Can your medical insurance cover at least part of the costs? And is it something you have to take or you just want lesser risk of contracting HIV?
In the US, all medical insurances over PrEP, the difference though is what your copay would look like. You also have to pay for the labwork which can be inexpensive in most circumstances.
I don't actually want to take PrEP since I haven't had sex in a good while and I'm not sexually active on the moment but I want to see what the process is like for someone who:
A) Doesn't have health insurance
B) Doesn't have stable income
C) Engages in survival sex (sex for money, food, shelter)
D) Has multiple sex partners
So I want to know what the navigation process is like and I'm looking over this with Whitman Walker Health which is one of the biggest providers in the US. They have assistance programs for payment alongside Gilead (the makers of Truvada) for people who cannot afford the medication.
So yeah...
All I gotta say is that right now, the process is very shitty. You're better off in the US having some killer private insurance and seeing a private doctor but even then some doctors don't know about PrEP or don't want to have conversations about it with their clients.
It's just a mess imo... From what I've heard from other people as well as now my very own personal experience.