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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

am disgusted tbqh


Sorry, I had to. :p

Also, this groin release exercise looks like it might be brutal in my current state, haha. But I'm a bit better after having worked tonight, so may as well see what I can do!


Hunky Nostradamus

Sorry, I had to. :p

Also, this groin release exercise looks like it might be brutal in my current state, haha. But I'm a bit better after having worked tonight, so may as well see what I can do!


if all else fails you can keep walking some more on the treadmill until you heal


Why did one glass of champagne make me a mess? I embarrassed myself. I called someone in this thread siracha cause he's hot.
Why did one glass of champagne make me a mess? I embarrassed myself. I called someone in this thread siracha cause he's hot.

When I drink in real life all I want to do is listen to pop music and talk about cute guys in the general vicinity, or failing that a celebrity crush.

I'm in trouble at my work Christmas party., because fuck it I'm not not drinking.


Randomly getting a boner through the day, any tips? It gets pretty annoying having to sit down all the time and wait it out.
Zero²;225902311 said:
Randomly getting a boner through the day, any tips? It gets pretty annoying having to sit down all the time and wait it out.

How old are you? I mean that as a serious question because if you're still in high school that problem just kind of goes away.


Zero²;225902311 said:
Randomly getting a boner through the day, any tips? It gets pretty annoying having to sit down all the time and wait it out.

Either rub one out. Or stop thinking lewd thoughts.



Oh man, I love Chloe

Plus The Last Of Us 2,I need to get back to the first game ASAP because there will be spoilers everywhere
Zero²;225924025 said:
21yo, do we really have people young as HS here on GAF?

Nah rubbing one out only makes it stronger :p
It's all because I'm stressed, cant wait for this semester to end.

My join date is 2009. Which is 7 years ago. So I was 16 when I first joined. I imagine there might.
I'm typically not interested in ND's games post-Jak and Daxter so TLOU2 doesn't do much for me I'm afraid.

At least the Crash remaster looks alright.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Excited for The Last of Us 2! Going to try and keep on media black out until then. Did they announce a release date?


Hey GayGAF. It is so rare for me to have a crush yet alone a situation I need help with like this, and I NEVER know how to deal with situations like this. What do you guys think? Lengthy story here, lol...

Okay, so how do I even start? I'm honestly struggling on how to explain all this properly, so forgive me if something is unclear. Just ask me to re-clear it up! :p

Okay, so I have three gay roommates, right? Well, I've become friends with one named Dan and his friend named Brandon (not a roommate) who I've also become friends with.

Dan has a long distance relationship with someone in Seattle--his name is Ryan--who was stationed there on a ship for the past 7 months. I actually only know this because my other roommate told me this. Dan has never directly told me. He still will be living in Seattle. Dan and everyone else in this story lives in Columbus.

So because of this knowledge, I never really thought of Brandon and Dan as a couple, right? They were hanging out with each other a lot but they'd also hang out with me and stuff for half that time....and I mean, I SUSPECTED they might be together but if they were, it was never obvious. And because I was questioning this, I thought that MAYBE Dan and his long distance boyfriend, Ryan, might have cut things off.

Until this week.....

This week, Dan tells us (we roommates) that Ryan will be here staying with him as his guest for a couple weeks. That's fine, no biggie....but then Brandon contacts ME asking if I'd like to hang out. I agree, and then he kinda unloads some information on me.

Here's the gist of their situation, as explained by Brandon:

They met each other at a bar one night and hit things off. Brandon has recently been out of a relationship and wasn't even looking for anyone, and Dan is still with Ryan. Apparently, they've had an on/off thing going on ever since they met each other in July. So during this week that Ryan comes into town, Dan has told Brandon that they can't hang out. Brandon has known about Ryan this whole time, and that's why their relationship is a little odd. I guess that on numerous occasions, Dan has nearly pulled the trigger in fully breaking up with Ryan, but hasn't. There's even a chance Dan/Ryan cut things off after Ryan's visit this month. Or not! Who knows!

If this sounds sketchy, I agree. Dan seems to be stringing both of them along, except Brandon knows about Ryan, but Ryan doesn't know about Brandon. And basically, I feel really bad for Brandon because he's struggling a lot with all of this. In fact, he's asked to hang out with me a lot and to do things with him to get his mind off the whole Dan/Ryan thing that's going on. He has asked me to go to a bar, to hang out at the library and go to a museum. We haven't done the museum yet, though.

And that leads to ME...sorta. I always thought that Brandon was very cute and very nice, but it wasn't until this past week when he starting confiding in me that I started to realize that I really like him. And... I'm not SURE, but these feelings are ones I don't typically feel, so I think it's definitely safe to say that I have a crush on him, at least.

