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LGBTQIA+ |OT9| The Return of the Queen

because i am a jaded spider and i think that kiss didn't quite cut it cuz it was implied and not outright shown

whatever the creator said outside the show, i wants an on-screen legit kiss for male characters dammit i wants this corbu, do not take it away from me, corbu, i wants it

but yes, it is much better than whatever else out there right now

It's still made for Japan, who's attitude towards gay people is... bad on it's best day.


Today I found out there are people who think Knack is a good game. I guess corporate fanboys will really delude themselves into thinking anything their company of choice make is good.


Today I found out there are people who think Knack is a good game. I guess corporate fanboys will really delude themselves into thinking anything their company of choice make is good.
Pretty sure most of the people on GAF who say it's amazing are joking
yuri on ice is better than free! but i think it is still bad queerbait :3

and i blame barrylocke for making me fall for it



Remember, JJ is the best.
Took long enough for Netflix to get the original "Honey, I Shrunk The Kids". Seems like for the longest time all they ever had was the crappy dtv 3rd movie.


It's not absolutely established. If you read beyond the introductory paragraph, you see that it is indeed in debate among many groups. Yes, it's been used colloquially for a long time. I'm aware of that. But that doesn't mean it does properly within the syntax.

In fact, most style guides (as referenced in the very article you linked) recommend restructuring a sentence to avoid the singular they issue altogether.

That being said, I'm not opposed to using it in everyday speech if you're legitimately unsure of someone's gender. It can be a simple shorthand and is certainly more respectful than the abhorrent "it." But what I was trying to get at was that I don't want it to be used because someone refuses to call someone by their identified gender.

I'm trying to be nice and encouraging, so I'm not sure why I'm getting pushed back against for a small side comment.

I'm dragging this up again because I was busy with a French final, but ya'll may have noticed that I said it was subjective because I was acknowledging (and not shying away from) the debate over it in recent centuries.

And you're getting pushback because you're being pedantic against uses of the language that are long established (style guides can, do, and will argue against such things) and that actually empower some people. I'm not going to insist on being a pedant and dictate to NB people or women that they must use a generic he (this is the corollary to not calling someone by they/them who doesn't wish for that). Use defines language, and you can argue about what ought to be employed, but slavish adherence to syntax and style declarations is to throw your mind into the sea. Adverbs are railed against in style guides too, but that's not to say they're absolutely proscribed.

You can clutch your pearls about what's proper. Me, I'll stick to what's effective and what works.


I have always used they/them to be more ambiguous or if I didn't know.

Older people seemed to get confused thinking I was talking about multiple people.


My heart can take the fats found in McDonald's but it can't take the disrespect found on this page

EDIT: I had McD for lunch but here's me right now with Pei Wei and our Christmas tree


Looking hot DOWN haha
In other news I started watching Steven Universe on Netflix. Man this show is so good, I can really relate to Steven as Rose's personality kinda seems like my mom's, at least from what I've seen so far... It can really make me smile and cry a lot and make me wonder how would it be if she was still around...
I only came out a couple of months ago. Since then I've had to gently explain to people that being pansexual doesn't mean I'm gay (and then having to further explain that there's nothing wrong with being gay) and that I'm not going be incapable of having a monogamous relationship because apparently I automatically want to fuck every human being alive.

It's a bit demoralising. Sorry, I just wanted to vent.

Also I live in Australia. I have no concept of a snowy Christmas (in fact I've never seen snow)


Is your avatar a Lelalola (whatever its called) Exeggutor?

Lmao yes it be.

Also lmao at that Trump thread about assurances about bending us queers over. I hope he does it (not really) so I can laugh in the face of those queers I know that supported him. Trash.


Hunky Nostradamus
Are you actually asking why?


Because was it so hard to type 2 more letters?

Lmao yes it be.


I need to start watching Westworld now that it's over I heard it was crazy as fuck

i mean, its cool but its not great. the characters are all paper thin and there just isnt much to it once you decipher the mysteries. its pretty as fuck but also hollow as fuck. hopefully season 2 will be better.




i mean, its cool but its not great. the characters are all paper thin and there just isnt much to it once you decipher the mysteries. its pretty as fuck but also hollow as fuck. hopefully season 2 will be better.

So westworld is your typical gay?

Pretty and hollow.




i mean, its cool but its not great. the characters are all paper thin and there just isnt much to it once you decipher the mysteries. its pretty as fuck but also hollow as fuck. hopefully season 2 will be better.

I hope James Marsden gets naked cuz he's always been cute as fuck.

Also it's hard to say without spoilers but Luna's entire role is being a subservient slave to her man who she actually never met as an adult.


Lmao yes it be.

Also lmao at that Trump thread about assurances about bending us queers over. I hope he does it (not really) so I can laugh in the face of those queers I know that supported him. Trash.

I don't know. Already seeing people pivoting from "he held up our flags" to "blah blah...1st amendment."
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