that once again failed. I'm focusing on improving my image, mostly by losing a good amount of weight, and also lowering my overall debt (which really isn't much to be honest, but less is better).
I'll be looking for something serious once I feel ready to try again. I have no idea where I'll start, but I'll do my best.
I'll be joining you in the 30s club in December. If you decide to change, do it for you, and only you. I'll share a story with you.
I use to be morbidly obese, and lost around 140+ pounds(300+ down to 165). Met my ex actually, and he is a member here admittedly. Though life happened and I gained back 40 of it, and he bailed on me. That was a sucker punch admittedly. Still hurts. I joined a gym on Jan 1 2016 and as of now I am down about 35 pounds I think, and I went from a pants size of 34/36 back to 32, and honestly I am in the best shape I've been in.
The thing is, don't change for anyone but yourself, because I thought losing the weight would help me get back with him, and it had zero effect. I struggle everyday to now figure out why i wasn't good enough. You gotta keep grinding and find someone who loves you, for you! Bettering yourself is one thing, but make sure its for the right reasons. If you ever want to talk weight loss, my inbox is open. I wish you the best <333
I am beginning 115.5 hours off work now!
I plan to play so much Time Clickers!!1
P.S. Hello Gibbs.![]()
Enjoy your time off! All the video games!
I love Norfolk, it's more friendly by far but my god there is jackshit to do compared to Philly lol. Here in the city there's whole blocks called the gayborhood with our own rainbow flag on the street signs. So Philly has more to do and better food but I am a very social person and like to connect so it's a bit of a tie.
If I could take all of the best parts of Philly and move back to Norfolk it would be great.
I still might move back though lol.
Ok thats settled. You just forcibly take what makes you happy from Philly and move it back to Norfolk haha. Hell, I'll even help. I'll get the U-Haul, meet you in 10.