So with that said, I've gotten mixed signals from him. It's curious to me that.....

A) he's confiding in me in all this and not some other friends he knows better,

B) he's asking me to do date-like-ish things to get his mind off Dan,

C) they've never really been totally dating in the first place,

D) he's been texting me quite a bit more than people I normally would text as casual friends, and

E) there was this one weekend about two months ago when Dan was out of town and Brandon and I went out with a few others, and at the end of the night he ended up sleeping in my bed with me, lol. Now I totally thought this was a drunk moment and he just needed a place to sleep that wasn't the very public-area couch, so I agreed and just fell asleep, as did he. To me, it was very platonic--complete with a pillow in between us and everything :p

Referring to E above, I definitely haven't thought much about this moment until recently when I realized I DID like him. But I can't tell if he's also trying to tell me something or not. I'm so bad at this stuff, lol. I'm a very frank and blunt person. I'm either reading into something that's not there, or I'm reading things correctly.

Keep in mind that this kind of all depends on how things go with Dan. No one really knows who he is going "to choose" or whatever. But even still, if he dumps Ryan, will that be a relief for Brandon or will he feel hurt enough to not pursue it anymore? That's up to those two, but yeah......it's so confusing!

I'm mostly wondering, as outsiders, how you guys read all of this. Outside of what I've mentioned, there have been no other signs to me that he's even interested in me. No noticeable flirting or passive touching or anything, you know? So I don't know what to think. Maybe he's just super friendly!

And what if he truly isn't interested in me at all? How should I go from there? Just give it up and remain friends without ever telling him? I probably won't if he stays with Brandon, but if things get cut off there, I'm thinking I should let him know???

Ahhh!! Crazy situation lol.


Okay, so I typed all that out yesterday but never actually posted it till today (two posts up), but I liked how it turned out so I decided to post it anyway. So read that, then read this UPDATE that just happened last night:

Last night, Brandon and I hung out for quite a while as friends, then we went out to the bars and got......a little too drunk. We actually went to the club at the end with some other friends. Well, while we were out, we see Ryan and Dan together....and Dan totally ignores Brandon, as he warned Brandon that he would for this week while Ryan is here. I even talked to Dan while Brandon was right there for a few minutes and....not a word. It was weird.

Brandon brushed it off but I could tell it bothered him quite a bit, and as the night went on, he wasn't feeling it and the two of us left and I went back to his place. Now we are both very drunk, but we end up chatting drunkenly for a while, and then we decide to go to bed....

And then he invited me to sleep in his bed because "it's an awesome bed and better than the couch". We put on pajamas and then go to sleep and.....start cuddling. Like legit cuddling. Nothing sexual outside of the inadvertent, erm, private part bumping....but it was as cuddly as cuddling could get.

Now.....I loved it. And we were basically spooned the entire night. I mean, I haven't felt this way in a long, long time, so I let it happen.

But then in the morning, after we are finally well and able to get up, we were STILL spooning.... But then once we were up and talking again, it's like it never happened.

I don't know how to take this. I'm supposed to go out with him and some friends again tonight (lol), so if this same situation happens at the end and we are cuddling, should I say something? Should I just go with the flow? Should I stop? What should I do?



I don't know how to take this. I'm supposed to go out with him and some friends again tonight (lol), so if this same situation happens at the end and we are cuddling, should I say something? Should I just go with the flow? Should I stop? What should I do?


Why would you want to get involved with someone who would essentially be using you as plan b? Unless of course you only want NSA sex out of this, but you already sound attached so...

Surely you can find someone with way less drama/baggage.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Nope, very early in development was the only thing they said.
Lol really? 2019 then at the earliest. Maybe 2018 if they just want to push it out.

Also dude who wants to bang his roommate who wants to bang other roommate...you should probably move out. Seriously nothing good can come out of it. Maybe try and be a roommate with some straight people or a gay girl so this type of stuff doesn't happen.


My join date is 2009. Which is 7 years ago. So I was 16 when I first joined. I imagine there might.
That's kinda odd now that I think about it, I always felt we were all over 18 here, mostly because of the rather racy topics we usually have here haha
crazy stuff
Indeed I'd say open the game with Brandon. Either way be ready to face a lot of drama if you actually go that route.
Man that Crash remaster is bringing back so many feels.

Slowly but surely, PS4 is becoming more and more tempting to grab.

Also, super random, but I picked this up from Amazon. Any Junji Ito fans?
Lol really? 2019 then at the earliest. Maybe 2018 if they just want to push it out.

Also dude who wants to bang his roommate who wants to bang other roommate...you should probably move out. Seriously nothing good can come out of it. Maybe try and be a roommate with some straight people or a gay girl so this type of stuff doesn't happen.

