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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen


You look great! Very handsome.

Is it OK if I ship you + Bladenic already?


You may do whatever you please hahaha.

Also, welcome, guys!

If any of you love pop music, make sure to join the messiest community


Heeeeey! I'll check it out.

Welcome new people!

Thank you! Extremely shocked at how welcoming it's been. I definitely approve.

Thanks to all recent gay encouraging posts above. I knew checking this thread every now and then would be worthwhile someday.

I turned 30 a few days ago and I'm fresh off a 2nd try with the same guy that once again failed. I'm focusing on improving my image, mostly by losing a good amount of weight, and also lowering my overall debt (which really isn't much to be honest, but less is better).

I'll be looking for something serious once I feel ready to try again. I have no idea where I'll start, but I'll do my best.

I'll be joining you in the 30s club in December. If you decide to change, do it for you, and only you. I'll share a story with you.

I use to be morbidly obese, and lost around 140+ pounds(300+ down to 165). Met my ex actually, and he is a member here admittedly. Though life happened and I gained back 40 of it, and he bailed on me. That was a sucker punch admittedly. Still hurts. I joined a gym on Jan 1 2016 and as of now I am down about 35 pounds I think, and I went from a pants size of 34/36 back to 32, and honestly I am in the best shape I've been in.

The thing is, don't change for anyone but yourself, because I thought losing the weight would help me get back with him, and it had zero effect. I struggle everyday to now figure out why i wasn't good enough. You gotta keep grinding and find someone who loves you, for you! Bettering yourself is one thing, but make sure its for the right reasons. If you ever want to talk weight loss, my inbox is open. I wish you the best <333

I am beginning 115.5 hours off work now!

I plan to play so much Time Clickers!!1

P.S. Hello Gibbs. :)

Enjoy your time off! All the video games! :D Hey! How are you?

I love Norfolk, it's more friendly by far but my god there is jackshit to do compared to Philly lol. Here in the city there's whole blocks called the gayborhood with our own rainbow flag on the street signs. So Philly has more to do and better food but I am a very social person and like to connect so it's a bit of a tie.

If I could take all of the best parts of Philly and move back to Norfolk it would be great.

I still might move back though lol.

Ok thats settled. You just forcibly take what makes you happy from Philly and move it back to Norfolk haha. Hell, I'll even help. I'll get the U-Haul, meet you in 10.


Yes! I ship Bladenic and Gibbs together! <3

They should kiss and get married, and adopt puppies or cats and grow old~


Catching up with International news and I just read about some very horrifying things that are happening in Chechnya. About a hundred gay man were detained, some were tortured and three were killed according to some news outlets.


When originally confronted with the allegations. Alvi Karimov, the spokesman for the Chechen leader, told Interfax that: ”You cannot arrest or repress people who just don't exist in the republic.

If such people existed in Chechnya, law enforcement would not have to worry about them since their own relatives would have sent them to where they could never return."

This bit made me furious. What a vile man.

Edit: One thing confuses me about the reports, they change the number, some say "dozens", others claim it was a round one hundred men.
My birthday is coming up in a few days and I couldn't feel more indifferent. Someone I know is telling me, lets go out and I'm like meh.

Overall the past month I just haven't been in the best mood.


I just slept my first night at the new apartment and it sucks starting again from nothing. I'm lucky I even managed to get a mattress on the floor sleep ready last night.

I've got almost nothing here at the moment and waiting for my stepdad to drop off some more of my stuff.

I'm still missing like a ton of essentials though and this place is tiny. Need to figure out how I'm going to fit anything anywhere tbh.

At lease I got internet set up a few hours ago.


My birthday is coming up in a few days and I couldn't feel more indifferent. Someone I know is telling me, lets go out and I'm like meh.

Overall the past month I just haven't been in the best mood.

You could always celebrate low key if going out isn't in your best interest, or celebrate when things get better. Regardless, happy early birthday! If you ever need to vent, my inbox is open.

Yes, puppies are the best!


Thinking 2 to begin with, but I'm definitely ready for at least 4. Puppy cuddles are the best!

Catching up with International news and I just read about some very horrifying things that are happening in Chechnya. About a hundred gay man were detained, some were tortured and three were killed according to some news outlets.


This bit made me furious. What a vile man.

Edit: One thing confuses me about the reports, they change the number, some say "dozens", others claim it was a round one hundred men.

Definitely a dangerous situation. I honestly forget sometimes how lucky I am living in the US where this sort of stuff doesn't happen. It's sad innocent gay men are being detained, slaughtered, and even worst things imaginable. We need some sort of humanitarian taskforce to deal with these countries.

I just slept my first night at the new apartment and it sucks starting again from nothing. I'm lucky I even managed to get a mattress on the floor sleep ready last night.

I've got almost nothing here at the moment and waiting for my stepdad to drop off some more of my stuff.

I'm still missing like a ton of essentials though and this place is tiny. Need to figure out how I'm going to fit anything anywhere tbh.

At lease I got internet set up a few hours ago.

I would kill to have my own place, but after moving a few years ago, I know the struggle of trying to get everything back together. Internet FTW! Though I'm sure as your step dad drops items off, you'll figure it out. Perhaps store some stuff at your step-dads?
Thanks Gibbs, I am always open to others but don't want to burden people with what's on my mind.

My inbox is open as well and for anyone else who needs.


I would kill to have my own place, but after moving a few years ago, I know the struggle of trying to get everything back together. Internet FTW! Though I'm sure as your step dad drops items off, you'll figure it out. Perhaps store some stuff at your step-dads?

Yep, a couple of my stuff is already at his house, but I might have to ask him to hold unto even more of my stuff.

What sucks even more is that I ordered a few things from Amazon and they were allegedly delivered to my place except... they weren't? They say they left it at the front door but nothing was there. So either they are lying or someone jacked my delivery. I called the delivery companies customer service and I'm waiting to here back.

I did some digging, the company is called Lasership and the reviews I see online are pretty bad, describing essentially what I'm going through right now. That they allegedly leave packages, but no one actually finds the package that they supposedly left.

So I'm already having a
not so fun


Thanks Gibbs, I am always open to others but don't want to burden people with what's on my mind.

My inbox is open as well and for anyone else who needs.

"You are not a burden, you have a burden, which by definition is too heavy to carry on your own."

You never have, nor will be a burden. Offer will forever stand if you need to talk. =) Hopefully everything is okay.

Yep, a couple of my stuff is already at his house, but I might have to ask him to hold unto even more of my stuff.

What sucks even more is that I ordered a few things from Amazon and they were allegedly delivered to my place except... they weren't? They say they left it at the front door but nothing was there. So either they are lying or someone jacked my delivery. I called the delivery companies customer service and I'm waiting to here back.

I did some digging, the company is called Lasership and the reviews I see online are pretty bad, describing essentially what I'm going through right now. That they allegedly leave packages, but no one actually finds the package that they supposedly left.

So I'm already having a
not so fun

Ah the shitastic delivery huh? Has happened to me many of times with USPS stating its been delivered when I watched them drive by. Perhaps they didn't deliver it out of being lazy, or maybe someone could have taken it.I'd definitely fight it, even contact Amazon and tell them whats going on with the situation.

I'm sorry, I hope your day turns around. Its sad companies can't do their jobs, let alone properly.
Yep, a couple of my stuff is already at his house, but I might have to ask him to hold unto even more of my stuff.

What sucks even more is that I ordered a few things from Amazon and they were allegedly delivered to my place except... they weren't? They say they left it at the front door but nothing was there. So either they are lying or someone jacked my delivery. I called the delivery companies customer service and I'm waiting to here back.

I did some digging, the company is called Lasership and the reviews I see online are pretty bad, describing essentially what I'm going through right now. That they allegedly leave packages, but no one actually finds the package that they supposedly left.

So I'm already having a
not so fun

Sounds like a shitty company, hopefully everything gets resolved.

Grats on the new place.

"You are not a burden, you have a burden, which by definition is too heavy to carry on your own."

You never have, nor will be a burden. Offer will forever stand if you need to talk. =) Hopefully everything is okay.