You misread. Brandon isn't a roommate, he's friends with a roommate.


God that empathy thread

Sometimes I truly can't wrap my head around how other people think this way. I guess I can't "relate"
Roomate and LDR story

IMO, I'd steer clear as well. A lot of these people don't seem to take the feelings of others into account at all with their actions. It's honestly a recipe for disaster and an easy way to get hurt. I especially feel for Ryan. As someone who just got out of a long-distance relationship, I'd be devastated if I found out it wasn't being taken "seriously" -- especially by my SO.

Opps my bad. I still think my point stands. Just going to have separate yourself from those people.

I mean, I wouldn't say that's quite necessary. It's their business -- so long as it doesn't involve Pyrokai, he should be okay. Although he maybe should jump ship if he feels he's falling for any of them. Even if Brandon "feels bad" for being party to Dan's cheating, he's still doing it. I couldn't be someone that ends a relationship like that. If Dan doesn't feel for Ryan anymore, he needs to just break up with him instead of stringing him along.
God that empathy thread

Sometimes I truly can't wrap my head around how other people think this way. I guess I can't "relate"

G*ming side being a cesspool shocker!

I don't even understand the argument.

A) You don't need to be in someone's exact situation to empathize with them. For instance, I've never had cancer but I can feel empathy for someone that does. If you can't feel empathy for someone because they're a minority or female, you have some serious issues.

B) Who says you need to "empathize" with the character you're playing as? Since when?

C) Did this matter when you played as a homicidal clown in Twisted Metal? A superhuman god in 75% of games? As Godzilla or some shit? Like, what?


Someone using my real name slanderously in this thread. I will not stand for it. But the drama is t about me anyways but still.


Zero²;225924025 said:
21yo, do we really have people young as HS here on GAF

Yep I was in high school when I joined too many years ago. Began reading in middle school I think. Took forever to get an account then.


I don't even understand the argument.

A) You don't need to be in someone's exact situation to empathize with them. For instance, I've never had cancer but I can feel empathy for someone that does. If you can't feel empathy for someone because they're a minority or female, you have some serious issues.

B) Who says you need to "empathize" with the character you're playing as? Since when?

C) Did this matter when you played as a homicidal clown in Twisted Metal? A superhuman god in 75% of games? As Godzilla or some shit? Like, what?

Straight white males of all walks of life can clearly relate to any video game character of any sort. As long as they're male.
God that empathy thread

Sometimes I truly can't wrap my head around how other people think this way. I guess I can't "relate"
Man when bioware finally let me bone an elf for real and not just in my headcanon was Amazing.

They can lack empathy all they like, we're finally getting some level of representation.


I'm psyched about TLOU Part II, even more so when they talked about Ellie being the lead.

It's very amusing that people are still in denial about her sexuality. Also this is probably the first AAA game with a clearly stated LGBTQ lead (some people have stated that one of the leads in Assassins Creed: Syndicate is bi, but that doesn't really seem to actually be stated in the game unless you're Crossing Eden).
God that empathy thread

Sometimes I truly can't wrap my head around how other people think this way. I guess I can't "relate"

Exactly. It's not like everyone needs to relate to everyone in the world. There will always be people you won't relate to and that's life. Can't believe people are still complaining... like suck it up and accept it lol


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
IMO, I'd steer clear as well. A lot of these people don't seem to take the feelings of others into account at all with their actions. It's honestly a recipe for disaster and an easy way to get hurt. I especially feel for Ryan. As someone who just got out of a long-distance relationship, I'd be devastated if I found out it wasn't being taken "seriously" -- especially by my SO.

I mean, I wouldn't say that's quite necessary. It's their business -- so long as it doesn't involve Pyrokai, he should be okay. Although he maybe should jump ship if he feels he's falling for any of them. Even if Brandon "feels bad" for being party to Dan's cheating, he's still doing it. I couldn't be someone that ends a relationship like that. If Dan doesn't feel for Ryan anymore, he needs to just break up with him instead of stringing him along.
I just think it would be better in the long run for him. These people are so interconnected to each other and extremely selfish. If he's going to be with Brandon, Brandon needs to stop being friends with Dan and OP needs to move out.
I'm psyched about TLOU Part II, even more so when they talked about Ellie being the lead.

It's very amusing that people are still in denial about her sexuality. Also this is probably the first AAA game with a clearly stated LGBTQ lead (some people have stated that one of the leads in Assassins Creed: Syndicate is bi, but that doesn't really seem to actually be stated in the game unless you're Crossing Eden).
How could they be confused about her sexuality?? She's at least bi or pan to an extent.
Hmm this was an interesting read. Thought I'd share it.

How catfishing strangers allowed me to find myself
He found himself by letting a stranger sit in the cold...what in the world.
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