:) Thanks for that, well things are difficult and I have a major responsibility and my older sister is of no use. I've been picking up the slack for both of us when it comes to our mother.

And other things on top of that.


:) Thanks for that, well things are difficult and I have a major responsibility and my older sister is of no use. I've been picking up the slack for both of us when it comes to our mother.

And other things on top of that.

Remember that you're doing the best you can, and be extremely proud of that aspect.


Definitely a dangerous situation. I honestly forget sometimes how lucky I am living in the US where this sort of stuff doesn't happen. It's sad innocent gay men are being detained, slaughtered, and even worst things imaginable. We need some sort of humanitarian taskforce to deal with these countries.

Tensions are high between Russia and the rest of the world so politicians elsewhere tip-toe around issues like that even though things like that would warrant an intervention. Too busy fighting terrorism for decades now elsewhere to help out innocent citizens who are put through torture and killed for wanting to live their lives without being judged for not putting on a mask and pretending to be heterosexual.

(Sorry for the rant but had to vent a bit and don't really have anywhere else to do so. I hope my post makes sense at least.)


Update: the shipping company just redelivered my stuff after I gave them a call. So they lied after all about delivering the box those bastards, lmao.

Well whatever, I got my stuff st least. Crisis averted.


Tensions are high between Russia and the rest of the world so politicians elsewhere tip-toe around issues like that even though things like that would warrant an intervention. Too busy fighting terrorism for decades now elsewhere to help out innocent citizens who are put through torture and killed for wanting to live their lives without being judged for not putting on a mask and pretending to be heterosexual.

(Sorry for the rant but had to vent a bit and don't really have anywhere else to do so. I hope my post makes sense at least.)

No no you're fine! I understand completely. I feel how ass backwards views are on gay people is why it hasn't been addressed. I mean, Syria gassed it's own people and we bombed them, but point bring you don't say one type of person is better than another. We're all equal. Black, white, Chinese, gay, straight etc. Doesn't matter, we're all human.

It's hilarious politicians will fight over meaningless things yet refuse to handle situations like this. Any other time they find reasons to go to war and such.... But God forbid you help the gays who are being slaughtered, tortured. It's sad we live in our world we people continue to live in fear, and where countries can do this with no fear of retaliation because they have larger countries as allies allowing it.

Update: the shipping company just redelivered my stuff after I gave them a call. So they lied after all about delivering the box those bastards, lmao.

Well whatever, I got my stuff st least. Crisis averted.

Best news ever!


I'm currently watching Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. My neighbor sent it over with two bags of peanut m&ms and 6 power aid zeros. Another neighbor send me cake over. I'm a lucky guy!


I'll be on the next amtrak to get in on some of that lol.

I'd gladly share! I'm on a diet so I won't eat the m&ms or cake. The neighbors are proud of my weight-loss but continue to push food on me in hopes that I'm eating haha. I get desserts and snacks sent over weekly. Last weekend it was power aid zeros and white macadamia cookies.


If anyone wants to add me on insta, feel free.

I'm currently watching Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. My neighbor sent it over with two bags of peanut m&ms and 6 power aid zeros. Another neighbor send me cake over. I'm a lucky guy!

You've got great neighbors, wow. Are you close with them?

My birthday is coming up in a few days and I couldn't feel more indifferent. Someone I know is telling me, lets go out and I'm like meh.

Overall the past month I just haven't been in the best mood.

I know it's not exactly the best piece of advice (especially since it's coming from an introvert), but it's always better to go out than to stay in. Even if it's not the ideal night out, it's good to be in one's company (if they're not intolerable, that is). You can stay at home any other day tbh. Whatever the case, I hope you feel better soon.

Edit: One thing confuses me about the reports, they change the number, some say "dozens", others claim it was a round one hundred men.

It's really hard to find trustworthy sources nowadays for anything. I read about this on Daily Mail, of all the places, but since pretty much all the major outlets have reported on this, I guess it's gotta be true :/ Unbelievable this is happening in 2017, sometimes it feels like we have entered an alternate reality.


If anyone wants to add me on insta, feel free.

You've got great neighbors, wow. Are you close with them?

I added you. Here's mine also. Instagram.com/marko3563

Im extremely close with them. The one couple are in their 50s and are fantastic all around. I help them with tech stuff, send dinner over, and shovel their driveway when he's out if town.

The other is an 84yr old deaf male. He's the best and we are bffs. I make him dinner, shovel his driveway, and help him with whatever he needs. He's a great man.


I added you. Here's mine also. Instagram.com/marko3563

Im extremely close with them. The one couple are in their 50s and are fantastic all around. I help them with tech stuff, send dinner over, and shovel their driveway when he's out if town.

The other is an 84yr old deaf male. He's the best and we are bffs. I make him dinner, shovel his driveway, and help him with whatever he needs. He's a great man.

Soo nice!

Can you please be my neighbor?

Shy Fingers

I need couch advice. What couches do you guys like or have? The one we currently have is a little to hard and firm. I like to sink into my couches

As some one who has lived through it and learned the error of his ways, while those loose pillow back couches look neat, they're awful.

Make sure those back cushions ain't gonna move!
I'm currently watching Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. My neighbor sent it over with two bags of peanut m&ms and 6 power aid zeros. Another neighbor send me cake over. I'm a lucky guy!

Ummm slay at your neighbours!

The film is worthy of carrying the Harry Potter franchise and excited to see where the next two instalments go!

Also Eddie Redmayne is cute


I will forever "dislike" Fantastic Beast for the (ending spoiler)
surprise it's fucking Johnny Depp looking weird again! switcheroo at the end. Collin Farell was robbed
. Making me a bit less excited for the sequels although I enjoyed the movie

Beth Cyra

I will forever "dislike" Fantastic Beast for the (ending spoiler)
surprise it's fucking Johnny Depp looking weird again! switcheroo at the end. Collin Farell was robbed
. Making me a bit less excited for the sequels although I enjoyed the movie
That was the only reason I'm excited for the sequel honestly.

I find Colin to be an obnoxious asshole and he nearly ruined 1.

With Jude already playing one amazing gay man in Watson I really hope he and Grinwald knock it out of the park.


I added you both on instagram&#128517;

Btw welcome to the thread Gibbs :)

I added you back. Thank you for the welcome!

Little Mons†er;233817245 said:
Ummm slay at your neighbours!

The film is worthy of carrying the Harry Potter franchise and excited to see where the next two instalments go!

Also Eddie Redmayne is cute

Haha I stop by their houses at least once a week or more. They stop by also. Usually we run into each other outside, but we do text on a daily basis.

I actually couldn't get into the movie. Something was a miss with me, but I can't put my finger on it. I turned it off half way through sadly.

Eddie Redmayne had my heart for a moment or three :D

I will forever "dislike" Fantastic Beast for the (ending spoiler)
surprise it's fucking Johnny Depp looking weird again! switcheroo at the end. Collin Farell was robbed
. Making me a bit less excited for the sequels although I enjoyed the movie

My neighbor was convinced Johnny Depp was in the movie, I googled it and found he was. Can't say I'm surprised to hear he was looking weird. He looks weird to me all the time admittedly.
Haha I stop by their houses at least once a week or more. They stop by also. Usually we run into each other outside, but we do text on a daily basis.

I actually couldn't get into the movie. Something was a miss with me, but I can't put my finger on it. I turned it off half way through sadly.

Eddie Redmayne had my heart for a moment or three.

I think if you're expecting more of Harry Potter in the traditional sense it can be quite disappointing but alas it was a certified slay imo.

Eddie's sketch for Pudsey the Bear was the moment he clicked for me ;)


Little Mons†er;233820597 said:
I think if you're expecting more of Harry Potter in the traditional sense it can be quite disappointing but alas it was a certified slay imo.

Eddie's sketch for Pudsey the Bear was the moment he clicked for me ;)

OMG that sketch was good! The Simon Cowell bit was great, same with Brittney.

I think I was expecting more Harry Potter, which is why I lost interest so quickly. =(

As for shows, I hear Feud is amazing, but haven't checked it out myself. If you have netfix, 13 reasons why. Was fantastic with a side of tears and devastation.
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